Heya, would like to apply for some belated medals for Kalortah:
Been there, Died there:
Local Name 250 renown
National Treasure 500 renown
One Arc Later... Kalortah was created in 2017 February
Terrible Twos Kalortah was created in 2017 February
Three Arcs Kalortah was created in 2017 February
Four already!? Kalortah was created in 2017 February
Another year! Another!? Kalortah was created in 2017 February
Letter He has a diploma in art: Singing from Scalv
Certificate! He has a diploma in art: Singing from Scalv
Diploma He has a diploma in art: Singing from Scalv
Ascension For becoming exalted by Delroth
Pioneer - First to use a ring of reversal to remove a spark?
Hoarder He has well over 260 wp banked. Check it.
...ow. :
Dragon Rider: Yeah he's ridden his dragonling
How The Mighty Have Fallen: IF quitting and/or getting removed from his post as Foreign Affairs councilor counts, or getting exiled from Scalvoris?
viewtopic.php?f=357&t=8317&p=93950#p93950 - Starter thread

Shopaholic: You know he's spent more than the equivalent of an onyx on tons of things.