• Closed • In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

Nir'wei helps Faith in the pursuit of the mysterious death of Jamal.

53rd of Vhalar 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

53rd of Vhalar, 716.

It'd been so long. Nearly half of the arc, in fact, since he'd first seen the woman who's name he still did not know. She still came to him in his dreams and, occasionally, he'd see things that brought her face to light once more. These things weren't what normal people associated faces with, though; nobody looked into a butcher's shop, at the tenderized meat lying cold on the window's table, and suddenly remembered a person they'd seen long ago. He couldn't help it, though. As much as he would have loved to discard all those thoughts and memories from his mind, he'd never felt any closure after what happened. Standing next to Vivian and all the other guards, still tipsy drunk and with the taste of vomit lingering on his tastebuds, he'd watched her body carried away under a thin white tablecloth by armoured guards to be prepared and buried somewhere. He'd never known if a funeral was held, he didn't know what gravestone her remains now rested under. He'd never even heard her name; Vivian knew her from nothing more than a passing glance and what friends she'd been seen with last were found dead in the same place and manner as she had been. Tortured to their last breaths.

For a long time - seasons, in fact - he'd pushed all thoughts on her to the back of his head, fighting it in his dreams, choking back the memories and burying the experience under the carpets in the hopes that, if he trod on it enough, it'd flatten and disappear. His analogies were off, though. Instead of burying it under the carpet and flattening it down into something more manageable, he'd tried to bandage a wound with a splinter in the hopes that it'd heal itself. All he'd done was let the wound spread, fester, grow infected and corrode itself into a hideous black mess. His thoughts were becoming more vivid. Even his nightmares were worse. It was time to rip open old wounds and clean them out, once and for all. The sooner he dealt with this and got over it, the sooner he could move on with his life. That, he'd learned from Faith - to keep moving forwards. He wasn't a slave, but that didn't mean he was any less human than she was. If she'd learned to deal with her demons of the past, why couldn't he?

Nir'wei couldn't visit her grave, because he didn't know her name... or even which grave she was buried in. But he knew there was one place that could tell him. The morgue. Since the place was in Midtown, they were thankfully unravaged by the attacks... and he could stop off early in the morning, leaving a few trials before he went off to work, where he could spend some time winding down and calming himself. In his mind, it seemed like the perfect plan... only...

It seemed wealthy enough to avoid going out of business - and besides, in what city would a morgue close down from lack of customers? - what with the velvet drapes closed over the windows, wide oak doors, meticulous detail in every nook. He knew he was a little early, but most shops were opening their doors right about now, and those that hadn't, had opened them a long time ago! He rapped on the big brass door-knocker, wondering if its current state was just the natural aesthetic... but there was no reply. He tried pushing the door, repeatedly, but the place was all locked down. "Hello?" He knocked harder than before and glanced to the nearby streets. Maybe the owners were sick? "Hello? Anyone in there?!" Pushing his ear to the thick oak door, he couldn't even hear footsteps from inside... and the closer he looked at the mortuary, the more signs of mistreatment appeared. The dust on the window-panes, the cobwebs formed on the outsides of the drapes; had they really not opened their windows in so long that spiders were taking up residence now? "What in Moseke's good name is going on here...?"

Archailist piqued up unannounced. "Looks like they're shut." Once again, he couldn't doubt that Arch's observational prowess was unmatched. "... But." Nir'wei felt his attention pulled by the spirit, to a sign he'd not noticed before. The letters were scribbled in an elaborate cursive, showing opening breaks. If their sign was to be believed, they should have opened no less than three breaks ago. "They could be sick, but why no sign? Why not have someone else come in and take over for them?" It was confusing indeed, but Arch was focusing on entirely the wrong thing to concentrate on.

