Vaughn's Plotnotes

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Posts: 121
Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:33 am
Race: Human
Renown: 24
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Vaughn's Plotnotes

  • Horse breeding (animal husbandry, animal training, business management)
  • Buy a ship and learn sailing (seafaring, navigation)
  • Join the skyriders (blades: longsword**, ranged combat: longbow***, ranged combat: shortbow, mount: horse**, mount: volareon, mount: jacadon, medicine, field craft, animal husbandry* at Skye Verath Lodge, investigation**, leadership***, navigation**, stealth**, tactics***)
  • If possible, "double or triple major" in skyriders, sailors, and knights; become a special agent
    (skills for sailors: seafaring*, swimming*, ranged combat: longbow***, navigation**, seige weaponry**, tactics***, leadership***, cartography*, blades: longsword**)
    (skills for knights: ranged combat: longbow***, investigation**, mount: horse**, unarmed combat*, tactics***, leadership***, interrogation*, stealth**, seige weaponry**)
  • Explore mark of Chrien (swimming, knowledge about Chrien + Rusalkis/Rusalka, meet with Chrien for possible mission/instructions, explore and practice abilities, earn devotion (dedicate fights and bloodletting, pray, worship during storms)
  • Work on devotion for other gods and other marks
    (Ralaith of Wisdom, Bitterness, Time, Bears (Shirvain)
    Delroth of Birds, Wind, Vanity, Greed (Tarouz)
    Karem of the Hunt, Survival, Wolves (Velduris)???

    Xiur of Clouds, Dusk, Stars, Hope??? (no blessing yet)
    U'frek of Navigation, Water, Auroras??? (Koriel)
    Moseke of Earth, Stone, Nature, Life??? (Sevrath))
  • Join the University (language: Draketh, knowledge about jacadon + Rynmere + Rynmere's children)
  • Job 1 skyrider (see above)
  • Job 2 smith (smithing)
  • Make bank and expand farm/ranch (buy land in Burhan, Krome(?), Warrick(?), additions to house, animals, housecarl/caretakers, furniture and equipment)
  • Nobility (politics)
  • Tie loose ends with Vanessa and Marcus?
*skill is a requirement for that sector of the military (animal husbandry, seafaring, swimming, cartography, unarmed combat, interrogation)
**skill is a requirement for two different sectors (blades: longsword, mount: horse, investigation, navigation, stealth, seige weaponry)
***skill is a requirement for all three (ranged combat: longbow, leadership, tactics)

pick 3 skills: ranged combat: longbow, animal husbandry, mount: horse
pick 3 secondary skills: smithing, blades: longsword, swimming
word count: 295

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