• Closed • The Diagnosis.

90th of Zi'da 716

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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The Diagnosis.

90th of Zi'da, 716.

Travelling had never been so terrifying as it was today.

Tossing his mind back a few arcs, it hadn't been that long at all since he'd made the first journey from Desnind up to Andaris, following nothing more than the occasional murky dream of a small squirrel pointing in the direction, beckoning him. Pelting him with visions of unfamiliar landmarks and temperate forests broken by tall mountains. Jumping on whatever boats he could grab without a second thought to whom he might be trusting his life, where or how they might arrive at their next destination. He'd wandered almost aimlessly from home and he'd surprised himself when he actually arrived at the place he was supposed to be. Having no experience with the outside world beyond Desnind besides the occasional story heard from the edges of the campfires, not even a decent understanding of the common tongue, he'd thrown himself into the world head-first. And come out of it alive. Or at least, that's what he'd thought back then.

Back then, his life wasn't at stake. He wasn't abandoning his plans, fearing for his life. Fearing that every time another headache pounded through his skull like a carpenter was busy hammering away at the soft tissue beneath, more blood would start leaking from the corners of his eyes. That he'd start inexplicably coughing it up. Worst of all, that nobody would be able to stop it. Now, as the heavy wooden planks hit the harbour and the noise of Rharne steadily filled the air, the only thing Nir'wei could think of was finding Faith. "Come on, boy." Greyhide lifted his slender muzzle and yawned. "Keep close." The big grey wolf had seemed surprisingly calm through the boat journey, hiding out below the deck with the Sev'ryn and snoozing for most of the days, pleasantly content with feeding off what scraps Nir'wei could spare. Jasper, too, had made little fuss, occasionally bouncing into the ocean but quickly returning upon finding none of the freshwater fish he was familiar with. Now he sat on Nir'weis lap, and as he stood, the otter dug its claws into his shirt and settled at his chest, making a verbal demand to be carried in the form of several squeaking noises.

With one arm cradling Jasper, Nir'wei packed up the last of their belongings and stuffed them into Malice's saddle-bags. Where others set first feet on Rharne's docks with their families, friends and others, Nir'wei settled with his horse, his wolf and his otter; a sight to see, but not one he felt like explaining to any of the other passengers, who gave him odd looks as he disembarked and started straight for the city gate and didn't bother stopping.

An outpost created by the Order of Adunih. Archailist's voice spoke clearly despite the chattering crowds. A place you've heard of before, remember? He didn't. Perhaps, at some point in his early years, someone from the Order had arrived at Desnind, but if they had, he'd never heard of it. I'm sure it won't be hard to find. Or, you could always ask for directions. He would have, but Greyhide's appearance seemed to unnerve passers-by, regardless of his calm demeanour. Being an odd sight to look at was nothing new, especially in the last few days, as nerves and pain had worn at his face during since the incident and in the few more incidents since. His hair was haggard and covered in knots, his face was dirty, all of his clothes stank of the sea and were dry and scratchy from the salt-water wash. He'd spent thirty days sitting around on a boat and yet he felt, and looked, more exhausted than ever. You know it won't be forever. Archailist's voice turned soft as the spirits presence settled on his shoulder, unable to exact any real force but somehow still able to create a strange illusion of weight where he sat. It felt so real, Nir'wei had to mentally stop himself from trying to reach up and give the squirrel a reassuring pat.

The letter from Faith hadn't given any specific directions, it'd only said something about an outpost she'd be staying at... and something about a coloured cloak. Not much to go on. However, it didn't take long to spot somebody with a cloak matching a similar colour to what Faith had described, walking through the street with some urgency to their step and a hood pulled up over their head. He only had to speed up his pace to match theirs, tugging the reluctant and heavily-packed Malice up the slanted streets until the hooded figure disappeared into a two-storey building filled with yet more hooded people; an abundance of them, in fact. Green, blue, grey... hooded, unhooded, rushing about inside and out. Looks like the place, Archailist muttered. Wonder what brought her to here, of all the places in the world. Something he'd have to ask her.

Leaving Malice and Jasper near the entrance, with Greyhide on guard, Nir'wei stepped inside and was nearly shouldered by a blue-cloaked figure rushing by in a hurry. "Uhm, excuse me." A blue-cloaked person, a hood obscuring parts of her hair, mumbled an apology under her breath as she squeezed past him, eager to get back out of the door. "Sorry!" Well, for such an unassuming place, it certainly seemed pretty crowded. Despite the worry that'd practically eaten Nir'wei from the inside-out over the past thirty days or more, nerves were starting to eat up his insides and erode his courage. Bravado was a difficult thing to muster when he now frequently brushed a finger under his nostrils to check for signs of spontaneous bleeding in public.

