• Closed • The Room

10th of Zi'da 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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The Room

10th Zi'da, 716

The trial after she had moved in he had arranged for a new room to be built on to the house, which had been finished late yesterday. In that time, they'd fallen into a routine the two of them, or as close to one as their busy schedules allowed, and that routine revolved mostly around food. In the evening, they cooked together and then ate. First thing in the morning, they sat and ate breakfast which, somehow, they'd fallen into taking turns to make. After they'd eaten in the evening, sometimes they would sit and talk, other times he would study or experiment. She would make things, adding little touches to the house. First, she'd made warm scarves, gloves and hats for them both, socks for bed or to be worn under boots. Now, those done, she was working on thick throws in the living room. If not, and often at the same time as she was crafting, she would be reading one of the books which she had, inevitably, borrowed from the library.

This trial, it was her turn to make breakfast. She'd been up, as always, since before the suns and had put his experimenting equipment (this seemed to consist, this time, of two glass vials and a very strange looking substance) out of the way so that he wouldn't trip on it, stand on it or otherwise kick it all over the floor when he got out of bed. When he got up, and he was never a late riser, she was up and dressed and welcomed him, as she always did, with a kiss and a cup of tea. Over the the trials since the first, the kiss had been swift and almost distracted, getting moreso as each trial went on. Not so this morning as she lingered in his arms and pulled herself close to him, teetering for the first time on the edge of a very different agenda. But, the whistling kettle reminded them both; eggs were cooking and they had plenty to do.

As they looked at the space which had been hers, she slipped her hand into his. "It was my palace. How quickly I become greedy. Come on then." She had a nature which was pragmatic at its core. So, once the furniture was in, she stood in the middle of the room and beamed, her eyes shone with delight now, as they had lit with passion just a break before. "You have given me the most wonderful gift, Padraig, and I can not thank you enough." He had given her a space to be, to be private and think. She had needed that and the last twelve trials had been a time of thought. Especially the latter ones, the ones since she'd stopped going to Tristan's house. In that time, she had made decisions which may well impact the rest of her life.

Sitting on the bed, she scooched over so that she left room for him to sit, if he wanted to. "I've made a decision. I'm not going to get the brand before we go. If ever." She gestured to her face, although she suspected she didn't need to. "I don't want to be treated like a former slave. I know how I was treated before and I know how I'm treated now" Both of the jumpers she had bought hid all of her brands. "So on this campaign, I'm going to try and hide them. But if people see them and we share a tent, they are going to assume things that aren't true. So I need you to know I don't care." Quite how and when that happened she did not know, but it was true. "It doesn't hurt me. All the people who I want to know, they know that I'm free. They know what you mean to me, what you are to me. But,you are part of this too, and they are going to make assumptions about you too."

It was hard to explain, difficult to put into words, but she attempted it. Not least because she didn't want him to think that this was some slave thing when it wasn't. "I choose you, Padraig. Always. But you can choose too. I'm not asking you for permission. This affects us both so it has to be something we both are happy with. I'm not getting branded, but how we deal with that is up to us." She smiled and reached up to stroke his cheek, a gesture she had not made for ten trials or more. "So, think about it, we can talk about it later if you want. We have packing to do, for this campaign?" It was very much a question that she spoke. If he wanted to talk now, she was more than happy to do so, but if he did not, that was fine too.
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Modnote: I've deducted 3x balls of yarn and have added 1xscarf, 1xhat, 2xpair socks and 1xpair gloves for Faith. Padraig could you do the same?
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The Room

It was an adjustment for them both, truth told. This cohabitation. Before she'd arrived, Padraig had been accustomed to living on his own. If a pan was left on the stove to wash for later, it was inevitably waiting for him when he returned from work, or study at the university. His experiments, some of them half finished, were just as well left sitting where he'd left them. Some habits were harder to break than others.

