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Eddrick Brodon

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:12 pm
by Eddrick Brodon
Eddrick Brodon
Name: Eddrick Brodon "The Sand Flea"
(a less-than-complimentary title given by the Yari)
Age: 31 arcs
Race / Gender: Human male
Date of Birth: 58th trial of Zi'da, 686th arc
Marks: Krorros - favored
Factions Joined: Chieftain of The Rahkrii Raiders.
Former Athartian Slave Raider, Deserter
Languages Spoken: Fluent common, a touch of Lorien (avriel)

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Part One: Beginnings
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Part Two: Opportunity
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Part Three: Recruit
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Part Four: Betrayal
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Part Five: Departure
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Part Six: Developments Since
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Eddrick has very little in the way of home furnishings, or even a home. He has just a single, one-man tent, of military style, and not much to go with it besides an impromptu bed and a large sturdy crate where he keeps the gear, tools and essentials he grabbed while fleeing his impending arrest and enslavement.

There is no set location where Eddrick will be found yet. Mobility is a key element in avoiding being caught. He is aware that he can be tracked fairly easily, with his Poko mount leaving such distinct insectoid tracks. But these tracks led initially into the Hotlands, and not many people were so eager to bring him back that they would follow him there. Lucky for him, it is actually only the humans of Athart that are after him, and not the Avriel.

On the rare occasions that he finds a decent spot to camp, he is doubly cautious of being caught unawares by someone returning to what they consider "their" spot. He has not yet been forced to conduct a fighting retreat from such a location, but only because he has not been caught napping at the time. But the denizens of the Hotlands are every bit as unforgiving as the desert itself.

He occasionally swings back into the rain forests of the Crescent Peninsula. But he does not want to follow any sort of pattern in doing so. Mostly, he moves from place to place in the desert, wondering if he should set his aimless wandering toward trying to find the city, Nashaki, that he has heard an occasional stranger mention.
As a leader of the Rahkrii Raiders bandit faction, Eddrick now enjoys a private chamber in the Raiders' cave network known as the "Krii Caves". It is a spartan chamber with not much more than the gear he brought with him when he left Athart. A few embellishments have been added, more as deference to his rank within the faction than as a confirmation of ownership. These things would be immediately taken from him were he to fall into disfavor with the rest of the troupe. Outside of his own modest possessions, there is a hammock, a chest, a stone bench, a privy pot, and a few wicker baskets; as well as decorative hangings and a bead curtain. But he is more than content with these things, as it is not opulence he seeks; only peace mind and freedom of body.

Eddrick Brodon

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:44 pm
by Eddrick Brodon
Old "Fame" System
At Fame System Start.....................................-30
Balancing Scales (T1).....+1-29
Under Siege (T8)-8-37
On the House (T-10)-11-48
Claypan - Western (T-5)-32-80
Claypan - Eastern (T-6)-12-92
Bringing Down the House (T-11)-16-108
Night Vision (T-12)-8-120
Shedding Some Light (T-13)-10-130
Let the Sands Take Them (T-16).....+5-125

Brought down from old "Fame" System.............+133
Separate Ways (T-20)+5+138
Snatched in the False Night (T-21)+25+163
Contract With a Shadow (T-22)+10+173
Getting the Word [memory] (T-7)+5+178
An Echo of Meilin (T-23)+10+188
The Ghost Blunderer (T-24)+10+198
Friendly Fire (T-25)+20+218

Skills at Start
Ranged (short bow)25 - 25
Whip (Ball & Chain)15(JD) 520
Mount (insect)10 - 10
Animal Training (Falcon) 5 ("Grandfathered" RB)(JD) 510
Field Craft (AL)5 ("Grandfathered" RB)(JD) 510
Leadership (New "RB")25 - 25

Skills Through Old System
Animal Training0--12Novice
Bus. Mgmt.0--2Novice
Discipline15T12,19,2512/2515Novice (+3/Krorros I)
Falconry (FT)30(RB)(JD) T1,2,8,14,17,19,2530/1007Competent
Fieldcraft (AL)31(RB)(JD) T1,2,3,4,14,17,1831/25112*Competent
Leadership (RB)40(SP) T8,13,18,1940/25124Competent
Mount (Insect)25(SP) T3,4,18,1925/2516Novice
Ranged (Short Bow)27(SP) T1,827/2513Competent
Trap Making3T153/2511Novice
Unarmed (Brawling)35T1,2,5,10,11,20,2235/25117Competent
Whips (Ball and Chain)35(SP)(JD) T1,2,7,8,2035/25110 (9-B&C, 1-Bullwhip)Competent