Wait. "Faith?" He swore he saw someone, small, dark-haired. "Faith!" Maybe if he yelled, he could catch her attention.
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The Diagnosis.

Working at the Order kept her mind off things, kept her out of their room and out of Padraig's way. It wasn't that she wanted to be out of his way, so much, but she knew that he needed space to come to terms with the impossible. It was impossible, there was no doubting it. That didn't, unfortunately, change the simple fact that it also was. She had so much going on that the work, the job, was a welcome reprieve. It allowed her time to think whilst meaning that she focused on other people, not herself. That was important because, had she not done that she might go a little bit mad. So Faith worked. Mattieus, the Ithecal who was more or less convinced that he was going to mentor this intense young woman, was worried about her and he watched her as she packed up her medical bag again.
"You know, you're doing overtime."
"That only happens if we get paid, Mattieus. That's what you tell the new folks who grumble about their shift length."
He grinned and nodded, "I noticed something. You never grumble."
Faith looked at him and shrugged. "You've never given me any reason to grumble."
"Does that mean I'm your favourite, pretty lass?"
"No. It means you've never given me any reason to grumble."
Mattieus laughed and shook his head. "Whatever it is that's eating you up these last few trials, you need to sort it out. No one but me has noticed, but since you and I have this close personal relationship and all." The teasing smile turned serious. "Can I help you, Faith? Name it, if I can."
"Name it, pretty lass."
"Give me the time to tell you in my own time, not yours. When I'm ready, I will. When it's time, you'll be the first to know."
Mattieus looked at her in surprise. He'd expected denials but then, the intense young woman wasn't prone to lies so he shouldn't be surprised.
"I'll just do one more sweep. I'll be back soon. If Padraig..."
"I know. I will," he replied, stepping in to her pause and even making it seem like he'd interrupted her. Faith smiled at him gratefully, shouldered her bag and left.

She hadn't got far when she heard a voice, calling her. Just out of the Order Outpost, in fact and Faith turned around. She craned her neck, cursing her shortness and then her voice was called again. There, there was the person who was.... "Nir'wei!!" Faith ran to him and flung herself into a hug. "Oh, by Famula, Nir'wei is that you!? Oh what are you doing here! She stepped back from the hug and looked at him and her face, which had been momentarily quite delighted, settled into a frown.

"What's the matter? You don't look well." Faith's hand took his wrist, immediately checking his pulse. "Tell me. Come on, come in here." Faith led him towards the Order and then turned to him and asked, most earnestly as she so often did "The medical facility or mine and Padraig's room?"

If this was a difficult conversation, he might want it somewhere private, after all.
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The Diagnosis.

Tension, that'd tangled into a thick knot in his stomach and tightened until he could feel its strings tugging at every inch of his being, unfolded and vanished from his body in a matter of seconds. Faith is here, his body told him. She'll know what to do. He'd looked awful before, but at sight of his close friend, the unseen curtain of wellbeing he'd erected fell away. Days without sleep, weeks without decent food or particularly clean water had taken a worse toll on his body than he'd known - and that only added to this unknown illness that nobody could give him a good answer for. "It's so good to see you," he whispered into her ear as they finally embraced, although Nir'wei forced himself to pull back after a few moments. Whatever it was, he couldn't really be sure whether or not it was contagious, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Plus, he was starting to lean on Faith, making it apparent how weak he'd become since they last parted ways... and how much weight he'd lost underneath his always ill-fitting clothes.

Nevertheless, Faith saw the truth of his condition in an instant and, for a moment, he cursed her observative nature. Why couldn't they sit down and have a cup of tea, maybe a few biscuits, a quiet chat. He wanted to know how she was doing, what it was like in Rharne... and then another pang rang through his skull and for a moment he swayed on his feet as the room span in circles and blurred into incoherent smudges of colour and vague shapes. "Y... your room." The throbbing pain was advancing from a dull pounding to a stabbing pressure building up behind his left eye and Nir'wei cupped a hand over it, muttering a silent prayer of mercy to Moseke. After a moment, it passed. He knew from experience that it could come back just as quickly, but at least this time it wasn't bleeding. Just a bit of bloodshot from where the pressure had built, and soreness.

