On the Way to Greatness

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On the Way to Greatness

So What About You?
Fun things to happen in here. Or not fun things... depending on how you look at it. Well.. I'll start off with a bit of fast facts:
Real Name: Heather
Will Go By: Sect/Seccy/Whisper/PC Name(s)
Age: 25
From: London, UK
Lives in: Edinburgh, UK
Accounts: Whisper, Cerys, Virikai, Delta, Tasar
Works As: Speech and Language Therapist
Studied: BA (Honours) Linguistics, MSc Speech and Language Therapy
Other Hobbies: Sgt in the ATC
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Books/Films: HP, LotR, Farseer Trilogies, The Name of the Wind
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (or sometimes Slytherin)
ASoIaF House: Lannister or Bolton (apparently o.O)
Amazon Wishlist: Here
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I'm just going to waltz in here...

Farseer Trilogy is great, characterisation is excellent and the king Lear-esq set up always interested me. One of my favourite of the fantasy genre. Most of all, nothing goes just right unlike other books and it feels more realistic.

Did you like the trilogy after this - Fool's errand etc ? And what about live ship traders?
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Ohh! Another fan! Yes, I adore the books. They would make terrible films, I think, because they're all about what isn't said/done. But the best thing about them is the language used - it's so natural in the way it pulls you into the world with somewhat archaic language in syntax and lexis, things like calling Fitz "Chivalry's get" and all that. On that level, it does a far better job of adding realism to the world whilst keeping it easy to read.

Yeah, I've read the Farseer Trilogy and am on the last book in the Tawny Man Trilogy (skipped the Liveship Traders in favour of reading more about Fitz), but I've started to pick up books from other trilogies too, ready to go. They all need to be in the same cover though, which is difficult! Or maybe I'll start on Fitz and the Fool! It's a bit annoying, though.. I haven't got much time for Fitz; I find him far too selfish.. even if I can see his reasoning. And don't even get me started on Molly. Verity was the best character ever (I named a Viden NPC after him)!
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Okay, but be sure and DO read the Liveship Trilogy. ;)
That is actually my favorite Hobb series.
It's been too long since I read Farseer. I'm losing track of whose names were whose.
But I thought the whole "Forging' concept was brutally brilliant. It gave me shivers.
And basically, I like the realism of it's overall less than everybody-is-happy-and-justice-is-served ending.
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Me too, me too. The Farseers, The Liveships, and The Tawny man; these three trilogies are once again on repeat in my family this summer. I have the privilege to get to discuss it every day. I own the books in two languages. I guess this says all.

I like how all the characters in the books grow and develop over time. The subsidiary characters are so well fleshed out and so interesting that they doesn’t feel subsidiary to me. The whole story is so complex, intriguing and well written.

You skipped over the Liveships ? There’s a lot of other characters introduced there, and many new fantastic themes. And I recall I too felt like you, and wanted to know what happened to the original story. I just didn’t get it at once that the Liveships is a sequel to the first trilogy, because there's so many new things added and it takes time before the connetions to the previous trilogy unfolds. Maybe I would have done like you if it had been possible. But in my case The Tawny Man wasn’t available yet.

The storyline of the Liveships is outstanding on it's own. But actually, important parts of the Fitz and Fool storyline is progressed in these books too. There’s also what I personally feel is a small silent core plot for the relationship between Fitz and Fool.

Don’t miss out on the middle trilogy, because it adds a lot of depth.

The good news is that you now have these three fat books full of top fantasy to read when you are done with the book you are at now. It’s not over yet ...
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On the Way to Greatness

Hi all.

Just wanted to apologise for my absence recently, both staff wise and with my PCs. My work schedule has been a bit odd last week and I'm moving soon so things are all a bit mad for me at the moment. But mainly I've just been far too lethargic to really be productive - today was the first time I actually did anything fun. I drew a picture for a Northern Region monster... it's pretty much a velociraptor. :) Anyway, I'll do whatever I can/have the motivation to do... and when I get up to Scotland and am no longer working, I should have more time to do stuff around here. Fun stuff!

...having said that, I am starting a Masters and after the lonely year I've had, I want to throw myself into having a life. And I have to do my work. And... yeah I have cadets.. that takes up shitloads of time. Woop. :) So excited, just have to push through these final few days.
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..well proper freedom once I finish my RAF course next week xD
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Did you know.. America doesn’t have any?

