• Mature • Far from grace


1st of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Far from grace

If the young woman's words had any affect on the esteemed Judge, he did not show it. She was right, to a point: protecting the Kingdom was the priority of all members of the military... but the King was part of the kingdom. Nay, he was the kingdom. The King, whoever that may be, was what set them apart from the hundreds of other cities, towns and villages across Idalos - whilst they had alliances and trade agreements, they had no long lasting bonds, and ties could be severed with one wrong word. The duchies of Rynmere were held together, were united by something much stronger. Without the rules and traditions which governed their great nation, they might as well not call themselves as such - they would be no better than any of the other city states all over the lands they knew.

Your sentiments of honour and integrity are to be commended, Miss Warrick.” Jugde Pavoo spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully as he uttered each one. He was still, even now, in the process of deciding an appropriate punishment for her. For, although he knew that her head was not for the executioner, he could not allow one so dangerous and influential to be free in Rynmere. “You have values and virtues that, under any normal circumstances, I would admire.

However, you seem to have become misguided in your beliefs. Perhaps it is the fault of the company you choose to keep, or perhaps the establishment you were born into is to blame.” The man lifted his hand and pinched his nose, exhaling heavily, as if the world rested on his shoulders and the weight was becoming too much to bear. “Your actions are evidence to the fact that your values do not align with what is required to be a citizen of Rynmere, much less the daughter of a noble house.

Finally, he removed his hand from the bridge of his nose, and pinned the young woman with a stare. He turned and walked towards the cell door, where he knocked for the guard to let him out. “Along with the loss of rank and status within the Skyriders, you are hereby stripped of all entitled lands and titles given by your birthright. You will be formally disinherited from the Warrick line of succession in a public announcement. Finally, an exile order will be signed by the King. You have until the end of the season to set your affairs in order, and then will be placed on a ship sometime in the coming trials.” Judge Pavoo did not wait for a response, and barely saw her reaction. The guard had opened the door during the Judge's sentencing, and Pavoo instantly slipped through, without so much as a backwards glance.
word count: 464
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Vivian Shiryu
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Far from grace

Vivian didn't respond when the judge told her that she no longer had the values necessary of a citizen of Rynmere, and the only reaction she gave to her sentencing to was to clench her jaw and nod. When the judge left, however, she sat down on her cot and bit back tears. She had expected it, known the risk when she made her choices. It still hurt, still tore at her to know that she would no longer be allowed to live in the land she loved so much, no longer be able to call Rynmere home. Thjen her resolve hardened as thought about Rharne, about Zvezdana and the girls. Rynmere wasn't home anymore, but she still had her duty, her new family, and the Queen she served. One day, she didn't know when or how, but one day, Rynmere would be free of Cassander and his kind.

The next day, her sentence was carried out. Her own parents were nowhere to be seen at her excommunication from the family, but her grandparents, the Duke and Duchess of House Warrick were there to cast her out themselves. "This, child, is the fate of those who dishonor their house, who have no respect for our traditions. The world will forget you and your rebellion, while it remember the glory and power of Rynmere and its noble houses." her grandmother, as stern as ever said coldly.

Vivian, now stripped of name, rank, family, and home, turned to face those who had once been her grandparents. She did not weep, she did not apologize, she did not ask forgiveness. Instead, when she spoke, it was with icy fury and cold disdain. "History may forget me. I'm indifferent to it. But if it remembers you at all, it will be as those too weak and cowardly to do anything when House Warrick was attacked. It is Lazuli who will restore Warrick to greatness and make it what it once was, and it her that history will remember." she said, before she turned her back on her grandparents.

Her exile at the end of the season was announced, and she was released. She left the crowd, to jeers and catcalls, and headed deeper into the city, to where she had sent the girls. Hecter Avaern, her old teacher, had agreed to take care of them. They were her family now and she smiled as she thought of them, hoping they would agree to let her adopt them. Then a thought occurred to her. Seira and Seriel were her family, so it seemed natural to her that they should share a name. She wondered if they'd go for that as well. Vivian Shiryu had a very nice ring to it. She smiled again. Despite all the tragedy and pain of the past few seasons, she saw a bright future ahead.
word count: 480
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Far from grace

Vivian Warrick

Awarded Points

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Inquisition: No One Expects It
Judge Parvoo: Indifferent to the Troubles of Rynmere
Judge Parvoo: My Inquisitor
King Cassander: A Threat to Rynmere?
Rynmere: Exiled on Pain of Death
Warrick: Disgrace to the Family Name
Warrick: Disinherited

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
None None
Fame Devotion
-15: Disinherited from Noble Line None
-20: Convicted of Treason


I luffle you?

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Thank ye.
word count: 109
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