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36th of Ashan 719

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Just a dude kidnapping another dude


The large feline watched with amusement as they laid their powerful body across the stone of the cave floor. Every becomer had their own style for crafting totems, and they wished to see just how Dosan crafted his. Without a bowl or any tools, he was forced to improvise with sharp rocks and grooves in the stone, and he did well. Dosan washed the fang of the snake in saltwater, which they quirked a brow at, but still took an interest, perhaps even more at his strange and unfamiliar techniques.

Then, with the clean fang in hand, Dosan soaked the length of the bone in the blood of the boa, which he'd emptied into a groove in the cave floor. The bone soaked in the same animal's blood and Dosan seemed content and turned to them to speak his words of appreciation. Though Dosan seemed confused about their identity. That was fine, it wasn't an easy thing to understand, and they often confused even themselves at the best of times. "We are Fridgar," they echoed with a low, rolling pur in the back of their throat. "Behind all our totems, our facets, we are Fridgar, pouring life into each totem. The form we have currently assumed, her name is Ma'jad, and she was the mother of a single cub when we added her to the collective."

The small human went on to express his gratitude for taking them to a place without creep, and the feline smiled with a flick of their long, rounded tail. Above all, he held no regrets in his heart. "That's good, Dosan. We think you will have a much nicer life beyond those walls of stone... The world out here is a much more grand, vast... and tasty thing." With that, the feline pressed hard into their jaws with the coconut still clasped, and at once it cracked, then broke apart into fragments, crushed beneath the mighty jaws of the beast. The coconut milk ran down the fur of their chin, wasted while it dripped on the stone floor. Carefully, they set the broken fruit on the stone and licked their chops with their large, flat, sharp tongue.

"Eat from the shell, the whites are quite delicious," they instructed, eager to see how Dosan experienced this new food, the likes of which he had never even seen before.

After that, Fridgar looked the human up and down with their black and red eyes. "Do you ever grow tired of spending whole bits just transforming?" they asked as they stretched out their front paws and arched their back, then rose to their feet to stand tall within the cave. "Would you like to be able to change shape in just a trill or two, as we do?"

word count: 466
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Just a dude kidnapping another dude

㊝ 36th of Ashan 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious & Eager
㊝ Company: Himself & Fridgar
㊝ Current Thought: I can do that?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Naked

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
Sitting the fangs aside he took the other half of the fruit Fridgar had broken apart and looked at it with a curious eye. Sniffing it he could smell the sweet aroma, giving the fuzzy thing a lick on the white parts. To his surprise, it was sweet, despite its offputting appearance.

It tasted wonderful too, and it was unlike anything he had in his entire life. He kinda gorged on the fruit, the milk of the coconut splashing onto his naked body, giving his form a beautiful glistening effect in the star-filled night. Looking to Fridgar he smiled as he ate the new food, expanding his palette.

He could feel the cat's gaze pour over him, and looking up his reptilic eyes met the momma cat form. His face tilted to the side by the question, and then a nod came as he agreed, having to take that time was cumbersome.

When asked if he wanted to be able to shift forms as Frid did, the viper almost choked. Catching his breath and clearing his throat he crawled up to the large feline and nodded.
"There a way to do that? Show me please?"
eager eyes begged for the knowledge.

His greatest aspiration was to be just as great as Fridgar, and if this technique would allow him to shift as his owner did, he wouldn't pass up the chance to learn it. ㊝
Last edited by Nasod on Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 262
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Just a dude kidnapping another dude


Watching Dosan eat the fruit was almost upsetting. They'd expected to find joy or pride at being able to put that pleased look on his face but felt nothing of the sort. Their lack of empathy made their world so cold sometimes, too cold to even enjoy moments like these. Worse yet, Fridgar's spark had made them carnivorous. If they ate the coconut, they would have fallen ill and vomited. So, they left it on the ground for Dosan to eat in their place, if the man even wanted such a thing. They pushed the other half closer to him with their paw to offer him the rest of the fruit but didn't say why.

"Just think, Dosan," said Fridgar as they met his eyes with their own sinister black and red orbs. "That fruit you're eating, the coconut, it came from the tree you feared not too long ago." The feline cast their eyes to the ground with something of a pout, though their voice reflected no such misery. "Trees are harbingers of life, and that life festers and grows onward for miles on these islands. We'd like you to see it sometime, the forest." It truly was Fridgar's favorite place in the world, being surrounded by the endless stretches of green, the sturdy trees, and all the prey that they could hunt.

