• Mature • A Slave To Whim

Faith Meets Adam

45th of Ymiden 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Adam Michaels
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A Slave To Whim

45th Trial of Ymiden 716 Evening

Adam wanted the world in his goblet so that he may guzzle down its pleasures like fine wine and admire the sparkle of golden curves clenched firmly in his hand. He'd been evolving from the wizard he was into sorcerer he is, finding both power within himself and the ambition to use it nochalantly on the masses. In the realm of magic Adam was still just infant suckling on a teet, his only real desire was to feed his gluttonous hunger for carnal desires if only to further inflate his ego. Adam was the personification of swine with his ravenous greed as he shoveled what he could into his mouth from the proverbial troff of impulse.

People were just play things, puppets that danced to there strings being jerked and jangled and the more he delved into the realm of Empathy oh how visible those threads and strands had become. Normal peasants looked a lot less like his equals and more like animals. There feelings meant nothing, as there minds were nothing but toys to be played with as gently or as rough as he pleased so what if he'd broken one or two along the way on the road to greatness.

Sure he wasn't the greatest seducer but what he had was the basics and what he lacked in social skill, he more than made up for with raw unadulterated power this his grasp of arcana to influence the emotions of others.

As the ale poured slowly into his cup he sat behind the all to familiar bar. A finger strummed across the slippery smooth lacquered finish of the table top he had grown accustomed to while the other hand propped his head up beneath his chin. Adam seemed disinterested and bored while he waited for someone to show up so that he could play his mind games with.

The world was starting to become a more interesting place, it would be starting soon. When the nobles that strut around like peacocks would cannabalize themselves to get in line for the new pecking order. What delight when royals would be dropping dead, like flies on shit. But who would sit on the throne? That was a good question
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A Slave To Whim

The girl who walked in to the bar was young - maybe eighteen but more likely one or even two arcs younger. It was hard to tell, though, because she was a scrawny little thing. Short, maybe five foot five, probably a little bit smaller and wearing black trousers which were ill fitting and ragged and a black vest top that was in a similar state of disrepair. Her long black hair was loose and hanging down her back, leaving the slave brands clear for all to see. One on her shoulder which was old, as old as her perhaps. The one on her neck, though, that was far less old and was still red around the edges. Not a long time applied, that one.

She kept her mist-grey eyes lowered as she walked to the bar and spoke, quietly to the barkeep, asking for a flagon of ale and bottle of red wine for her owner. He looked her up and down and sighed, slightly, in irritation. "Wait. Stand over there, out of the way of these good people" he said, motioning for her to step away from the bar and go and wait in an empty corner. This she did, without question she moved and then she stood, exactly where he had pointed to and she stood waiting, patiently. She would, if necessary, wait there as long as she thought that Jamal wished her to.

She did not make eye contact with anyone, keeping her gaze down, but equally the more perspicatious observer might note that she did glance around the room, catching glances of who was there, what they were doing and so on. She did not move, simply stood with her hands at the side of her slight form and waited to see if the barkeep would get to her. The other patrons of this well kept establishment ignored her, other than for there to be some muttering about whether she should be allowed in at all.

The barkeep busied himself, but seemed to have no intention of serving her any time soon, if at all.
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Adam Michaels
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A Slave To Whim

Really what was Adam to say or think about the woman's age in question? If she didn't look old enough to be in a bar they'd have given her the boot long before she made her order. In fact maybe she was older but looked younger some women do age like fine wine, and her mannerisms and how she acted told a different story. But even then what did supposed age matter when the woman in question wasn't even aware of it herself?

He was starting to wonder what this slave was thinking about with all the threats of impending doom? Maybe the slave thought that she could just snap her fingers and say gosh darn it sorry mongrol horde like some kind of safety blanket to shield her against the horrors of the trials if Andaris got sacked? Did she think she'd be any less immune to what foreign bastards had in mind for the damsels of plundered cities? Heck even his booty could be terrible danger of those who sought conquest of the flesh.

