Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

Vaughn Krome
Vaughn is the spitting image of his father Malcolm at a younger age, though where Malcolm is dark Vaughn is light. Blond hair he got from his mother; the green eyes, sometimes shifting towards blue, come from his Mortalborn dad. More Biqaj than anything else, Vaughn has pointed ears instead of curved, a slight silver tinge to his blood, and eyes that flash silver when he's angry and close to golden when he's happy. Taking after Malcolm in form and shape, Vaughn is tall and lithe with lean muscle instead of bulk, and usually has a light dusting of facial hair.

RACE mixed blood (1/4 Aukari, 1/4 Mortalborn, 1/2 Biqaj)
FULL NAME Vaughn Korim Krome
OTHER TITLES Lord of Krome
AGE; BIRTHDATE 27 years old; 1st of Ymiden, Arc 689
HEIGHT 6' 1"
WEIGHT 180 lbs

(SF) = Starting fame in Ashan 717.

mixed blood -10 -10 (SF)
mixed blood in Rynmere (1/2 Biqaj) +10 0 (SF)
job fame +10 +10 (SF)
escaped from Faction VII; helped Malcolm +9 +19
attended a noble dinner party +5 +24
PAST A diagonal cut across the side of his right index finger from messing around with a knife as a kid. A couple other minor scars dancing across his forearms from swordplay with his brother and from messing with angry cats. A nick just behind his right ear where he sliced himself shaving as a teen. A splotch of burned skin on the back of his right hand from a smithing accident.

Vaughn has a tattoo of a pair of blacksmith hammers crossed next to his collarbone on the right side.
25TH OF ASHAN, 717 Vaughn smashed his left thumb with a hammer. The thumb is broken and needs medical attention. He also has a lot of cuts and bruises from his time in captivity, though those should heal on their own.
Last edited by Vaughn on Thu May 25, 2017 8:59 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 328
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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

Character Concept
He remembers.

There's a path behind his parents' house. The path is not too far away, and he can never figure out where it starts or ends. He is always out in the woods, even when he shouldn't be because it's about to get dark. It seems to him he can see things that his brother says aren't there, but he still sees them if he looks really close. There are little trails running through the leaves and dirt. He thinks they might be deer paths, but they're hard to follow and even harder to explain to Marcus, who can't see them, or won't.

He has trouble saying when he's done something wrong. He would rather be punished for doing something wrong than admit it. His mother thought up until the day she died that he never learned. That's what Marcus thinks too. Sometimes he makes the same mistakes on purpose just to irritate the people who have to punish him. Why? Because he has to be who he is and only he can change himself. He would rather learn his own lessons than have to learn them from others.

He remembers.

There's a neighbor not too far from his childhood home and when nobody's looking he sneaks over there and lets out the chickens. He would do it with the cows and the horses but they're too stupid and always come back. Then he feels bad, not because what he's doing is stealing because it's not, but because what if the chickens are eaten by a fox? He tries to find the chickens who have run off into the wood but they're hard to find and harder to catch.

He remembers a time he did the same thing only with minnows. Not thinking, he takes them from the river and puts them in a puddle, because water is water and he doesn't see any harm. But his father catches him at it and tells him the puddle will dry up in the sun and the minnows will die. After that he works so hard to catch them again, scooping at the water for breaks and breaks just to set them free. He never tells anyone about this, even after he catches and frees them all.

Whenever he gets into trouble they make him do things to make up for it, like chopping wood or paying a fine. He does what they tell him to do and he always makes sure to do it well, with so much enthusiasm it becomes almost sarcastic. It's funny because most times that makes them feel like he hasn't learned his lesson at all. His punishment becomes their punishment. Then afterwards he'll do what he wants again, whatever he wants, and that drives them even more crazy.

Unlike most people he does what he does and he doesn't waste time. He only ever does the things he wants to do. If someone tries to force him to change, he'll play along but he sure as hell will make it annoying for everyone involved.

He likes to be the opposite of what people expect. In school he's supposed to be a good student, like his brother, and so he becomes so stupid that they threaten him with extra lessons. In his extra lessons, he's almost bitingly smart.

His father and brother went into the miliary and even though that is something that interests him he doesn't join up. He becomes a drifter instead. His family expects him to want his titles and so he doesn't want them. He will never be what people think he should be because if he does that how will he know who he really is?

