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Zvez & Peake

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

27th Saun
Before the gates could be set alight they were blasted open. Those who’d stood ready to defend were shaken and dropped to a soldier. The few arrows that had been shot seemed to miss harmlessly.

A cry went up for healers to retreat to a person, so that rescue efforts could be co-ordinated. No one wanted to think about the carnage that had been left in low-town and what might now befall the mid-town plaza. Many members of the retinue and those gathered men and woman turned on their heels and fled before the creatures gaze.

Peake remained hidden to the side of the plaza. It seemed that the beast halted as it scanned the terrain before advancing on the tall man directly.
word count: 136
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

They were all scurrying away like the little ants they were. Someone had ordered a retreat and many of those that had fallen stunned before the beast began to run for their very lives. The Qe’Dreki gave the demon wide berth, but they moved forward into Midtown, taking advantage of the broken gates the beast had created. As one head finished the remains of the soldier it had taken down, the older head began to look for targets that would potentially satiate the hunger it continued to feel. Then it felt the dull pull of something familiar.

The beast sniffed the air, trying to understand what was going on. There was still the subconscious pull of rage through Midtown to the castle, where the focus of its anger sat huddled behind great stone walls. This other pull was different. It was much milder, but there was some form of anger attached to this thread. Within that rage was also a hint of familiarity. Whatever remained of the human nature of the beast recognized that somewhere nearby was someone they new. This alone drew the beast to focus on a series of barrels, where five men were huddled in hopes of not being found. Sadly, not even wood could hide the smell of meat from this demon. Shortly after its attention had been laid upon the group, they took to running, dashing towards buildings behind them.

The chase was on.

Like a cat chasing a mouse, the beast started the chase by crouching and wagging its tail in an amused fashion. The man in front seemed to be the one that pulled at whatever remnant remained of its soul. That tendril was what would guide the beast through the buildings and alleys as it bounded after the group. It tore down the streets after the group, which suddenly split up in a desperate act to confuse it. Maybe they were splitting up in hope the slow, fat one at the end would keep its attention. Like running away from a bear, one just had to be faster than the last person. In this case, the beast focused on the anger that it felt deep inside of itself. Even the fat soldier, which would provide a larger meal, would not deter it from chasing down this particular prey.

The beast was caught off guard as the soldier elected to turn left. Two of the others ran straight while the other two split right. They were completely ignored. It attempted to take a sharp turn, but its weight was counterproductive to that maneuver. Its forelegs slipped, causing the beast to hit the ground with its muscular chest. Fibers of muscle tore against the cobblestone as the beast slid, smearing blood down the street. It barked in confusion as it scrambled to regain its footing. Its claws finally found purchase in the cracks of the cobblestone, stopping its sloppy slide down the street. The beast picked itself up quickly, blood dripping onto the street from superficial abrasions of the muscle on its chest. This did not phase it, as the healing process had already begun. It bounded down the street after the fleeing human.

This street became wider as the pair continued down it. The buildings were larger and made of stone. Many had already fled, but some had been hopeful that Midtown would be safe from the oncoming forces. There were still innocent people – men, women, children – within the area that the soldier was leading the demon. Windows were slammed shut as people feared the site of the beast. They did not want to watch whatever was about to happen to the soldier. That, and they feared that if they continued to look, the beast might find them and choose to hunt them instead.

The soldier, whom was several 100 yards ahead, decided to move towards a building with a slightly weakened door. It looked as if it had been a shop since there was a large window in front of it, although it was closed off with curtains due to the siege. He proceeded to bash his armor against the door a couple of times before it finally gave way. He ducked into the building just as the beast was about to leap on him. Instead, it was left in dismay out in the street. For the time being, it sniffed at the door, barking into it as it tried to figure out how to get inside.
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

A looted bakery.

That was the fortune that had befallen upon Peake Andaris, Commander of the Ouroboro Guards, temporary replacement of the Lord Commander, and a breathless, sweat-coated nobleman. The refuge, which days prior to this trial had held many sweets and pastries to delight finer tongues than his, now held nothing but an absolute chaos. The door, object Peake leaned back against, had been shattered open before him, flours and sugars stripped from an absent owner that hid somewhere else. ‘Sasha’s Cream Pies’, a rather suspicious name for a business, was now the refuge of the nobleman, whom wished nothing more than enough fortune for the bakery to hold siege weaponry rather than wax-drawings of missing pasties.

