• Mature • Closing Time

(Patrick, Wendell)

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Closing Time

“Oh you're in for it now,” he told Rei, happy to see Patrick had folded, at least his stupidly high bet and awesome poker face had worked on someone. “Ready?” he watched her eyes as he put the cards down one at a time, going back and forth between his highest and lowest card. “Ace of clubs, ten of clubs, king of clubs,” Wendell smirked, “jack of clubs, and…” he held the last card close to his chest for a moment before finally revealing it. “And a farking six of hearts,” he threw it down in between what might have been the best hand he'd ever been dealt.”

Wendell got to his feet quickly and dropped to the hardwood floor, throwing himself into ten quick push-ups to wake his muscles up and get the blood pumping. He stood up after the last one and dragged Rei’s chair out from under the table, with her still on it, and threw a leg cross her lap to stand close as he took his shirt by the collar and pulled it away slowly. His hard core was revealed first, muscles flexed for her amusement, or entertainment, his arms falling down to grip the back of her chair over either shoulder and lean in, presenting his belt for her to undo. This was only a tease, however, as he had never planned for his pants to come off, and once the belt was undone, returned to his chair and slipped out of his shoes, closely followed by a pair of black socks.

Wendell shuffled, cut, and dealt the next hand for each of them from the deck before setting the extra cards aside and studying his own hand. He glanced at Patrick and gave the man a wink before turning to Rei. “What do you say? All or nothing? I'm in,” he smirked and rest his hand in his lap, the cards concealed there beneath his bear-mitt of a fist. “All or nothing, Patrick, I hope you got a good hand this time!”
word count: 345
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Closing Time

Pat watched with anticipation on who would come out on top this round, were he the gambling type he would've had a hard time choosing. Rei posed a good demeanor but Wendell had to be a natural when acting, as they both made him unsure just who had the better hand this round. Then Rei revealed her hand to be a full house, something that he suspected would win her the round at first. Then Wendell showed his hand with a smug remark to Rei, and then Patrick's eyebrows rose as he witnessed the ultimate hand that merely fell short by one. "Sonn'a bitch!" He hollered with a wide grin as Wendell jumped to his feet to do push ups, a good hearty laugh followed as he'd felt glad about his decision. Had he not folded then he would've likely been down to his bare skivvies now, he could at least consider himself lucky enough to avoid that temporarily.

Wendell seemed to enjoy putting on a show to Rei of course, Patrick likely not helping with it because of his encouraging Wendell. The behavior the two shared more or less demonstrated just how comfortable they were with each other, and while the game certainly started to heat up things, they were only just getting started. When the next round came and Pat received his first of the hand, he quickly shuffled through each card and laid them flat on the table. All or nothing. A gamble worth pretty much his life if not pride and dignity, yet even so he felt confident he could match it and come out on top. "I'm in." He agreed while the smile still remained, his shoulders eased a bit as he leaned into the table. "Guess we'll see then won't we." He looked through his cards once more with a smug grin, one of his eyebrows rose just a little at the hand he already had. "Hm, guess I'll exchange." He reasoned as he switched a card for another, his eyes shot from his hand to Wendell and then Rei.
word count: 355
"Freedom is everything."

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Closing Time

Rei’s levity fell when Wendell came on with a smug ‘you’re in for it now’. He couldn’t possibly be holding anything better than a full house could he? “I’m ready,” she chimed in with a sigh, already sounding defeated as she thought she would be losing this round. What good did it do to play poker on the down time with all her coworkers if she couldn’t even manage to win a hand when it counted? Then he laid out his hand. By the Immortals, he was going to have a royal flush! Until he revealed his last card. A dud.

“At least you have a good poker face?” A smug an satisfied little smirk was curling on her face. He had leapt up from his chair, starting a round of pushups. Rei wasn’t quite sure what that was for. He had bet clothes not pushups. Suddenly her chair was pulled out from the table and Wendell was straddling her, stripping his shirt in a teasing way she would think common of the whores in brothels. "Take it off baby!" She squealed and landed a playful smack on his bottom. She could always count on Wendell to make her smile. She had undone his belt, but when she reached for his pants he sat back down and stripped his socks. A smart move, she thought, though it was a big disappointment.

Patrick had been enjoying the show and had even encouraged Wendell’s little dog and pony show. The cards were dealt out again, and before she even got to look at hers, Wendell had posed an all in scenario. That meant two people were going to be losing all their remaining clothes and here she was just having lost her shoes. Wendell exchanged his card and then she glanced at Patrick who agreed to the all in scenario and exchanged one of his own cards. How could she back down now when the other two players had committed?

She exchanged three cards and came away with a rather lucky draw. She was holding a two, three, four, five, and six. All of varying suits. It was a straight. Not the best hand to go all in on but not the worst. Taking a breath, she fanned her cards out on the table. “Alright, I have a straight. Am I going to be losing all my clothes, boys?”
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Closing Time

“Well that all depends… on Patrick’s hand because my is absolutely rubbish,” Wendell laughed, damn their favourable luck!

