
This is where CSes are moved to when they are marked as "Approved". If this accidentally locks your CS, don't worry, just PM a prophet and we'll unlock it straight away!

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Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:35 pm
Race: Qi'ora
Profession: Doctor and "Doctor"
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


RP Medals



Age: 19

Race: Yludih

Aqihlih- +20
Laurel- +31
Fox Glove- +13

Date of Birth: Cylus 30th, Arc 698

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken:
Fluent Rakahi(Starter),
Broken Ulehi(Starter),
Fluent Common(Novice/Competent Linguistics),
Broken Common Sign(Novice Linguistics),

Partners: None


Aqihlih seems to have the same typical appearance of any young Yludih, her crystals are plain and without any distinct difference to them. She is roughly 6 feet in size, weighing something close to 170 pounds. She has yet to put in any effort in regards to unlocking the gate of her true self, though she isn't quite sure of the reason why herself.

Laurel Zyq'Ufnaj

Her Biqaj form, the one that was created upon her birth after seeing her mother, is the form that Aqihlih has been familiar with the longest. Even her natural form is a little strange compared to the creature that is Laurel. Laurel is a perfect Biqaj in form. With tapered ears and eyes that flicker in multiple colors she looked and talks like that of a pure Biqaj. As Laurel her form is a bit more squat, stooping downwards a couple inches. This gives her a slightly shorter as well as slightly pudgier appearance that she often uses to appear endearing. Her hair is usually in a long braid, locks of deep brown that border on black tied together and swung over her shoulder. She tends to wear clothing that focuses on its lightness and ability to breathe, while also protecting her from the sun. Her expressions are a lot brighter when compared to the stormy attitude of Fox Glove. It's almost impossible not to see a smile on her face, and when there isn't one it's usually because she's pulling some big, fake crocodile tears. She does occasionally take a somber tone during her work, especially when dealing with those who are very sickly. Or at least it appears she does. She usually puts on a bright expression for those that are the worst off, trying to cheer them up.

Fox Glove, aka 'Doctor Snips'

Fox Glove seems to be a normal human woman in appearance. Being as she remains 6 feet in height she has a willowy kind of build that gives her a kind of elegance as well as the ability to tower over a good number of her victims. Her hair is a shade of ombre with hints of cinnamon like high lights. Her hair is usually pulled back into either a bun or a pony tail giving her a professional no nonsense kind of appeal. Her eyes in this form are actually an extremely rare colors for humans, amber. Her clothes tend to range anywhere from business attire to rain gear depending on just how much blood she is expecting to shed on any given day. It's obvious when she's in a bad mood as Fox Glove, in deep contrast to Laurel, wears her expressions on her sleeve. When upset her scowl is usually deep, creasing all of her features into a disappointed grimace. This look doesn't even begin to disappear until she's started tearing into her work. Sometimes literally given how foul her mood can become. Unfortunately for most this glower seems to be fixed on the expression of the woman, never does she seem able to express any kind of joy or anything besides a resounding distaste when in this form. For those that are aware of Fox Glove's nature then they know this is greatly reflective of her opinions of fleshy beings and her distaste having to be around them all the time.
Fox Glove was the second form that Aqihlih ever learned to use, something her parents taught her when she was young but was only able to perfect after living with Him for a while.

The core of Aqihlih's nature is best described as fluid, she's an actor that can even go as far as to trick herself and because of this, she's often left believing she has the nature of the character that she's playing. Around other's of her kind, however, most of these acts seem to drop along with her various defense mechanisms she's built up. Aqihlih is little more than a frightened child who can barely understand the world around her. She doesn't understand the mortal races, nor their distaste for the Yludih. Feeling a rightness in the "eye for an eye" mentality Aqihlih has become bitter towards anything that isn't made of crystal, be it sapient or not. Beings of flesh do little more than cause her agony, they always have. So she turns to her own people and hopes to find a place where she can fit in. One of the things that's common to the nature of all her forms is a deeply rooted curiosity. She wants to know how the world works, she wants to pick it apart, break it into little bits, and then put it back together because she knows how now. Of course, as much as she'd love to see how the Yludih works she has too much a love for her fellows. Instead, she focuses on divulging the secrets of flesh instead of crystal. Only once did she had the smart idea to try and experiment on herself. It nearly ended up with her getting discovered and she decided never to do it again.

