[Library] Paper Trail

Faith pliz

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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[Library] Paper Trail


The Library was an uncomfortable space for her. Though it was a wide open, rather spacious chamber, the claustrophobic nature of it wasn't the thing that bothered her about it. It was the segmentation of everything, the way everything was so ordered and regimented. It flew in the face of her freebooting lifestyle.

A few days past, she'd exhausted most of the energy she had for researching the spirits. She already knew where she would go to satisfy her curiosity about those enigmatic beings. And in the process of searching for navigational routes toward Melrath, she'd found places on the way. She'd discovered the city of Sirothelle.

Sirothelle, home of the enigmatic Aukari, and of Faldrun.

She'd had her share of run-ins with the cultists of Faldrun in her time in Yaralon. From Aoth Shem, who wasn't a proper devotee but more of an opportunist who imagined himself breaking free of his fiery master at some undetermined point in the future. To Ausian, who'd tried to sacrifice her on a crudely constructed dias. She didn't know much about the Aukari, apart from the fact that they were duplicitous bastards who couldn't be trusted. So why shouldn't they get along? Her mother had seen enough in an aukari slave to bed him and bear her by him.


The name was as fresh on her mind as the day her aunt had confided it to her, decades after the fact. Yet details of his life, other than the fact that one of Aoth Shem's ancestors had killed him, eluded her. She knew she'd get no answers if she asked her mother, if the woman yet lived. It was why she'd left Augiery all those ages ago. Her path had led her to Yaralon, and then to Viden, and soon...

But right now, she had smaller fish to fry. A special blue fish that resembled an Eidisi library clerk. She'd tried to use her Naerikk wiles on the blue page-flipper to no avail for the weeks she'd been there. Having failed to capture his attention, she'd turned to subtle intimidation and coercion, still no movement. She began to wonder if they were crafted from the ice that surrounded their city. Lately, she'd taken a more direct approach, just asking him to help her.

"Listen, I'll even pay you, just need you to cross reference the texts for the proper name Utojesk, Aukari, Yaralon Mercenaries, and Sirothelle exiles. Will you help me? A hundred gold nels, I'll give you."

The eidisi scoffed, giving a smirk smug as he stared at the book he was reading, "Nels aren't a concern. Time however..."

"Fine, take all the time you need, just give me the information!" Alora said, then cursed herself. She didn't actually even have time herself. She'd wasted too much trying to convince him in the days leading up to this. It was very vexing, especially with the fall of Emea and the swift exhaustion of her spark as it ran out of ether. "What do you want?"

"What I want is privileged information. Why should I bother trading for what you're freely giving for so many days?"

Alora slammed the counter, and then turned on her heel, glaring at the rows of books and tomes, and the crowds of people doing their research. Had she the ether, she would bring this place down in ashes. But as it was, she held off. Because her ether was exhausted only a day after Emea fell.
word count: 605
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Re: [Library] Paper Trail

Faith loved it here.

More than almost anywhere, she loved the library. There had been a time when she would have said that the library - though, that was the one in Andaris - was the place where she felt most comfortable. It was one of the few places in the world where she felt welcomed, at home. They let her borrow books, even though she was a slave, and Faith had read avidly. Now, of course, she felt at home and relaxed in a lot more places, but the earnest young woman knew that there would always be a special place in her heart for rooms filled with books where even a slave could go and learn, or read, or maybe even just walk along, letting their hand touch the spines.

Simple pleasures, from a much more simple time. Now and then, when Faith looked back on her time as Tristan's slave, the earnest young woman almost missed the lack of responsibility which slavery had; although that was only ever a thought when she considered her time with Tristan, and that was because he was not a cruel man. Having been owned by Jamal and, before him, the owners in Athart, there was nothing positive about that aspect of her life. She had learned a lot of lessons, it had made her who she was, but there was no part of it that was alright. No part of it which was acceptable.

She was walking up to the desk, at the moment, because she'd found a book in the restricted section which she wanted and, therefore, she had to go to the desk, inform them that she was doing so, and so on. Faith was pale, her expression rather grim when compared to her usual. But then, Nir'wei had died yesterday and Faith was really not in anything resembling a good mood. However, she had a job to do and so, she did it. She saw the Aukari woman (she thought she looked Aukari, and she certainly seemed to have something of a temper) storming off, having heard the whole exchange. Faith wanted, at that point, to just get on and do what she was doing, to find the information she and Padraig were looking for and just... get... on. So, she ignored the woman in question and stepped towards the desk.

And after one pace, she stopped.

If she became that person, then Ellasin won. Nir'wei had died in vain and she had failed monumentally. "Excuse me," she said, quietly, to the woman who was so obviously frustrated. "I was wondering, if I could help? I am used to researching, it is a skill I posses." There was no doubting that, "and it would be my pleasure to help you." That said she offered a small, pale white hand in the traditional gesture. "My name is Faith Augustin. It's a pleasure to meet you." If the woman wanted, Faith was more than happy to spend a little time helping a stranger. After all, it was the right and proper thing to do. "So, what are you looking for, specifically?"
word count: 524
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Re: [Library] Paper Trail

Linika was indifferent to the library...