He threw his cards down on the table, two kings, two eights, and a four. Wendell reached for his wine glass and drank the last of the wine quickly, throwing his head back to gulp it down like a shot. He emptied the rest of the bottle into his mouth then and got up, scooping his clothes up from the floor. The clothes were folded and set down on the edge of the table. Wendell kicked his pants off and was left standing in his shorts. He bowed, whipping those down as well and shook with silent laughter before gathering up this things and bolting from the tavern, his bare butt on display for all to see as he ran past the window and dashed across the street to Rei’s home.

When he got to the door, he realised it was locked and that he had left his keys inside. “Damn it!” He turned his back to the door and held his clothes and boots in front of his midsection with one hand and waved with the other. He really wished Rei would get a move on, rather than sit wetting herself at the sight of him standing naked outside her door.
word count: 222
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Closing Time

Time came for the curtain call as Rei posed the question of the hour, would she be losing all her clothes or would one of the other two? Pat felt certain he had a good shot but he didn't want to overindulge, as a game was never won by such an early celebration. She revealed her hand which did turn out to be a straight, the set of cards began at two and end with six and all were from other suits. Patrick's eyebrows rose then as he didn't suspect it to be possible, yet when Wendell's own hand came into play victory then became confirmed. Patrick had the best hand. "Ilaren's sweet tits! You both drew the short end o' the deck this time!" He nearly jumped out of his chair from excitement in stating that, his deck laid out card by card as Wendell then took to finish the wine.

The joker, the ace, the queen, the one, and then the nice; all which belonged to the single suit of spades. He had a flush! A damned flush to win this round! "Good call Wendell." He teased with chuckles as he watched the live up to the bet, he couldn't help but cross his arms proudly as he enjoyed the sight of victory. Both Wendell and Rei were without their clothes now, the game at its end while the two would have to walk home naked. Wendell clearly wanted to be the first one out of there, as he'd went ahead into the street with his ass bare for any around to see. Oh the humiliation! Patrick couldn't help but laugh aloud now and it just didn't seem to lighten any, his face shaded a pinkish red due to the extent of laughing so hard. "Come back again later ya nappers!" He managed to tease in between laughs as he pushed himself onto his feet, he had to squeeze his sides using his arms, because he had been laughing so damn much.

With the two of them gone shortly afterwards and the rest of his night made, Patrick didn't take long to finish up where he had left off. After half an hour of clean up had been done, he was finally free to lock up shop and head home.
word count: 392
"Freedom is everything."

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Closing Time

Things were looking up. Wendell had a terrible hand. Well, it wasn’t terrible but it wasn’t very high up on the ladder. Two pairs. It wasn’t enough to beat her straight, so Rei watched him as he quickly polished off his glass of wine and then the rest of the bottle. She threw a scoff at him. She might have liked some of that wine! Rei downed her glass as she watched the definite loser strip off his pants followed by his under shorts. When he scooped up his clothes and turned to leave, she couldn’t help but give him an encouraging smack on the behind. She left a faint red mark behind.

Patrick was the only hand remaining, and he must have had a good hand because he played the part of a tease as he laid each card out one at a time. A spade, a spade, a spade… he was going to pull out a damned flush! Sure enough, when all the cards were on the table, his hand was a flush that easily trumped her straight. “You lucky dog.” She sighed, looking longingly at the empty bottle of wine before she stood up. Off came her blouse first, then the pleated skirt, leaving her down to her slip and underwear. She quickly peeled those off and followed the example of Wendell, sparing Patrick a quick wave.

Rei dashed through the streets in a light drizzle, her body dripping with water and her bundle of clothes lightly soaked when she reached her door. A very naked Wendell was waiting there, obviously lacking a key to get in. Rei dug into her wet clothes and fished it out, opening the door to let them both stumble inside wet and completely bare. She was laughing as she set her clothes out individually by the fire and stoked it back to life, tossing another log on for good measure.
word count: 323
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Closing Time




Wendell: Great Poker Face
Deception: Bluffing: Can't Smile with a Good Hand
Deception: How to Bluff in Poker
Detection: Reading a Face for Signs of Bluffing
Gambling: Basics of a Bluff
Gambling: Poker





- - -



Deception: Constant Smiling Reveals Nothing
Deception: Misleading Hints are Effective
Detection: Reading a Face for Signs of Bluffing
Tactics: Judging a Hand based on Reasoning
Gambling: Basics of a Bluff
Gambling: Poker





- - -



Wendell: Great Poker Face
Wendell: What he looks like Naked
Deception: Hard to Control Facial Reactions
Detection: Reading a Face for Signs of Bluffing
Tactics: Knowing when to Fold
Gambling: Basics of a Bluff
Gambling: Poker




- - -

This was a fun thread to read- It looked a lot longer than it felt, that's for sure. I tried to find whatever knowledge I could, but the thread was mainly focused around story-telling (a good thing!), so the knowledges were a bit sparse.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 231
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