"Yeah, that's great and all, but how am I going to get in there and find out who she was?" Nir'wei asked impatiently, stroking fingers through his hair and tugging on it as he clenched his teeth. All this time, all this painstaking time, and now he'd have to wait even longer to learn the truth behind what happened. He didn't care if he had to track down the owners of the morgue and meet them at their own house, he was going to find out who that woman was and what happened to her body. Even if he had to track down Vivian, or those other knights - they'd all appeared, they all might know! Vivian certainly did, but since that faithful night he'd completely lost contact with her. This wasn't the only lead he had... but it was the best, and he lacked both the resources and the power to go beyond it.
word count: 982
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

She had gone to the guard at the time, but with the shadow beasts attacking and so on, there had been nothing that they were willing to do. "He probably jus' went on holiday, love. If he's still not here in 60 trials, you give me a call" the guard had said. Faith had tried to argue but the guard in question wasn't in the mood for listening and had sent her on her way. Frustrated and more than a little upset, she had done as she was instructed and she had wondered what she could do in the meantime. But in truth, she could not do any more than she had, so she had determined that she would not let this go. Not this trial or any other. She had to find out what had happened.

But now, it was the requisite number of trials and Faith was back at the undertakers. She had been back here semi-regularly, but had not gone in. However, she had the key with her this trial and she had every intention of going in and seeing if anything had been further disturbed or if she was right in her assumption that Jamal and Mildred had not been back to the shop since the trial that they left, whatever trial that was. She had with her a bag, nestled in the bottom of which was the long knife that she had picked up on that big boat where they had fought scary shadow beasts and met all sorts of weird trouble. And that, she considered, had only been the beginning of that adventure, but then Faith put that out of her mind and walked to the shop.

As she approached, she skidded to a halt and she looked rather surprised. "Nir'wei?" she asked, her voice betraying the fact that she had really not expected him to be there "Hello. What are you doing here?" she asked and then, as though remembering her manners (which she did) she dropped a curtsy to him and motioned to the undertakers shop "Are you looking for Jamal?" she asked with an air of disbelief in that theory "You haven't seen him have you?" she wondered, pulling the key out from her bag.
word count: 379
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

Lost in his own little world, Faith's abrupt appearance nearly scared Nir'wei out of his damn skin, but after the initial shock, he turned to her, one hand still clutching his chest. "I could ask you the same question!" Damn, either she was amazingly quiet whenever she walked or the light crowds of passing people had somehow miraculously covered her footsteps perfectly. Either way, it was something he'd never noticed before... a talent he'd have to make a note for her to teach him at some point, if he survived that long without any other heart attacks.

Actually, once the colour returned to his face and he did a mental check to make sure he'd not accidentally shat himself, he took a double-take. She'd asked him first. Although he didn't have enough of a grasp on formal etiquette to know that he was supposed to bow and not attempt to return the curtsy she gave him with the leggings of his pants, he knew he was supposed to answer her question. Well, he couldn't. He'd never told her about 'that' encounter and he really wasn't in a good enough mood right now to explain the three dead bodies. Perhaps another time, when he had more sleep... and more alcohol. Lots more alcohol. "I was just... well, I'm here on a bit of personal business actually."

Well, not as personal as hers, apparently. "Who's Jamal?" he asked, at the same time unknowingly answering her question. "I... no, I haven't?" Well, the guy must have been alive for her to ask that question. And if she was looking for an alive person at the morgue... "Wait, does he work here or something? Or is he a friend of a person who works here?" Wait. If Faith was looking for the guy, he must have been a slave who lived here. Not that she couldn't have friends who weren't slaves, after all, he liked to consider himself a friend of hers and he wasn't locked up, but still. Surely she knew a few.