It was the time for action as Adam got up from the bar to approach the slave, he'd use his charms as a seducer to crack this nut. Sure he wasn't no El Suavio, but he could do enough with what skill as a novice he had. It would be all about body language as he turned to greet the slave with his coy little smile and perfectly timed hand that rolled through meticulously kept hair. Slate grey eyes would trail behind before locking onto her own grey eyes.

"Hi there"

Adams hand would go for the slaves, before he lurched forward and whispered seductively in her ear letting his sweet nothings trickle like honey.

"Love your eyes by the way, I don't often do this but maybe you'd like to go away for a spell and have a chat. You look like fun, maybe we could have fun together?"

With his conduit in place in the form of a bracelet strapped around his wrist. Adam wanted to see who Faith was and view the dolls strings before he harped on them like a marionette, as Adam modestly channeled his arcane power through his conduit processing mana in such a way that would allow him to see through her physical deceptions to see the slave for what she was. Those threads of feelings and emotions that made Faith the uniquely indoctrinated individual she was, so if he decided to clentch a thread and tear her at the seam he'd know the rules of her game. That was really the trick of Empathy, tearing people down into mindless thralls but Faiths weave was cutting edge technology leaps and bounds ahead of anything he'd witnessed at least that's what her threads were telling him. Total devotion, mind and spirit a fascinating weave that made the wizard curious enough to want to fabricate. The notion of being completely subservient while being free to do what you please was a very appealing thing to this astute sorcerer, devotion was blurring the lines of subjection.

Maybe Adam was less interested in tasting forbidden fruit than it first would seem. He liked to think himself a flayer of minds and personality so understanding the woman's weaves of devotion were critical if he ever wished to replicate such a thing.
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A Slave To Whim

Faith stood there, keeping her eyes down until a man approached her. She raised her eyes to look at him and she smiled, slightly. "Greetings, master." she said, taking his hand as offered and she leant slightly forward as he spoke to her. It was most strange, Faith considered, when he suggested that they should go away for a spell because she wanted to go with him. But, no doubt, there was a much stronger pull for Faith than almost anything. "I can not go away, master, I must wait here until the barkeep gives me the items I ordered for my owner. I must take him what he has requested" she said, earnestly. She had an unshakeable determination to do what she was instructed to do, it was like a burning need in her, to serve and to be an obedient slave to her owner.

And indeed, as Adam's arcana showed him who she was in terms of her emotions, Faith was an individual who existed to serve. She did not feel trapped or enslaved, but she was quite content with who she was and where she was in her life. She was deeply loyal and utterly subservient, but it was evident that she was not subservient because of the man who owned her, but because service was what she lived for. She was desperate to be the absolute best slave that she could be, determined to serve as well as she could.

In fact, strange as it might seem, Faith had a strange sort of superiority complex. She knew who and what she was - she was a slave who was being the best slave that she could be - and she was of the opinion that there were very few people who could say the same thing. She knew her place in the world and her place was as a piece of chattel, fundamentally. She looked at Adam and she smiled slightly "I am sorry that I must disobey you, but I can not go against the wishes of my owner." she explained "Maybe you would like to have fun here?" she wondered, hopeful that she would be able to offer a compromise, which was her job as a slave she saw. So, totally subservient, utterly obedient and with a superiority about such was what the young woman was made of - which might be unusual for a slave but, nonetheless, was what and who she was.
word count: 409
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Adam Michaels
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A Slave To Whim

"Yes yes I heard you the first time, this master thinks he might be a bit Witter than than this ones owner.

So what's it worth to you to get those items? How do you decide to cut your loses. Like this barkeep might keep you standing there till you soil yourself for a good laugh with his mates. It doesn't look like he intends to provide you with services.