Fortune was not by his side on this day, apparently, as not only he had struggled to organize an improvised last stand of the Iron Hand, but also because death incarnate had chased him down into hiding. Removing his helm and tossing it aside, as his lungs couldn’t quite cope with the adrenaline and exhaustion from the chase, Peake quickly turned around and locked the door with the many bolts it presented. Half of them were broken due to the initial break-in, yet over half of them were not damaged, perhaps due to the owner’s oversight. They could hold the door shut for the time being, yet if the beast tried to make its way inside, it was certain that it would.

Beyond scared, the nobleman’s will to live pushed him off the door, moving deeper within the business. The debris crushed under his heavy boots, eyes looking around for something – anything – that could aid him in either hiding, trapping himself inside, or even defeating the beast; a possibility that still was his last option. He was a leader, not a fighter. He was too important to perish, and his time too valuable to be wasted in banal tasks. The hope of some sensible leader organizing his rescue remained with him, although considering the situation he had found within the Iron Hand’s leadership, his hopes were as empty as the bakery’s display.

After leaving his shield and morning star aside, and finding no magical sword, a vile mage hiding in the empty storage, or a window to slip out off, Peake began building his bunker with utmost haste. This was done by tossing every movable item towards the door, which was trampled by stools, tables, and even minuscule items like teapots, dessert forks, and glasses. Everything came together nicely in the chaotic defense the beast took little to begin testing. Something rammed against the door, perhaps its head. Its paws clawed the door with force, the thick wooden door splintering without much hope. However, the door remained closed, and Peake continued his frantic throwing.

What seemed to be an end to the beast’s attempts, and the end of Peake’s imminent worries, proved to be nothing but the calm before the storm. Fire entered the picture, and what was once the door became a ball of fire, and what Peake had considered reinforcements to his defense now became fuel for the firestorm. And as the flames rose, so did the smoke, so the shocked Commander retreated to the wall opposite the door. His brown eyes stared, wide agape, at the rising flames. One could witnessed how the false hopes in his eyes were cremated before him.

He would die like a cur.

Whatever calm he had managed to gain was lost now, and so the hyperventilation resumed, fueled even further by the smoke that slowly smothered him. Tears escaped his eyes, not only by the smoke or the heat, but because of the end of his life. One’s paths in life lead to many destinations, all based on the choices taken throughout the trials. Every living being had their own path, and these paths often crossed the paths of others. Perhaps the worst of it all was to realize, now that the flame rose before him that the path of Peake Andaris lead to dead end.
“FUCK!” he roared, as he took the last moments of his life to weep.

His ire grew as much as his desperate wails, hands gripping to his head for the final time. A dreadful and abstract sensation of dissatisfaction is what he felt, having no other target for his ire but himself. The smoke clouded everything around him, and the emotion that overtook him soon became as numb as his body. Clenching his teeth, the nobleman now knew what his path looked like. Even if one’s path was a dead end, there was always the option to turn around. Having lived under the doctrine that effort alone was everything one needed to succeed, Peake was not afraid to break down as many walls as he needed to keep advancing, and even if that advance was into the grave, he would not die smothered. His arms reached for the morning star and the shield, and with a roar, the male charged forth.

The closed curtains of the display were already ablaze, and so it was his shield’s duty to go first. His feet gathered speed, emotionally powered by anger and despair alike, physically propelled by adrenaline and trained musculature. At last, he lunged forth, his shield raising to protect his features from the burning curtains. The glass of the display was the shield’s next victim, and as it broke, and oxygen filled the bakery, a minor explosion followed after the nobleman’s escape. Between the red inferno behind him and the bright Saun trial stood the knight in golden armors, flying straight into the beast.

Dying cornered within the bakery was, ironically, not the intention of the cornered animal Peake was. His morning star rose almost magically, perhaps his survival instincts finally driving him into a direction that could lead to his survival, and prepared to strike one of the beasts’ heads with all the power and momentum it could. Selfish until the end, Peake was prepared to die – but only if he took the beast with him.