But he knew that it must be an adjustment for her too. Before she'd come, the place was spartan, filled with only the necessities and very few of them in fact. But over the past few trials she'd added any number of feminine touches to the small house. There'd been a time when he'd have rejected those things as unnecessary. Surprisingly though they added a warmth to the place that he hadn't expected, and didn't at all object to. But most of all, it was her that had made the small house into something that felt much more like home.

There were moments though that the routine, her distraction; if not for the feelings they'd made plain for each other; it might have seemed as if they were more roommates than couple, engaged in a platonic friendship. Well, it was still platonic, in a sense. But when she kissed him that morning it was different. Surprised him a little, but Padraig didn't waste any time pulling her into his embrace and lingering in the kiss as long as he could, until the kettle had rudely interrupted them. He was curious about the change, but wasn't about to question his luck.

"I'm glad you like it," he said when she mentioned the room, and he sat down on the bed beside her. "But you don't have to thank me. You deserve a space of your own. Something that's all yours." It surprised him, the decision she'd made about the brand. Or, maybe it didn't. Maybe it was only time she'd needed to come to that conclusion. He was pleased she had though. "You know how I feel about it. It isn't right. It's a practice that ought to be overturned." As for the others? "People are always going to assume what's most convenient for them, what suits them best."

He smiled and took her hand. "And they can assume what they like about me as well. I've never particularly cared about that sort of thing," he assured her. "The only thing that matters is what we think, and what we know. And that's how we deal with it. I don't need to think about it, or talk about it later. I choose you, nothing's changed, what others assume or think doesn't figure into it."

But yes, they needed to gather together their supplies for the campaign. "I've already purchased quite a few things," he told her. A tent, bedroll, first aid kit and some clothing. A hat, small pots for the explosives they'd talked about earlier A number of things really. "I'll get a horse when I can, and the gear to go with him," he told her.

He wasn't much of a horseman. In fact, he wasn't one at all and had been aboard a horse all but twice, thrice in his lifetime. But he'd do his best to find a levelheaded, cooperative creature, not given to flights of imaginative fancy. Over any sort of distance, riding was far better than walking. But either, far better than a tumble taken from an uncooperative or temperamental mount.
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funds deducted for purchases
Last edited by Padraig on Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 628
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The Room

"Of course I have to thank you. It's polite to do that when someone takes you into their home and gives you their socks and a blanket", she was teasing, but making a point which needed making, in her mind. "And to share your space so freely, it's deserving of a thank you, really." Her smile softened and she studied his face for a moment, before turning back to what they were talking about. He smiled more than he used to, she thought and her face mirrored the expression, pleased that he was happy. It had taken more adjustment than he let on, she knew. Although there was still the nature of them and what that meant and Faith had been unable to hide her surprise, or her delight, at his reaction that morning, albeit only for a trill but both had been evident and obvious.

She examined their hands held together and a slight frown creased her brow, though, when he said that he didn't care what others thought of him. "I do. But it's something that is what it is and as long as you are happy, then that works just fine for me." He chose her? That caused a soft smile to lift her lips and she made no attempt to hide how pleased she was at his words. "Good job, too. I seem to be quite hard to lose. Like a limpet. Come on, then" she patted her hand on knee and got up to sort out the supplies.

In the living area, she reached down the side of the chair where she sat during the evenings and pulled out the black shopping bag which had, the night before, held his slippers. She handed it to him and it was light, feeling like it was more or less empty. She suggested that they get all the things together in the living area and moved to grab some of the things he'd got. Then, she went into her bedroom and came back with two pairs of thick socks, a thick hat and what looked like two pairs of gloves, one normal and one with the fingers cut off at the knuckles "This pair, the fingerless ones? They are made from thinner yarn, but still warm. You put them on first, then wear this full pair over them so if you have to do any work that involves having to remove your gloves, you remove only one pair and the heat remains in your hands." Her ability to craft with yarn and a hook or pair of kneedles was really quite remarkable, although she did not see it as such. "I have the same. The hats will fit under another hat or a hood." She inspected the contents of the first aid kid and declared it acceptable and then when she looked at the bedroll she raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Whatever she was thinking which caused the expression, it wasn't a bad thing but she held it, at least until they had ensured that they had everything.

