[Scalvoris] Calendar - Hot Cycle 722
Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 10:54 pm
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a festival or other recurring events. | a specific event for this season | a weather or natural phenomena event |
Event Types |
Reward | Moderated | Open |
this thread offers some kind of reward for pcs. This might be training or items. | a thread run by a Scalv mod! | this is a plot point which is open for anyone to use. |
Guest Storytelling |
We really want to encourage Guest Storytelling on Scalvoris. Any of the "Open" or "Reward" plots can be used as a story prompt by a GST - please simply PM Peg and Avalon and be assured that we'll be VERY happy to help! |
Specific Events
Ymiden: 83 Trials
Image | Name | Date | Description |
Superstition | All season | It is believed hat wearing anything green will be detrimental to the harvest ~ this has led to stonings and killings in more violent times. Even after the harvest has taken place it is believed that anything green calls Lisirra's attention and so much be avoided for the entire 83 trials. | |
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| University Opportunities | All Season | There are a number of opportunities with the Univesity throughout the season |
Saoire! | All Season | The Immortal remains in residence this Cycle, and her school is functioning excellently. An enormous Oak Tree grows in the middle of the central courtyard of the school - known as the Naficula-Àdánù it becomes well known that it is the tree gifted to her by Kisaik, the tunawa Knight | |
Desnind! | All Season | The ongoing agreement between Desnind and Scalvoris sees the flutterbus leaving all arc round and the exchange of goods and knowledge continue between these two locations. Specific Expeditions are maintained | |
Bounties and Odd Jobs | All Season | The Odd Job, Bounty, Rumour & Expedition board is up to date! | |
Ymiden's Dawn | 1st Ymiden | This trial marks the beginning of the summer season on Scalvoris. At dawn on the first trial, Scalvorians go and stand by a body of water and pour a cupful over their heads, symbolising rebirth and the dawn of a new time. It is considered a time for making big decisions, perhaps affecting change in one's life. | |
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Augustin's Challenge! | 1st Ymiden | The Institute has put out a call for innovators to brainstorm designs and innovations for the purposes of being used in Faith Augustin's proposed Mega-Hospital, which will be based in Rharne. Entries are due by the 83rd of Ymiden. Info here. Open | |
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Something's Fishy!! | 1st - 10th Ymiden | Throughout the first 10 trials of Ymiden the seas and waters of Scalvoris are unusually full of fish - population seems to have grown four or five fold. Fishermen all over the island celebrate. Rumours grow of strange, glowing fish and it soon becomes apparent that while some mundane fish have a temporary glow, there seem to be strange new varieties of fish with a permanent glow. Open ~ if you wish to find a permanently glowing fish from this event - please Dev one in our Development Forum - approved fishes only! Other than that, you may assume 5 x the catch if fishing and regular fish which glow for an hour or two! | |
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| Beacon Festival | 3rd Ymiden | On 3rd Ymiden, Beacon throws a party celebrating the growth of the place, the bountiful harvest and so on. Mini-Mod Event: You'll get an opening post and maybe a few others along the way! Here's the post! |
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Who Is The Master (Chef?)! | 5th Ymiden | On 5th Ymiden, Inns and Taverns across Scalvoris send their finest chefs to the "First Annual ScalvChef Competition" - this competition is open to professional and amateur chefs and is taken very seriously indeed. Reward Entry is open to all, and anyone who enters will get a Plot Tracker which details each of the 5 rounds. Please note that this competition starts on the 5th Ymiden, but has dates throughout Ymiden. These dates will be made clear on the Plot Tracker if anyone takes this up. Plot Tracker | |
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Mysterious Deaths | 11th Ymiden | On 11th Ymiden, the bodies of 2 of the competitors in the ScalvChef competition are discovered. Foul play is suspected but the organisers keep information very closely guarded. Open | |
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Xiur's Dusk | 12th Ymiden | This is Xiur's night, also known as "Star Night". There is a ritual amongst families that the youngest and oldest member of the family must exit the house at dusk by one door, stand together until they see, and wish a blessing and dedication to Xiur upon, different stars and then must get back into the house by different means, climbing through the window if necessary. Over the course of many arcs, it has become something of a sport in Almund to try and get back in the house by the most obscure means possible. This has led to a few accidents and the odd case of people being stuck in chimneys. | |
