Same Feet, Different Path

8th of Saun 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Same Feet, Different Path

8th Saun 717
Location: Rynmere Park
It was here that she had stood, she recalled, when she took off her shoes. Just over there, when she spoke to Malcolm Krome. In this park, a lifetime later, she and Padraig had walked together and Famula had blessed her, binding her to the Immortal she had worshipped all her life, marking her as one of Famula's favored. In this park, he had pulled her close to him and they had looked at the stars. Here, she had dreamed of learning, had walked with her lover and had met the Immortal she adored.

She had thought that she would never be here again.

Yet, here she was and the serious young woman looked around with a half-smile on her face. Earnest silver eyes looked at the people who were making their way around, living their lives. She had looked at that building as Malcolm had described it to her and she had wanted, yearned to be allowed there. But slaves were not permitted. Not then and not now.

But one trial, Faith vowed. One trial.

This trial, she had work to do and she had arrived a full break early. That was good, it meant that she was rested and prepared. She had checked through her notes one last time, made sure that she had the protocol sorted and clear and she knew that she had prepared as much as possible. The university had agreed to help her with this and she knew why. If this worked, and there was no reason to think it would not, then it was a medical breakthrough and one which she would share.

Looking down at her bare feet and wiggling her toes in the grass, Faith smiled to herself. If this worked, it would save countless lives. In the park where she had met her, Faith dedicated these actions to Famula, that she might serve all in her study of the blood which was Famula's domain. She would make anything she found freely available, so that all were served and money was not made. Where money got involved, things tended to become exclusive and she had no wish for that.

Then, she dedicated her actions to Vri, that those who could be saved were. That those who loved might do so without sorrow for as long as was his will. Finally, Faith prayed to Moseke, that she might preserve life where life could be preserved, that she might heal those who were able to be healed.

"Life, death and all that is in between, unto my final breath and beyond." Faith whispered and then put her shoes back on and made her way to the university.
word count: 453
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Same Feet, Different Path

Location: Rynmere University
"Yes, professor, this way," the woman had said and had shown her to the room that was to be hers. Faith had considered as she walked, the two times before now that she had set foot in these halls. Once, when Lord Alistair Venora had allowed her entrance to one of his lectures. The other, when she had run through this very corridor to tell Lord Malcolm Krome that his daughter Elsie had been born. As a slave, she had not been allowed here then. Now, however, they called her professor and couldn't do enough for her. Faith walked behind the receptionist woman, her feet falling on the previously forbidden ground.

She was led into a large room where there were two assistants waiting for her. There was everything she could need here, in this well equipped lab. Faith looked around and smiled at the two assistants. A male and a female, both human she thought. With a smile she spoke to them. "My name is Faith, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Professor Faith?" The male of the two asked and glanced at his companion, some confusion on his face.
"Yes," Faith replied with a smile. "That is my name. I'm quite happy to be called Faith."

"Thank you, professor," he said and then motioned to himself. "I'm Tony, one of the research assistants here, and this is Barb."
"I'm also a research assistant." Barb explained with a smile, "it's a pleasure to meet you, professor."

There was no way she was getting them to call her by her name, Faith realised, and so she smiled. "The pleasure is mine. Thank you for the help. Have you seen the request and is all the equipment set up?" Then, they spent ten bits or so showing her that everything she had asked for had, indeed, been provided. There was a list of research subjects and Faith sat and studied it.

"Alright, so we've got everything I've requested and more. This is excellent." The young human woman breathed in and wondered just how she was going to do this. These were clever people, people who had been free all their lives and somehow she had to hold her own here, stand up to their scrutiny. Except, of course, she knew what Padraig would tell her and so Faith looked at them. Really, looked at them. They were looking at her like she knew things, like she was someone they wanted to learn from. As much as she really didn't think she was, Faith knew that she needed to seem to be for them. So, that was what she did.

"Alright, Tony, I want you working with the red blood. Each sample, clearly labelled. I want three samples in storage for each category. Then, with the remaining blood I want a full chemical analysis. Passive first, so viscosity, Ph level, that kind of thing. Then, I want to know what it reacts to. Including other blood. That's important, because it might be that I can use it. I want the same tests, please, Barb, with the yellow liquid." Faith breathed in and smiled at the two of them.

