A Naerikk helping people out of the goodness of her black heart?
Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.
⌘There was no one more excited to be out and about than Yavanna that day, her wounds all healed up, her ribs finally healed, and her bruises disappearing as if they were never there. She was anxious to peruse the shops of the of the Earth Quarter, really get a feel for the people that called this place home. Though only having 100 gnels to her name at the time, she was still curious to see what she could by with it. Several breaks had gone by and a disappointed Yavanna found her self in a tavern as that was the only place to have anything worth nel to spend. Looking over her cup of ale, she noticed a woman, sobbing into the shoulder of the tavern owner. She was upset, and it didnt take a genius to see she was clearly distraught. Picking up her ale and moving, making sure not to be notices, sticking to the darker parts of the establishment, Yavanna sat and listened as the woman went into detail.
Mother: "My Lynora has been missing for 4 trials now, me and my husband have gone out to look for her but nothing. We checked all the usual spots she would normally go, but there was no sign of her. All of her friends say the last time they saw her was at a gathering in the woods, thinking she had gone home after to much to drink. Im beside myself and there is only so much a mother can do. To make matters worse no one cares that a dust quarter girl goes missing." The mother began to weep even harder now, surrounded by her husband & the tavern owner, both men not having the slightest clue what to do.
Sighing she couldnt help herself, normally not wanting to meddle in others affairs but rather watching the drama unfold, or stirring the pot herself. But something like this was unacceptable, and as much as she wanted to believe that maybe this Lynora girl just simply ran off, something in her could not accept that. Coming from where she was hidden in, Yavanna took the hand of the worried mother. You should save those tears, for when i bring your daughter back to you, and cry tears of relief and happiness. She said watching the faces of all three mortals twist in confusion. The husband taking a more defensive stance spoke first.
Husband: Why would a complete stranger help us, we cant afford a reward for you?
Mother: Do you really think you can find her? Can you bring my only child home?
The Naer nodded, removing a stray lock of hair from her face. Lets just say no mother should bear this burden, especially when she has pleaded for help and those words go on ignorant ears. As for why I'm helping you, if what my gut is telling is true, i coult turn out to be quite the adventure. Tell me Is your Lynora the only girl missing? Are there others?
Tavern owner: From what i gather from patrons, Lynora makes the 10th girl to go missing in the past 6 trials. If you are going to pursue this I would suggest going to the Dust Quarter and asking those who knew these girls. Its a shame really, all these young woman are no older than 17 ars or so.
That revolation made Yavanna's black heart sink. To think Rharne authorities would let such a thing happen and not look into it. Embracing the mother with a hug, she went to pay for her drink, but the owner refused, saying that it was on the house for what she was embarking to do for the parents.⌘
⌘Like a black wind she made her way into the Dust Quarter, looking for the nearest patrol of guards she could find. Her friends, if she had any, would of told the naer chastising the guards could work against her, but caution was far beyond thrown from the conversation. Once she found a patrol, coming around the bend, she barreled towards them taking a stance to impede their advance. Can anyone inform me why nothing has been done about the missing girls of this quarter? Hmmmm? Well anyone? Oh dont all answer at once! Her tone vicious and full of alarm. The leading patrol man looked her over, then shook his head at her.
Lead Guard: "As much as we want to, we cant expend the resources to go after every girl who up runs away and stays away from home here. We simply keep the peace and go about our trials." He said hoping it would shoo her off, but sadly it only served to irritate her further.
That's Zephyrus shit if I ever heard anything! You dont have the resources, how much does it take to look into 10 young girls disappearing!? Ten! Not only that but its happening in such a short time, and that doesnt rouse any suspicion?! Hmmmm?! By this point she was in the lead guard's face, her index finger poking at his forehead. Article 5 of the Citizens’ Rights & Freedoms clearly states and I quote: "A citizen has a right to life, liberty, and security of the person". You are apart of that security dammit! These girls look to you all to ensure that they can live out their lives, even in this impoverished quarter, and still know they are safe! She said, her body warm to the touch from the anger and outrage she was overwhelmed by. Have you no compassion or sympathy for these girls, let alone their families who are tormented not knowing whether their girls are safe or alive?! Whether they will have a daughter to bury on the darkest chance they are indeed long gone from this world?! How can you call yourself a guard? She drilled, burning her discontenting gaze into each and everyone of them, none of whom could look her in the eyes due to her words. I hope I'llaren electrically castrates you for the disgrace you bring to Rharne. She cursed, storming off to find the witnesses. It didnt take long though, especially after that display of outrage at the guards. Before she knew it she was surrounded by teenagers, all of whom knew the many girls what had gone missing. They conviend in the home of the 5th girl to missing, her mother praising Yavanna for what she was doing, thanking her, calling her a gift sent by I'llaren. It tickled the naer but she allowed to slide, formulating her thoughts as she looked over the group of young adults. So who wants to go first? She asked, several hands flying into the air. Pointing to a young man in the front she stood, nervous at first but soon finding his words.
Witness 1: "Malina, the 4th to disappear, we were drinking at her home, while her parents where sleep. It was nothing serious, just a few cups of ale she bought from a vendor in town. When we finished, we went for a light walk, you know to shake off the booze. We ended walking all the way to my house, and when I offered to walk her back home she refused, saying she could manage. Malina is a spitfire so I wasnt all that worried. If I just been more assertive I could have........" Not being able to contain himself he fell into tears, as the 5th victim's mother came to console him. The next witness, a chesty girl with vibrant blue eyes and striking short dark hair stood up.