Additions Since New Skill System
Under Siege (T8)+10Ranged (short bow)-1/Leadership-2/Whips (Ball & Chain)-3/Animal Training-4
On the House (T-10)+10Intelligence-2/Intimidation-4/Unarmed (Brawling)-4
Claypan - Western (T-5)+20Endurance-5/Intelligence-4/Tactics-2/Unarmed (Brawling)-9
Claypan - Eastern (T-6)+11Strength-6/Stealth-5
Ghosts...Winds Up (T-3)+15Field Craft-4/Mount (poko)-4/Stealth-3/Tactics-4
Bringing Down the House (T-11)+15Acrobatics-3/Deception-4/Strength-3/Unarmed (Brawling)-5
Night Vision (T-12)+10Blades-3/Discipline-3/Negotiation-3/Stealth-1
Skeletons in the Closet (T-14)+15Animal Training-3/Fieldcraft-3/Negotiation-3/Logistics-3/Stealth-3
Shedding Some Light (T-13)+15Leadership-3/Logistics-3/Stealth-2/Unarmed Combat-7
Let the Sands Take Them (T-16)+15Acrobatics-5/Endurance-5/Tactics-5
Trials of Bandit Hunting (T-17)+15Animal Training-3/Field Craft-4/Logistics-4/Tactics-4
Tomb of the Lost Immortal (T-15)+20Acting-5/Intimidation-5/Negotiation-4/Tactics-3/Trap Making-3
Battle: Northern Fortress (T-18) +20Field Craft-5/Endurance-5/Leadership-6/Mount (Insect)-4
Imperial Audience (T-19) +20Animal Training-4/Mount: Insect-6/Leadership-5/Discipline-5
Separate Ways (T-20)+15Politics-6/Tactics-3/Unarmed Combat-3/Whips (Ball and Chain)-3
Snached in the False Night (T-21)+20Etiquette-5/Interrogation-5/Persuasion-5/Psychology-5
Contract With a Shadow (T-22)+10Tactics-5/Unarmed (Brawling)-5
Getting the Word (T-7)+10Tactics-5/Whips (Ball and Chain)-5
An Echo of Meilin (T-23)+10Stealth-5/Endurance-5
The Ghost Blunderer (T-24)+10Seafaring-10
Friendly Fire (T-25)+10Climbing-5/Discipline-4/Falconry-1

Eddrick Brodon

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:54 pm
by Eddrick Brodon


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Falconry and Mounts
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Society, Culture and Events
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Eddrick Brodon

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:04 pm
by Eddrick Brodon
Starter Pack Items
Starting with the Infantry Deserter Packet:
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Ongoing Cash Ledger
............0on, 0gn, 2sn, 0cn
On The House (Vhalar job)...500gnVhalar 716 wages500gn, 2sn
Vhalar 716 expenses...Beggar......500gn, 2sn
Bringing Down the House (Zi'Da job)...558gnZi'Da 716 wages1058gn, 2sn
Zi'Da 716 expenses "poor"-27gn, 9sn......1030gn, 3sn
Tomb of Lost Imm....300gn...1330gn, 3sn

Wealth Point Ledger
Adjustment (link) Wealth Tier Total Wealth Points
Initial wp approval post Wealth Tier 5 (12wp per season) 74 WPs
The Ghost Blunderer (T-24)-1 WP 73 WPs

Ongoing Loot Ledger
Awakened Response (T4)1 Howling BoneBroken (T5)
Under Siege (T8)200 GN worth of trinkets and jewelrysold for cash for faction
1 Set of Improvised (Poor Quality) plate armorgiven to faction
200 GN worth of weapons and armor piecesgiven to faction
Night Glow GemBought from Point Bank
Night Vision (T12)Night vision spyglassMade from Night Glow Gem
Bringing Down the House (T11)400gn looted from caravanGiven to complete 800gn faction start-up cost
Tomb of Lost Imm (T15)100gn worth of various treasuresKept for trades
Rain StonesBought from Point Bank
Snatched in the False Night (T21)Free Meal at Ol' Fran's in YaralonAnytime he visits
The Ghost Blunderer (T-24)Vital Information about mercs bound for HotlandsNeed to report to Korlasir