This would be his last trial by fire.
word count: 1033
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

The beast paced back and forth in front of the wooden build. Deep claws marks were gouged into the where it had tried to claw its way into the building. Whatever this store had been was clearly important to the former owner. They had chosen a very sturdy and thick door to protect its contents. If the beast had understood that it was a bakery, it would have made little sense as to why the place was so difficult to get into. Had it vision to see through objects, it might have come to understand that the soldier had barricade his fortress, buying time to the inevitable, excruciatingly painful death he was to incur.

The beast had tried to get in one way, which left little option for what came next. It positioned itself before the building, centered on the front wall. The heads curled up in an upside down ‘J’, drawing forth the fire deep within itself. The furnace in the back of its throat roared to life despite not having had any recent fuel in their pursuit. Smoke poured from its mouth as flames tried to split its jaws open wide. With a sharp thrust of its head, two fireballs streamed free from its maw. The two collided, creating a globe of fire. It crashed into the base of the building, the old wood igniting with ease. All the beast had to do was wait while its meal roasted. While it squirmed, it based outside of the building. The whole building was up in flames in bits, the wood hissing and cracking as it expanded beneath the immense heat of the rage fires.

Desperation. It has a different taste than fear. The beast was feeding off of it, the screams of frustration from within the make-shift oven making it grumble in satisfaction. The mortal vessel that it was confined to would suffer greatly with this man’s death. On the importance scale, this man was not the highest, but he would do for the first important meal. Somewhere, deep down, he historically mattered to her. He helped make the woman that the beast was now trapped within. That, in itself, mattered. Destroying the past would only cripple the foundation that she was made from. It would break her, destroy her mind. It would have complete control at that time.

The noise within the house stirred the beast to focus on the process at hand. It approached slowly, hoping to see through the holes that the fire was creating in the wood. The beast was within feet of the building, enjoying the glow and warmth of the fire, when the next event happened. The soldier had grown a pair, launching himself through the window with an explosive background. It caught the beast off guard only slightly. It prepared for the impact with intention to counter with its own attack. What it did not anticipate was the reflection of the metal shield.

Trills expanded into arcs for the beast, slowing down to the point that it was able to take the entire scene in. The two headed creature could see itself as clear as day in the shining metal. A two-headed demon dog with a black heart and a bottomless stomach. This was the reflection of a monster. Despite having only a desire to feast upon the flesh of man, the beast hesitated and flinched at its own reflection. The light cause the edge of the shield long enough to reflect onto its face. Bloodied muscle smoked from the reflected light, the mirrored surface affecting the beast in a way even it did not understand.

Time seemed to correct itself when one head deviated away from the soldier to avoid the reflection. The shield collided with the other head, smacking it across the snout. The burns continued across its face as it reared up. The soldier fell to the side, the beast far too preoccupied with the pain it sustained across its face. Even the healing aspect that supported the powerful beast did not seem to alleviate the pain. It shook its heads wildly, crying out in evident pain.

This reaction allowed the soldier time to get away from the beast, to collect himself for whatever was about to happen. It was not a long time, a bit at most, but if used wisely, it would potentially be enough to get the mind under control. The beast turned around, teeth bared angrily. Blood actively seeping from the fresh burns on its face. The smoke that poured from its back had thinned, hunger building since it had been a long time since its last meal.

Two leaps and the beast was within striking distance. It stabilized itself, grounding its weight into three legs. The right fore paw was raised as high as it could, reaching up and out to strike at Peake’s face. An imaginative mind could have considered this motion as the caress of a lover. The paw sliced through the air, sharp black claws dragging down towards his face. If the strike connected, it would be a deafening sound as the beast boxed him across his left ear. Razor sharp daggers would damage flesh on the side of his face. However, the biggest issue would be the wiry hairs of his salt and pepper beard get cause up in its talons.

