• Closed • Direction in the Wind

(Rei) After recent events Patrick and Rei are finally notified of Wendell's disapperance.

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Direction in the Wind

Though he wasn't entirely sure his words were sinking in, he did keep in mind Rei seemed to be regaining her lost composure the more he spoke. That had to at least account for something, seeing as how she had been on the fringe of utter despair just a moment ago. When she finally rested her head on his shoulder, he knew he needed do much more than give her the comfort she only needed. He was a friend after all, and she knew plainly how he felt about her. What more needed to be said. He was here for her one way or another, and this journey was what the two needed.

Aside from that however he knew there had to be more to the story, more than what this Gorroc character had to be letting on. He couldn't take to heart the information he'd been given; because the woman Freya, while likely cunning, just didn't seem like the cutthroat brigand type. Already it seemed as though Patrick had a hunch in the works, something he really didn't wish to entertain, but nevertheless knew when something didn't add up. Gorroc had to be somebody he watched, if Patrick learned anything after his run in with Kar. Rei seemed to decide it best for her to catch some sleep, her suggestion to rest rewarded with a soft smile from Patrick.

"Aye. I'm gonna watch as we set sail, I'll be back in a lil' bit." He gave her one more soft stroke of the finger at her hairline, a rise to his feet followed as he watched Rei find comfort in her hammock. With a turn back to the deck Patrick hiked up the wooden stairs as the hull of the ship already started to creak, with the feel of the sea brine sprayed on his skin as he reached the top. He'd moved to the rail once more with eyes set on Rharne, the place he'd always known as home now a landmark that slowly started to move. With its massive peak starting to appear as though it were shrinking, he felt the pits of his stomach roll with each soft rock the ship made. Sailing. One of the many things he never thought he'd be doing, but sure enough he was here now. "We're comin' Wendell." He whispered as he turned his gaze towards the direction the ship was heading, the immensity of the lake seemed to stretch for miles at most. His eyes then fell on a familiar person, the figure that he knew as Gorroc became his focus. He intended to be prepared for whatever possible plans this brute had thought up, though he wasn't sure where to begin he had plenty of time to figure something out.

Several actually; because after Kar... Patrick learned it best not to leave anything to chance.
word count: 490
"Freedom is everything."

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Direction in the Wind

Name: Patrick

Quest: Rescue Wendell
Wendell: Kidnapped during Vhalar 716
Wendell: Branded as a slave
Freya: Kidnapped Wendell during Vhalar 716
Freya: Pirate
Freya: Drug Trafficker
Freya: Slaver
Freya: Captain of the Arbiter
Freya: Has a bounty on her head
Freya: Clan name is Brujah
Freya: Headed for Ne’haer and Rhakros during Vhalar 716
Gorroc: Former crew member of the Arbiter
Gorroc: Betrayed by Freya during Vhalar 716
Gorroc: Your ticket to rescuing Wendell
Gorroc: Untrustworthy
Caed: Crew member of the Arbiter
Haraji: Crew member of the Arbiter
Qyona: Crew member of the Arbiter
Psychology: Harrowing events can cause Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Intelligence: How to identify someone based on a verbal description
Persuasion: Use repeated reassurances
Persuasion: Meet your target’s eyes
Persuasion: How to use soft touches and caresses to help persuade
Persuasion: Making a promise or oath can be persuasive
Philosophy: Have faith
Philosophy: Always be prepared

Loot: +1 fur-lined jacket from Rose, +1 bottle of whiskey from Sugar
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 for accepting the quest to rescue Wendell, +1 for supporting Rei in her time of need
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
- - -
Name: Rei

Quest: Rescue Wendell
Wendell: Kidnapped during Vhalar 716
Wendell: Branded as a slave
Gorroc: Former crew member of the Arbiter
Gorroc: Your ticket to rescuing Wendell
Gorroc: Unpleasant
Gorroc: Dislikes Freya
Freya: Kidnapped Wendell during Vhalar 716
Freya: Pirate
Freya: Drug Trafficker
Freya: Slaver
Freya: Captain of the Arbiter
Freya: Clan name is Brujah
Freya: Headed for Ne’haer and Rhakros during Vhalar 716
Caed: Crew member of the Arbiter
Haraji: Crew member of the Arbiter
Qyona: Crew member of the Arbiter
Intimidation: Force them to pay attention by grabbing their clothes
Intimidation: An angry hiss can be more effective than a shout
Philosophy: Have faith

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 for accepting the quest to rescue Wendell
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
- - -
Comments: GAIZ. Oh my gosh, you weren't lying about the emotions! This entire thread tugged at my heartstrings. Rei's response to Wendell's kidnapping and enslavement was heartbreaking, and Patrick's response to Rei's feelings and leaving Rharne gave me all the feels. This was really well-written. I loved the emotional storyline and the fact that you wrapped up your adventures in Rharne with a very thoughtful and appropriate thread. I'll certainly miss you both in the seasons ahead, and look forward to having you back in the city!

Have an amazing time on your quest to rescue Wendell. I'm excited to see how it all turns out!

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!
word count: 474

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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