"It's good. I got a few things, too, here and there", she said and emptied out the black bag. As the items tumbled out it was apparent that there was no way that was possible, just from the weight of the bag. "Clever, isn't it?" She shot him a grin and motioned to the things that she had got. "As far as I can tell, that bag will hold pretty much anything, and the weight doesn't change either. So, I thought I'd buy the sacks of grain, and we can make things before we go. High energy, easy eating, I'll put some spices in them to feel like they're warm, too. I got a kit that people use for a thing called spelunking. I don't know what that is", Immortals help him, she was entirely serious "But I thought that, since we can carry it, it would be good to consider worst case and, what if someone falls down a well, or we need to climb over things or something? So, I got that kit plus, a carpenters' kit because it might be useful. I'm not great but I'm not bad with wood. Oh, and this is for you." She handed him the small blank journal. "I thought we could put some books in there, too, and then when we are snug and warm in our tent, you can study if you want to. I spent quite a lot of money, though, and I didn't think about asking anyone about it. It's just." Pausing, she pursed her lips and gave him a slightly unsure expression, boarding on pensive "Well, I'm not sure that I really should have, now that I look at it, I'm not sure that we're likely to need this chin-strap metal helmet, for example, but the kit was all there and it looked useful. So I bought it. So I'm pleased and a little concerned all at the same time." She looked at him, then, and the words just tumbled out "Padraig, is this going to be alright, this one tent situation? I don't want you to not sleep for however long we're gone and I don't see how we're going to hang off the side of the bedroll, it seems rather futile."
Sack of cornflour: 1gn
Sack of ryeflour: 2gn
Sack of oats: 3gn
Journal, blank: 5gn
Fireplace Rod and Hook Stand (for Cooking): 6sn
Tinderbox: 5gn
Carpenters Kit 50gn: Consists of:
~~ Sanding Blocks (3)
~~ Planing Tool
~~ Rasp Fine
~~ Rasp Coarse
~~ Files (4)
~~ Swiveling Miter Box
~~ Chisels (s/m/l)
~~ Nails (50)
~~ Saw (1 and 2 handled)
~~ Pliers (s/l)
~~ Clamps (2 x s/m/l)
~~ Straight-Edge Square
~~ Hammer (s/l)
~~ Rubber Mallet
~~ Hand Drill
~~ Bits and Augers Set
~~ Wooden Dowels (20)
~~ Glue (1 jar)
~~ Rivets (Brass and Copper x 20)
Spelunking Kit 30gn: Consists of
~~ Grappling Hook
~~ Hemp Rope (50ft)
~~ Climbing Axe/Hammer
~~ Crampon/Spikes Soles for Boots
~~ Lock-Slip Pulley
~~ Reinforced Crampon Gloves
~~ Pitons (2 Dozen, Stright)
~~ Leather Seat Harness
~~ Chin-Strapped Metal Helmet
~~ Oil Lantern
~~ 4x vials of oil lamp
~~ Wrapped oil-soaked torches x6

=102gn all in! In the ledger!
word count: 1056
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The Room

Her apparent surprise, given the passion in his embrace, in turn took him by surprise. Why would she be? Any perceived lack of interest on his part, after all, was a hard won, and often unsuccessful attempt not to press or rush her. It wasn't easy. But there was one thing he was very clear on. "I'm happy. It's what I want. And so it works," he said.

The gloves were interesting and he took the pair without fingers, and slid them onto his hands. He smiled and wiggled his fingers for good measure. "I'd have never thought of it. Thank you Faith. These could come in handy if I'm needing to work with small components in the cold." Components, meaning the devices and potions he'd take with them.
The hat too would be a help, especially if it would fit under the leather one he'd bought. "The quality is remarkable. Each trial you reveal yet another talent that impresses me," he added.