As Laurel, Aqihlih acts with the lightness of her nature. Her words, her touch, her voice all become gentle and sweet, a honey coated lure to aid in the act of trying to earn trust. It's hard to peer past the deceptively sweet smile of Laurel, but it's best not to be fooled. There's a reason this form's name is a reference to the deadly Mountain Laurel. After being named as a Yludih, this was the second name that her parents gave to her. She puts in the effort to pretend that she's a pure Biqaj, which isn't as hard as it might be considering she knows the language by heart. It occasionally becomes harder when she doesn't really have a family to fall back on. Instead, she simply tries to charm and dazzles those around her. The main source of income for Laurel is her work as a free lance doctor, trying to help out medically wherever someone wants to take her. Of course, most of her practices come from the successes of Fox Glove's experimentation. Laurel tends to be an upstanding citizen and woman, seemingly being charitable and willing to help out anyone. But that's because working with a large variety of people helps you keep tabs on them. Tabs like, who would care if this person went missing or how hard it would be to spirit them away. For all her charm, when she's out and about drinking with other she pretends to get drunk. It's fun to drink and swear like a sailor, laughing with everyone else, while knowing you won't do any of the stupid thinks half of your drunk "friends" will.

Fox Glove is the embodiment of all of Aqihlih's hatred for the world around her. Fox Glove herself, having earned the name Doctor Snips, tends to be malicious and enjoy the suffering of others. Fox Glove because the nature of her 'job' believes that she doesn't have as much use for tact as Laurel might. In spite of that, she actually has the biggest income of her two forms, considering that dirty work tends to make more when living in the city of pirates. The honest nature of Laurel's work could never keep up. The reason that Fox Glove has the nickname of "Doctor Snips" is that she tends to take patients, willing or not, and try to figure out new forms of medication. How quickly can you kill a human with certain kind of toxins? How long can you stave off death? Is there a way to clean the blood? Perhaps a human might be able to live without its heart. Fox Glove revels in her ability to answer her own sick curiosity by experiment on the flesh bound creatures. If she ever comes across another Yludih when she's "acquiring" patients she tends to let them go under the threat they never reveal her or what she's doing. She has a certain soft spot for her own kind, but thanks to the fact that she herself can change her face she doesn't really fear discovery as much as she should. The one secret she fears being discovered is exactly what she is.
Last edited by Aqihlih on Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:30 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 1468
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:35 pm
Race: Qi'ora
Profession: Doctor and "Doctor"
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


RP Medals



Aqihlih was born to a pair of good natured Yludih, taking on the form of her parents, a Biqaj. Neither one of her parents wanted to use their abilities for anything malicious, so they decided that they would live a quiet life a little ways out side of Scalvoris Town. They were part of the group that wanted to live with the other races of Idalos, choosing to become one of them. The first name of Idalos she was given was Laurel Zyq'Ufnaj, the name of a true Biqaj. Similarly, her mother who was fluent in Rakahi made sure to raise her on the language. Her mother always stressed how it was important she know all the small details, all the tiny words that separated a true Biqaj from something else. Knowing the secrets of the language as Aqihlih grew she could pass perfectly. From the constant changing of her eye color to the roll of her speech she was able to act, talk, and be a Biqaj. Her father, who was far worse at Rakahi, attempted to teach her Common, but she never took to it as well.

Unfortunately, in the end, she was still a Yludih and one living in a precarious situation. Her parent's network wasn't always the kindness, it was full back stabbing traitors who would rather watch all of Idalos burn. In the end, her parents didn't fit into that philosophy and they were sold out. Aqihlih doesn't exactly remember everything that happened that day, but she still remembers the day she woke up to the house burning. The thick scent of smoke combined with the choked sobs of her mother. Her father ushered her out through the back and told her to run. Moments later she heard him scream. Aqihlih was mostly kept secret from those living around the family, including most of her families network. It allowed her to be spared the same fate. She fell asleep in the middle of immortals knew where crying to herself as she waited for a good time to go back. When she got hungry she returned to the house, uncertain of just how much time had passed.