It had full intention of emasculating him and rendering that fluff from his face.
word count: 909
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

What some would’ve described as a heroic, desperate, brave or stupid – adjectives writers could choose between in similar situations without any consequence – act was proven to be completely pathetic at last. Unless one accounted the juggling of breasts or hasty breaches within underwear, Peake Andaris’ frame was unaccustomed to anything that involved acrobatics, detail which the surge of adrenaline had hidden and now, once the desperately brave and heroically stupid deed had been done, came afloat at last. Combining the explosion behind, the haste acquired in his rush forth, the imbalanced weight of his plates, and the unexpected location of the hellish knave, the results were dreadfully anticlimactic. Flying out the window was achieved, yet any sort of momentum use was impossible, for the shield impacted against the large head of the beast and Peake’s body, in consequence, came to a sudden, ungraceful halt on the cobblestone ground.

Landing forcefully on his side, the shield’s straps were cut loose from his forearm, and now the male found only his weapon at hand, quite literally, for his hand held onto it desperately. The remaining adrenaline pushed body and mind off the ground, the cumbersome armor offering an unfair fight once the male vaulted over to his belly, using his arms to propel himself up with large effort. Peake’s mind neglected the beast for the time being, surely for the protection of its intentions to live, or in an effort to keep some sanity within it. Instead, the beast had been replaced by a vague but powerful sense of urgency, similar to what a housewife felt whenever the image of a forgotten lit stove came across her mind. In this case, the urgency would be qualified as recalling a thousand forgotten stoves.

Incorporating himself in that split thrill of a strangely quiet scene, Peake Andaris rose, and his eyes witnessed the beast once more. Standing before its large size numbed his own sense of gigantism, as everything paled in comparison once meeting face to face before such a hellish abomination. Peake’s features paled as well, his legs refusing his move despite being healthy, his arm refusing to swing despite being armed. Instead he remained in place, frozen by fear, a mere witness to the scene of two heads becoming even larger once the beast approached. Were his sphincter not as stubborn as the man’s paralyzed eyes, it too would release liquid tears. Recovering his mind or will to fight was impossible at this point, for Peake’s mind had already accepted the worst possible outcome, traumatized by the beast and the events it had provoked. Images of devoured bodies being flung like fish or a burning bakery that smothered the life out of him now haunted the mind, subconsciously, and so it had shot down.

The beast’s paw sliced the air, directly approaching Peake’s features. The mind was paralyzed, yet the survival instincts remained within him as much as they did in any living creature. In the last moment, Peake’s body leaned back, face turning right in order to get away. It was too late a response, as instead a sharp pain invaded Peake’s features. The blood loss was felt by the wound was felt, but unfortunately it was also heard. The sound of flesh being ripped apart was heard in all detail, for it was his ear what was ripped off. Along with the pinna went the facial hair, or at least the part of it that stood on his left side, the talon being an excellently sharp razor that shaved the male’s features in one single strike, taking with it not only the beard every male would die for, but also the tears, snots, and sweat that had accumulated within the watermelon-scented man bush.

Although any male would’ve considered the loss of his beard as the reason for his mind’s awakening, it was in fact the sharp pain from the loss of his ear what brought some sense within Peake. Now his eyes saw what he stood against, realizing how wobbly his body felt now that he tried to return balance upon his feet. His mind realized the amount of damage the beast could do, and the amount of threat it supposed to his survival. Bereft from any stubborn emotions like pride or duty, his frame’s reaction was obvious: it tried to flee. Turning around, the male ran down the street, to get as far away as possible, to believe there was a fancy gala somewhere that needed his intrusion, a courtroom that needed his schemes or that a woman cried his name out in a faraway night. He wanted to believe anything else but reality.
“Help!” he screamed, desperate. “Help me!”

Peake approached the tall and secure walls of the buildings, and stopped before each bolted door in order to bang with a heavy fist, to pant and cry for a few moments. No door opened for him, and so he moved on, skipping a few doors to gain distance over the beast before trying again. In some of those buildings, Peake could see the curtains moving, the individuals inside subtly rejected him in order to save themselves. Everyone was a witness in their own way, be it by ignoring his forlorn howls, by watching how their door trembled under his fist for a few moments, or by praying the beast would silence the wails before they damaged their consciousness. Refusing to look back and address the beast that closed in on him, Peake was willing to surrender anything in exchange of his survival.