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| The Wandering Man! | 14th - 30th Ymiden | A man in modest clothing with the soles cut off his boots has been traveling throughout Scalvoris. The man has been traveling village to village, beseeching plant-growers of all kinds to add a mix of one part manure, one part dirt, and one part Scalvoris sand to their plants. The man is frantic in his beseeching. "Different sands do different things!" he says. Sometimes he becomes so frantic about it that he gets hoarse, and has to have a long drink of water. "Oh," he says, "Those glowing eggs shells do it, too!" Open ~ if you wish to discover a permanent effect / combination from this event - please Dev one in our Development Forum! Other than that, you may assume quirky stuff, but it's temporary Massive thanks to Areia for this calendar idea! |
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University Challenge! | 15th Ymiden | On 15th Ymiden, the university announces a second collaboration with Saorie's School. The two institutions will be working together and will be hosting a "University Challenge" - this will be an event which lasts over a ten-trial period. On the 15th, those who join up will meet at Saoire's School (transport will be provided if needed), and they will be given a "theme". Everyone then has ten trials to submit an artifact / display / item which pushes the boundaries of science or knowledge or skill in relation to that theme. On the 26th Ymiden, these entries will be displayed in the University as the first "Knowledge Fair" Reward - There are prizes for the best entries, etc. Thread here . | |
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Cassion's Feast | 24th Ymiden | This is a trial given over to Cassion. During the day, people congregate to predetermined locations in their town or village and they each bring a story. If they can write, they bring it in written form, but there are scribes there to write the stories down. That night there is feasting up and down the island with large groups coming together to sit around and share tales, always leaving a space for the Immortal and a meal in offering. It is believed that Cassion visits Scalvoris at this time each Ymiden, to sample the food and to read through the thousands of stories which are left out for him, then later stored in the library. | |
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| Apothecary! | 32nd Ymiden | A lone gypsy woman in a brightly coloured cart travels Scalvoris for the next 10 trials. She offers tinctures and superstitions, remedies and solutions to problems. Some people swear that she is a psychic who knows and sees things other wouldn't, others believe she's a charlatan. Either way, she's happy to buy, sell or trade.Open - have fun. |
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Hunters Boast | 39th Ymiden | The prelude to the Hunter's Moon celebration in Scalvoris is preceded this arc by a sort of competition between locales and cities. All over the island, in various towns, hamlets, and tribal settlements, a rare beast is identified and marked for hunting by the inhabitants. Those who bag the beast will surely earn glory and recognition as a feircesome hunter, if not a trophy worthy of a king.Open / Reward Feel free to Dev a beast for your own personal hunt, wherever your pc might be.Tanners and leatherworkers and jewelers across the island have offered to make a trophy worthy of your kill, should you return successful by the 40th. .Massive thanks to Woe for submitting this calendar event | |
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Hunters Moon | 40th Ymiden | This is a strange night on Scalvoris. It always has a "Hunters' Moon, where the moon is enormous in the sky and a deep blood red. Legend has it that animals hunted and killed that day and night in Karem's name earn her favour. On the night of the 39th, and often before, hunters go out and the night of the 40th there is a feast. It is traditional that only that which has been hunted or grown in the 3 trials before is eaten in that feast, which is usually a large affair in the middle of the town / village. This year, the feasts are all abuzz with the talk of what has happened | |
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Harvest | 41st Ymiden | On this trial the first harvest is collected and there is a strange tradition. The first of each type of produce is collected in a basket and offered to the Immortal Lisirra, that she might keep pestilence away from their island for another arc. Until this is finished, no one eats, in case Lisirra sees and takes offence that her offering is not the first of the trial. | |
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Merchants Guild Shake Up | 42nd Ymiden | The Merchants Guild of Scalvoris announces that it is looking for new members! Specifically, it wants people who will be willing to be involved in the governance / leadership of the Guild. Open - Plot Tracker for any who wish to be involved. Thread here! | |