When his bosses start to compliment him he quits and starts over again. Expected to become someone's husband he pushes against his relationships with everything he has. Very few people can see through him to the truth. He likes it that way. He rarely shows his own truth to anyone. Sometimes not even to himself.
Last edited by Vaughn on Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:10 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 705
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history precre

Vaughn is born to Malcolm and Vanessa Krome in their manor in Burhan. His mother is a baroness, which makes him a lord. However, he is the second son after his older brother Marcus, and so only in the event of family tradegy will he ever recieve a title.

689 - 701
The arcs pass and Vaughn is a mischief maker. His brother is the good one, older and responsible like their father, and Vaughn has learned to embrace his role as second-best. His mother prizes him above everything and so he has an easy childhood, except for the trials he steps a little too hard on his brother's or father's toes. Mostly he gets to do what he wants when he wants. He annoys his family to no end, but he is well-loved too. He is very close with his brother and they do everything together.

During this time, Vaughn earns a few scars, some on his arms from he and his brother's swordfighting, some from unruly animals (mostly cats), and one from a knife he accidentally cuts into his finger with.

When Vaughn is 3, Marcus (age 7) falls into an old well out behind their house in the woods. Their mother Vanessa discovers that Marcus is missing but cannot find him. Vaughn only has vague memories of this event, but he remembers standing by the house and listening. His mother's screams are enough to call home his father who had been away (truly it was Malcolm's Mortalborn abilities which called him so quickly back). While they are seaching, Vaughn wanders off into the woods after his parents and is nearly lost himself. When he's older he thinks he must have been looking for his brother as he wandered between the trees. This vague memory leaves a lasting impression about what it means to be family.

Vaughn brings home an old mutt who his parents refuse to let in the house. He sneaks the dog in during the nights and out in the mornings, especially when it's cold. The dog he names Briney, though he sometimes calls him Scraps. He's not a particularly dutiful owner, however, and the dog takes to Marcus and Malcolm as much as it ever did Vaughn.

701 - 707
During the next few arcs his father becomes absent performing his duties for the military. Marcus has joined U'frek's Sailors, and so he's gone some too. Vaughn's relationship with his mother strengthens and she continues to dote on him. He gets away with everything because his father and brother aren't there to keep him in check, but it's a lonely period of his life and he sometimes blames his father for taking his brother and going away.

He fills his days with exploration and a handful of girls that catch his eye. However, if his mother shows too much interest in anything he does he quickly abandons it. He finds that unlike most noble children he does not want a special talent to make him stand out, nor does he particularly want to be recognized or titled.

He knows his father isn't from a noble bloodline but rather from an immortal called Vri and that Malcolm himself was a dreamer in his youth. Vaughn has struggled periodically with the idea of responsibility, knowing that from his father he should have inherited Devotion, as his brother certainly did. But Vaughn shies away from duties and expectations of all types.

Briney dies and Vaughn seems to be the only one who misses the old dog. His mother offers him a new pet and Vaughn says he wants a wolf, even though he doesn't really want one. Needless to say, he doesn't get a wolf.

Around this time Vaughn starts shaving, mostly to mess around with blades he's otherwise been prohibited to use, and accidentally nicks himself deeply behind one ear, leaving a scar.

707 - 712
At age 18, Vaughn decides enough is enough and does some traveling through Rynmere, though at his mother's request he always comes home. He knows he should be finding a girl and getting a house and a respectable job, and by complete accident he does find a girl who happens to be of noble birth. He neglects to tell his mother. By this time Vanessa has begun trying to set him up with a couple different girls of wealth and he rejects them all. He also rejects an offer to join the military and follow in his father's and brother's footsteps.

He knows enough of himself to know he doesn't want what other people want for him. It does hurt him to upset his mother, especially when she begins to get sick, and for a short while he reigns in his behavior and sticks closer to home. His mother thinks this is a sign of maturity when in truth Vaughn still struggles with responsibility. But he does it for her, to make her happy.

Malcolm comes home and this time he takes Vanessa away to Andaris. Vaughn feels so betrayed by his father for this that he remains in Burhan to 'take care of the manor' even though he really stays behind to spite Malcolm. He lets the house fall into some disrepair despite having promised his mother that he would keep it in prime shape for her eventual return. He knows his mother is very sick and it's only his pride that makes him remain away from her, which later causes him some regret as her condition worsens.

