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Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 7:54 pm
by Darius Baer
Pretty please, could I request...

For Darius:
Terrible Twos For Darius' second birthday!
Painting With Words Requested here, but not awarded.
Pioneer For being the first player to get to Centurion level as a member of one of the Forged factions.

For Yina:
Painting With Words for this extraordinary post!
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
All medals awarded! Thanks!

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:20 pm
by Pig Boy

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:39 pm
by Rorom
I'd like to put in for a few medals for Rorom:

Land Lubber - first thread at sea
Ahoy matey - five threads at sea
First Mate - ten threads at sea
Oh Captain my Captain - twenty threads at sea

Here's my proof:
  1. viewtopic.php?f=88&t=3109
  2. viewtopic.php?f=88&t=5401
  3. viewtopic.php?f=88&t=5476
  4. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=10996
  5. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=11027 <--- Technically took place on a lake, but hey? Still counts. He's on a boat!
  6. viewtopic.php?f=353&t=13741
  7. viewtopic.php?f=353&t=13649
  8. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=15374
  9. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=16584
  10. viewtopic.php?f=216&t=16995
  11. viewtopic.php?f=63&t=17630 <--- briefly takes place at a pier at dock, but I think it counts.
  12. viewtopic.php?p=126978#p126978 <---- Takes place briefly at sea, partly.
  13. viewtopic.php?f=446&t=18987 <--- fishing tournament totally counts. He's in a boat in the bay.
  14. viewtopic.php?f=88&t=8338
  15. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=13608
  16. viewtopic.php?f=416&t=20226
  17. viewtopic.php?f=251&t=23163&start=10
  18. viewtopic.php?p=161591#p161591
  19. viewtopic.php?p=180839#p180839
  20. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=27884
  21. viewtopic.php?f=236&t=27892
And a sea battle, for Chrien's Watching: Rorom and Darius Baer


And owning five boats... Let's see for Sea King medal:

He started as a seafaring pc back in the day, and had the Crag Dodger. (since repossesed)
He later bought a Rowboat
Then he bought the Lucky Bird
Then he bought a schooner the Bed of Nels (since donated to Isonomia)
He bought a set of longboats.
Then he bought a Tallship the Gray Asylum (since donated to Isonomia)
And if that isn't enough, he just recently bought the Onyx Cascade.
 ! Message from: Tempest
Wow Rorom has been busy! Its so good to see and read all of these! Congrats on your new medals!

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:49 pm
by Tempest
Up To Date!

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:19 pm
by Oram Mednix
1) [flair#flair152]Terrible Twos.
Been here since late Jan 2020!
2) [flair#flair13]Hallowed
(Shirvan, Ezere, Sojourn)
3) [flair#flair152]Ew! Bugs!
I've got Survival Skills and When Nature Calls, but never got this one. Here's one thread in the Sweetwine!
4) [flair#flair66]Immortal Slayer. Syroa! The rumors are true! here!
Okay, technically, Nir'wei gave the coup de grace, but come on!
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
All approved and added to your profile.

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 3:24 pm
by Dandelion
Requesting for Dandelion

1. Three arcs - he was created 1st Feb 2019
2. Hoarder - he has amassed 265/251 wp required for Tier 10
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
All approved and added to your profile.

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 4:37 pm
by Pig Boy


Up to date once more!

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2022 3:11 pm
by Devin
I would like to nominate myself for the following medals:

National Treasure, Regional Fame and Superstar!

Devin has 1.000+ Renown.

Furthermore, I would like to nominate myself for this medals:

Three Arcs.

Devin was created on April 3rd, 2018.

Finally, I would like to nominate myself for these medals:

Letter, Certificate, Diploma and Charter.

Devin has a Letter, Certificate and Diploma in Arcana.

He also has a Diploma and a Charter in Medicine.

(His qualifications are listed in his Wiki.)
 ! Message from: Tempest
Has it really been 3 years already? Wow it doesnt feel like it has been that long. Congrats and enjoy your shiny new medals!

Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 8:00 pm
by Tempest

A Storm is Coming...


Re: Medal Nomination Thread

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2022 7:36 pm
by Russel Kandor
Doran was kind enough to nominate me for the Painting With Words medal here!