In recent trials, they had been busy fighting a battle for the inhabitants of this same island and had neglected to teach Dosan any becoming techniques, so they resolved to do so now. When they offered to teach him the secrets of unleash, the little viper voiced his excitement. The feline smiled, but only in reflex. "Well, as you grow stronger, your transformations grow quicker and quicker. Transforming without extra ether for me is only thirty trills, sometimes less depending on the form. But if I wish to transform quicker, whether it be for an emergency or the sudden and irresistible need to assume a different shape, there's a technique you can use called 'Unleash'.

And in just a trill, Fridgar's body shrunk massively, and they took the form of their Lotharro totem. All it took was to put a little ether into the transformation for the Protean, as all their standard transformations were free of cost. In a remarkable show of force. All of Fridgar's fur had withdrawn into their body, their skeletal structure had changed beyond the recognition of the giant panther, their gender had swapped again, and they were something completely different without a trace of their last form. "It can be a costly process though, so don't use it too often or you will overstep." The Lothar was laid on their front with the blades of their arms pressed against the ground. Easily, they adjusted their pose and sat while facing Dosan.

"All you have to do is spend more ether on the transformation, like a lot more. This expedites the process and you transform at a much faster rate." The Lothar smiled beneath their blindfold and gestured to Dosan with their hands. "Now you try, we want to see your form."

word count: 530
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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Re: Just a dude kidnapping another dude

㊝ 36th of Ashan 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Curious & Eager
㊝ Company: Himself & Fridgar
㊝ Current Thought: I can do that?
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Naked

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
He watched and listened as his mentor spoke about unleash, finding the ability to be useful, even with its dangers. His eyes lit up upon seeing Frid in his mortal form, a form he longed for most times. He had to respect that the man was not available and keep his fixations and desires at bay.

Focusing on the task at hand, he cleared his mind of the impure and carnal thoughts and focused on the transformation at hand. With a calming breath he exploded his form with ether, calling on the necklace he wore proudly and began to morph. In all but a few trills, when he opened his eyes, he was looking up to Frid, his size towering.

His body ached, which was probably from the rapid transformation and he felt the full weight of the pain that flow. It took him a moment or two to become comfortable than in that same flow of energy turned back. Exhausted he fell into Fridgar's lap.

"I don't see how you do it Frid?"
he questioned, rolling over and on to the stone. He didnt see himself doing that all too often. It was a good ability to know, however, and would only use it for emergencies for sure.㊝
word count: 236
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Just a dude kidnapping another dude


Dosan looked upon their Lothar totem with delight, the delight they recognized in the widening of his eyes and his quickened heartbeat, the little motions, the details that they often picked up on without their eyes to aid them. They frowned internally, though they knew that it was a difficult thing for most people to grasp. Did Dosan only like them for this totem? Or was it just an aspect of themselves that he enjoyed more than the others? Was that a fair thing? To enjoy one part of another person more than the rest of them? They had enjoyed Alistair's eyes once upon an arc, the comfort and satisfaction that the human brought them with naught but a look of those swirling vortexes.

Fridgar was frowning outside of their own thoughts, apparently pained or plagued with misery. When Dosan cast the ability, however, they lifted their head to his direction and felt over his form as he rapidly shifted into a new form. He'd done it, he had used Unleash successfully. What is more, Dosan hadn't left any parts of the form out, he was complete and whole. Fridgar's first couple of tries had yielded them with lotharren ears, or perhaps a missing tail, even arms that remained Lotharren on the body of an ursine. It was an ability that required practice for them, but Dosan did exceedingly well. "You're quite the ace for transformations, aren't you?" They asked Dosan's tiny fluffy bat totem.

The small creature crawled onto their lap while they sat, and they ran their clawed, thick-skinned, runed hands along his fluffy, white coat. Their student complained that it was difficult, and they looked down upon him with a smile. "it will get easier with time, just be persistent on training that ability, but don't forget that it only takes a few uses to overstep quite severely." They looked to the ceiling of the cave for a few trills while they thought, then looked back at the tiny mammal in their lap. "You can also use Unleash with Chrysalis... But such a thing will almost always incite overstepping. Only do so if you fear for your life, little Dosan," they warned. The number of times Fridgar had mutated to their arrogance and gross abuse of their magic was shameful. They didn't wish that upon Dosan.