The sack though. "Surely it must be magic?" All the things that had tumbled out, couldn't have possibly fit inside, was it not some sort of magic in play. "That'll be a great help though, considering the array of supplies we'll need to take with us. Cave exploring, I think," he said when she mentioned spelunking and he picked up the hat and examined it. The purchase at a glance seemed impulsive, which would also seem natural for someone not accustomed to having money of their own. But on second thought, there were a number of things in the kit that could come in handy on the trail. And the carpenter's kit too.

And a blank journal. She hadn't needed to, but the last one he'd purchased was half full of notes by now, and it would be nice to have a new one. He smiled and took it. "Thank you Faith. I'll definitely be using this." As for the tent, he wasn't going to lie to her and claim it would be easy, pressed up against her inside a sleeping roll. But he also wasn't going to claim, falsely, that he wouldn't enjoy the not sleeping part. "I considered it," he said. "We'll be so tired at the end of each trial, I think we won't have too much trouble. And it will be cold. Our combined body heat will ward some of that off. If you'd prefer it though," he offered, "there's still time. I can purchase a second one."

That said, he had a few other things to show her. "From the boat, I was able to purchase a crossbow and bolts. I've never fired one, but you'd mentioned that the poisons we discussed earlier might be placed into some kind of dart. It was simple enough to fashion hollow pointed tips to replace the ordinary ones on the bolts. Just thin strips of metal curled into cones." It would still require someone more skilled than him with a bow to fire the things. But it would be a much easier way to deliver a fatal dose of poison, than with a corked up bottle thrown or hurled from a distance.
word count: 550
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The Room

Each trial she revealed another talent? She looked up in some surprise at his words and a grin lit her face "I'm glad you like them. I learnt sewing making coffin linings, and that led to crochet and knitting and the whole world opened up from there. It was an epiphany.", she waggled her eyebrows, amusement lighting her expression. What got him so formal, she wondered, but she was glad that he liked them "I've seen people lose digits and limbs from over exposure to the cold. I'd never forgive myself if anything like that happened to someone I care about. I should make some for Lady Elyna, too, and Malcolm." She'd add those to the list she had in her head of things to do before they left.

"Cave exploring? Oh that sounds exciting!" The idea delighted her and she grinned at him "I don't mind underground and dark and cramped. It's just heights that scare me. But it's great isn't it?" She motioned to the bag "The woman who gave me the scrolls, put them in this. It must be magical, yes. Useful though." She waved a hand in dismissal of his thanks, but she was pleased nonetheless that he liked the book. "I look forward to seeing a collection of them on a shelf unit next to all your awards and diplomas. I'm proud of what you're doing, I like being able to help out here and there."

Her expression was serious as he answered her about the tent. He'd considered it? She listened attentively to what he said and didn't reply for a moment. They'd be tired and cold, there was no doubting it. But she came to the conclusion there and then that she would never understand men in general or him specfically. "I'll make some things that we can use to warm up bedrolls. Or keep in heat, more precisely. Hot stones, flat ones which I cover and we wrap the blankets around them in the morning, tie them together and they hold more heat. There's no need to buy anything else", she smiled at him and his calm delivery "It's good that you've thought it through and we have a plan. I'm just glad you're not planning on hanging off the bedroll because it's a lot closer to the ground than the bed and you'll look silly." Better to just keep it teasing, she thought " It'll be nice to snuggle in together at the end of the trial anyhow." like they were a pair of ninety arc old siblings "and it will be the only time we'll get to have to the two of us." Maybe she could teach him to knit she thought with an amused quirk of her lips, because that was every trick she had, every one of her moves and he'd ignored or missed each one. "And at least this time, we won't be covered in mulch, soaking wet and freezing cold", but about as romantic. Ah well, she thought, moving on and maybe next time.