"I looked around the place but it looks closed and empty, I'm afraid." He stepped aside when she walked up to the door, once again peering through the dusty unwashed windows to see if he could get a little peek through the gap in the heavy drapes. "Honestly, I still don't get how a morgue could go out of business or something. It's not as if they're selling anything exclusive, there's never a short supply of death to benefit from." He frowned quietly at his own words. "Oh well. There must be another morgue around here somewhere... maybe there's one in Lowtown. What do you think Faith? ... Faith? Why do you have the key?" He'd been talking to himself for so long he'd completely missed that small but very important detail. Immediately his brows furrowed in confusion. From his shoulder, Archailist gave him a mental non-verbal scolding for not paying more attention to his surroundings, but how was he to blame? Constant communication with a piece of his own ripped-off soul made it sometimes difficult to remember that there was an outside world to pay more attention to. He could bet people with just a whole soul didn't have the same problems as this. Archailist thought this was no excuse. Nir'wei disagreed vehemently. Yet the two were doing it again even as they argued, drifting off into that glassy-eyed blank stare as Nir'wei stood glued in place, forehead pressed up against the glass as though he could peer through the opaque fabric.
word count: 623
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

It was not her intention to scare him and Faith immediately backed away with her hands raised in apology "I am sorry. I did not mean to scare you", she was immediately contrite and made a note to try and be more noisy in future. She asked about Jamal and Nir'wei said that he was here on personal business, although he did not know who Jamal was and then his face took on a sort of far-away look as he glazed over. It was like that with him, sometimes, she had noticed; he seemed to be far away and lost in his own thoughts. That was fine, though, it was who he was and how he was and as a free man she had no right to comment. It was more than that, though, to her ~ he was her friend and as such she accepted who he was without concern, pause, let or question.

She waited until he was listening and she opened the door, stepping in. "Jamal is the owner here. He is Jamal Kash'deel, he and his wife Mildred live here. He my owner before my current Master", she explained. "I came here after the shadow beasts started attacking, to make sure that he was alright and I found it like this". The place wasn't ransacked or anything but it was obviously empty. "And there was a woman here. She is a.. her name is Rayna Ramsey and she once came here whilst I was kept here. She was cruel." Faith said that as though she might have been describing the woman's hair colour.

"I know Jamal. He is not here, yet he would not just leave. There is something wrong. When I challenged the woman, well, she left. I went to the guard but they did not wish to know, said that he had probably gone to hide because of the attacks and I should come back in... well, now." Looking around the reception area, she was reassured that nothing else had been damaged or moved since she was last here and she turned to Nir'wei with a raised eyebrow. There was concern in Faith's eyes, there was no doubting that she was worried about the man who had resided here. It did not occur to her that this might be strange, or that she might be behaving in an illogical manner considering how the man had treated her. He had a job to do and he had done it.

But something had happened here and she would not let it lie. However, there was another concern which was more important to her in that moment. Her friend.

"What is it that you were looking for here?" she wondered. "If I can help you it will be my pleasure to do so", she assured him with her usual earnest expression. There was no doubting the truth of what she said and she smiled at him, attempting to encourage him to let her help. It would be only fair, after all, when she considered how much he had helped her.
word count: 519
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

Nir'wei waved off her apologies with a quick wave of the hand. "No no. It's my fault, I overreacted." To think that Faith, of all people, could reduce him to a shrieking mess with nothing more than a casual greeting was enough to realize that he had nobody to blame but himself for the reaction. Then again, anyone but Faith would have laughed it off and thought nothing more of it. They also wouldn't have gone through childhood and adult life under owners and masters and whips and chains. Why was he surprised that she was quick to turn submissive? Perhaps he'd hoped that their last meetings had somehow warmed her a little more to the idea that she could act less like a slave around him and more like a normal person. Fanciful dreams, still.

He followed Faith into the front room, listening with a growing furrow over his forehead. Jamal Kash'deen, didn't ring a bell. Rayna Ramsey, he'd never heard of her either. Her old master, running a morgue. She'd mentioned it before, hadn't she? "So this is where you learned how to fix wagon wheels, huh?" he cut in suddenly. "Heh, I was wondering where you picked that up." He realized that standing here, in the abandoned and deteriorating home of her old owner, missing without explanation, must have been rather hard for Faith. She didn't seem like her usual cheery self; no smile upon greeting, not even a 'how are you'. Not that he minded, but she seemed... well, off, if one could say that. Maybe she'd felt some friendship between her and Jamal. Who could say, he'd never even met the guy. She'd called Rayna Ramsey cruel though... which must have meant that Jamal wasn't, at least.