So I'm wondering how far are you willing to go to get the goods? I mean wouldn't that make you a laughing stock of the whole industry if you go back empty handed, I mean what kind of half wit can't go to the bar and get a drink is what the others would whisper. What would all the other masters and slaves think? Maybe it might compell your owner to trade you in for a sportier model?

But I bet this Master can walk up to the bar and get those items if he desired, but he wonders what's in it for him? What goods and services would he get in return? If you got something fun in mind I'd love to hear it.

Oh and this master is more of a payment upfront kind of guy."

Maybe telling a cunning fox your plight wasn't the best idea, as Adam used his skills as a Seducer to drive home the point that if she wanted help, he expected something in return perhaps an emphasis on sexual favors without directly asking but artfully implied. He also decided to use his words to try and harp on her pride and desperation as they were almost intertwined as they coiled together in symbiosis.

Under the scrutiny of his empathic lense he had deduced Faith to be older eighteen going on nineteen based on the complexity and length of the threads within her psyche. A child's mind was simplistic and easy to unravel but her mind was very different as he carefully traversed her mindscape visually. Adam was already picking her brain to unravel the mystery of how to hardwire this fascinating mindset and subject it on another as if turning pages in some dark cookbook to turn someone into a living doll.

The draw of mana was at a trickle, as he was more interested in indulging in mind games and social experiments while he watched her threads of emotion at work like an engineer as he put down an obstacle for Faith to submit to or overcome. It boiled down to how important was her pride this superiority complex driven by desperation to be the very best. Would she take the steps to seduce him, and return to her master with the bounty he requested or would she leave empty handed and a failure. He wanted to see how she would handle a given situation that was not so black or white.
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A Slave To Whim

Faith listened as Adam questioned her and she considered her answer, carefully. She did that a lot, slowly consider what she was about to say. She was somewhat confused, it must be said, but his tendency to refer to himself in the third person; in the slave pits of Athart she had been ordered to do that, and had spent many arcs referring to herself as 'this slave' but that was done to remove her notions of self. She had never heard a free man do so. "I have clear instructions, Master. If I am waiting more than three breaks, I am to return to my owner." A pause then, as she considered further what it was that she was saying "I do not care about what anyone thinks of me other than my owner, Master. He is the only mortal soul whose opinion matters" it had to be said, she was completely loyal, her mind and emotions telling Adam the truth of her words.

"I don't have anything to give you, Master, I am afraid" she replied, entirely innocently. There was no guile to her and Adam's arcana might well allow him to realise that she was completely innocent in regards to what he was suggesting. "What services would you wish, Master?" she asked, more than willing to enter into an exchange, but really not entirely clear what kind of exchange he was looking for. "My owner has, on occassion, loaned me to others in repayment for services to him. Is that what you mean, Master? If so, he would need to discuss with you the limits of that relationship" she was quite clear about that, it was what Jamal had instructed her, after all.

Faith really didn't care two hoots about what others thought of her at all, she cared only about being the best slave she could for her owner. Her drive was entirely internal and she was unconcerned about how she looked, or what anyone thought of her. Although, if he delved deeper then he would maybe see that this was because Faith had met very very few people - in fact, they were numbered less than ten. She had been alone with no one other than her owners for the entireity of her life and so she was very self-sufficient and used to simply driving herself. But since she had started meeting others, she had started to develop a care and concern about what they thought - but it was minute. Would it develop? Possibly. Because Jamal told her that she must be respectful to all free men and women, she was trying to deal with that and it was confusing.

But as she had said that he would need to discuss rules with Jamal, she added (as it came into her head) "There are many rules that I must follow in my interactions with others, Master. My owner has ensured that I am very clear on those" innocent she might be but her owner was much more savvy than she was.

Probably a good job.
word count: 514
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Adam Michaels
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A Slave To Whim

Adam was left to wonder about the slave, she didn't care about anyone's opinion other then Jamals. Yet there was always that glitch in her skewed world view. If Jamal cared about the opinions of others, and those opinions had impacts on his life and he cared then by default she needed to care. Whether she realized it or not she was bound by the very burden she thought she was absolved from.