Point Bank Ledger
194 and here194
......-160 pts. for Night Glow GemUnder Siege 34 pts.
...+76 and here110
...+97 and here207
...+75 and here282
...+48 and here330
...+88 and here418
...+70 and here488
...+61 and here549
...+2 points...here551
...+106 and here657
...+3 points...here660
...+2 points...here662
...+3 points...here665
...+5 points...here670
...+3 points...here673
......-100 pts. for Rain StonesLost Immortal573
...+19 points...here592
...+7 points...here599
...+13 points...here612
...+30 and here642
...+55 and here697
Ongoing PB Entries Found Here

Pets and NPCs

Name: Arrow
Breed: Crescent Hawk
Age: Estimated 10-arcs old.

Arrow is the hawk Eddrick used as an excuse to go out of the city of Athart on the day he found out he'd been framed for a political murder. Having worked for his father in a bird training shop, he was believed by the guards, who did not yet know of the charges against him.

Upon recovery and inspection of the tangled bird, he decided to keep it, seeing no signs of any detrimental conditions. He could assume its original trainer or owner was as inept as he was negligent, having seemingly lost and/or abandoned such a fine sample of raptor flesh.

His own experience helping his father train birds gave him considerable insight into the signs of the creature's superior intelligence. It's size and behavioral tendencies were sufficient to guess the bird's age, and it took to training quickly and eagerly.

The Crescent Hawk has no unusual traits or abilities to make it more desirable to practicing falconers than any other breed. But Eddrick could see right away that among this local breed, Arrow possessed a superior intelligence, acute cunning and affinity for instruction. Rarely is Eddrick found without Arrow nearby.

Name: Shade
Breed: Snatcher
Age: Unknown

Eddrick picked up this stray snatcher while in Yaralon to check on possible mercenary groups being recruited by Nashaki to oppose the Imperial Empire.

While there, an attack came from some parallel shadow domain, unleashing shadow creatures that attacked by contact with their targets' shadows, and not direct contact. Shade was one such creature.

Apparently, Eddrick's intuitive hesitance to attack all the shadow creatures blindly, and instead to attempt mental contact with them, whereupon he realized it was hunger and not hostility that drove them, impressed the snatchers. Eddrick too, was impressed by the desperate creatures willingness to communicate, rather than submit to ravenous carnage.

Eddrick's approach probably saved many lives, both shadow and human, but was not unanimously appreciated by the mercenary culture of the city. His intent to return to the Hotlands, where little shadow could be found to give the creatures restful security, and where food could be quite scarce at times, he did not consider taking any with him. But this one refused to leave his side.
Jeth (Rhakrii Raiders' healer), Sub-Chief of Body
link to PSF approval

Name: Jeth Mo-la Dabril
Rank: Healer, Sub-chief of Body
Age / Race: 24-arc-old human

Renown: 350

Medicine - 50 / Surgery - 50
Chemistry - 45 / Brewing - 40
Leadership - 30 / Psychology - 30
Poisons - 29 / Gardening - 26
Resistance - 26 / Mount (Horse) - 24

Back Story

Having received a reasonably in-depth education in both the surgical and chemical aspects of medicine in Nashaki, Jeth was unaware that it was all to allow his parents to escape a debt to the Tower of Flesh. Such beneficial types of education were not normally attributed to this harsh Tower, so his two-fold medical training did not give warning of this hidden agenda. He'd have been ready to simply accept that he could do some good with what he would learn, regardless of which city faction was behind it.

Being unaware of the family debt was another matter though. His training complete, he had not taken a dozen steps out the entrance to the tower before a squad of tower security personnel seized him and dragged him back to the facility. Here, he was informed that he was to serve primarily as a healer of brothel diseases.

Disgusted by his fate, and sporting a new loathing for his parents, he engineered a series of escapes into the Tower of Arms, and out into the field, where his medical knowledge was put to what he considered a far more honorable use. These remote troops were glad to have him, but it was inevitable that he was captured among the few survivors of an ambush by desert nomads.