It was the third approached door the one that opened, even before Peake managed to knock on it. On the other side stood a young boy of no more than seven arcs of age, with golden hairs, blue eyes, and some bruises on his cheeks.
“… but he’s hurt, ma,” said his soft voice, head turning forth to meet the nobleman. Those blue eyes stared up at the nobleman innocently, with clear admiration for the wounded and armored man that stood before him, and the beast that slowly approached from behind.

Peake saw it then, as clear as the day that opened up over the burning city and the urban battlegrounds that spawned over his home. He saw his father, his abuse, his coldness, and his blood-coated hands, but he also saw his reason. Peake was molded from clay into a scholar, into a politician, a soldier. Everything in his life had been directed towards greatness, towards the throne a man like him deserved to sit on. To be the King needed to save this Kingdom from pointless wars like the one Peake had tried to avoid.

As he looked at the boy, however, he saw the mediocrity of the youth. This boy, born into a family with a business, was nothing compared to him. Childish innocence did not raise a politician, a scholar, or a leader. This boy was never educated by the best, abused out of his childhood and forced into a premature manhood. This boy had never done anything vile, nor forever tainted his soul with heinous crimes for the greater good. This boy had friends, and he wasn’t afraid to speak up about what he wanted, or what he needed. This boy would never be fit to be a King, and his destiny would lead him into a grave instead of history books. Peake saw it, and for once in his life, he did not doubt to practice what he had been taught.

He was bigger. He was stronger. He was more important. He had a bright future. The boy did not.

Peake's arms came forth, hands moving under his armpits. Peake loft him, and with no remorse, he tossed him right into the beast’s open maws. Without looking back, nor without hearing the screams of the boy nor the crunch of his bones, Peake crossed the large doors of the business. His eyes did not address the hysteric mother that rushed towards the exit in tears, carrying her newborn with her. Instead, Peake only thought about his survival – the survival of the fittest.

Be it in sex, in heritage, or in life, Peake always came first.
word count: 1385
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

The warmth of blood that now decorated its paw pads thrilled its fires. The nubbin of an ear that had been clawed off was licked off the ground, savored, and swallowed. The flesh of a mortal that meant something to its mortal vessel had a taste that deserved to be savored. Somewhere inside, its vessel seemed to cry out in agony, as if she subconsciously knew what was going on. Of course, once she woke, she would never know the massive damage this soldier had been through. It sauntered forward, the bits of beard caught in the slivers of its claws from where the talons had cracked from running and jumping on the cobblestone.

Desperation. That is what it had reduced the soldier to. The beast kept some distance between them, allowing him to run back and forth between buildings in search of shelter. There was no where he could run, and the beast seemed to relish in his attempts to find safety. This thought was fleeting when the door to a building opened up. Peake had miraculously found a family dumb enough to open the door. The demon reacted, launching itself forward to close the distance as rapidly as possible. The heads barked and snarled, angry at this turn of events. Of course, this must have stimulated the next move the supposedly selfless solider made.

The boy was launched into the air, and the beast could not help but catch the boy with its sharp teeth. One head crunch down on the boys knees while the other gripped his shoulder and upper chest. Screams multiplied like bunnies instantaneously, as the woman cried for her boy and the boy howled in pain. Together, the heads began to violently shake back and forth as if mirrored by one another. The small meat bag could not take the force that its bones and skin needed to take. Muscle and skin began to separate, the liver and stomach dropping from the upper abdomen to dangle first. Then the thorax was rendered from the abdomen as the spine was pulled in two. The beast spent bits devouring the boy with his mother shocked in place. Peake was given time to make a getaway, but only enough to get out the back door and down the alley a ways.

With new found energy, the acrid smoke billowing out of the slots between its shoulder blades, the beast lifted its head to take a sniff. Peake was gone, but his scent trail was fresh. Before it could follow, as it would have to go around, a iron frying pan came one of its faces. Its nose wrinkled and it looked down at the furious mother, baby wailing for having been woken up. Of course, meat was meat. This hors d’oeuvre could not be left behind. One head snapped off the head of the mother, blood pulsating out due to the elevated blood pressure while the other head snapped up the baby whole. The mother’s body crumpled to the floor, twitching with last minute reflexes. Satisfied, the beast put its nose to the ground, sniffing out its rightful meal.