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The Green Ribbon Field | 45th Ymiden | A farmstead on the outskirts of Almund has been found to have had their plants and orchards wrapped with green ribbons around the stems and trunks of their plants. Oddly enough no bad luck has befallen these plants, and they produce an abundance of food. Which is a good thing, because the surrounding farms have been ravaged by locusts, and the soils dug in, burnt and spoiled by Boil Weevils. The farm that produced an excess therefore has enough food to make up for the lack, but can they be convinced to share with their neighbors? The people of Almund, even farmer types, aren't known for their charitable natures. Open - plot notes needed from a Scalv Mod. | |
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Fairy Harvest | 52nd Ymiden | On the 52nd of Ymiden, there are fairies spotted all over Scalvoris - they venture out from their usual places and are seen. Throughout the trial, fairies will suddenly appear in a burst of glitter and inform people that to-trial is the Fairy Harvest!! What that means, no one quite knows, but they seem very happy about it. Open - PM for plot notes if you investigate further, but otherwise, feel free to use in your threads! | |
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Rumble in the Jungle | 54th Ymiden | The Ishallr, Sweetwine and Faldrass Induks are seen entering the Scaltoh Jungle. No one knows why. Open - | |
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Storms! | 58th Ymiden | There are sudden, extreme storms on Ishallr, Faldrass and Sweetwine. They last for exactly 4 breaks from midday exactly. They damage buildings, fell trees, etc. Some injuries and deaths occur. Open: Mod Input Needed | |
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Gratitude Festival | 62nd Ymiden | This festival shows gratitude to the hunters and workers in the fields who have been tirelessly working to put food on everyone's plates. Therefore, one person in each street, or block of houses if the street is particularly long, opens their house so that everyone might welcome the rest for the field workers and have company during the almost inevitable downpour by this part of the season. If it isn't raining, it can be a garden party ~ but it always rains | |
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Saoire's Gratitude | 63rd Ymiden | The day after gratitiude trial, Saoire herself goes around Scalvoris giving small gifts to those in need. She visits orphanages, hostels, the Order of the Adunih, soup kitchens, etc - the people there speak of her kindness. Saoire appeals to people to give time, even just a little, to these causes and to look after the most needy in society. Donations increase. Open / Reward (all threads dealing with this should be posted in the Impact Tracker). | |
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Heroes Trial | 70th Ymiden | Across the island feasts and celebrations are held to give thanks for those who saved the island. The skies above Scalvoris are lit up with shooting stars and the star-turtle is seen by each and every one - it visits each of those who stood before the Scalv-Flame and Scalvoris delights in the sight. Open | |
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Slags Deep | 71st Ymiden | One arc on from the delivery of the papers declaring Slags Deep as a sovereign state (by a cat claiming to be a tiger), no further inviestigation has gotten underway. This season, boxes and exports start leaving Slags Deep.Open - Mod input needed. | |
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The Vault | 73rd Ymiden | Above the ruins of the Vault there are reports of large numbers of birds, circling around. Open - Mod input needed. | |
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Badlands | 76th Ymiden | One arc on from the last report, Air Troops are pleased to say that the Badlands seems to be in full retreat. Patches of green are reappering all over and the land is returning to normal! Open - Mod input needed. | |
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Ghosts | 78th Ymiden | Same as last arc, and on the same trial, too. Across Scalvoris there are ghostly sightings today - people report seeing loved ones, long since dead, standing and watching them. That's all the ghosts do. Stand and watch. Open | |
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Flora Trial | 80th Ymiden | This is a day where Scalvorians celebrate flowers. Females wear flowers in their hair, men wear flowers on their lapels. Each town and village decks itself out with floral displays and there is a carnival where wagons parade through the town or village, decked with flowers depicting stories or songs. It is a day of celebration for young and old alike. |
Weather, Nature & Trends
Ymiden: 83 Trials
Location Specific
Ymiden: 83 Trials