He was not too dissatisfied with life among the nomads, but it was not to last. Nashaki slavers raided the nomad camp and he was recognized. Chained with dozens of other unfortunates, he was being hauled back to Nashaki, when, on the 87th trial of Vhalar, arc 713, the caravan was ambushed by the Rhakrii Raiders and he was set free.

No longer sure of where he could go without ending up in chains, or worse, he decided to join the bandit force, as the leader informed him of their need for healers back in their stronghold, where numerous others had landed after suffering misfortunes similar to his own, children and elderly among them. There was a rudimentary group of men and women with the bare basics of medical understanding, but none that could compare to his own.

The leader of the Rhakriis has since placed him in charge of all of the bandits' health concerns and given him a place on the five-member council that makes all Rhakrii decisions.
Barrek (Rhakrii Raiders' Empath), Sub-Chief of Mind
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Name: Barrek Camarel
Rank: Empath, Sub-chief of Mind, Rhakrii diplomat
Age / Race: 33-arc-old human

Renown: 350

Empathy - 50 / Persuasion - 50
Meditation - 45 / Linguistics - 45
Leadership - 35 / Politics - 35
Storytelling - 35 / Endurance - 30
Mount (Horse) - 25

Back Story

Barrek was a rising star in the Tower of Chamadarst. But upon achieving an awakening of new mental growth, this promising empath was stricken by an unusual mutation. His spark grew an affinity for challenge and began to seek out other empaths upon activation of its influence. This did not mean that Barrek went rogue into the desert or city looking for mental battles. But whenever he sought to use his power, if there was another empath nearby, his attempt at the target's tangle would also automatically seek to affect the other empath as well.

Though he had promise of grand abilities to come, his current capability was none too impressive yet, and he was always found out and defeated by the other mage. This usually brought failure to whatever diplomatic effort was being attempted, if not threats of retaliation for having made such an attempt. Fortunately, this only took place in exercises within the Tower's halls; but it still spelled an end to any further Tower expenditure toward his growth as an Empath.

This problem was compounded by the development of an additional difficulty. If there was no other mage present, he often found himself victimized by a backlash of his own ether, which made himself susceptible to falling prey to his own suggestions. If he tried to impose an apprehension into a target's mind, he began to find himself growing apprehensive as well. It may not be an apprehension based on the same fear that the target held, but it made it difficult to continue focusing on his efforts.

As expected, he was cast out of the Tower's programs. But he was given an endorsement of great potential if a way could be found to circumvent these obstacles. None was forthcoming however, and his future soon found its way into taverns where he could drink away his frustration.

It happened one trial that a member of the Rhakrii raiders was biding his time in one such tavern and was present to witness an odd exchange between Barrek and the barkeep. As most people know, a skilled barkeep can get most people talking out their troubles. As Barrek was coaxed into spilling his emotional guts, the barkeep suffered a pronounced episode of the near full gamut of emotional extremes. Barrek was too drunk to notice, but the bandit was not.

The burst of emotions from such a central figure as the barkeep himself soon escalated into serious contention, which was then easily nudged into a full-on brawl. Several underlings of important officials were injured and Barrek would not have escaped without the aid of the bandit. A call for this "rogue Empath"s head was shouted on street corners almost immediately, and a running escape was engineered by this Rhakrii member, and only with the help of several fellow Rhakriis that had infiltrated the town for some mischief.

It was spontaneously decided that the befriending of a powerful Empath was a better mission than the simple burglary they had been planning, and no effort was spared to get Barrek safely away from Nashaki. He made one incursion back to the city in hopes of getting enough time to explain that he had discovered that alcohol appeared to suppress the mutation he suffered from. But the obvious stall tactic by the official that met with him, and the warning of approaching guards from his Rhakrii escort made it obvious that he was not going to ever be welcome in Nashaki again.

