[Emea] Fall

Here are all threads from before the Fall of Emea in 719 and all threads pertaining to the Fall. As of Ymiden 719 (1st June 2019), this forum is locked for new threads and is a repository for old content.

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[Emea] Fall

Ashan 8th 719

Wald was walking through the forest, the cold brushed against his skin like a blanket. He was out walking with Ylfa that day. She was moving slightly ahead, keeping an eye out. She as doing a good job on this hunt, Wald followed behind, they wanted to find something large today. They had no idea what yet, but they were following the scent of something strange already. Even though Ylfa was new in Wald's life, he grew to trust her with the tracking. This was something important, as it showed her as well that he trusted her.

The two moved through the forest with ease, almost gliding over the snow of Viden. Leaving little trace behind them. The feeling of the hunt came over Wald, it was comforting a familiar thing for Wald. He could feel his prey ahead of him, the feeling of bliss rang through him. Ylfa was continuing forward, as Wald followed suit.

A lurching feeling came to Wald, as his foot fell further then he thought it would. Quickly the white landscape turned into brown, as he began to fall. Ylfa, quickly sensing something wrong, turned to see Wald missing. Though she quickly followed the mark, Going down the hole that had swallowed Wald. As Wald continued to fall, the brown turned to black. Soon enough he could not see the walls of the hole. As the light above became smaller and smaller.

Ylfa had followed, as a spirit she was in no danger with the hole. She came across Wald falling, with a worried voice she spoke. "Master... Are you alright?"

Wald was still falling even now, he had no clue how long he would fall. Though he knew that when he hit the ground, it was going to hurt to say the least. His voice shook a bit when he replied. "Can you check the bottom for me?"

The wolf spirit Ylfa flew fast below Wald, though he didn't want her to go. He needed to know how far he was going to fall. There was an answer not to long after she left. "The ground is solid stone, It is also much deeper..."

Wald sighed, he knew what was to come. "How... How long till I get to the bottom?"

It only took a moment for the reply. "10 bits till you land."

Wald looked up, as the light from the hole disappeared. He was now alone in the dark. He was going to fall to the center of the earth, how did the hole even get here. Why did it swallow Wald up? The questions were quickly shaken out, as they were useless now. "Do you have any ideas on how to get me out of this? Cause I have none."

Ylfa replied with a sadden tone. "If you don't have a idea, Master... You should know I don't, Master."

"Ylfa, If you only had a few bits to live.. What would you do?"

"I... I don't know, I never thought of death. I guess... I guess I would go, and be with my pack, Master."

Wald gave a soft laugh. "Yea, yea... I thought you would say that... I think I want the same..."

"I am here, Master"

"I know... I know..."
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Re: [Emea] Fall

Wald was falling fast towards the bottom of the hole. He asked a question to Ylfa, who was with him. "What is the likelihood that I have wings?"

Ylfa replied softly. "I doubt you can grow wings, Master."

"I mean, maybe I am part Avriel? "

"I doubt that, Master... You would of had your wings at your age."

"I am only Twenty-five arcs old... Sadly I think you are right though."

"You think, Master."

"Yea... Yea."

Wald fell though the earth at a speed he never thought of. The speed in which he fell made it hard for him to breath, as the wind kept pushing against him. It seemed the wind was trying to slow his decent, though even the element of wind could stop the fall. "You have about 8 bits, Master."

Wald replied to her. "Yea, can you not call me Master for a few bits?"

"Yes, Ma... Yes I will."

"Thank you Ylfa."

"Wald, do you want me to do anything?"

"Just... Just do not leave me Ylfa... I do not want to be alone in the end..."

"Of course I will."

Wald thought back on what his life was, as he asked. "Have I ever told you about my parents? They were good to me... My mother taught me a lot... My father did as well..."

"Did they now?"

