Leon Carter

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Approved Character
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri May 12, 2017 3:04 am
Race: Human
Renown: 20
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Leon Carter

Leon Carter
Name:Leon Carter

Age: 14

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Zi'Da, 45th Trial, 702nd Arc

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: Fluent: Common, Broken: Rakahi

Leon stands at a short height of four feet and 10 inches. The boy has fair skin and brown eyes accompanied by black, straight hair that reaches halfway down his neck. He has a small, yet athletic build that blends in well with his quirky, innocent face.

He tends to wear cloaks, or any type of loose clothing. He doesn't have much clothing however, so his style doesn't really vary.

Leon is pretty outgoing. Due to his goals of seeking fame and wealth by becoming a master swordsman, he's glued to the mindset of taking risks. This necessarily isn't really a bad thing, though it can lead to potential conflicts. As for braveness, Leon doesn't really have it. He's just naive. His hotheadedness pretty much contradicts any feeling of fear,
keeping him in any frightful situation till the end...maybe.

Leon was born and raised in Scalvoris. There's not much to say about it really. His parents were taken by pirates when he was at a young age, and ever since then he's been homeless. Though, the only reason he was even able to thrive out in the harsh environment of the streets was because of the one friend he met. Benor. Back then, Benor was only a pre-teen, a few years Leon's senior. Benor was used to being in the streets, living like this all his life. Despite how close the two have gotten, Leon had yet to learn what happened to cause him to be in the streets.

While growing up, Leon didn't love anything more than seeing freedom fighters tangle with pirates. Especially the extremely skilled swordsmen. For some reason, the second he laid his eyes on those rogues, he was in love with the art of the sword. Benor of course, knew what was going on inside little Leon's head. And so, he and Leon came up with the stupid idea of stealing swords from the pirates that ran the city. After sneaking onto a large boat successfully, they made their way to the armory. Benor grabbed his sword, just your average cutlass, along with two wooden swords that pirates trained with, while Leon stole a gladius with a slight gold trim lining around the blade. Little did he know, this belonged to a well respected pirate.

After making their way back to town, they found a secluded location and began to train. They swung the wooden swords around aimlessly, but after days, weeks, and eventually, months of training and watching rogues and pirates duking it out, they managed to improve and hone their skills some more. Leon was obsessed with eventually putting his name out there, being rich and famous, while Benor didn't care where his future ended up. He simply just wanted to support his friend. Though, their peace didn't last long.

While Leon was out in town to pick up some food, Benor stayed by their training spot resting. During this time, the pirates found him, figured he was the one who stole from them, and took him in as a slave for sale. When Leon was walking back, he saw his friend in chains being dragged to the ship. Leon wanted to help, but was stopped by a few city dwellers. They told him that unless he didn't want to be sold as a slave, he best keep his yap shut. No matter how desperately he squirmed and struggled, the locals didn't want this innocent boy to throw away his life. Years passed by, and Leon still stuck with his goal. To become rich and famous through his passion of sword fighting. Though, with the money he was soon to gain, he would find and free his friend from slavery.

As of right now, Leon's homeless.
Knowledge & Skills

The table below is an example - replace the skills with the ones you choose. A full list of skills can be found here. Note that in this example, this pc has Endurance as a Fast Track skill so identifies this in the column where they would normally record points out of 251
SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Acrobatics15/100 (NA: FT)Novice
Blades: Gladius 25/100 (25/251)Novice
Discipline10/100 (10/251)Novice
Endurance10/100 10/251Novice
Running15/100 (15/251)Novice


Acrobatics: Dodging(SP)
Blades: Parrying(SP)
Discipline: Strong Will(SP)
Running: Charge(SP)
Endurance: How to conserve Stamina(SP)
Skill Point Ledger

Record all of your Skill Point Expenditure here. Include your starting package.
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Blades: Gladius [RB} 25[RB] 2500
Starting Package 500050
Marks Section




  • List your possessions here!
    • One set of clothing which consists of dirty worn out beige pants, a grey long sleeved shirt, and boots.
    • A dirty brown cloak to protect him from the elements.
    • One Mule(Flavored Horse)
    • One thin, old blanket
    • One Knife
    • Gladius(Prized Possession)
Starting Package 25gn ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 25 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Fame Ledger
Item/ ThreadFameTotal
Human +10 10
Starting Race in City +10 20
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Thread List

Put links here for your current and past threads!
Last edited by Leon on Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:04 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 913

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