The Defender of Mankind
Alexander Chance
The Mind is Everything
It is important to appreciate beauty, even when it is evil
Full Name: Alexander Chance
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Partner: HA
Religion: None in particular
Location: Scalvoris, Eastern Idalos
Profession: Assassin; Psychologist
Factions Joined: Coven of Ellasin
Likes: Insects, reptiles, medicine, psychology, books, artifacts of power, magic, sweets
Dislikes: Alcohol, pride, ignorance, prejudice, most Immortals, weakness, seriousness, luck
Merits: Adaptable, analytical, fearless, friendly, perceptive
Flaws: Arrogant, greedy, manipulative, overconfident, self-righteous
Languages: Common - Fluent
Ancient Language - Broken
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Partner: HA
Religion: None in particular
Location: Scalvoris, Eastern Idalos
Profession: Assassin; Psychologist
Factions Joined: Coven of Ellasin
Likes: Insects, reptiles, medicine, psychology, books, artifacts of power, magic, sweets
Dislikes: Alcohol, pride, ignorance, prejudice, most Immortals, weakness, seriousness, luck
Merits: Adaptable, analytical, fearless, friendly, perceptive
Flaws: Arrogant, greedy, manipulative, overconfident, self-righteous
Languages: Common - Fluent
Ancient Language - Broken
Alexander is a young man, still being shaped by the world, but he is not, what one would call, the athletic type. His body is weak, bordering frail, and his muscles are only visible for the lack of fat in his body. He barely weighs the average for his age and height, and is rather average in the height department as well. All in all, he is a man to be judged by what’s inside him, instead of outside, because outside there isn’t much. His skin is light and easily burns on the sun while his hair is similar, being a shade of brown that can easily turn into a dirty blonde when the rays of the summer sun hit.
His face appears long, mostly because of his short hair which is lacking on the sides, and his jaw is strong, holding two thin lips which are usually stretched out into a strange-looking smile or opened just slightly for the breeze to pour through. His eyes are the strangest shade of blue, often appearing gray when under the right angle of light, which is the main difference between him and the crowd. Alexander’s brows are always placed at an angle where he seems to be frowning, or rather seems to be agitated, and thus watching him happily smile often brings a strange sensation to a man.
The young man’s dress is usually formal, preferring to be up to the occasion rather than below it. Alexander seems to suffer from the elements more than the ordinary Idalosian, and thus will often be found wearing an extreme amount of clothing in cold weather, while wearing as little as is appropriate during the heat. This is due to the low amount of fat and muscle in his body, and it often makes him look even weaker than he actually is in the eyes of strangers.
His face appears long, mostly because of his short hair which is lacking on the sides, and his jaw is strong, holding two thin lips which are usually stretched out into a strange-looking smile or opened just slightly for the breeze to pour through. His eyes are the strangest shade of blue, often appearing gray when under the right angle of light, which is the main difference between him and the crowd. Alexander’s brows are always placed at an angle where he seems to be frowning, or rather seems to be agitated, and thus watching him happily smile often brings a strange sensation to a man.
The young man’s dress is usually formal, preferring to be up to the occasion rather than below it. Alexander seems to suffer from the elements more than the ordinary Idalosian, and thus will often be found wearing an extreme amount of clothing in cold weather, while wearing as little as is appropriate during the heat. This is due to the low amount of fat and muscle in his body, and it often makes him look even weaker than he actually is in the eyes of strangers.
They laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at them because they're all the same
What he lacks in muscle, Alexander definitely makes up for in brains. His is a truly peculiar sample of a human mind, and he often admits this himself, though not among strangers. He has a fascination for all things most find repulsive, and it is practically impossible to scare or disgust him. Insects, reptiles of the slimiest sort, horrible diseases, he is interested in it all, and due to his thrill-seeking nature, he will go where no other person dares just for curiosity. Curiosity, a driving factor for the young man, he is willing to go to any length to explore what troubles his mind and is not afraid of getting burned because of it. Some may call him reckless, but he is everything but that.
Plans are Alexander’s best friends, and when one fails him, there is over two dozen more awaiting. He is constantly prepared for any amount of ridiculousness that may happen, and is proud of this fact. While he is not the bragging-to-strangers sort, he will most definitely brag about his accomplishments and plans to anyone who he trusts. As serious as most of his plans may be, life is just a game to the boy, as he was taught by his father. A game in which people die, sure, but a game that should be enjoyed nonetheless. So he enjoys life, sometimes far too much, considering his desires, and is willing to pursue what he wants with a smile on his face and the most determined look one has ever seen in his eyes.
His desires, that is where things get truly peculiar, and to some, disgusting. Alexander, over everything else, wants to strengthen his mind. Whether this is by learning new things, meeting new people, or on some occasions, using strange items to literally strengthen his mind, he will not hesitate. Similarly to how he desires knowledge and strength of mind, he desires danger. Not just danger, however, but pain that comes with it too. Where some would call that kind of behavior masochistic, that’s not all Alexander is. He wants to experience pain not just by giving it to himself, but by being on each and every possible end of the spectrum as well. He is both sadistic and masochistic, and isn’t scared of admitting this.