Vaughn's girl turns 18 and secretly leaves Burhan to sail. He has mixed feelings of lonesomeness, longing, happiness, and jealousy for her having left him behind. He decides to head to the open sea himself, but something unnameable holds him back. It's perhaps the first time in his life he has willingly deprived himself of anything. Instead, he takes a job as a blacksmith in Burhan, though close enough to the manor and Lake Krome to safeguard his home and watch the ships as they sail in and out.

713 - 716
Vaughn works as a blacksmith in Burhan for a time, earning a burn on the back of his hand for a mistake with a piece of hot metal. He stops blacksmithing when the work becomes repetitive, and instead tends bar, til that becomes repetitive too. He goes through a series of odd jobs, mostly manual labor until he finally ends up hauling net on a fishing boat outside of Krome. He visits his parents in Andaris when he can but never stays for long.

During this time, resistance to the crown slowly grows, though Vaughn keeps well away from it all. He knows little of war.

ASHAN, 716
His mother leaves Andaris to live in her home region of Krome and she calls Vaughn to her. She and his father have separated but she won't speak of it, dwelling on memories of the past instead, and so Vaughn lets her reminisce in what turns out to be her final arc of life. Instead of upsetting her with questions, he picks up a new smithing job in Krome so he can be near her. His brother Marcus comes to visit and then his father. Malcolm signs over his right as baron to his boys, but Vaughn doesn't protest as it seems to make his mother happy. He learns from Marcus that his father has been unfaithful with the lady Elyna, a woman younger than Vaughn who he had once been set to date.

Something happens that night which neither his father, mother, nor brother will talk about, and all three of them disperse to different sides of a war.

In Ymiden, Vaughn recieves a letter from his father saying that Malcolm will be wed to Elyna Burhan. The letter also reveals that Malcolm suspects Marcus of poisoning him. But surely if Malcolm had been poisoned he would have been killed? Seeking answers, Vaughn shows the letter to his mother when he sees her next. He is expressly forbidden to write back or contact his father in any way.

SAUN, 716
In Saun the civil war comes to fruition. Having moved closer to the manor, Vaughn refuses to smith arms for either side and focuses on mundane work instead. An army passes through Burhan towards Andaris and his mother and brother are with them. Vaughn wants no part of this but his mother begs him, and so he feels he has no choice. He is taken into a war camp. There he meets an unpleasant, dangerous man named Yoreth Blackwood.

Later there is news of jacadon raining white fire on the rebels, the seige of Andaris, and an assassination of a political figure.

In the confusion, Marcus and Vanessa tell Vaughn that they need to travel again, and this time fast. Vaughn unwillingly remains with a group of the rebels, called the Qe'Dreki, because his mother and brother are with them. They flee Andaris.

The Iron Hand comes after the Qe'Dreki, and the rebels run to the Burning Mountains. Vaughn argues with his brother daily about anything and everything because it seems he is not allowed to leave. The stress of it all is bad for Vanessa's health and in early Vhalar they are forced to leave her behind. Vaughn is infuriated, knowing his mother will die. After this, he becomes even more unruly and unmaneagable, but Marcus still won't let him go. With every passing day he is more and more a prisoner.

This time he is forced to move as part of a scouting party towards the Eastern Settlement.

ZI'DA, 716
By the time the Iron Hand find the Qe'Dreki, Vaughn is gone. His brother is no longer able to control him, which means as an outsider to the Qe'Dreki he is no longer protected from Yoreth's wrath. Vaughn is set to be executed. He is taken from the Qe'Dreki camp by way of jacadon towards Raptor's Rest where he will meet his fate, but along the way the jacadon is wounded and felled in an ambush by a group of bandits called Faction VII. The jacadon's rider is slain but Vaughn survives. He is taken hostage by Faction VII and transported to their base called Fort VII.

Over the next 60-some days, Vaughn is kept prisoner at Fort VII. At first he is kept locked in a cage, but he attempts to gain the faction's favor. Time passes and he is allowed some priveleges, but the people there do not yet trust him. Nobody knows who he really is. Mostly he keeps to himself.

He does what he can to outlast his imprisonment. He tries to make himself strong enough to one day escape.
Last edited by Vaughn on Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:31 pm, edited 10 times in total. word count: 1841
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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

History Continued
Last edited by Vaughn on Sun Apr 23, 2017 1:10 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 5
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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

Knowledge, Skill Points, & Equipment


Note: Vaughn began with the Farmer's Starting Package. He is allowed a full set of clothing which is listed below, among other things.
(SP) = Starting Package.
(RM) = Rumour.