She lifted up the crossbow, though and smiled in delight "I have. Just a few trials ago, when I went to see Nir'wei. Two trials after I came home, I think? But anyway, on the way out I met a man. He was practicing with a crossbow. But he was getting frustrated, so was about to punch the target and he made a fist like a girl. So, I taught him how to not break his thumb in a bar brawl when he punched someone, he taught me some crossbow stuff. Kylar, his name was. A skyrider. Nice chap, very intense. Tall", she gave a grin "But I'm sure there'll be people there better able to use it. I can show you what he taught me, if you like?" Looking at the pile of stuff, though, she nodded her head "I think we can pack, Padraig. We're good to go. I'm going to pack these in smaller bags inside the magic bag, and put a different coloured piece of yarn as the small bags string tie - so we can identify them in times of need." Unconsciously, she bounced a little where she was kneeling and she grinned at him "I'm going to organise them to within an inch of their lives" and yes, that thought delighted her. "Can you think of anything else?"
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The Room

Coffins led to crochet and knitting? Well, stranger things had happened, Padraig guessed. It could only have been a morbid pastime, from his perspective. Put in a similar position, so long as he didn't have to deal with dead bodies, it might be considered a box like any other. Albeit one with a fancy lining. "You're very good at it," he remarked again when she mentioned her plan to make more of the gloves for her friends. "They're better than any I could have bought. People would purchase these, you know."

"Well it's not so much the going up part, is it?" he wondered, considering her thoughts about high places, "so much as the prospect of an unplanned and rapid descent?" It was a joke, for as seldom as he tended to indulge. Designed to draw his own attention away from other, more frustrating things. Such as her physical nearness, and her natural ability to confound him.

One trill he thought that maybe, just maybe. And then the next? He wasn't sure he'd read her correctly at all. Snuggling? It all sounded so, well, not exactly what he'd had in mind. Padraig was of the firm belief, these past few trials, that all of this frustration...this unrealized need of the physical kind, couldn't possibly be good for body or mind. Biology wasn't exactly his field as a scholar, but he was pretty sure, nonetheless.

He couldn't help himself then, and enjoyed the view as she bounced on the floor. His gaze said quite a lot, had she been looking his way. "It will be tight quarters I'm sure. But there's no one I'd rather be in tight quarters with."

Right. But she'd moved on to their packing. As for this intense and tall fellow that she spoke of, on principle, Padraig wasn't sure he liked that fellow at all. He kept that thought to himself. "It wouldn't hurt if I was to know how to fire the crossbow. Or you...But like you say, surely there'll be someone in the group who can do it better, more accurately so as not to waste the poison." He had a limited amount of the stuff after all and they'd be allowed, two, maybe three chances to get it right. Otherwise, so far as what they'd need, it appeared that had that and then some.
word count: 412
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The Room


Story: 5
Structure: 5
Collaboration: 5

Sewing: Creating pockets for warm stones to heat up bedrolls.
Padraig: Hates the branding of freed slaves.
Padraig: Is a better planner than you take him for!
Padraig: Needs to learn how to use a crossbow.
Padraig: Doesn't care what other people think.
Body heat can supplement a tent's warmth.

Fame: None.

Loot: All purchases pre-deducted from ledger!


Story: 5
Structure: 5
Collaboration: 5

Poisons: Using crossbow bolts as a dosage medium.
Faith: Won't take the freedom brand.
Faith: Is a lot like a limpet, she admitted it herself!
Faith: Might have a problem handling her finances.
Faith: Learned sewing from lining coffins.
Faith: Knows how to use a crossbow.
Journals: The perfect place to write down all of your important experiences and research.
Living with company isn't the same as living by yourself.

Fame: None.

Loot: All purchases pre-deducted from ledger!

Additional Notes:
Nice short and sweet thread, I'm sure it's setting up nicely for future developments - and it really showed that budding relationship between Faith and Padraig. As always, if there are any concerns or questions with this grade, please, please sent me a PM and I'll be more than happy to talk it out. Happy writing!

Credit goes to Kydrel!
word count: 223
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