He followed Faith quickly to her room and took the first opportunity he could find to sit down - if he couldn't find a bed immediately, he'd sit on the floor if he really had to, just to ground himself and try to make the room stop spinning for a moment. It didn't. "I didn't know where else to go," he said without introduction, "when they said they didn't know what it was, when they... ahh, gods. It's only gotten worse." His headache had started from an ache but was now roaring in his ears, muffling the sound of his own voice and straining even coherent thoughts as he grit his teeth and tried to ride it out, as he'd done all the other times before since they'd begun amplifying. "I need to, I need to, know, gods!" Now it was swelling and fading, like waves crashing against his skull. Like a sadistic torturer, the pain - or at least the source of the pain - seemed to delight in moving and changing around his skull, starting at one end and moving to the other, prickling random spots or attacking specific areas mercilessly. Sometimes, when it was feeling particularly merciless, it would simply grow in intensity until he was sure he'd pass out. Other times, he wondered whether he'd die, or whether the pressure behind his eyeballs would make them pop from his sockets before that happened. Putting this all into words was terribly difficult and he had to swallow to try and give himself some restraint.

"My head, my head hurts so much. I can't stand it... and I'm bleeding, everywhere." He choked a little. "I didn't do anything, I swear, I'd remember if I did! But it was everywhere, and I couldn't stop it, and it keeps happening and I don't know why... I went to a doctor, I went to everyone I could, but they didn't know, they thought it was a concussion, just said it would go away, but... it's not, it just gets worse, and... gods, it feels like I've been hit over the head with an axe." He supposed that he could count himself lucky that he wasn't bleeding, but in a way he almost wished he was. It'd probably relieve some of the intense pressure building in his skull as he sat, head swaying back and forth like it was tied to his shoulders with a piece of wet string.
word count: 786
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The Diagnosis.

"Come with me." Faith's voice had brooked no argument, even had he given one and the young woman slipped her arm around his waist, walking with him like a pair of lovers. Of course, she was doing no such thing, she was offering him support, but that wasn't how it looked and Faith got the feeling that this might be important to Nir'wei. As she did, the weight which he had lost became apparent and the young human woman frowned a deep frown.

Once she got him to their room, Faith half lifted him on to the bed. She knelt down on her heels in front of him and she examined him carefully. "When did these symptoms start?" Faith sounded gentle and quite calm, moving his hand out of the way of his eye and examining him. Then, she put a finger over each of his eyelids together, having instructed him to close his eyes. Just a gentle touch was enough for a deep frown to crease her forehead. The pressure behind one eye was much higher than behind the other. She put his hand back over his eye and smiled, gently stroking her hand on his forehead. "It's alright, it's alright. Shhhh." Faith whispered and she sent a prayer to Famula that it was, that this man be spared to live his life, to find the love that he deserved.

He told her about his symptoms and a feeling of dread grew in Faith's stomach, where she believed a babe to be growing yet hidden by illusion. "Alright, Nir'wei. I want you to really think about this, alright. Have there been any times when you've had just a small bump on the head?" She kept a tight and firm hold of his hand, her voice soft and soothing. "I'm here, I'm with you and I'm not going anywhere, alright? I love you and I'm going to help you, I promise." She knelt up and kissed him gently on the forehead, then.

"Where do you bleed from? Just your head? Ears, eyes and nose? What about your mouth? Anywhere else?" She didn't sound too worried about it, in truth. She seemed almost calm and she smiled at him. "Every detail you can, alright?" He was about to bleed, she could see the build up of pressure in his skin, so Faith very calmly just leant and grabbed a towel, ready for when he did. That was fine, it would relieve pressure and it would give her information too. "I'm going to help you, alright? I promise." Please, blessed Famula, she prayed, don't let me regret those words. If it is your will.

With that prayer she held his hand and the towel and she waited to watch her friend bleed. Where it started, how it bled, where it came from. All of these things would give her clues and she would store them in making her diagnosis.
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The Diagnosis.

No argument was given. If anything, even though Nir'weis full weight quickly sagged into Faith's grasp, he still seemed to be edging them along even faster, ever-aware of the pressure inside his skull and what normally followed it. The last thing he wanted was to start bleeding profusely in front of so many people. He didn't want to bleed at all, but he'd quickly learned that that wasn't an option.