It was a touching moment to see the threads of her mind light up in defense with one hundred percent certainty Jamal was a white knight and had the same immunity to the outside pressures of the world as herself his assumption was that they'd most likely beaten the concept out of her. Such was the problem with having an identity an thoughts of it being tarnished or polished or falling prey to selfish vices.

Adam was quick to figure out that the slave was not picking up what he was putting down. Adam would bet his family jewels on the fact that if he offered this Jamal fellow one pretty little onyx nel he'd let everyone in this bar have a go at her, one after another from evening till day break. Heck Adam could probably twist Jamal with his empathy, and have her as his pleasure slave so she could spend her days polishing his knob and laquering the hard wood. Faith would bounce and dance to Jamals strings and he'd hobble and bobble like a meat puppet to Adams whims. If her point was true about only caring about what Jamal wanted then she'd certainly swallow the chowder if he wished it.

But then he'd have to worry about her upkeep and listen to her, and you can only ride the same trail so many times before it becomes beaten predictable and boring it's no fun really when a thrill becomes a chore. The best things about Courtesans is when your finished with them and they thought they'd open there pretty little mouth instead of there legs, you bounce a silver nel off there ass and tell them to not let the door hit them on the way out.

He seemed to take careful measure in his assessments of her assertions, watching the rythmic lightshow of her threads activating like notes on a musical instrument. As he coldly calculated his intentions, she was a tantalizing piece of meat. It would have been a succulent picture to paint, that look of horror that sweeps on someone's face when they realize there world is a lie and crumbles around them when there mind is shattered by reality no little facades or fantasy to hide behind.

The truth was the cruelest force on the planet. Maybe she was better left off in her chains of ignorance, for brevitys sake he'd keep it in his pants at least for now.

"Aye I'm sure he loans you out sweet pea. But I'm not sure you get the jist of what I'm saying, if I was gonna need your services it would be to satisfy my sexual needs.
Although you don't appear to act like a pleasure slave, so I must have misread you but you are as enchanting as one I'll give you that.
Those have to be the most expensive sought after slaves, never seen a master unhappy with one o'them wrapped around him.
Think about it, they even got a title before there name.
I mean I could teach you some tricks, but you know it costs money for that but I like to think of myself as a giver.
And I just got this feeling that you want to be the very best.
think about how suprised and amazed your owner would be of your new found talents."

Adam would attempt to gently and non threateningly reach out to try and roll his fingers down the slaves cheek and curl beneath her chin as if to prop it up ever so gently in lecherous fasion

"Would you like that?! he coo'd
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A Slave To Whim

She looked at Adam in surprise and some strange mixture of fascination and horror as he explained to her what he was referring to. "Master, I have never had that function. My owner has told me that, when I am bought by a new master, I will serve them and their friends and family or whoever they wish for me." she said. Jamal had said it cruelly and it gave her fear when she thought of it, but she wanted to and needed to be the best slave she could, she had a genuine yearning to be absolutely what herMaster wanted her to be.

So, it was fair to say that Adam had *her* absolutely right, but he didn't know Jamal. Jamal had completely no interest in her sexually, so Adam's offer would not make her better. And more importantly than that "I have been ordered very clearly that I am not allowed to engage in any acts like that, even if another Master or Mistress wishes or commands it. If necessary I am to fight and if needs be, I should die rather than allow it to happen" she explained. But this was a young woman who was entering adulthood, she had desires and needs she did not understand and underneath her controlled and placid exterior, there was the beginnings of a passionate woman.