  • black leather jacket with black fur lining (SP)
  • green knit shirt (SP)
  • dark pants (SP)
  • tan leather boots (SP)
  • typical undergarments (SP)
  • a silver pendant necklace that once belonged to his mother (RM)
Image Image
Within a duffel bag made of leather (RM) is:
  • 1 set of toiletries (soap, comb, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste) (SP)
  • 1 tinderbox (SP)
  • 1 bedroll
  • 1 waterskin
  • 1 compass
Vaughn's prized possession is a sword his mother gave him when he was a teen. Though the blade hasn't seen a lot of use throughout the arcs other than some playfighting with Marcus, in the last few seasons it has become ever present at Vaughn's side.

He was told to bring the sword with him when his mother and brother dragged him into the war, and so he had it with him when he was eventually set to be executed. Though he was stripped of all weapons then, the jacadon rider who was to bring him to his fate claimed the sword as payment. Thus, after they were ambushed and the jacadon and rider slain, it was with little manuevering that Vaughn was able to get his hands on it once more.

During his subsequent imprisonment with Faction VII he was eventually allowed to have the sword again by his side, but the blade has since been significantly dulled so it could not be effectively used to escape.


(SP) = Starting Package.

farmer's loan (SP) +300.0.0 300.0.0
starting package gold (SP) +25.0.0 325.0.0
bedroll -5.0.0 320.0.0
waterskin -3.0.0 317.0.0
compass -5.0.0 312.0.0
wooden stove -15.0.0 297.0.0
2 washbasins -8.0.0 289.0.0
4 lanterns -40.0.0 249.0.0
4 knives -0.4.0 248.6.0
6 spoons -0.6.0 248.0.0
6 forks -0.6.0 247.4.0
6 cups -3.0.0 244.4.0
6 bowls -0.6.0 243.8.0
1 large cooking pot -6.0.0 237.8.0
1 small cooking pot -3.0.0 234.8.0
1 large frying pan -4.0.0 230.8.0
1 small frying pan -2.0.0 228.8.0
2 serving spoons -0.1.8 227.0.0
6 small towels -0.3.0 226.7.0
10 rags -0.2.0 226.5.0
2 sponges -4.0.0 222.5.0
4 buckets -12.0.0 210.5.0
8 candles -4.0.0 206.5.0
small bathtub -40.0.0 166.5.0
4 large towels -0.6.0 165.9.0
desk -20.0.0 145.9.0
2 quilts -12.0.0 133.9.0
2 pillows -10.0.0 123.9.0
1 set of torches (6) -3.0.0 120.9.0
5 rope halters -15.0.0 105.9.0
4 rope leads -8.0.0 97.9.0
2 saddles -50.0.0 47.9.0
2 small horse blankets -10.0.0 37.9.0
1 small saddlebags -6.0.0 31.9.0
body brush -5.0.0 26.9.0
curry comb -2.0.0 24.9.0
hoof pick -6.0.0 18.9.0
hoof knife -4.0.0 14.9.0
hoof scraper -7.0.0 7.9.0
mane and tail comb -1.0.0 6.9.0
1 cycle's worth of horse feed -2.0.0 4.9.0
300.0.0 (SP) -- -300.0.0


(SP) = Starting Package.
(RB) = Racial Bonus. As a mixed blood, Vaughn is going to start with the (RB) of his Biqaj heritage.
(FT) = Fast Track; chosen (FT) skill is Navigation.
(RM) = Rumour.
Note: Vaughn has gained the mark of Rusalkis (R), and thus has been afforded 3 extra points in one of several related skills. These 3 points have been put into swimming, and swimming may now, should he reach legendary skill, exceed the 100 point cap limit.