With his search for pain and the power of mind, however, come greed, lust and gluttony. The young man is a sinner, that isn’t questioned, but his morals are also terribly gray and should be questioned whenever possible, for he will betray even the best of his friends for personal gain in one of the things he desires, while expecting the same from others. Not only that, but Alexander enjoys playing with those of lesser minds the way mortals play with animals, in a degrading and humiliating way. He can often play upon a lie for a long time only to see the reaction in someone when they finally learn of the truth, or he can do the opposite and tell the truth when one least expects it. He is, by all standards, unpredictable and peculiar, and while a human cannot be described with two words, those two come the closest to fully describing Alexander.
Plans are Alexander’s best friends, and when one fails him, there is over two dozen more awaiting. He is constantly prepared for any amount of ridiculousness that may happen, and is proud of this fact. While he is not the bragging-to-strangers sort, he will most definitely brag about his accomplishments and plans to anyone who he trusts. As serious as most of his plans may be, life is just a game to the boy, as he was taught by his father. A game in which people die, sure, but a game that should be enjoyed nonetheless. So he enjoys life, sometimes far too much, considering his desires, and is willing to pursue what he wants with a smile on his face and the most determined look one has ever seen in his eyes.
His desires, that is where things get truly peculiar, and to some, disgusting. Alexander, over everything else, wants to strengthen his mind. Whether this is by learning new things, meeting new people, or on some occasions, using strange items to literally strengthen his mind, he will not hesitate. Similarly to how he desires knowledge and strength of mind, he desires danger. Not just danger, however, but pain that comes with it too. Where some would call that kind of behavior masochistic, that’s not all Alexander is. He wants to experience pain not just by giving it to himself, but by being on each and every possible end of the spectrum as well. He is both sadistic and masochistic, and isn’t scared of admitting this.
With his search for pain and the power of mind, however, come greed, lust and gluttony. The young man is a sinner, that isn’t questioned, but his morals are also terribly gray and should be questioned whenever possible, for he will betray even the best of his friends for personal gain in one of the things he desires, while expecting the same from others. Not only that, but Alexander enjoys playing with those of lesser minds the way mortals play with animals, in a degrading and humiliating way. He can often play upon a lie for a long time only to see the reaction in someone when they finally learn of the truth, or he can do the opposite and tell the truth when one least expects it. He is, by all standards, unpredictable and peculiar, and while a human cannot be described with two words, those two come the closest to fully describing Alexander.
It's all about self-acceptance, and I accept who I am.
The Gambler. That is what Alexander’s father was known as. He was, truly and by all standards, a famous person for most Idalosian cities which accept gambling and whoring. Many a story exists about the Gambler, from those that tell of how he fucked twenty-five whores in one trial, to those that say he bested twenty-one pirate lords in an arm wrestling competition, at the same time! But all stories have one thing in common, he shows up in a tavern, in a city, gambles and wins until the tavern has lost all its money, and then goes to another city only to lose all the money he gained in the previous one.
His real name, fitting for his job, was Felix Chance, and he was an artist at what he did, or so Alexander believes. Alex himself never truly learned of the reality behind the stories surrounding his father, considering he was forbidden from watching him gamble, whore, drink or do drugs. Alexander was the son of a random whore in some tavern or another, in some city or other, or so his father told him. From his youngest trials though, he spent his days travelling and his nights sitting in rooms in inns. And no matter how bad of a man his father truly was, Alexander believes Felix to be one of the better fathers Idalos has ever known, considering the man always kept his son safe from the evils of the world, never letting him indulge in his vices, or sin in the way he did.
Alexander never had a true education, but was instead raised to respect only two laws and two rules. What a man can do and what a man can’t do. He learned of writing and language from random tutors his father managed to pay to give him one lesson at a time, while he learned of the cards and mathematics from his old man whenever Felix had a chance to sit down and show his son the basics. Everything else he knows though, he taught himself. Everything from the human psyche to different herbs that exist in different areas of the world.
Alex was never truly interested in what his father did, and was more into revealing what others around him did. He was always interested in psychology, in uncovering the mind and its secrets, and in strengthening his own. He spent arcs, literally arcs, studying the fine arts of psychology and medicine, learning of literally anything he could find in different libraries and bookstores in the cities he visited. And considering he visited Viden several times, he even met with several scholars and discussed the topics with them.
Unfortunately, when Alexander was sixteen, nearing his seventeenth birthtrial, his father perished from the world from an unexpected and rather quick-acting illness. Even with all the experience he had with medicine, the teenager was unable to save his father. The last words uttered by the dying, ill, man, however, were fully lucid and clear, and those were the words Alexander decided to adopt as his motto and live by. He was tasked right before his father’s death to find a strange man, one that could give him power to never be a child again, to never lose anyone he loved again, and to fight the will of the Immortals. This man, as it turned out, was not a man at all, but a woman, called simply the Necromantress.