The alley behind the buildings eventually angled back to the main street by blocking off his escape with a stone wall. Several blocks away from the beast is where Peake would have been spit out. The wind carried his scent to the beast, drawing its blazing eyes down the street. Enraged for allowing him to get away for even such a short time, the beast went racing down the street. The soldier was still armed with his morning star, so the beast still considered the soldier a thread despite the minimal damage his weapon could do to it. The shield might have been better to keep.

Powerful muscles on its rump tensed as it prepared to jump the last little bit of distance, knocking Peake down and pinning him beneath its massive front paws. The paw that had the beard caught up in it remained stationary while the other began to dig at the metal armor, trying to peal away the hard shell to get to the man beneath.

It was done playing with its food. It was time to eat.
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

Forward. There was always a way forward.

A hand covered Peake’s facial wounds, the blood seemingly boiling between the sunrays and his body’s temperature. Body and mind, although functional, were gravely damaged by the events of the day. Shock had seeped within the male’s mind, and his body overheated by fighting for survival past its limits. His eyes were tired already, be it from crying or witnessing the nightmares that had chased him. The battles, the failures and successes. His city consumed by flames, his subordinates dying with their eyes open. The more his mind recalled such details, the more his hands shook in fear. Perhaps he was tall, strong, and intelligent, but no training nor book had prepared him for this. Everything experienced in life now shattered, and became distant fantasies that the man he had become couldn’t have experienced.

Peake no longer ran. There was not enough energy remaining for him to do nothing but drag his feet forth. Some decisions he had taken now weighted down his conscience, and defending himself from their haunting took its toll on him. His frown remained whilst dangling on the edge of insanity, his tainted morality trying to bring him to justice. It was undeniable that he was tainted beyond repair, that no pity should be felt for him. At least, those were the thoughts that haunted him. Nonetheless, he still wanted to believe there existed salvation for him, that he was something more. The image of his mother came to mind, with her gentle smile and her sad eyes looking upon him, disappointed. What would she say now if she still lived? Dying without ever being brave enough to visit her resting place was proof of his downfall as a man.

A wall stopped him once more, and his previous imagery of his life ending in an alley ironically came to life in this dead end. Halting in place, panting still, Peake turned around at last and looked upon the path followed. The wrong path, apparently. The sounds of his bestial pursuer echoed down the streets, being heard so clearly despite the chaos that reigned over the city. It seemed as if centuries had passed between the bakery and the alley he currently found himself in, and the speed of the incoming beast took Peake by surprise. Its strong paws ran forth, and Peake’s heart shrunk in fear. The idea of his perish was clear by now.

Paralyzed, the Baron couldn’t do a thing to stop his demise – nothing that wasn’t watching, of course. Before he could even process it, he found himself trampled by the beast, his bloody features struck by its arid breath and the droplets of hungry saliva that rained down upon him. It was his chest what suffered more, first by the sound of the sound of the crushing metal, and afterwards by the sharp screeches that escaped the golden breastplate. His morning star was still tightly present within his fist, and so with his last strengths he swung it up, again and again, aiming for the skull of the beast. It was a hopeless and desperate attack, and even if the morning star’s weight tried to work against him, a few hits connected, and his hand felt the harsh vibrations traveling to his body with every impact.

His futile attacks grew intensity once he felt the beasts’ claws penetrate his flesh, for the sound of ripping flesh traveled within his body and reached his ears. Moments later, it was his ribcage what collapsed with a dry snap. The sounds of his body shattering from within were perhaps the most horrid sounds he had ever heard. Once this had begun, what little strengths he had were drained, for breathing now seemed impossible, and even if his eyes could barely focus on reality, they still witnessed how the blood pooled from the torn breastplate, aided by the pressure applied by the beasts’ paw.