When Adam reached out and stroked her cheek, she stood and watched him. Her silver-grey eyes did not drop from his face as he did that and when he gently cupped her chin and asked her, she answered honestly as she always did. "I do not know, Master. I feel something that I do not entirely understand and it makes me a little uncomfortable, but it is also a pleasant feeling. I think, if I were in a different circumstance I would like it, yes, but I am not and I must refuse" she said, most genuinely. "Thank you, though, Master, for the offer. I appreciate you even considering it with someone such as I" she said, softly. Her breathing had, indeed, quickened and she looked at him, somewhat flustered and not knowing quite how to do what she knew she had to do in this circumstance; namely, escape.

Before she got into a whole world of trouble
word count: 387
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A Slave To Whim

Whatever Jamal was is frankly irrelevant, it did not matter. Adam had ways of crippling a man to his vices, even the way Faith spoke of him seemed like a man scorned. The truth was Adam could place lust and desire in Jamals brain like a psychotic itch just below the surface he could not scratch less he give in and relieve himself. So while Jamal might have it in his head that he could sell her like some pure flower, he did have two other options that wouldn't exactly ruin her sanctity. Adam made it his business to break people to remake them in his image, he was after all competent at flaying minds. His power ? He could turn a hardened mercenary into a smut princess and unless Jamal was immune to magic he could be bent twisted and broken like the rest of them no one was exempt except for a rare few individuals. Adam could twist Faiths pride into resentment and hate, her willingness to please into a willingness to become self serving and her honesty into a desire to be deceitful and keep secrets, make no mistake to many Adam was a joke to be taken lightly but who has the last laugh when the clown pies there victim in the face? He was a marionette that played the strings from start to finish and he had them where he wanted them whether or not they realized it.

So when her thoughts, chimed into run she should very well listen to her instincts. Turn tail and whip lash out and never look back because if the old adage was true that the pen was mightier then the sword what did that make Adam if he controlled the penmanship behind the quill?

"Aye a simple thank you but no thank you would suffice lovey, nobody wants to hear about how'd you cut your throat and flounder on the floor like a fish out of water because your afraid of the D."

Adam was pretty satisfied with what he saw in the threads of her mind. He knew how she operated, how she emotionally defended those threads and learned the right measurements of how to weave those suffocating threads to stifle and choke out other emotions of self interest or individuality like a pesky weed that strangles a beautiful flower. It was properly done how wonderful a thing to scramble a mind like an egg in a sizzling pan. He'd have to attempt replicating this winning recipe for an indoctrinated thrall. He took a few precious moments to really burn the image of her mindscape into his memory before disengenuously disengaging from her and the conversation alltogether like the free bird he was as Adam was satisfied and got what he wanted.

It seemed sociopathic to leave so abruptly without giving help he could have easily done.
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A Slave To Whim

King of Rynmere

Adam Michaels

Empathy: Makes puppets of people
Faith: Of average height
Seduction: Whispering
Seduction: Start with a compliment
Faith: Lives to serve
Faith: Belongs to Jamal
Faith: Not a pleasure slave
Faith: Would rather die than fuck you

Loot: n/a
Injuries: n/a
Fame: n/a

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 4/5


Adam: The seducer
Slavery: Never break an order
Slavery: Fight if anyone other than your master touches you

Loot: n/a
Injuries: n/a
Fame: n/a

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Comment: Seriously impressed by that opening paragraph, Adam. Kudos. I suggest using a free box-code from the templates forum just to wrap your words a bit better and make it easier to read. I don’t see any mature tag (I know there was a warning) on this thread which is something I feel is seriously needed, especially if you’re going to say things like “polish his knob, hard wood,” and, “scared of the D.” A couple of word double ups and awkward sentences that could have been fixed with an edit before posting reflected in the mark awarded. I also noticed some really lengthy bits of dialog that don’t allow for much interruption.
I wasn’t blown away by the story, and I really think you should try to branch away from threads based solely on seduction (there is a world beyond the D hahha). Faith I like how honest the character is, but in such a way that she has no idea that she might be coming across as rude. Enjoy the rewards, you know the drill if you have any questions or concerns.

word count: 288
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