Saun 15 Arc 716
The Docks
The Docks
Kingdom wrote:Yanahalqah: Some say the king has made a terrible alliance with the Aukari. More and more seem to be arriving via ship every trial."
Although the war was supposedly still going on the docks were as busy a place as they ever were. Many ships stopped by to buy and sell goods, stock up on supplies, or have their vessel repaired. Word had it Burhan’s forces were coming from the west, having taken the long route as Krome prevented them from crossing through their lands. This meant that the port was not the means of arrival which Veljorn would use to invade Andaris, and the comings and goings of people and merchants was not as strictly regulated as it would have been otherwise.
And yet, there were some people who did keep an eye open for unusual happenings, for unusual individuals who entered the kingdom via this port. Yana had caught wind of a rumor some trials ago. She’d payed a decent sum to get her hands on the information which she perhaps should not have paid for. As a member of the Iron Hand she was well aware that not every knight, skyrider, or sailor was of the fairytale kind. Some were crooked and criminal. They sold intelligence to any who wanted to know, given that they were willing to hand over some coin in return, of course. Yana had done just that, looking for some work to keep herself busy and entertained. Something interesting. In her Rayna guise she had bribed the knight, money buying her knowledge.
The knight had spoken of a conspiracy, of a pact between the King and the Aukari. That there were lots of them arriving at the port, more every day. The knight had grinned in a very haughty way, sipped his ale, and claimed that it was none of his business. Yana was not sure what was truth and what was lie, but she figured it was worth finding out. It was time well spent. Perhaps she would uncover something big. Something that was better not brought out in the light of day. She could make use of it, if she played her cards right. But for the moment, that was not yet a priority. First she should see whether or not this rumor was the truth, or if it was baseless conjecture. If she’d been wasting those coins or if it was money well spent.
In any case, there were a few Aukari types walking around, working. Actually, there were indeed more than she thought usual. A frown creased her brow, and she quietly studied the other people on the docks, noticing their less then friendly attitude towards the ginger folk. Some only gave them distrustful glances, others flat out told the Aukari to bugger off. None seemed happy with the redheads among them, and certainly not in those numbers. It was suspicious, she found. No wonder there was a rumor floating around concerning them. Though the Yludih wasn’t certain why that kind of information had only been told to another in exchange for coin. Usually rumors and gossip spread like wildfire. Perhaps someone was trying to keep this all quiet. If the King was indeed involved, like the rumor suggested, then it was plausible the Royal Guard had something to do with it. Maybe. But that was merely conjecture from her part, none was supported by fact. Yet.
Yana approached one of the sailors, a portly Biqaj who seemed to be taking a break from work, having sought out a patch of shadow to escape the Saun suns. “Good day,” the mercenary greeted curtly, “I’m looking for a certain Brice Jervois?” Word was this man knew everything there was to know about the docks. The comings and goings of ships, the cargo they bought or sold, the people they transported. If there was anyone who could aid her in uncovering the truth about this matter, she believed it would be him.
“Who?” the Biqaj asked, clocking one or other liquid from a flask down his throat.
“Brice Jervois, the merchant?”
“Oh, the old trader? Yeh, he’s here.” He took another gulp from his flask, while Yana stared at him with her one eye. “I dunno where exactly he is at,” he added, getting that the woman with the eyepatch before him was not satisfied with his previous answer. “He might be over there somewhere-” he waved with his hand, vaguely indicating a certain area “-doin’ some bartering with the people of that trade vessel over there. The one with the seahorse figurehead.” That was something at least. She could work with that.
“Thank you,” she nodded, and headed for the vessel, hoping she could indeed find the merchant there.