She was on the receiving end of jeering and sneering in pretty much every location in this city, so the library felt like neither snare nor sanctuary to her. Really, only her job station lacked the racist debasement she suffered as the belligerent naerikk in Yvithia's city. It was a frustration to be unable to clarify to these presumptuous jerks how much she had done, and was continuing to do, for the Immortal and her place of power.

But then again, the library was no worse either. In fact, at this particular time she was actually eager to return. She was returning from the IA detention level, not as an inmate, but as an arresting officer. It had to be kept hush-hush to maintain her position as Viden's most unlikely spy. And in truth, this incident had not really fallen under the normal purview of her role in the IA. The target was not an insurrectionist targeting the sanctity of Viden specifically. This was a full-fledged global issue, with her friend, Faith, seemingly at its core.

She had inadvertently uncovered a spy for the lich, Ellasin, and had prevailed, with some assistance, to acquire a source of information regarding her plans. That source was the one of whom she had now taken her leave, safely warded in his cell, awaiting questioning, to return to the library and give Faith the news.

The woman was a marvel. Linika had no doubt that even after being confronted by the fact that spies were following her, Faith would swiftly default to her happy, helpful self. Had it been herself, she'd have been pounding on the door of the IA facility demanding at least one of the offender's eyes to keep in a jar at home on her shelf. He had two, after all...

Knowing that she could use a share of Faith's serenity, she hurried her pace just a bit, but was confounded to see her in close proximity to the one of the few other naerikk in town. Her name was Alora, and she was some sort of fire mage. They'd shared an incident several trials earlier, though it had not followed the pattern of the incident with Faith a short while ago in this same library. Events had evolved in such a way as to pretty much force Linika to reveal her Xypha abilities. Now, this would not be proof of any actual marked status, necessarily. She had simply stated that the power she was using was through the power of Yvithia. Mostly the conversation had been about her break with Audrae.

Even though Alora had not appeared to be possessed of any great loyalty to the Shadow Queen either, Linika was aware that she may yet be concealing some loathing and ill-intentions toward her. You could never be entirely sure. It struck her now as somewhat of a coincidence that Faith was targeted by Ellasin, a spy being exposed this same trial, and now, this woman just happens along as well. It set her suspicious mind to considering scenarios where that first spy had been intended to be caught, the better to let this one slip by unnoticed...

The sudden realization of how quickly her suspicions escalated brought a blush of shame to her face. She knew Alora deserved better than this silent indictment. But before the true cause of her blush could be detected, a source of anger came along to provide cover for it. "What's a stupid naerikk doing in a library? What could she possibly want to learn that could be of use to civilized people?" said a conspicuously loud voice.

Turning as if in distraction, she addressed the eidisi woman who had spoken, "Hmmm? Oh, I'm sorry, I was looking at a book citing the hundred most closed-minded, childish, self-centered bitches who'd ever stood as a paragon of disgrace to their entire race, and I noticed they left you out. I was going to mention it to the clerk so we could get it corrected."

There were a surprising number of quiet chuckles that followed Linika as she plopped into a seat near the two women, "Faith...Alora..." she said with accompanying nods to both, "Boy, you've just gotta love the library, don'cha?"
Last edited by Linika on Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 729
- Poison -

"Shelf Life'...What an ironically contradictory concept."
- Linika Amarinthine -
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Re: [Library] Paper Trail


Time of Day/Night: Afternoon?
Weapons: Torch
Armor: Cobalt Scale armor
Injuries: Some bad bruises and scuff marks.
Illness: Manic anger.
Ether Reserves: Full

Alora was ready to leave the library, to storm out and possibly set fires on the way. But she was stopped by another woman who'd been nearby, and perhaps happened to overhear her. She stood still and looked at her, and shrugged, taking her hand in that strange Rynmerite custom of shaking hands. "Alora." Hardly one for subterfuge, the Naer usually reserved that for people she intended to play games with, or she otherwise sought power over.

Her husband, Cervantez, who she'd wed only just a season prior, hadn't known her name until after nearly a year of knowing her. Even then she held the power over him, that he didn't even know her name. But theirs was a connection that didn't rely on such temporal labels. Names could change, plenty of things could change. The world was an alchemist's cauldron.

"Maybe you can help, if you're as good as you say... I'd be willing to trade services even, if you've need of a mercenary or pair of eyes in Melrath..."

She shrugged. "I need to cross reference some things. The name of a Aukari warrior born a century ago, named Utojesk, Yaralon Mercenaries, and Sirothelle exiles. I don't know where to start here."

Soon after she spilled the beans about what she was looking for, she noticed a familiar face entering the scene. Linika, the woman that she'd been involved in a brawl with the other day. The warrior nodded at her, and then took a seat at the table, trying to cool her temper.

"How did detention treat you, Linika? I still have yet to test their hospitality, myself."

word count: 306
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