Witness 2: "Ashlen, she was the 1st to go missing. We were out in the woods, chasing butterflies, just being our goofy selves. Breaks had passed and it was getting late, Ashlen said she would go ahead to look for a short cut home, but she never came back for me. I ended searching the woods nearby but only found her shoe." Not wanting to think any further on it she sat down, burying her face in her hands.
At this point Yavanna was no close to finding a connection between these disappearances, that was until Xerxia spoke within her head. Apparantly the Harvester had been reading the body languages of everyone in the room. Out of the 15 teenagers, one stood out to him, and he gladly pointed the individual to Yavanna's attention. Standing she sauntered over to the young man, cupping his chin which would force him to look her in the eyes. What about you handsome, was there anything strange about these vanishings? She purred, her gaze locked on him with relentless intensity. She was on to something, Xerxia may have pointed him out, but she picked up a familiar scent, one of a liar. Torture sometimes allowed one to determine when their prey was lying to them or being truthful under the pressure of pain. Regardless, she'd make him spill his guts, or spill them for him.
Young man: He stammered for a moment, but found words after a few trills. No... I was busy tending to my families shop. Its a very strenuos task, making sure inventory is kept up with, ensuring the quality of our goods. Its sad to say but I havent had any contact with the victims. His words were clear and straightforward, which caused Yavanna to question if Xerxia let alone herself were loosing their touch. Thats when some of the witnesses derailed him.
Witness 1: Thats not true, I saw you as we walked to my house, you waved at us and everything.
Witness 2: And we saw you right before Ashlen vanished.
More and more of the group shouted out claims of seeing the young man right after or before the vanishing, causing Yavanna to stand and take control of the situation. I think I now have an idea of whats going on here. You sir are a spotter. She said, pacing around the young man like a shark circling a wounded sea creature. You see a spotter is one who picks the girls and points them out to those who do the abducting. They get friendly, make the girls feel at ease, this could take mere moments, or trials to establish, which makes it easy to lure the girls into the trap. You sir, from what everyone has said, have been at the scene of every disappearances. You have been the one kidnapping these girls, but why? She said, glaring at the young man before grabbing his groin in a vice grip. Well out with it, dont keep us all in suspense! Yavanna roared, tightening her grip, causing him to break and fold into a crying mess.
Young man: Its a group of slavers, traffickers, they were looking for pretty girls to take abroad to sell as slaves. They forced me into helping, saying they needed a local to help pick out the merchandise. I didnt want to do it, but they threatened me and my family. The money they were giving me for each girl was helping keep me and my sibling from starving, please have mercy! He squealed, crumbling into a ball after being released from the naer's hands.
Moving over to what thought to be a desk, she handed him a something to write with and several pieces of paper. First things first, you are gonna draw me a map to find where ever they are keeping the girls. Secondly you are going to give your written confession of your involvement in this crime. And finally you are going to turn yourself over to the authorities. She said as she helped him to his feet, and urged him to get writing. A break later she had a map, a crude one but it was easy to understand. There was a cave out in the stormlands being facilitated for a temporary storage. Having all she needed she made her way to the door when the spotter begged her not to leave him with the group, who were rather angry. She didnt need to see them to feel the hate that warmed the room. Breaking into a laugh she left him to his fellow citizens and would plan her next move.⌘
⌘ Leaving the home she could hear the painful screams of one getting beaten, which put a big smile on her face. She truly wished she could have stayed and at least watched, but time was truly of the essence here. looking over the map, the young man was thorough, outlining the guard detail, how many there were, how armed they were, and the shipment dates. She had six more trials before the next shipment would leave, which allowed her to breath a little. Looking over just what she was up against, she knew she was going to need help. Then it hit her, realizing she was being awfully helpful for some reason. She couldnt put her finger on it, but for now she chopped it up the fact it was young girls being taken. She couldnt stand for it and had to finish this before the next shipping date. Noticing the screams had gotten quiet she went back in, only to find a brutally beaten young man. Clutching his shirt collar she pulled him in close. Lucky you, I've decided that you will stay with me for tonight, then by tomorrow, I'll turn you over to the Lightning Knights and you'll be given jail time. You know they are going to love you in Rharnian prison, you are quite the looker, and have pretty lips. She said with a malicious giggle. Covering the man with a cloak, she gave her goodbyes to the group and headed for home, helping her captive every inch of the way.⌘
Investigation: Ensure you know all the details
Detection: Noticing when someone is upset
Detection: Assessing the situation
Intimidation: Holding the groin hostage for Intel
Intelligence: Everybody Has Secrets
Intelligence: Gathering small details from a story
Loot: N/A Injuries: N/A Renown: 10, for hearing the concerns of the forsaken and heading their call for help Magic XP: N/A
Points: 10
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Comments: This was an interesting solo!
From reading your CS I had the impression that Yavanna is a bad girl, so I was quite surprised when she told that woman that she would bring her daughter back!
I laughed out loud when Yavanna said this:
I hope I'llaren electrically castrates you for the disgrace you bring to Rharne.
This was great!
I’m not sure how good Harvesters really are at reading body language though – I’m not an expert when it comes those creatures - so I'm not sure how realistic that part is.
I also noticed a few errors here and there, but nothing that took away from the story.
Enjoy your rewards!
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