The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

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The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

The Order of the Adunih
The Order of the Adunih is a global faction of healers in Idalos. As of the beginning of Cylus 719, they have undergone a re-write. The write up is: here.

To join the order, you must do so in character and then sign up here
The Register of Members
  • Faith:
    • Current Head of Order. Based in Rharne.
    • White Cloak.
  • Gennadiya
    • Based in Rharne.
    • Green Cloak.
  • Oonah
    • Based in Rharne.
    • Green Cloak.
  • Qit'ria
    • Based in Rharne.
    • Green Cloak.
    • Ghost
  • Rose
    • Based in Desnind
    • Green Cloak.
    Plot Exchange
    It's hard coming up with plots, sometimes - so post here with a plot for others in the order to pick up and use - and pick one up from someone else. Let's use it as an exchange, though - so if you take a plot - you add a new one.

    Code: Select all

    Will this attract points towards progression?
    Might it link with a trim?
    Collaborations / Ongoing Plots?
    If you've got an Adunih plotline going and you'd be open to some collaboration - pop a post in here.

    Code: Select all

    Link to Thread:
    Overview of Story:
    Accepting / Looking For?
    Any restrictions? (timescale, post speed etc)
word count: 200
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Re: The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

Overview: House Fire!
Details: A house with a thatch roof caught fire while the family of six inside were sleeping. The family sustained various ranges of injuries. The family was made up of an elderly grandmother, an alcoholic mother, a one handed father, a pair of twin sons age 9, and a daughter age 3.
Will this attract points towards progression? Yes
Might it link with a trim? Potential for Green - Field Medic and Red - Paediatric
word count: 76
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Re: The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

Overview: The Streets Run Green with Vomit!
Details: There seems to be an outbreak of some sort. A large portion of people living near to one another have been vomiting multiple times per day. The vomit is especially green and is only accompanied by other symptoms of frequent vomiting.
Will this attract points towards progression? Yes
Might it link with a trim? Potentially situational.
word count: 64
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Re: The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

Overview: Nasty Little Things
Details: A bedbug infestation has moved into the town, infesting huge areas. These cause large, painful and itchy welts and can occasionally spread some disease.
Will this attract points towards progression? Yes
Might it link with a trim? Maybe
word count: 43
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Re: The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

Overview: Laryngitis
Details: An entire area of your city /location loses their voice. This happens overnight and seems to have no immediate cause. It might be anything from something really weird to some bizarre plant-spores.
Will this attract points towards progression? Yes.
Might it link with a trim? Might do, depending how you deal.
word count: 55
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

Overview: Aphasia
Details: After a rockfall / treefall / low flying creature dropping stones - a group of people experience head trauma. Three of them develop Aphasia, a condition where they mix up their words and are incomprehensible to others. This is difficult and frustrating for them, and their families - but it's odd that it happened to all of the same group... might there be more going on?
Will this attract points towards progression? Yes.
Might it link with a trim? Might do, depending how you deal.

information on aphasia
word count: 88
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: The Order of the Adunih: Plot Exchange

Overview: Triage
Details: Your pc is alone at the site of a natural / unnatural disaster. There are four people who need to be saved. In order of how likely to survive:
- an elderly man with the best chance of survival
- the husband / wife of the pregnant woman (below) who is badly hurt
- a pregnant woman who is unlikely to survive even with help
- a 12 year old girl who is on the brink of death

Will this attract points towards progression? Yes.
Might it link with a trim? Might do, depending how you deal.
word count: 94
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