Upon getting to the house she discovered a man inspected two crystalize statues, statues she would later come to recognize as her parents. At first, she'd tried to hide from the man, fear urging her not to be discovered, but the man was far sharper than any the small child had ever met before. He took her back to his own home, introducing himself as The Doctor. His real name was Arkrenth Malorbor, or at least that's what he said his human name was. He didn't explain to her until much later that she was, in fact, a Yludih. Kept completely in the dark by both of her parents she had little clue what that meant for her or her family. Still lost and confused she cried until Arkrenth slapped her and told her to shut up. His Rakahi was rough and he continually swore in a language that she would later learn to identify as Ulehi. After he had "calmed" the child, Arkrenth proceeded to explain the circumstance leading up to the death of her parents. He also explained how he owed them a great debt from his youth and had intended to try and help, but it was already too late. He intended to pay back his debt by raising Aqihlih as a proper Yludih. A strong one, unlike the weak ones her parents had become. To do that though, she'd need to learn.

Every day the man pushed her to her limits, trying his best to teach her Ulehi and bring her to Uleuda while also trying to teach her skills that would keep her alive in the outside world. He taught her how to turn into her second form, a beautiful human woman, by all means, similar in appearance to him. He called this new persona Fox Glove and taught this persona to hate all non crystal beings for what they'd done to their people. He filled her head with propaganda, lies, and only the bitterest of truths. He did his best to cultivate the hate of Fox Glove while teaching Laurel how to lie. Aqihlih learned about Uleuda and started to learn there, picking up on the language and even starting to nab traces of Common from those around her.

The last thing he taught her was both how to heal and how to harm, that the only way to improve medicine and therefore improve her own living standards was to rob life and learn how things worked. By doing that, not only would she become a good doctor, but she'd learn to be a better Yludih. She would learn what made them tick and how to emulate it in her own behavior. The Doctor was not the kindest man, but he became his most vicious when trying to teach Aqihlih medical skills. He would yell at her, hit her, call her worthless every time she lost a patient. If she could figure out why someone died she'd be called retarded and if she couldn't figure out what parts did when then she would be called an uneducated street rat who would end up a whore. He treated her like a burden, something with less worth than a slave or a dog. Eventually, the Fox Glove half of Aqihlih's nature started to wonder why. What made him so much better than her? She decided to apply her teachers to him and figure it out.

The Doctor was the first, and the last, Yludih that ever became her guinea pig. After ridding herself of the menace she made up a disease that had been the cause of his death, something that matched symptoms he might or might not have been displaying. As Laurel, she was a doctor in training. A sweet and perky girl who only wanted what was best for others. What was there not to trust? In a matter of trails, she took over his shop, making a make shift doctors office outside. It wasn't the most effective thing in the world but her back ally medical aid was enough to pay her seasonal dues, not to mention it was on the down low enough she could continue to learn her practice. She could continue to, experiment, how one might put it.

Currently, she's trying to save up enough to buy either a proper doctors office or a "doctors office" for one persona or the other. Whichever proves to make more money. While Laurel has an actual job, Fox Gloves makes some good money from her back alley dealings.

A small shack on the outskirts of the town, roughly 400 sq ft. The house includes one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a set of six plates (assorted), one chest, a fireplace, and one very lazy cat that only has the basic capacity to hunt for itself. It's practically still a stray.

Last edited by Aqihlih on Sun Aug 06, 2017 3:45 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 1193
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:35 pm
Race: Qi'ora
Profession: Doctor and "Doctor"
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


RP Medals



Knowledge & Skills
SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentSkill Level
Skill0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Business Management0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Chemistry0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
(FT)Deception25/100 (25/100)Novice
Detection0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
(RB)Disguise25/100 (25/251)Novice
Etiquette0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Forgery0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Interrogation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Intimidation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Linguistics27.5/100 (30/251)Competent
Medicine13/100 (13/251)Novice
Meditation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Negotiation0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Persuasion0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Resistance0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Rhetoric0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Socialization0/100 (0/251)Unskilled
Surgery7/100 (7/251)Novice
Skill Levels
Unskilled (0 Points)
Novice (1:1, 0 Knowledge) (1 - 25 Points)
Competent (2:1, 5 Knowledge) (26 - 50 Points)
Expert (3:1, 10 Knowledge) (51 - 75 Points)
Master (4:1, 15 Knowledge) (76 - 99 Points)
Legendary (5:1, 20 Knowledge) (100 Points)
Beyond Legend (Blessing Skills) (101+ Points)