With subsequent experimentation, he has since learned the degree of alcoholic consumption that is required to put him in control of this mutation without incurring a similarly negative effect from too much drink. He has remained with the Rhakriis ever since.
Daireen (Rhakrii Raiders' Blacksmith) Sub-Chief of Supply
link to PSF approval

Name: Daireen Togrith (Denome - "Eternal Jewel")
Rank: Sub-chief of Supply, Rhakrii Blacksmith
Age / Race: 26-arc-old Yludih

Renown: 350

Mining - 50 / Smithing - 50 / Bludgeon (1-handed Maul) - 45
Woodworking - 45 / Strength - 35 / Unarmed Combat (Gauntlet) - 35
Engineering - 35 / Endurance - 30 / Mount (Horse) - 25

Back Story

Did ever a story of a Yludih wanderer not originate with persecution and oppression? To the east of Luesco's Wall, sits the comparatively placid lands of the Belmar nomadic tribe. A father and daughter wandered into their lands arcs ago, bringing with them the benefits of mining and smithing knowledge. The nearby mountains of the Wall provided ample opportunity to display their combined efficiency in both skills and they were both soon accepted. It could also be said that it marked their presence.

It did not take long for it to become known that the Belmars were outfitted with gear that was a cut above the usual nomadic fare. At that time, Nashaki still controlled the area, though the Eternal Empire had begun to encroach ever further down from the north. Believing that their wife and mother now rested in Uleuda, having long since "unlocked the gates" to the Yludih spiritual home, Denome and her father wanted only to live productive and appreciated lives until they joined her.

Little did they know that the woman they loved was not dead from the world, but a captive of Nashaki. She was not initially a cog in any major intelligence plans, but the realization that her loved ones were likely to have been absorbed into the Belmars changed all this. The Belmars came under attack and Denome's father was captured as well. The father was now told of his wife's captivity and the two were played off against each other; both being used as a hostage against the others' cooperation.

Their natural skills were exploited for spying and impersonation to gather military intelligence against the forces of the encroaching Imperials. Denome escaped from the area as it was changing hands into Imperial control and one particularly dark night she was seen traveling in the desert lands by a squad of Rhakrii Raiders, led by Eddrick himself. He often set out with his men on such nights to capitalize on the most effective use of his Night Glow spyglass. The odd property of the gem, which allowed everything seen through it as if it was broad daylight, did not change the reality of how darkness reveals a Yludih for the race they are.

Though it was not the sort of thing Eddrick was looking for at the time, he saw her stumbling and crawling through the dark and could see that she was a Yludih. He approached her the next dawn with a flag of truce and an offer of membership in his ranks. When she gave a false name, a human name, Eddrick did not challenge it and offered her food and water. Being on the verge of dehydration and starvation, Denome, now calling herself Daireen Togrith, was astounded to see such a need provided for with no reciprocal demand.

She asked tentatively if she could be granted sanctuary on a temporary basis. The bandit regretfully informed her that he could not give such freedom of movement within their stronghold to someone who might then take their leave with the information they could gather during their stay. She could not deny the logic of this and thanked him for the food. Eddrick compounded his generosity by offering her a ride to the lands of the Corvain tribe to the east of the Rhakrii holdings.

On the way there, several exchanges of small talk prompted her to confess her mining and smithing skills, as well as allowing him to reveal that he knew she was a Yludih. She was astounded a second time to have information that would normally put her at his mercy be left unexploited. It led to a discussion of the way her parents had been used by Nashaki, which naturally led to Eddrick's own litany of suffering at their hands. Common ground was found, and Daireen reconsidered the bandit's offer.

As long as they were mutually opposed to Nashaki, there was now no reason for her to go anywhere else. She had been hoping all along to find support for her hopes of finding and rescuing her parents. When Eddrick returned from the east cycles later, with Raskalarn's blessing and a whole new level of resolve on behalf of the empire, Daireen could not have been happier. She now occupies the lieutenant position of "Sub-chief of Supply" in the Rhakriis.

