The Echidna Plotnotes

Plotnotes for Ioan, Malis, and Tlarekih

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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The Echidna Plotnotes

“Then Ceto bore another invincible monster,
in no way like mortal men or the deathless gods;
yes, in a hollow cave she bore Echidna, divine
and iron-hearted, half fair-cheeked and bright-eyed nymph
and half huge and monstrous snake inside the holy earth,
a snake that strikes swiftly and feeds on living flesh.
Her lair is a cave under a hollow rock,
far from immortal gods and mortal men;
the gods decreed for her a glorious dwelling there.”

-Hesiod, Theogony

This place is for the plotting that will go into Ioan, Malis, and Tlarekih. Permission will be given to thread partners who wish to post important plot details in a public and shared space, and this courtesy will be extended to Prophets as well.
word count: 128
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The Echidna Plotnotes

> Medicine mastery!!!!!!, this means do lots of threads regarding medicine. Get done, gurl.

> Royal physician. Medicine mastery, probably need good reputation, get good in a bunch of other skills and become pretty damn invaluable as a whole. Get rid of the opposition and rivals <_<, and make friends with other doctors. Dispose of them in secret. >_>

> POISON THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE (also, you could be royal taste tester because if anyone poisons the king, you won't get poisoned). Fight the people who say YOU did it, because you (probably) didn't. Maybe team up with the actual poisoner (if there ever is one) and then gather enough evidence to get rid of them (or frame Peake Andaris someone).
word count: 119
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