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90th of Vhalar 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Preparation is key!

Sometimes, just sometimes, she almost forgot who she was, what she was. Or, more precisely, she forgot who he was. When he snapped at her, though, it snapped her back into reality, rather than the place that was shiny and filled with beautiful costumes and sculptures. She lowered her eyes and spoke in a quiet tone "Yes, Master. I will do my best", and she turned her attention to what she should be doing, rather than flirting with him and trying to make him forget about where he was. That was not her job and she should get on with doing what her job was, namely to be the slave who made the costumes and did what she was instructed to do.

He had, of course, no need to worry about her doing what she was bid to do and she watched him carefully as he drew a leaf and then handed it to her. She bowed her head in thanks and then turned her attention to the task, doing her best to make sure that the leaves were the best that they could be. Using the material that she had, she used a deep green thread to stitch them, giving them a depth which worked well with the lighter colour of the material and the parchment, giving definition and adding to the leaf-like texture. Once she had stitched one, she went back over it with the very sharp scissors and considered it. Yes, she decided, it was acceptable. Glancing up, she saw that Tristan was working on the sculpture and so, rather than disturb him, she lowered her head back to her work.

This was going to take some time, she thought and she knelt on the floor in a comfortable and familiar position and set about making as many of the leaves as she could with the materials she had. She had no problem with repetitious tasks although, by the time she had made even ten of them her arms were aching from being held in the same position and from the repetition of movement. She did not mind that and it was mild in comparison to what she had experienced before, so Faith simply put to one side the physical discomfort and focused her mind, and body, to get the job done.

The only thing which distracted her was the abstract questioning of just how many leaves a tree had and how many Master wished her to make? Still, she would keep going until he told her to stop or she ran out of materials.
word count: 429
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Tristan Venora
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Preparation is key!

“You always do your best“, Tristan said. He already felt bad about his outburst even though, he realized, he didn’t have to or even should feel about it. She was his slave, and he could do whatever he wanted with her. If Grandmother Ebony knew that she cared about his slave’s feelings, she would probably start lecturing him. The Duchess wasn’t unnecessarily cruel to her slaves – they were a valuable investment after all - but she believed that there should always between a certain distance between them and their owners. So why did he wish that he could have taken what he had said back?

Since he didn’t want to distract her from her work, he too turned his attention elsewhere. He took a brush and started painting his fake tree. Before too long he had a nice, brown tree standing in front of him – sans leaves. Since Faith hadn’t made all of the leaves yet, he grabbed a pair of scissors as well and started cutting leaves out. “I think that’s enough”, he said after what seemed like an eternity and put the scissors down. “Now we just need to attach the leaves to the tree, and then we are done. I thought about just using glue for that. We just need to be careful not to get too much of it on our fingers.”

He looked at her questioningly to see if she had a better idea – she was surprisingly inventive sometimes – before he grabbed the glue in question, just in case. “Once we are done with that, I suggest that we take a break. I don’t know about you, my hands already hurt from all the hammering and cutting, and I can still hear the sound of the chisel in my head!” He shuddered, but a moment later, as he looked at her, he was already smiling again. “You did a great job with the leaves by the way. I don’t think I could have finished the tree on time without you! You are wonderful, Faith!”
word count: 346
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Preparation is key!


Peer Review

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Awarded Knowledge

Drawing: Tracing
The King: Posing as a Slave
People: Not Static
Sewing: Colours add Depth
Sewing: Flimsy vs Reinforced Materials
Sewing: Painting a Picture
Sewing: Swirling Stitch
Sewing: Use of Paper to Thicken Materials
Slaves: People, Not Things
Theatre: Last Minute Adjustments to Costumes
Whetstone: Sharpening Chisels

Loot & Losses [/color]xxxxxx Injuries
None [/color]xxxxxx None[/color]

Tristan Venora

Peer Review

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Awarded Knowledge

The King: Posing as a Slave
Slaves: Appropriate Praise
Slaves: Be Mindful of Commands
Slaves: Be Mindful of Tone
Theatre: A Play Fit for a King
Theatre: Continuity in Appearance

Loot & Losses [/color]xxxxxx Injuries
None [/color]xxxxxx None[/color]


So there aren't loads of Knowledges I could easily see... and I've probably missed some really obvious ones which you might want, so if this is the case, please fling me a message somehow! This was a lovely thread. Faith is so lovely and sweet, as I just described her to her writer, she has a mind of her own and is proactive and has thoughts about what she wants to do… but will never act on them without first assessing Tristan’s opinion. And it seems like Tristan isn't always sure of how to deal with his slave! It was a very sweet interaction. As if they are so comfortable that they forgot their positions and were just talking as friends, until one of them was jolted into remembering their place!

As you can see, I have provided feedback and reasoning behind my review. If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 302
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