• Closed • The Worst Deity (Graded)

11th of Saun 718

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The Worst Deity (Graded)

The 11th of Saun 718

Just past midnight

The Mortalborn was considering a plan. He’d overheard a conversation that seemed to suggest he might not be needing to actually pay off his supposed debt. Really, that Solomon fellow had a lot of guts to come up with something this ridiculous. Oberan was certain the man was merely pissed he hadn’t showed up for whatever the merchant had planned, and had crafted some bullshit tale about having made expenses. His greed and wealth had gone to his head. He’d seen an opportunity to make more money by bullying some jester into paying him a lot of gold nel, and he had grabbed it with both grubby hands.

A fatal mistake.

Oberan didn’t buy the story, and he wasn’t one to be pressured into doing anything. Certainly not paying back money he didn’t owe anyone. However, from what the Mortalborn had gathered, it appeared he would be willing to ignore the money in return for doing some so-called ‘odd jobs’. The report of Oberan’s escape had brought this on, with the merchant thinking he could use that nimbleness.

Honestly, the thief was intrigued. It did not sound half bad. Though he did not believe he’d manage to worm his way out with just one or two jobs. He’d probably be stuck with the merchant for a long, long time, and he didn’t like to be tied down. No matter the path he took, Oberan would have to leave the city eventually. Or he’d have to kill the man, but he wasn’t quite willing to go that far.

If he would have to run anyway, why not have a little fun before it came to that? Do the jobs, pretend to be under his thumb, then steal a sum of coin equal to the ‘debt’ he owed and the price for the services provided. Hide for a while, see the frothing rage on the man’s face, and then he’d run.

Not that he would make it easy for the merchant and his goons to catch him though. He’d first toy with them a little. Turn it into a little game. Avoid being spotted by the goons so they’d have to come back trial after trial emptyhanded. He’d have them catch glimpses of him from time to time, of course, just so they would know he hadn’t left the city. No doubt Solomon would then bribe some Blackjacks to look for Oberan as well. It’d become increasingly difficult, but that was why it’d be worth playing.

First though, he had some other business to take care of.

While had to admit to his shame that he’d neglected to practice his lockpicking since it frustrated him how much his time in jail had eroded his skill, the lock was bypassed easily enough. It was a very simple one, so he raked a lockpick from back to front while he applied torque to the lock’s cylinder. It clicked open the next moment.

She was asleep if her breathing was any indication, and Oberan snuck inside quietly, careful not to wake her up just yet. The black cat sat curled up on a chair, its ears perking up as the intruder entered. Oberan blinked slowly at the pet, content to see it blink back.

He crouched down near the woman’s footwear and dropped a tiny pebbled inside all of them, none of them bigger than a couple millimeters in diameter. He chuckled quietly, knowing that despite their size, they’d be a royal pain nonetheless.

That wasn’t why he was there though, not at all.

He had a message to relay.

To that end, he sat himself down on her table, one foot on the top, knee bent, the other dangling off the edge. He reached over to the cat and scratched it behind the ears for a moment, then focused on the sleeping form in the next room. The house itself wasn’t very large, thankfully, and his range extended from his current position to where she lied sleeping. Excellent.

Slowly but gradually he lowered his own thrill and fed it to her, increasing hers more and more until she would eventually snap awake. Then he’d take all the borrowed thrill back so they’d both be in neutral state once again.

Sure, he could have woken her up the normal way, but what was the point of being an Immortal if you said no to some theatrics?
word count: 768
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Re: The Worst Deity

Body alert and mind wide awake, she snapped to consciousness. Eyes fully open, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. Her heart was beating fast, her breathing was quickened, and she felt somewhat clammy. As if she’d just woken up from a terrible nightmare. The woman wasn’t quite sure why, but something did not sit right with her. She didn’t think she’d had a bad dream. In fact, she was certain she’d been sleeping quite pleasantly. Yet there was no denying the fact that she had awoken quite suddenly, feeling adrenaline course through her veins.