Secondary Weapons Skill Levels
Unskilled = 1 Knowledge
Novice = 5 Knowledge
Competent = 10 Knowledge
Expert = 20 Knowledge
Mastery = 30 Knowledge
Legendary = 40 Knowledge





(DJ)Arkrenth Malorbor: Evil doctor
(DJ)Arkrenth Malorbor: Treated you very poorly
The Doctor: A horrible man
The Doctor: Everyone is his experiment
The Doctor: Deserves nothing but a gruesome death
Mother: Insistent you learn many languages
Mother: Honestly wants what's best for you
Mother: Biqaj form is named Valerie
Father: Isn't very good with Rakahi
Father: A good reason to learn common
Father: Biqaj form is named Orik



(DJ)Yludih: Multiple forms with multiple identities
Yludih: An ostracized race
Yludih: The body will trick the brain to survive
Yludih: Crystal bodies yield easy

Business Management

1. Business Management: A steady income is vital


Deception: The point of a good poker face


1. Discipline: The patience to stick out the learning process


1. Disguise: Knowing the language helps with authenticity


1. Endurance: Withstanding pain


(SP)Language: Common
(DJ)Language, Common: Insults


1. Linguistics: How to move your tongue
2. Linguistics: When to or when not to roll R's
3. Linguistics: Comparing Common to Rakahi
4. Linguistics: Why you should be fluent in many languages
5. Linguistics: Homonyms


(SP)1. Medicine: Iffloil Flower can help stop bleeding
(SP)2. Medicine: Scorra eggs help with depression
3. Medicine: A concoction to help with sore throats
4. Medicine: It's possible to get sick during Saun
5. Medicine: Stress on the body helps grow sickness
6. Medicine: Disinfecting a wound
7. Medicine: Ointment is good for wounds


1. Running: Fleeing the crime scene


1. Stealth: Cloth helps muffle boots
2. Stealth: It's easiest to go without shoes


(SP)1. Surgery: How to stitch a wound
(SP)2. Surgery How to stop bleeding
3. Surgery: It's helpful to practice on the dead
4. Surgery: Sanitation is Important
5. Surgery: Properly cutting open a body
6. Surgery: When to stich a wound
7. Surgery: The uses of scalpels
Skill Point Ledger
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Character Creation50050
RB: Disguise252550
[DJ] Acting330
[DJ] Medicine 330
[DJ] Surgery 220
Trials to Getting Started10010
Man's Huntress10010
Foreign Tongues10020
The Most Important Lesson10010
Last edited by Aqihlih on Mon Oct 02, 2017 3:48 am, edited 16 times in total. word count: 550
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:35 pm
Race: Qi'ora
Profession: Doctor and "Doctor"
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


RP Medals



Last edited by Aqihlih on Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:49 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:35 pm
Race: Qi'ora
Profession: Doctor and "Doctor"
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


RP Medals



  • City Dwellers Pack Items
    • One set of clothing (cloak, blouse, skirt, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.)
    • One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
    • One waterskin
    • Two sets of eating utensils
    • Tinderbox
  • A New Knife

Starting Pack100gn100gn
Saun Wages160gn260gn
0on 260gn 0sn 0cn

Fame Leger


Item/ ThreadPointsTotal
City: Uleuda+1010
Race: Yludih+1020


Item/ ThreadPointsTotal
City: Scalvoris Town+1010
Race: Biqaj+1020
Job: Doctor+1030
Trials to Getting Started+131

Fox Glove

Item/ ThreadPointsTotal
City: Scalvoris Town+1010
Race: Human+1020
Man's Huntress-713
Last edited by Aqihlih on Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:41 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 101
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Posts: 44
Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:35 pm
Race: Qi'ora
Profession: Doctor and "Doctor"
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


RP Medals



Thread List

General Threads

Man's Huntress (Saun 13th, 717)

Job Threads

Trials to Getting Started (Saun 8th, 717)


Foreign Tongues (Ashan 23rd, 703)
The Most Important Lesson Ashan 5th, 712


Special/Moderated Threads

word count: 36
Rakahi ~ ~ ~ Common ~ ~ ~ Ulehi
Dear Mods,
Mod bombs are welcomed and encouraged!
Post Reply Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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