That was when Alexander found the Coven, and was introduced to his soon-to-be mentor, Rickard Snow. Rickard, in a foolish attempt to earn the Necromantress’ respect, decided to take on a student, even though he was only of the rank Sotrosei himself at the time. He initiated Alexander into his discipline of choice, the most horrendous of all magics, Aberration, and showed him his new, even better mentor, the Harvester. Seasons went by, Alexander studying hard at the art of murder and mayhem, while Rickard had reached his potential.
The mentor was soon going to become the student, and this irritated Rickard. It irritated him horribly, especially because he still wore a higher rank in the Coven, albeit his almost lower level of power, and in a sudden outburst of rage and fury he attempted to best Alexander and flay his own student. Of course, Alexander being the calculating, manipulative mind he was, had seen the move coming a season away, and had prepared himself for it The Coven was at his side when his mentor attacked him, and it all resulted in the young mage flaying the older one, gaining his power for himself and his Harvester.
After the incident, Alexander decided it was time to move on from Ne’haer, where he had been lingering on in for a while, and moved to Scalvoris, the most isolated, far-away place he could find, where, now, education had sprouted his wings. Totrial, he is focused on perfecting his magic discipline while also studying the mind and body of mortal beings. He even decided he would attend the Viden University Scalvoris Campus the first time he gathered enough money working whatever job he could find. Oh, and the words his father said were “The mind is everything.”
His real name, fitting for his job, was Felix Chance, and he was an artist at what he did, or so Alexander believes. Alex himself never truly learned of the reality behind the stories surrounding his father, considering he was forbidden from watching him gamble, whore, drink or do drugs. Alexander was the son of a random whore in some tavern or another, in some city or other, or so his father told him. From his youngest trials though, he spent his days travelling and his nights sitting in rooms in inns. And no matter how bad of a man his father truly was, Alexander believes Felix to be one of the better fathers Idalos has ever known, considering the man always kept his son safe from the evils of the world, never letting him indulge in his vices, or sin in the way he did.
Alexander never had a true education, but was instead raised to respect only two laws and two rules. What a man can do and what a man can’t do. He learned of writing and language from random tutors his father managed to pay to give him one lesson at a time, while he learned of the cards and mathematics from his old man whenever Felix had a chance to sit down and show his son the basics. Everything else he knows though, he taught himself. Everything from the human psyche to different herbs that exist in different areas of the world.
Alex was never truly interested in what his father did, and was more into revealing what others around him did. He was always interested in psychology, in uncovering the mind and its secrets, and in strengthening his own. He spent arcs, literally arcs, studying the fine arts of psychology and medicine, learning of literally anything he could find in different libraries and bookstores in the cities he visited. And considering he visited Viden several times, he even met with several scholars and discussed the topics with them.
Unfortunately, when Alexander was sixteen, nearing his seventeenth birthtrial, his father perished from the world from an unexpected and rather quick-acting illness. Even with all the experience he had with medicine, the teenager was unable to save his father. The last words uttered by the dying, ill, man, however, were fully lucid and clear, and those were the words Alexander decided to adopt as his motto and live by. He was tasked right before his father’s death to find a strange man, one that could give him power to never be a child again, to never lose anyone he loved again, and to fight the will of the Immortals. This man, as it turned out, was not a man at all, but a woman, called simply the Necromantress.
That was when Alexander found the Coven, and was introduced to his soon-to-be mentor, Rickard Snow. Rickard, in a foolish attempt to earn the Necromantress’ respect, decided to take on a student, even though he was only of the rank Sotrosei himself at the time. He initiated Alexander into his discipline of choice, the most horrendous of all magics, Aberration, and showed him his new, even better mentor, the Harvester. Seasons went by, Alexander studying hard at the art of murder and mayhem, while Rickard had reached his potential.
The mentor was soon going to become the student, and this irritated Rickard. It irritated him horribly, especially because he still wore a higher rank in the Coven, albeit his almost lower level of power, and in a sudden outburst of rage and fury he attempted to best Alexander and flay his own student. Of course, Alexander being the calculating, manipulative mind he was, had seen the move coming a season away, and had prepared himself for it The Coven was at his side when his mentor attacked him, and it all resulted in the young mage flaying the older one, gaining his power for himself and his Harvester.
After the incident, Alexander decided it was time to move on from Ne’haer, where he had been lingering on in for a while, and moved to Scalvoris, the most isolated, far-away place he could find, where, now, education had sprouted his wings. Totrial, he is focused on perfecting his magic discipline while also studying the mind and body of mortal beings. He even decided he would attend the Viden University Scalvoris Campus the first time he gathered enough money working whatever job he could find. Oh, and the words his father said were “The mind is everything.”