Much like him, the beast also seemed to have been hurt, perhaps by one of the man’s desperate attacks, which despite being blunt and weak, they were still performed with a weapon dedicated to shattering bones. Drained at last, his hand let go of his weapon, and he merely surrendered to his cold fate.

Despite it all, Peake remained awake. His body felt so cold that falling into sleep seemed impossible. Pain was no longer present, as it had overwhelmed his senses, and the man now laid in a senseless stupor. His eyes were opened, and they did see, yet whatever he saw was registered as something else; a memory, perhaps, or a fantasy of some kind. There were no convenient flashbacks of his beautiful mother, of his laughing brothers, nor of his smiling sister. Syhera did not arrive into his fantasies, nor were her lips present to send him away to Famula. His father did not torment him, nor were his stiff features there to disapprove of his failures.

In truth, Peake’s mind was currently empty. No worries were there, no problems nor responsibilities. For once, his mind was silent and at peace. Many times before, Peake had found comfort and serenity whilst staring out windows, for somehow they allowed his mind to have an escapade into a faraway world. Now, that window was within himself, and for once, he was able to open the curtains and stare at the nothingness.
word count: 908
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

The soldier was doing great work at chipping away at the left head. The morning star connected at first in its shoulder, the sharp spikes digging into the exposed tendons and muscle. This only slowed down its digging, while the muscle strands healed. The next strike tore chunks from its neck, causing the beast to lower one of its heads. The weight of the thick skull could not be supported appropriately with damaged neck muscles. The other head was arched in a reverse 'J', stands of hot saliva dripping down. It did not seem to care that the other half of its body was sustaining damage. Its fiery tongue shot out, licking the air as claws finally met flesh, the cracking of the man's ribs beneath the claws a symphony to the beast's ears.

Crack! The left head took a massive hit from the morning star. The spikes lodged into the side of its face, its skull crunched beneath the weight of the metal ball. It slumped and hung on its body. Suddenly, without the half that controlled that side of the body, the right legs gave out. The right head howled as its body tilted and fell to the right, the left legs kicking and scrambling at the air. With half of its body working and the other half essentially unconscious, the beast could not function.

The beast was down for the count.

The right head scrambled to get up, waving its neck back and forth on the ground. The gravel on the ground that were results from the war scraped the muscles on the right lateral side of its neck, leaving smears of blood on the cobblestone. It was desperate to finish what it had started. Failure had not been an option, but it was now the resolution of this story. The head tilted to fix a glowing on the soldier from around the slumped head. How dare a man stand up to it? How dare he win?! It was still close enough, all it had to do was...

Chomp. The beast fastened its jaws around the man's left ankle. It pulled backwards, drawing the man closer so that it might get a better grip. Jaws opened wide and it engulfed the foot entirely, snapping its jaws tightly until it disarticulated the foot from the leg. That portion of the man's body disappeared into the smoke furnace of the beasts mouth. What was left behind was a cauterized stump, the beasts mouth burning hot enough to prevent the man from bleeding out. Again it reached down, shoving its jaws around the stump and taking another large bite out of the mans leg. Half the calf went missing as teeth rendered muscle in two and jaws snapped the bone in half. This kind of excruciating pain would send him into a delirium. If he remained awake for this process, or shortly after, he was lucky. With one last bite, its ability to reach much further up, it took the last little bit of the calf that it could. A stump just below the knee was left behind.

What damage the beast could do had been done. The man would go into shock, and maybe he would die trials down the road if healers did not find him. Having already spent its time rampaging through the city, the beast laid its head down. Its hunger had not been satisfied, but its time was up. Slowly, the muscle began to melt away from the skeleton of the demon. Fire licked upwards from within as it ate the creature. Eventually, these flames died away with no fuel. The bones became dust, sticking to the puddle of gooed muscle. As the body of the beast liquefied, it left behind the curled body of an unconscious woman. Released from her prison, the naked woman unrolled until she was laying on her side. Her hair and face was matted with blood, strings of muscle draped delicately across her blood covered body. Without a bath, it was hard to decipher if she had sustained any damage. The light rising and falling of her chest suggested that she was simply sleeping. Within her tight fist, the scraps of Peake's beard that had been caught in the claws of the beast.