"I want us to ascertain as much as we can about the liquids themselves, then about how they interact with each other. This is just the beginning, and I would rather we were slow and accurate. Are there any questions?" She looked at the two of them and smiled. The questions they had were fairly straightforward and so she answered them. They would start by testing out ways to separate the blood, she explained. Then, once they had worked out the most efficient and effective means of doing that, they would start the tests on the individual samples. She had a list of tests, the first phase, for them and a clear schedule so, when they were both happy with that, Faith got to work, alongside the two research assistants, with a prayer to Famula that the blood she spilled in her name this trial might better help them understand the substance which was so important to the Immortal.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed Aug 23, 2017 2:06 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 698
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Same Feet, Different Path

Location: Rynmere University
It was Saun and so the land was in constant daylight. If it had not been that season, it would be dark in the University as dusk would have come and gone a few breaks before. She looked down at the report which she had written, once the two research assistants had finished for the trial.
Report: Trial 1
8th Saun 717: Rynmere University, Andaris

Overview: The first trial has been largely successful. We have collected the following samples of blood:
RaceGenderAge RangeNotes
Aukari NoneNoneNot available
AvrielNoneNoneNot available
BiqajMaleRange 1Student. P#R001
BiqajMaleRange 2Student. P#R002
BiqajMaleRange 3 Staff member. P#R003
BiqajFemaleRange 1Student. P#R004
BiqajFemaleRange 2Staff member P#R005
BiqajFemaleRange 3 Student. P#R006
EidisiMaleRange 2Staff member. P#R007
EidisiMaleRange 3Staff member. P#R007
HumanFemaleRange 1Staff member. P#R008
Human MaleRange 1Student. P#R009
HumanFemaleRange 2Staff member. P#R010
Human MaleRange 2Staff member. P#R011
IthecalFemaleRange 3Student. P#R012
LotharroMaleRange 2Student. P#R013
MerMaleRange 2Student. P#R014
Qi'oraNoneNoneNot available
Sev'rynMaleRange 2 Staff member. P#R015
Sev'rynFemale Range 3Staff member. P#016
These sixteen subjects represent the first phase of testing. When I return on the 35th, we will have another group to test.

Tests Carried Out
Separating the blood: A number of tests for how to do this have been carried out. The fast-spinning one seems to be most efficient, but is physically demanding as it requires constant use of the foot pump and is slow as only small amounts of the liquid can be separated at one time. However, once separation has happened, it seems to be the most pure and efficient means, so this is what we have used throughout.

For each of the two liquids, we have also tested:
  • [1]Reaction to acidic substances
    [2]Reaction to alkaline
    [4]Freezing point
    [5]Boiling point
Initial Findings
  • No Ph differences between races
  • No gender or age differences found during this stage
  • Biqaj blood has no difference other than the colour. This needs more consideration.
  • Freezing and boiling points are the same between races.
  • Differences seem to be between the two liquids, with the yellow and red liquid having different Ph levels, viscosity, freezing and boiling points in all tests.
It was a start. That was all it was and Faith was left with more questions than answers, but that was how it should be at this point and so the serious young woman put her things together, sent a prayer to Famula that this trials work had pleased her, as it had increased their knowledge of blood, even if just a little and then made her way to say goodbye to the night porter, who had stayed behind. Then, she made her way to the Eclipse Portal and, from there, home.
word count: 464
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Same Feet, Different Path

Thread Rewards

Skill Knowledge:
➳ Research: Logical means of planning a research study
➳ Research: Recording findings
➳ Research: Test and retest hypotheses
➳ Writing: Clear identification of test subjects.
➳ Writing: Lab notes require clarity and brevity
➳ Writing: Using structure to ensure clarity

Other Knowledge:

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +2 Discover a new medical procedure (most successful method for separating blood); +1 Share a discovery freely (within a university setting)
Devotion: +2 Vri (Prayer to Vri, Prayer to Famula), +4 Famula (Prayer + bloodletting in her name), +1 Moseke (prayer)

Points: 10 | These points can/cannot be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
I have followed this series, so this is an interesting further development. I suppose I was surprised at how little the differences seemed to be, but now I’m wondering what the “ranges” mean. I suppose discovering some way to determine blood type would be a logical step somewhere along the way here, so I’m curious to continue reading Faith’s discoveries for Famula (who should just be telling you all of this … hahahahaha).

If you see anything I’ve missed or have a question, please feel free to drop me a PM!
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Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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