"They started on my birthday... somewhere thirty or forty days ago, middle of the season," he muttered between soft groans of effort as he slid onto the bed, trying not to let his head move too much, or the room would start spinning uncontrollably again. "I've... I've always had headaches, like everyone does, but they just came so suddenly, and... I started bleeding. I didn't notice until it was everywhere, I don't know where it started from." Even from her gentle touch on his eyeballs, Nir'wei sucked air through his teeth in a failed attempt to mask the lingering pain. The amount of relief and gratitude he felt for Faith at that moment couldn't be fit into words; if there was anyone, anyone in the world that knew what to do in this situation and could cure whatever afflicted him, it was her. "It just kept coming, for breaks and breaks, until I felt like I was going to pass out, and then the headache went away and the bleeding stopped. Ever since then it just... it keeps happening, every now and then. There's no rhythm to it, some days I'll just wake up with it, sometimes I'll go a day with nothing and then it'll hit during the night and... and I'll wake up and it'll... everything will just be covered in my blood." Despite Faith's valiant attempts to calm him, Nir'wei was still struggling to contain the choking sobs rising in his voice.

He couldn't hold them back any more. For so long, nearly forty trials, he'd restrained himself during the lingering migraines, the bleeding, more migraines, more bleeding. "That's what the doctor asked! I haven't, I'd remember if I did, I never hit my head. He said it would go away but it hasn't, it's only getting worse and no matter what I do it won't stop!" Did she really have no clue what was wrong? Had he been wrong to come to her, thinking that she would know the answer to his problems? He tried to take deeper, calming breaths but even his deeper breaths were ragged. "It comes from everywhere now... ears, eyes, nose, mouth. Everywhere around my face. It doesn't hurt... at least, not as much as it should, it just, it... please make it stop!"

His eyes were closed but he could feel the trickle starting. Rivulets of blood trickling down from his right eye, down his cheeks to be wiped up by the towel. Blood mixed with his tears. "Please, please make it stop Faith, please," he begged in the soft, frightened voice of a child. Stuck in a constant loop of inescapable pain with no known escape. Not knowing just how long it would last. It wasn't normal to bleed from his eyeballs, he knew it wasn't. The left eyeball had joined the right, blood trickling down his cheek in small teardrop-shaped rivulets. What was the cure? Would anyone even know what he had, did they knew what the cure was? Did a cure even exist? How long would have to stay like this, how much longer would it last? Could it even get any worse? "Please make it stop, I... I don't want to die..." Blood started pouring from his nose as well, and all that swallowing was more than just trying to hold back the barely-restrained sobs; he was covering up how much blood was starting to trickle into his mouth down the back of his nasal cavity, mixed with mucus.
word count: 686
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The Diagnosis.

She got him back to their room and sat him on the bed and they spoke, as well as they could. Every sense that Faith had was telling her how bad this was and her training was kicking in; she watched him carefully, her eyes tracing his head movement, the pulse in his neck and it's irregular beating. She felt her own heart increase in rate and Faith started to think about worst case scenario here. Every symptom she saw added up and she was developing a very clear idea of what he had.

Please, blessed Famula, she prayed, let it not be so. If it is your will, please let me be wrong. Lord of death and sorrow, Vri, I beg you, not this man. Not this man.

Putting her finger gently against his eyes, though, she knew it was what she most feared but Faith pushed aside that feeling, put to one side the fear and doubt and terror and she adopted the persona he needed her to. Listening to what he said, she nodded her head, "Alright, Nir'wei, it's alright. I'm here and I'm not leaving you, alright? We can do this, you and I. I've got you."

Faith had no family before Padraig, it was true. Before him, she had not understood what family was. He had taught her what family meant. Yet, the Sev'ryn sitting on her bed had taught her friendship and Faith loved him in a way that she could not explain. As the sobs wracked his thin, frail body Faith sat next to him, put her arm around his shoulder and pulled him towards her. "I've got you, let it out," she whispered and she kissed his forehead gently. "It's going to be alright, Nir'wei. It's going to be alright."

Please, blessed Famula, blessed Vri, please I beg you, don't let it be what I think it is. Don't let it be the Rot.

As her heartfelt prayers ended, so too did the bleeding begin and Faith felt her entire body turn cold as she knew, without a doubt, that it was just what she'd feared. He begged her to make it stop and Faith's heart ripped into shreds as he did. He was going to die. Her friend, the first friend she had made, the Sev'ryn who had once offered to kidnap her from slavery and who she had laughed with so many lifetimes ago, he was going to die.