"Yea, My father took me out on my first hunt. It was for a rabbit... My hand was shaking like mad. The arrow I fired only succeeded in pinning the animal's foot into the ground." Wald swallowed. "My father handed me the knife after that. Told me to Finish it off properly. He was the one who taught me to shoot straight or not at all." Wald looked down, the bottom was not in sight yet. "Same thing happened to Sybil..."

"Who is Sybil?"

"Oh right... I never had a chance to introduce you to them... Sybil... Is a member of my pack who lives in Viden... They are a student there. Fast learner as well, did better cleaning a rabbit then I did my first few times. Wish I could of brought you to them..."

"It is alright, I am sure I will run into them..."

"Yea, Of course..."
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Re: [Emea] Fall

"You did not tell me what your mother taught you." Ylfa reminded Wald.

"Oh, well... She taught me to read and write. Also several songs and poems to remember her by." Wald replied remembering fondly.

"Can I hear one?" Ylfa asked.

Wald swallowed hard. "Yea.. Sure. What mood do you want it?"

"How about a happy one..."

"Of course Ylfa..." Wald cleared his throat. "This... This is one my mother wrote about my father..." Wald closed his eyes for the moment. "I was Alone. No place to call home. And I lost my way. With the heart I hold, on my own, wandering endlessly. Though I found a way, to continue on. Now there is no place to far. Ever since that trial, That trial I met you. In this world, like a charm." Wald swallowed again. "You sing along the traveler's song, how i wish i knew the words. Even so, it feels familiar to me, whenever i am at your side." Wald wiped his face. "There's a place in our dreams, is it out there waiting, is it time for one last journey? Let us find it, beyond the stars. The Day-breaks and the sun burns, Then the night comes, freezing our worlds. Let us find what is waiting, at the end of everything." Wald finished as and sniffed for a bit. He had started to tear up a bit from singing.

"I thought I asked for a happy one..."

"It was happy... it just got me sad."
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Re: [Emea] Fall

Wald continued his decent down, into the dark deeps of the world. He had only Ylfa left in the end, maybe that was just how it was suppose to be. Wald felt lonely none the less. There was so many thing he wanted to say. To Sybil he wanted to tell them it wasn't their fault he left. He wanted to see their smiling face again, hear their voice, even if it was scratchy. He wanted to apologize to his two animals, that he wasn't coming home. Apologize to his father for not becoming a great hunter. And to his mother... Who taught him so much, but Wald lost his ability to write well after 6 arcs.

Ylfa spoke up again. "Wald, you have a little longer. Anything you want to talk about?"

Wald smiled and laughed for a moment. "Sure... How about the fact I was able to meet you."

"What do you mean by that?" Ylfa seemed slightly surprised by that last remark.

"What do you think I meant. You have been a great friend... A great pack member Ylfa, thank you. The last few trials were nice."

Ylfa seemed a little embarrassed. "You.. you don't mean that, I was only doing my job."

Wald smiled, even though no one could see him. "I mean it. You have been a wonderful companion, I promise you."

"Tha...Thank you..."

"Your welcome."

The falling felt like an eternity, and Wald was getting use to the sensation. Though he was still not ready for the bottom. He had no idea what to expect when he hit the ground. Would it hurt, or would he not feel a thing. Even though he couldn't see, he felt that his body was having a slight spin. He could not tell anymore, though he felt the wind from the fall press against his face. He had been falling in a spin, and managed to start heading head down. At least this let him assume, he would not feel a thing when the end came.

Ylfa spoke up again. "One more bit Wald..."



"Do you know what is waiting for me?"

"No Wald..."


"Yes Wald..."

" I..."

As Wald hit the ground he awoke in the bed with a jump. it was still the middle of the night. So he went back to sleep soon after.
word count: 396
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Re: [Emea] Fall



A very well written dream thread, with a sad progression as Wald descends into the earth. Very emotional as Ylfa somehow keeps him company in his head as he falls.

The dialogue is top-knotch as well, and really drives home the hopelessness, sadness, and despair of his fall.


10/10 These points can't be used for domain magic.








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