Image blades: longsword (primary weapon) 20 (SP), +5 2 NOVICE 25/251, 25/100
Image seafaring 25 (RB) 1 NOVICE 25/251, 25/100
Image smithing 15 (SP), +10 2 NOVICE 25/251, 25/100
Image mount: horse 5 (SP), +15 1 NOVICE 20/251, 20/100
Image animal husbandry 4 (RM), +15 2 NOVICE 19/251, 19/100
Image swimming 3 (R), +15 1 NOVICE 18/251, 18/100
Image field craft 10 (SP) 1 NOVICE 10/251, 10/100
Image endurance 4 (RM) 3 NOVICE 4/251, 4/100
Image politics 4 (RM) 1 NOVICE 4/251, 4/100
Image unarmed combat: brawling (primary method) 3 (RM) 1 NOVICE 3/251, 3/100
Image acting 0 1 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image caregiving 0 3 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image detection 0 3 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image discipline 0 4 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image etiquette 0 2 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image interrogation 0 1 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image logistics 0 1 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image navigation 0 1 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image psychology 0 2 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image seduction 0 1 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image stealth 0 4 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image strength 0 3 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image tactics 0 4 UNSKILLED 0/251, 0/100
Image linguistics -- 0 NOVICE 0/100, 0/251
Note: Vaughn began with (SP) fluent Common and (SP) broken Rakahi.

Rakahi (Biqaj), easy BROKEN (SP) 0 BROKEN 25/90


(SP) = Starting Package.
(RM) = Rumour.

Jacadon: Normally not cold to the touch
Location: Iron Hand Stables
Location: Malcolm and Elyna's Estate (in Andaris)

Faction: Qe’dreki (RM)

Faction: VII (RM)
Location: Fort VII (RM)
Elsie: Not As Old As She Looks
Elsie: Has Malcolm's Eyes
Elsie: Knows How To Melt Your Heart
Elsie: Is how old..?
Elsie: The Reason You Father And Mother Separated

Vanessa: Could She Have Murdered Your Father?
  1. Acting: Pretending to taunt
  1. Animal Husbandry: Using A Hoof Pick
  2. Animal Husbandry: Entertaining A Lonely Puppy
  1. Blades: Longsword: Basic swordplay (SP)
  2. Blades (Longsword): Basic fighting stance (RM)
  1. Caregiving: Looking after someone in shock
  2. Caregiving: Children Offer Strange Gifts
  3. Caregiving: Children Are Messy Eaters
  1. Detection: Spotting signs unconsciously
  2. Detection: Listening out for those who might spot you
  3. Detection: Changes in smell can indicate changes in environment
  1. Discipline: Keeping calm whilst watching your father get tortured
  2. Discipline: Maintaining a cool head whilst in shock
  3. Discipline: Hiding Your Anger
  4. Discipline: Don't Drink Wine On An Empty Stomach
  1. Endurance: The immediate pain of a damaged thumb
  2. Endurance: Climbing with an injured thumb
  3. Endurance: Using Hunger As Hate-Fire
  1. Etiquette: Bowing Even When You Don't Mean It
  2. Etiquette: Disregarding Proper Greetings In Favor of Food
  1. Field Craft: Locating water in the wilds (SP)
  1. Interrogation: Forceful questions in emergencies
  1. Logistics: The correct tools for a job make it easier.
  1. Mount: Horse: Steering a horse using reins (SP)
  1. Navigation: How to use a compass (RM)
  1. Politics: Characteristics of a monarchy (RM)
  1. Psychology: High emotions can lead to rash actions
  2. Psychology: Anger can be easier than vulnerability
  1. Seafaring: Basic ship terminology and usage (SP)
  1. Seduction: Charm The Ladies With A Kiss On The Hand
  1. Smithing: The basics of shaping metal (SP)
  2. Smithing: Breaking chains and working metal
  1. Stealth: Creeping through a crowd
  2. Stealth: Quiet movements
  3. Stealth: Avoiding confrontation by avoiding being seen
  4. Stealth: Appearing like you fit in.
  1. Strength: Holding on even when weakened.
  2. Strength: Repetition helps build muscle strength.
  3. Strength: Holding A Child And Dog Within Both Arms
  1. Swimming: How to do the front crawl (RM)
  1. Tactics: Take your time to memorize an enemy camp.
  2. Tactics: Which resources are necessary for an escape, and which will get you caught
  3. Tactics: Survey The People And Environment Before Getting Involved
  4. Tactics: Using Children To Sneak Food
  1. Unarmed Combat: How to throw a punch (RM)
Damon Andaris: Lord of the House Andaris

Elyna: Try To Like Her Or Just Hate Her?
Elyna: Sharp-tongued

Lei'lira: Raises Horses At Her Farm In Warrick
Lei'lira: Lady of the House Warrick