"Here, Nir'wei, take this, it will help. I promise you, it will make it stop. Take it." How was her voice so calm? How did her hands move to her medical bag, always with her when she was working? How did she know what to gather from it when she did not know how to breathe? The answer was simple to the disciplined young woman who had been a slave for so long. He needed her to. This was not about her, this was about him. Her friend. He needed her now and she could not let him down.

"There we go, swallow this, I promise you, it will make it feel better." With all the care and tenderness she had in her small form, Faith fed him the fist nut, the coagulant which would stop the bleeding. "It will stop it, Nir'wei, it will. I'm here, we'll do this together. Come on, that's it, just this last bit. Well done." Like the baby she carried but which did not show yet, she fed him. The coagulant would stop the bleeding and then just a little clam leaf for the pain.

Once he had taken those, he should start to feel a little better fairly quickly, although the bleeding might take some time to stop completely. But when he looked at her with his bloodshot and blood stained eyes and told her that he didn't want to die, Faith lifted her hand and gently stroked his cheek. "I know. I know. I'm going to make it stop, Nir'wei, I promise you. Trust me? I'm going to make it stop."

By Famula and by Vri, she swore it. This Sev'ryn was not due to die. Faith did not fear death not for her and not for those she loved but she served. Her service was as simple as it was absolute and Nir'wei needed it now. "Come on, come on, it's alright. Stop swallowing it, there's no need. Let it out, my friend. My brother. I'm here and I will be here until we fix this, alright? Let it out."

The blood poured onto the towel and the blood poured on to her, but Faith did not care about the blood. She cared about the Sev'ryn who was bleeding and she swore that she was going to find the cure to this disease. Cradling her friend as his life blood flowed out onto her, Faith had a moment which was as close to an epiphany as she had ever had.

That was what she was here to do. To cure those diseases which could not be cured. Would she find the cure to this in Nir'wei's lifetime? Yes, if Famula and Vri willed it, but either way, she would find it. Lowering her friend's head gently to the pillow as the bleeding finally ceased and his exhausted face showed that he was already sleeping, Faith ignored her blood-soaked clothing and knelt to undo his shoes then lift his feet on to the bed. Standing over him, she bent forward and kissed him on the forehead.

"I am in your service, my friend and my brother." Faith whispered and she gently stroked his hair away from his face with her right hand, where resided her Zuuda mark. As she did, she utilised the ability Servant's Mark. It made perfect sense that she did, linking her soul to his. "I'm with you. I'm not going anywhere." The link between them, soul to soul and blood to blood was such that Faith could see it, immediately. "Thank you, blessed Famula, that I might serve this man. I will serve in your name, as is your will." Kissing Nir'wei's forehead as sleep took him, she whispered. "Unto my final breath, and beyond."

With those words, their souls were linked and she, as his servant, would know about him what she needed to in order to serve him well.

May she have the strength to do so, she prayed. As Famula willed it.
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The Diagnosis.



  • Knowledge:
    • Location: Rharne
    • Rharne Location: Adunih Outpost
    • Rharne Location: Earth Quarter
    • Nir'wei: Sick and Weak
    • Nir'wei (Sickness): Profuse Bleeding, Headaches, Ocular Pain
    • Nir'wei: Linked by Zuuda's Servant's Mark
    • Medicine: The Physical Examination
    • Medicine: Coagulant Therapy for Spontaneous Bleeding
    • Mattieus: Adunih Rharne Mentor
    • Zuuda: Servant's Mark
    Loot: None
    Injuries: None
    Fame: None
    Devotion: +1 Famula (Prayer), +1 Vri (Prayer)

    Story: 4/5
    Collaboration: 5/5
    Structure: 5/5

- - - - - - -


  • Knowledge:
    • Location: Rharne
    • Rharne Location: Adunih Outpost
    • Rharne Location: Earth Quarter
    • Faith: In Rharne
    • Faith: Adunih Green Cloak
    • Faith: Knows of Your Sickness
Loot: None
  • Rot: Sadly, there is no current cure for this disease. Eventually, this will be fatal.
Fame: None
Devotion: +1 Moseke (Prayer)

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

- - - - - - -

Comments: Excellent work both of you. I deducted points as this is the beginning of the story and there seemed to be areas where things may have been missed. On top of that, I would have liked to see more medical evolution into Nir's disease. They may or may not be coming in future threads. This is a good start, but otherwise feels incomplete to me. I wish Nir the best in his recovery.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 235
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