[Approved by Nymph] Oliver

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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Name: Oliver Branch
Age: 20
Race: Human
DoB: 25th Trial of Zi’Da, 696th Arc
Marks: N/A
Factions Joined: None
Languages: Common [Fluent] | Rakahi [Broken]
Partners: N/A


Oliver had an aura of rustic charm about him, clinging to his sun-kissed skin like a thin layer of dust. Curly, sand-blonde hair covered his head, wild and often unkempt, especially in the hotter parts of the seasons. He had strong masculine features in his face, with a wide forehead and a strong chin that was usually covered in some semblance of a beard at all times of the year (it was Oliver’s attempt at looking older). His eyes were wide-set and a gray-blue color. A broad nose, full lips, and large, round ears that rarely saw the light of day. He was blessed with a full set of teeth despite the lack of access to dental care and his often wild brawls with his brothers.

He is neither tall nor particularly thick—only 5’9” and 155 pounds—but there is a natural strength beneath the skin that comes from the years spent working the land. He was broad-shouldered with defined arms and a flat stomach, with stocky, thick legs to hold him upright. His hands were calloused and crisscrossed with tiny white scars, reminders of mishaps from his youth. Other than that, he lacked any distinguishable scars or blemishes of most. He often tanned in the warmer seasons, and grew paler the colder it got.

Oliver preferred utilitarian clothing that could be both worked and played in, so to speak. He preferred colors of nature—greens, grays, browns—those as of yet he didn’t have the budget to allow for such an expansion of his attire.


Oliver, like his father and his father before him, is a stubborn hardworking individual who has been instilled with the understanding that life didn’t just lay over for you: you had to physically work at it. He possesses a work ethic that fills in the gaps where his capabilities were lacking in life. Should Oliver set his mind to a dream of his, there was little that would sway his mind from attempting to see it through. He won’t always doing things properly, or even succeed at all, but he certainly isn’t one to give up easily.

He’s also a passoniate man, both in the things he holds dear in life and in his responses to other’s reaction to it. His dream to fight in Rharne using the style he has personally developed is something he doesn’t take too kindly to being tarnished. As of now, Oliver lacks of the discipline and the social understanding to sit on his hands. With his brothers, slights were responded to with cuffs across the skull. That isn’t to say Oliver is going to spark a brawl every time he has felt insulted, just that he won’t be prone to forgetting the slight so easily. And where actions aren’t allowed, words may still slip in the direct, no-subtly-whatsoever approach to conversations that Oliver possesses.

Finally, Oliver is still very much a child when it comes to the urban lifestyle he has so recently fallen into. As such, he is often the minority opinion among crowds involving matters of discussions and things to do in the city. He’s always keen in offering an agricultural analogy or some wise words passed down the Branch family tree. This may make it difficult for some to deal with him, but given time, he’ll grown on you like moss between your toes when you wear wet socks for too long.


Born in a quiet little hamlet to a pair of cattle farmers, Oliver was not offered the best path of making much out of his life beyond what he had always known. Thankfully, imagination often found itself unbound by the confines of reality, so in his heart he always knew he'd leave that little old farmstead one day. These were feelings slowly nurtured, though, and not ones he could voice to his parents. So he kept his head low to the ground working alongside his parents and siblings in the early years of his life, always dreaming.

Being the oldest of six boys, Oliver often found himself involved in quite a few scraps with his oldest brothers and quickly discovered that brawls were right up his (hypothetical) alley. It didn't take him long to realize that competitive fighting was the thing he wanted to pursue when he made it to the big city. He knew, though, that he would need something to set him apart from the hundred other fighters who tried to make a name for themselves every Arc. It was by accident that he would make this discovery; after swiping a bottle of his parents fire whiskeys, Oliver defended himself against his two oldest siblings in a drunken stupor, never releasing the bottle from his hand despite all his stumbling around. Thus Drunken Boxing, as he called it, was born.

Oliver would develop this new style of his over the next two years, all the while working odd jobs in his free time to start earning nels to save for his eventual move to Rharne. The opportunity would finally near the tail-end of Ymiden 717. Though his parents were upset to watch him leave, they had suspected their son's intentions for a long while. Saying his final goodbyes, and promising to write, Oliver hitched a ride with a local farmer making the trip south to Rharne, and watched his family disappear in the cloud of dust. It was time to make a name for himself


Having just arrived in Rharne as of Saun 717, Oliver will be renting a room in the city until a more permanent home can be acquired.


Knowledge & Skills

SkillPoints AcquiredPoints SpentProficiency
Acrobatics 15/100 10/251 Novice
Detection 10/100 10/251 Novice
Endurance 5/100 5/251 Novice
Running 5/100 5/251 Novice
Strength 20/100 20/251 Novice
Teaching 5/100 N/A [FT] Novice
Unnarmed Combat: Drunken Boxing 25/100 25/251 Novice


Skill Knowledge

Acrobatics: Rolling with a Punch
Detection: Pinpointing Weaknesses Before a fight Starts
Discipline: Resisting a Head On Charge
Discipline: Holding Firm Until an Opportune Moment
Endurance: Taking a Beating (NH)
Psychology: Making an Opponent Feel Mocked
Socialization: Alcohol Yields Awkward Introductions
Strength: Helps Make Blows Count (SP)
Strength: Standing, Drunk, on Two Feet (NH)
Unnarmed Combat [DB]: Drunk Boxing requires a fluid stance (SP)
Unnarmed Combat [DB]: Constant Movement is Key (SP)
Unnarmed Combat [DB]: Fists Clenched like held about Drinking Mugs (SP)
Unarmed Combat: The Art of Keeping Your Teeth (NH)
Unarmed Combat: Holding Thy Liquor (NH)
Unarmed Combat [DB]: Headbutt
Unarmed Combat [DB]: Uppercut
Unarmed Combat [DB]: Using Feints to set up a follow-up strike
Unarmed Combat [DB]: Knee Strike

Non-Skill Knowledge

Location: Bronze Boar: A Place to Fight
Location: Rharne (NH)
Rharne: A City of Drunken Opportunity (SP)
The Lady Libertine: In the Glass Quarter
Theo Nij'Ryn: A Businessman
Zana: Quiet Armcandy
Skill Point Ledger

Thread/SkillPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Unnarmed Combat: Drunken Boxing25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Teaching..5 5
CS Rewards......
Endurance (NH)550
Acrobatics (NH)550
Sweat Stained Nights15..15









Starting Package
One set of clothing (Cloak, Shirt, Pants, Undergarments, Pair of Boots)
One set of toiletries (Soap, Comb, Razor, Toothbrush, Toothpaste)
One Waterskin
Two sets of eating utensils
Special Possession: A steel flask with the engraving of an olive branch etched on both sides. Can hold sixteen fluid ounces of liquid


Starting Package +100 GN 100 GN
Cashed in Housing +250 GN 350 GN
Clothing Purchases - 12 GN 1 SN 9 CN 347 GN 8 SN 1 CN
Total Currency: 0 ON, 347 GN, 8 SN, 1 CN

Fame Ledger

Item/ ThreadFameTotal
Starting Race Fame 10 10
Starting City Fame [Rharne] 10 20
Sweat Stained Nights +3 23
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...

Thread List

3rd Saun, 717 -- Sweat-Stained Nights
4th Saun 717 -- Half Past Mid-Bell
9th Saun 717 -- Shadowing
14th Saun 717 -- In Pursuit of a God
Last edited by Oliver on Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:03 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 1394
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Posts: 20
Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:12 am
Race: Human
Renown: 20
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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