Fighting Arena
Upon the opening ceremony of any seasonal match, blood is spilled on the sand in honour of those who have already fought and died here. The King is always the first to spill blood, taking the life of one of the Kingdom's finest bulls. The body of the bull is then towed around the Arena behind a chariot, drawing a circle of blood in the sand. Any fighter that steps outside of this circle before the match has ended, is taken to the dungeons and tortured relentlessly until a less honourable death finally takes them. The last man standing inside the circle after all of the fighting is done, walks away with one thousand gold nels, and the title of Gladiator. The men and women who hold such a title are considered to be Rynmere's top fighters and find themselves welcome wherever their travels may take them within the seven regions, no matter their race or previous transgressions.
Some of Rynmere's best combat teachers work here and offer lessons to the general public for the low price of five gold nels an hour. It is said that their is a lot of money to be made in trading and training fighters for the Arena, and some of the Kingdom's most respected nobles send scouts often to look out for the next champion in the making.
Fighting Arena NPC List
Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.