Before Peake's delirious mind, lay the sleeping form of Zvezdana Venora. Would even he be able to believe that she had been at the heart of the beast?
Last edited by Zvezdana Venora on Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 747
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

The nobleman’s silent bliss was once again taken from him, for the sins on his conscience now moved the world against him. He was already ready to let go, to rest at last and breathe freely for all eternity, but the sweet fantasy faded away just as quickly as it came.


His eyes blinked, and his screams filled the alley once again. His eyes moved, and laid upon the collapsed beast. His hands moved once more, now trying to pull away from the beast, almost certain the pain would be left behind as well. Whether it froze or burned was unknown to him, for pain was no longer something clear to interpret. It was general, broad and wide. His whole body ached, and every little movement drove him mad in pain. His hands moved him indeed, or so he believed, for he was actually being drug closer to the beast.


Along with the amputation came the earth-shattering pain of shattered bone, and with said evolution of ache, his scream also evolved. What the sounds of his throat once expressed as pain had now become a wet gargle-like shriek, and as the male desperately shook his head to the sides, all the blood, the sweat and the tears mingled into what one could consider his embalming fluids. What had once been his lower leg was now a silhouette of pain, for with its departure it had left only the painful reality of its absence. Even air was missing for the male, whom no matter how fast breathed, he couldn’t help but feel slowly chocked.


The third time the partial amputation happened Peake was barely able to react. Screaming was no longer an option, nor was trying to crawl away. His golden armors were already tainted in the colors of his red sins, and his body was clearly in shock. Blinking was also not possible, for his eyes were stuck wide agape, staring at something without really seeing. Peake, like a lost child, was confused. What had happened? He gurgled something, and his lips moved to form some unpronounced words, for all he could imagine was him doing something else, perhaps having a conversation with somebody.

His hands stopped wrestling and fell still, and his head turned to the side. Below that blood, those tears, and that sweat of his were his brown eyes, which stared towards the blood-coated woman at his feet. His lips still moved, and they still did even when the urges of unexpected coughs and gags rose up his throat. They moved, and moved, until they didn’t, but nonetheless his eyes remained open, gaping towards the female even after the man fell unconscious.
word count: 454
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Vivian Shiryu
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Wyrd Vs Byrd

Don't mind me, just here to pick up a friend.
Vivian swore under her breath as she guided Speckle through the ruined streets of Lowtown. "What happened here?" she asked no one particular, her words escaping from between clenched teeth. She had discovered too late that her family had decided to roll over like a beaten dog, siding with Cassander despite his attack on them. She had left Warrick almost immediately, hoping to get to Zvezdana in time to warn her, but it hadn't happened. She had seen the Jacadon reign fire upon the Qe'Dreki ahead of her. She had ridden to where her Queen's tent had apparently been, but something dreadful had apparently happened there. However, there had been a trail of destruction leading into Lowtown and she had followed it, hoping to find her friend.

Following the trail had been easy, for blood, bodyparts, and fire were left all over the trail as if some sort of unholy terror had come through. Eventually, she came upon the cause of this destruction, actively chomping at the leg of a man who was wearing the uniform of an Iron Hand knight. However, she didn't see any sign of Zvezdana anywhere. She was about to turn and look elsewhere when dawn broke and the heavily damaged beast changed, muscle melting away as bones burned to dust, leaving behind a large puddle of dusty goop and...Zvezdana.

Vivian let out a gasp of shock, then dismounted her horse and ran up to her friend, checking for a pulse, for any sign of life. After a moment, it became clear her naked friend was just sleeping. Letting out a sigh of relief, Vivian turned to the knight, who looked torn up enough to her that she felt certain he was already dead. After a moments thought, Vivian took off her crimson cloak and wrapped Zvezdana in it before picking her up and carrying her back to her horse. A piece of rubble provided the step she needed to seat Zvezdana on the horse and she climbed up after. "What in the name of the Seven happened to you?" she asked, though she didn't expect an answer as she turned her horse back towards the crumpled gates of lowtown. She planned to ride east, into Venoran lands. From there, hopefully they could work out a plan to secure their safety, to find out what had happened.
word count: 408
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