Lorena: You think she's going to leave.
Lorena: To be married to Peake Andaris
Lorena: Says that Peake Andaris will abuse her

Malcolm: Alive
Malcolm: You and he escaped together
Malcolm: Spoke to the Jacadon
Malcolm: Did Not Actually Leave Your Mother
Malcolm: Was Poisoned By Your Mother and Brother

Odessa Andaris: Lady of the House Andaris

Vakhanor: Commoner That Works As A Smith In Andaris

Violet: Noble Lady from the Warrick Family
Violet: Might Have A Thing For Your Father?
Violet: Lady of the House Warrick

Zedarius: Fiance to Lady Odessa Andaris


The farming aspect of Vaughn's home utilizes Option 2 (growing livestock) of the Farmer's Starting Package. The stables mentioned below for Vaughn's horses are included in this pack.

Note: Vaughn only occupies the allotted 400 sq ft of a much larger house. The rest of the house will not be utilized until paid for through RP.
Note 2: With 1/4 acres of land, Vaughn can feed 1 horse continually.

Image Image
As Vaughn grew up, he and his brother Marcus and parents Malcolm and Vanessa Krome lived in a beautiful, cozy manor house which Vaughn still inhabits to this day. While most of the house is spacious and empty (holding any number of unused bedrooms, baths, and living areas), Vaughn, being the only current inhabitant, keeps only to the rooms in the manor that he himself utilizes on the day to day.

In his mind, his bedroom, the small attached bath, and the kitchen (the whole of which take up approximately 400 sq ft) are his territory. This includes his furniture: a bed and chest for clothes in the bedroom, two chairs, a table, and a working fireplace in the kitchen, along with a few other household amenities like sets of dishes and silverware.

Besides those three small rooms claimed as Vaughn's, all other of the many rooms in the manor remain empty and untouched. Due to neglience on Vaughn's behalf, the whole place, inside and out, has become a little run-down over the arcs since his parents moved to Andaris. There is nothing wrong with the house, however, that a little love and effort wouldn't fix, should only he find the time.

The house itself attaches to a small stables, constructed from the same materials and in the same design as the manor, which open to flat fielding at the front of the house. The modest acreage (about 1/4 of an acre) that Vaughn has kept all these arcs in his family's name is fenced in as a paddock so the horses can go out to graze in peace. The stables themselves house enough room to hold 6 horses in separate stalls.

Out to the back of the house stretches a wide, deep forest. Vaughn and Marcus used to play and explore in the forest as children, and so it is somewhere within this forest's depths that a long-abandoned well can be found, now boarded over for safety.


(SP) = Starting Package.

The KITCHEN contains:
  • 1 table (SP)
  • 2 chairs (SP)
  • 1 fireplace (SP)
  • 1 wooden stove
  • 1 washbasin
  • 1 lantern
  • 2 knives (SP) + 4 more knives
  • 6 plates of assorted type (SP)
  • 6 spoons
  • 6 forks
  • 6 cups
  • 6 bowls
  • 2 pots, one large cooking pot and one small
  • 2 pans, one large frying pan and one small
  • 2 serving spoons (a ladle and a spatula)
  • 2 small towels
  • 10 cleaning rags
  • 1 sponge
  • 2 buckets
  • 8 extra candles
  • 1 small bathtub
  • 1 washbasin
  • 1 lantern
  • 4 large towels
  • 4 small towels
  • 1 bed (SP)
  • 1 chest used for holding clothes (SP)
  • 1 desk
  • 1 lantern
  • 2 extra quilts
  • 2 extra pillows
  • 1 wheelbarrow (SP)
  • 1 large water container in the form of a trough for the horses (SP)
  • 1 large feed container for horse feed (SP)
  • 1 cycle's worth of ox feed, enough to feed one ox (SP)
  • 1 cycle's worth of horse feed, enough to feed one horse
  • 1 lantern
  • 1 set of torches (6 torches)
  • 2 buckets
  • 5 rope halters (4 for the horses, 1 for the ox)
  • 4 rope leads (for the horses)
  • 2 saddles
  • 2 small horse blankets
  • 1 small saddlebags
  • 1 curry comb (for breaking up dirt and sweat on the horse's coat)
  • 1 body brush (for brushing away dirt and sweat after the curry comb)
  • 1 hoof pick (for cleaning out horse's feet)
  • 1 hoof knife (for trimming hooves)
  • 1 hoof scraper (for brushing out any remaining dirt)
  • 1 mane and tail comb
  • 1 sponge
Last edited by Vaughn on Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:34 am, edited 13 times in total. word count: 2227
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Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

Marks & Devotion
Note: Vaughn recieved Rusalkis from Chrien in Zi'da, 716.