Or… when I say it doesn’t have any.. I mean it has approximately 3,000 roundabouts (as of 2011) in the entire country. Now.. 3,000 might seem like a lot to you.. but bearing in mind that the USA is… a substantial size bigger than the UK, it should definitely not seem like a lot when we consider that the UK has around 25,000 roundabouts (as of 2009). Weird, huh? I would be curious to discover how many Australia and New Zealand have. Methinks lots?

Now.. I only realised this when my sister came back from a school trip to Missouri (strange place to go on a school trip, I know) and she said that she had seen her first American roundabout. Now.. my family is reasonably well travelled, especially around the USA, and it had never occurred to me that I had never seen one, so I immediately jumped on all of my American friends and asked them about this strange phenomenon.

The most popular response I received? “What’s a roundabout” O.O After a brief explanation, some people still didn’t have the faintest idea about what I was talking about.. but most realised, “Ooooh, traffic circles!” Yes. those old fashioned things that Britain has moved on from. Them. If you look at my medals, you'll see I have a LOL Worthy one about roundabouts. That was in direct reply to Jade. Tells you what the Americans know about roundabouts!

But most of this chat was with people from a different RP game, which is more live-text-based... and by this point I had been raving about how Americans could ever be allowed to drive in the UK, and a few of them hastened to inform me that they, in fact, had at least three within ten miles of where they lived. It was a good moment for me when I could tell them that I could drive for about 20 minutes and easily happen across 30 of them. Round one to the Brits.

I also took immense pleasure in explaining to them what a “Magic” Roundabout was. Wikipedia definition as follows: “This roundabout is at a junction of five (or more) roads and consists of a two-way road around the central island with five (or more) mini-roundabouts where it meets the incoming roads. Traffic may proceed around the main roundabout either clockwise via the outer lanes, or anticlockwise using the inner lanes next to the central island. At each mini-roundabout the usual clockwise flow applies.”


Isn't it beautiful? I live about 20 minutes from that one. If the picture is confusing, here's a drawing of a different one:

I have to admit that I LOVE driving around Magic Roundabouts, and am fortunate enough to have three of them within 40 minutes of my house. Yay. But it went deeper for the Americans. Apparently they don’t know what a mini-roundabout is. It took me a while to recover from this, because, let’s face it, roundabouts are such a massive part of driving in the UK.

One friend in particular began to show me pictures on the internet of a few roundabouts near him. He thought they were mildly impressive. They weren’t. My Magic Roundabouts easily trumped him, as well as showing him the Handy Cross roundabout in High Wycombe (just a stone’s throw away from one of the (in)famous Magic Roundabouts near me, which is an impressive feat if you cross it alive.

I suppose a lot of you will find this incredibly dull.. but they fun. Much more exciting that traffic lights. :)
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I must confess,
the presence of the mini-roundabouts within the larger is something I was unaware of.
I have a couple of minis within five minutes of my work.
Sorry, Heather...I hate them. Give me a four-way stop every time.
The fact that we drive on the other side of the road makes up for the fact that ours turn counter-clockwise, making the dynamics essentially the same, if reversed.
There's always insufficient visibility to make me confident of doing any more than coming to a near-complete stop anyway, for fear of some aggressive jerk flying broadside into me from the left where some hedge or brick wall prevented me seeing him.
Now I will concede that your presented sample has lots of visibility around it, so I could possibly like it!
On a good night, with competent drivers and bright headlights, I can imagine that looking like fireworks in slow motion. :D
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Haha oh there are definitely times when I hate roundabouts! The idiots who do not indicate as they come off... or indicate but continue to go round... people joining the roundabout never know if it's truly safe to join. You really have to be uber sensible and alert on these things. But that's probably why I like them: they keep you from falling asleep at the wheel. The amount of times I've not been paying attention to a red light as I approach... (I've never jumped one, but I've been close). And then there's all the people who accelerate just to get through an amber light. In some ways, traffic light junctions are more dangerous than roundabouts due to stupid driving.

The only roundabouts I hate are the 4 or 5 lane (or more!) roundabouts... never know which lane I need to be in and there's traffic all around you and which exit did I want and oh my god that guy is undertaking and there goes the exit I needed and okay let's just come off here and turn around and try again shall we..

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