He'd tried to lighten the tone with humour, but standing in the front room of a morgue, tugging at the elaborate drapes and wandering aimlessly around the room in search of any notes, any signs of recent visits made it horribly apparent how pointless that was. Instead, he tried comforting. "Maybe the shadow monsters just frightened him away, for now." He didn't want to say that he'd been killed by them, but... "Maybe he was forced into fleeing? They attacked his home and he had to run away, couldn't come back?" He knew it didn't explain the woman, but hell, he didn't know anything about her. He didn't know anything about any of them - all he wanted to know was the name of that girl. That's all he'd come for. But Faith looked concerned. "Maybe they're upstairs, erm. Somewhere else, their house? There... I don't know, there could be something in the back that might hint to where he went." Nir'wei was clutching at straws and he knew it.

But she seemed concerned for him. Him, of all people! "I was... looking for someone. I don't know their name. I was hoping whoever ran this place, I guess that'd be Jamal, could help me find them. So I guess the best way you can help me, is let me help you." Through luck alone, they'd found themselves in the same boat. They both needed to find Jamal. "Do you know where he lives, can we go to his house and see if he's there?" Nir'wei asked as he wandered from room to room, overturning objects, rifling through whatever he could find, just generally searching for any clues... although, to be honest, he didn't know what clues he was looking for either. "Does he have any friends, is there anyone, anywhere else we can try?" He only asked partially because his aimless searching was digging up no good results, but mostly because no matter how ornate and elaborate the rooms were, to see a morgue so dark and dusty and old was giving Nir'wei the creeps.
word count: 670
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

"Yes, here I learned to make coffins. That was where I slept," she pointed to a corner of the room where the bodies would have been, the room with four tables for performing autopsies and so on. There was nothing there which suggested that she had a bed there, but she did not seem concerned. But the idea that the shadow beasts would have chased him away? Faith shook her head. "The shadow creatures would be good for business. He wouldn't leave, mister Nir'wei, he wouldn't. There is something wrong and I have a duty to find out." She looked at him and sighed slightly.

"But my owner says I should not. He says that Jamal was cruel to me in ways that... he was very strict and he taught me. He finished my training. Master does not approve that he had to teach me how to eat, that I had not slept in a bed. He feels this is unreasonably harsh, even though I am a slave. So, he feels that I should not help the man who damaged me so much." Faith sighed, slightly, not quite sure. But then, Nir'wei spoke and she shook her head. No, she explained, they were not upstairs, they had been gone sixty trials before and were still.

But then, Nir'wei explained why he was here and Faith's eyes lit up. "Oh, I can help with that! Jamal keeps very detailed notes" She waves away his suggestion of finding Jamal, he wasn't here, he wasn't going to be here. She (or they, if he would help her) would have to continue that search again. However, the records Jamal kept, which were written in her very neat and meticulous handwriting up until she had been bought by Tristan. With Nir'wei's date and the details he had, they could quite easily find the name of the woman in question, who had been brought in, with an address of next of kin. Handing it to Nir'wei, Faith smiled and the two of them agreed that the next trial, they would go and investigate further. But right now, she had to get back to prepare Master's dinner and so, she kissed Nir'wei on the cheek and made sure to lock up after them.
word count: 389
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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In the Cemetery with a Lead Pipe.

Thread Rewards

Skill Knowledge:
➳ Business Management: The importance of keeping notes.
➳ Business Management: Records aid efficiency.
➳ Business Management: The best locations get the best customers, apparently.
➳ Business Management: The importance of providing an atmosphere.
➳ Leadership: Instructing a slave on where to start.
➳ Leadership: Taking command where nobody else will.
➳ Leadership: Taking advice from others.
➳ Leadership: Working as part of a team.

Other Knowledge:
➳ N/A

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15 | These points cannot be used for magic.
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None requested.

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15 | These points cannot be used for magic.
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Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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