She sat up, glancing around the room, her sight unimpeded by the dark. All was as she’d left it. Nothing out of the ordinary. No threats present, as far as she could tell. Slowly, the pale Naerikk lifted herself from the bed, checking the closet. Only clothes to be found there. Feeling rather foolish, she crouched on all fours, temple against the floor. The space underneath her bed was occupied only by a little spider. She slid back under the covers, wondering if she maybe heard something in the other room.

Listening, there was in fact noise coming from the door. A scratching she knew rather well. Familiar. Oh, she’d forgotten to let him in. The little creature probably was rather dismayed at this unexplained exile from the bedroom. Once again she left the warm cocoon of blankets, this time to open the door.

The black cat greeted her with a satisfied mrow, darting inside with a certain amount of swagger in his quadrupedal step. When she turned around, he was already on the bed, right next to her pillow, staring at her expectantly. Hurry up, the cat seemed to admonish her, I don’t have all night! She left the door on a crack, and joined the feline in bed. Once certain she’d made herself comfortable, he nestled himself in the crook of her knees, purring contently.

She fell back asleep nearly instantly.

* * *

Oberan glanced up at the stars above. They shone brilliantly tonight, filling the navy sky with silver freckles. A most splendid tapestry he’d like to steal and put on the ceiling of his house, where only he could relish the sight.

‘The thief who stole the night sky’… It sounded like a fairy tale. If only he could pull it off for real.

He sighed and detached himself from the front wall of the Naerikk’s house.

A last minute change of mind had seen him leave before she’d even known he was there. Normally, she shouldn’t find out either. The cat couldn’t speak, and it was the only one who’d seen him tonight. For now. He really shouldn’t linger then, eh? Oberan began walking.

To be honest, he did not really know what had made him reconsider. It wasn’t consideration for the girl’s feelings, or that he did not want to come across like a dickhead. Maybe he simply felt it wasn’t exactly fair to let a naïve child like her get punished for something she had absolutely no involvement in. In fact, she hadn’t even been aware of it at all.

Besides, she’d seemed pretty serious about the being his first follower. Unexpectedly so. Oberan couldn’t fathom her motives. Sure, she’d claimed to want to mother children with Audrae’s blood flowing through them, but to go that far for something like that… Surely there was something else, something about him that had made her consider him worthy of worship.

As impressive he claimed to be, he knew most Naerikk would never even consider acknowledging him as such, let alone as Audrae’s spawn. She had though. For some reason. Maybe she didn’t. Likely there were some ulterior motives at play.

He didn’t really mind.

She had her motives, he had his. It was kind of expected of deities to have those. As was using followers as his proxy.

Yet for him to instantly utilize her as an expendable pawn or sandbag… well, that would just be the worst. That wasn’t what a deity should do. Especially so with the first follower they acquired.

No, he’d solve his own problem by himself. Play along with Solomon’s plans, dance to the tune the merchant whistled. Besides, getting out of the situation he was in was no trouble either. Needlessly involving just about anyone else wasn’t necessary.

Also, what kind of third-rate deity had to throw his followers at a minor problem like this?

A bad one, that’s who.

Ergo, not Oberan. For sure.

word count: 783
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Re: The Worst Deity


Lockpicking: technique: raking
Lockpicking: raking can open simple locks quickly
Investigation: deep breathing sounds may mean a target is asleep
Detection: listening for breathing
Stealth: Not disturbing a sleeping person
Stealth: Leaving a house quietly

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I like how Oberan decides to have a little fun and toy with the merchant and his goons and uses his Mortalborn ability to wake that woman up rather than just doing it the normal way. The subsequent description of her waking up was well-written in my opinion. I like that you let us experience that scene from her point of view. In my opinion you did a good job in regard to finishing a thread that was abandoned by your partner before she posted her first reply.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 143





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