"It's been a long flight, and there's a whole new world waiting out there for you to explore," they said with a warm smile. "You might like to sleep now, then we will visit the blacksmith in the morning," with that, Fridgar laid their head back against the stone and exhaled deeply. They weren't about to sleep, but they would certainly watch over Dosan while they meditated. He was theirs now, their belonging, their pet. They would protect and cherish him all breaks of the trial if needs be.

word count: 491
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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Re: Just a dude kidnapping another dude

㊝ 36th of Ashan 719 ㊝
㊝ Mood: Calm & Relaxed
㊝ Company: Himself & Fridgar
㊝ Current Thought: I like this
㊝ Current Theme: Visao
㊝ Attire: Naked

"Common Speech"

"Vahanic Speech"
Once back in his self form, he chuckled at Frid's praise. He never really thought about how easy these shifts were for him. It was like shedding skin for him, slipping into a new one.

"Its only easy cause I like to shed my skins."
He said soaking the pain of such rapid transformation into his memory. He would indeed need to practice more but never abuse it. Abusing the magic was the one thing Gabriela warned against.

Hearing that it should only be used in dire situations made him nod, crawling next to Fridgar. He curled up against the large man, nestling himself under the arm of the Protean. The warmth of his body was comforting. Fridgar suggested they sleep, which was a good idea seeing how he was still tired from the flight, and transforming as he did. He liked when he was able to be this close to the revealed mage, breathing in his scent and the way his chest rose and fell and he inhaled and exhaled.

His face rested against Frid's chest, his face rubbing against the pale hair on it. It was very easy for Dosan to relax around the Protean, and quickly fell asleep
"Thanks once again Fridgar, I won't let you down."
he whispered, drifting into sleep.㊝
word count: 242
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Re: Just a dude kidnapping another dude

Thread Review
You can't trust trees! You fools! Otherwise, another nice master and student thread, it always warms my heart to see Becomers becoming friends and colleagues. The dialogue was engaging without being overbearing and there were good breaks between it as well.

Word Count: 7331
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=17435&p=116966#p116976
  • Skill Points - 15
  • Renown - 0
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Caregiving: Comforting your student when he's afraid.
    2. Caregiving: Helping your student overcome his fear.
    3. Caregiving: Assuring your student that a stranger won't harm him.
    4. Caregiving: Praising your student after a job well done.
    5. Caregiving: Offering your share of food to your pet.
    6. Hunting: Some species of snake are arboreal.
    7. Leadership: Guiding your follower through situations in which they're scared.
    8. Leadership: Establishing a plan for you and your follower.
    9. Leadership: Establishing a HQ with your follower.
    10. Stealth: Prowling across sand.
    11. Teaching: Demonstrating how to break open a coconut.
    12. Teaching: Teaching the becoming technique 'Unleash'.
    13. Teaching: Giving useful tips for killing a snake.
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
    1. Dosan: Had never left Quacia before he met you
    2. Dosan: Afraid of trees
    3. Dosan: Conquered his fear of trees with your aid
    4. Dosan: Very fond of your Lotharro totem
    5. Dosan: Made a Boa Constrictor totem
    6. Dosan: Prioritizes weapons over clothes
    7. Dosan: Glad to be in Helice with you
  • Items and Other Rewards
  • Skill Points - 15 (May be used for Becoming)
  • Renown - 5
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Becoming: Unleash
    2. Becoming{Unleash}: Requires far more ether than a normal shift in form
    3. Becoming{Unleash}: Is useful in emergencies
    4. Becoming{Unleash}: Cuts the time of transformation down significantly
    5. Detection: Feeling a hostile presence
    6. Detection: Instincts warn of Danger
    7. Strength: Putting force into a bite
    8. Strength: Killing a beast with a bite
    9. Climbing: Climbing trees
    10. Climbing: Sticky limbs make it easy
    11. Psychology: Deeprooted fear is hard to overcome
    12. Psychology: Not all trees want to eat you
    13. Field Craft: Turning Snake fangs into Totems
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
    1. Fridgar: Showed me Trees aren't dangerous
    2. Fridgar: Brought me to a whole new world
    3. Fridgar: Introduced me to Coconuts
    4. Fridgar: Is a wonderful mentor
    5. Fridgar: Shown me how to shift as he does
    6. Fridgar: Is kind to me
    7. Fridgar: I love him no matter the form
  • Items and Other Rewards

Final Notes

If you have any questions, please PM me.

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word count: 405
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