Eddrick Brodon

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:32 pm
by Eddrick Brodon
Thread List
T-1.) Balancing ScalesMemory/87 Vhalar 713Graded by Rosamond
T-2.) I Am The SerpentPresent/19 Ashan 716Graded by Rosamond
T-3.) Ghosts Can Shove it Where the Sand Winds UpPresent/121 Ashan 716Graded by Pegasus
T-4.) Awakened ResponsePresent/10 Ymiden 716Graded by Basilisk
T-5.) Battle of the Hotlands Claypan - Western FrontPresent/15 Ymiden 716Graded by Basilisk
T-6.) Battle of the Hotlands Claypan - Eastern FrontPresent/15 Ymiden 716Graded by Basilisk
T-7.) Getting the WordMemory/45 Ashan 715Graded by Strange
T-8.) Under SiegePresent/18 Ymiden 716Graded by Basilisk
T-9.) At What Cost (Emea)Present/2 Saun 716In Progress
T-10.) On the House Vhalar 716 job threadPresent/27 Vhalar 716Graded by Pegasus
T-11.) Bringing Down the House Zi'da 716 job threadPresent/4 Zi'da 716Graded by Fridgar
T-12.) Night VisionPresent/34 Zi'da 716Graded by Pegasus
T-13.) Shedding Some Light Cylus 717 job threadPresent/5 Cylus 717Graded by Pegasus
T-14.) Skeletons in the ClosetPresent/17 Cylus 717Graded by Kovic
T-15.) Tomb of the Lost ImmortalPresent/54 Ashan 717Graded by Basilisk
T-16.) Let the Sands Take ThemPresent/34 Ashan 717Graded by Noth
T-17.) The Trials of Bandit "Hunting"Present/25 Ashan 717Graded by Djinn
T-18.) Battle: Northern Reaches Fortress ExteriorPresent/26 Ymiden 717Graded by Basilisk
T-19.) An Imperial Audience Krorros mark threadPresent/23 Zi'da 717Graded by Basilisk
T-20.) Separate WaysPresent/12 Ashan, 718Graded by Rynata
T-21.) Snatched in the False NightPresent/40 Saun, 718Graded by Aegis
T-22.) Contract With a ShadowPresent/12 Cylus, 719Graded by Strange
T-23.) An Echo of MeilinPresent/5 Ashan, 719Graded by Alistair
T-24.) The Ghost BlundererPresent/87 Ashan, 719Graded by Rakvald
T-25.) Friendly FirePresent/6 Ymiden, 719Graded by Pig Boy

Eddrick Brodon

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:49 am
by Eddrick Brodon
Krorros, The will of Raskalarn

Ability NameAbility Description
Might of the ConquerorA skill that is passive in nature, Might of the Conqueror provides the blessed with a small, but noticeable, boost to their strength and endurance, so that they might be able to more easily perform tasks they would otherwise struggle with.
Mortal Foe The will of Raskalarn is one of the conqueror and equally strong individuals will stand in the way of such ambition. Mortal Foe allows the marked to identify a worthy opponent as their mortal foe, as someone who must be overcome at all costs. Once that foe is recognized, and only one may be active a time, a Marked will always be aware of when their mortal foe is near, or within the same city. They will always feel a tug toward that fated confrontation and when it occurs, fate intervenes in such a way as to separate the two for their duel. Once used, this ability cannot be again till Mortal Foe has been dismissed.
Krorros Skills Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Any Weapons Skill (Including Seige Weapons), Unarmed Combat, Discipline, or Leadership. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
Never UnarmedA conqueror and soldier must remain deadly in any situation. This ability allows a Favored to summon a single martial weapon to their hand. This weapon is one of Raskalarns and uniquely bound to the Krorros. It cannot be broken unless they are and will always retain its edge. If a weapon is not called for in the situation, this ability can also call forth a buckler for defense with similar properties. Only one can exist at any time and if the Krorros drops the weapon, it immediately vanishes.
Necessity and GenerosityNecessity and Generosity, as the name implies, can be triggered in two different ways. The first will allow the Blessed to draw energy from those loyal to them in order to replenish their own energy, though they cannot drain others to death or unconsciousness. The second is the inverse of the first, with the Blessed feeding their own energy to their followers, with the same fail-safe as the first method. This ability can be used at will.
Conqueror's AidThose Blessed by Raskalarn tend to be warriors above the skill of the average soldier, mercenary, or guard. Conqueror's Aid allows the Blessed to aid these lesser warriors. Conqueror's Aid is the only Krorros ability that relies on other people for activation. Those truly loyal to the Blessed can call on their aid as long as they are nearby, and they choose to answer that call, at which point they will appear instantly at the caller's side.
Krorros abilities knowledge
Krorros: 'Might of the Conqueror' can make you forget you're injured
Krorros: 'Might of the Conqueror' is best kept until really needed
Krorros: 'Mortal Foe' can show that an enemy does not HAVE to be fought
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