Link to mark approval.

"She's not well!" he screamed at Marcus, and thought for a moment his brother might strike him across the face.

"Calm your voice," Marcus said instead, trying to act calm, but the older man had slunk closer, and behind him Vaughn could nearly sense the presence of Yoreth Blackwood, the Qe'Dreki leader who wanted him dead.

Vaughn wanted to throttle Marcus in this moment. "You keep moving her around, moving her around," he said, speaking of his mother. "Well she's too sick now! No, listen to me!" he said, because Marcus had turned away.

"Do you care at all about this family?" Vaughn asked, and his brother did not answer.

That was answer enough, and Vaughn turned and stalked away.


Marcus approached him later, after they'd eaten. Trail rations and some old wine, and their mother had not touched a bite nor come out of the small, sad tent she was now resting in. Vaughn had not known up until the trials he watched his mother dying out in the wilds like a beast that he had ever valued their wealth and family home. Gods, but did he want to make it to that home now. He wanted her to die in a place that kept her warm and safe and gave her memories. He didn't want her to die like a pauper --even worse, as a traitor-- on the tails of a damnable war.

But here they were.

She was refusing to see him, not wanting to upset him or have to listen to him try to reason with her again and again, "It's time to go home." So he was outside the small, sad tent, and he was listening as if any moment might be her last and he would catch her final breath. It was driving him insane.

He stalked back and forth, back and forth and that was how Marcus found him.

"Brother," Marcus said, and reached out and stilled him. But Vaughn could not look at him. Marcus placed a hand on his shoulder. "I care about you."

"Marcus, did you poison father?" Vaughn asked, and the hand recoiled from his shoulder as if burned. "Did you?" Vaughn prompted.

"Leave your brother be," he heard his mother's voice chastise him from inside the tent. Apparently she'd been listening. She sounded so strong, so stern, but he knew her body to be so, so weak. It frightened him.

"Did you?" he whispered again.

This time it was Marcus who walked away. As he left he shook his head, as if it was Vaughn who had committed a crime.


"Why can't you see?" Vaughn asked the next morning; they were set to move again. He tore his way towards his mother's deathbed, and she gave him a scowl when he ripped into her tent. He had Marcus by the arm and was dragging him. "Look! Look at her!"

Their mother was frail and white like the blood had given up inside of her. She folded her arms and stuck out her chin, but Vaughn could see the tremble in her shoulders. She had no strength. She was skin and bones and breathed as if the air was failing her. "See!" he said.

"Vaughn," his mother called him, "Vaughn, let go of your brother." He released Marcus' arm, throwing it away from him. Marcus rubbed his wrist. "Vaughn." His mother patted the small folding chair beside her cot. It was hot in the Burning Mountains, but she was wrapped in layers and layers of blankets and did not sweat.

He went over and sat, giving her a despicable look.

"Why must you do this?" he asked them both, but Marcus was already gone from them. He turned back to the woman who had given him life-- the woman whose own life was now about to be lost. "You must go home to rest," he told her. "War-- war is not for old women." She smacked his arm, but it was a warm gesture. "It's not for you, mother. Father--"

"Do not speak of him."

"Father would not want you to die this way! In pain in the woods like some animal! I may not fully understand your life and your choices but I understand this: you are a noble thing, and nobles die not wrapped in blankets offcast from toiling men but in their sweet beds sipping wine and lamenting their gold. I could give you that. If you would just tell Marcus--"

"I will not tell Marcus anything and neither will you. You will listen to your brother, he's your elder and your commander now," his mother said, and he bit back the response that he was not of the Qe'Dreki, not like they were. "I may be royal but I am a rebel, and rebels die in the muck tasting their own blood. Rebel or royal, no matter what, I die with grit. That is dignity."

"No mother," he said, but she would not hear him.

Instead she got that faraway look in her eye. "Remember when you were a boy and you went off to study in school? You were such a poor student," she laughed, and he reached out and touched her face, she was burning up in these damn mountains. "And you didn't want to go. You were a mama's boy."

"I still am," he said, holding her hand gently.

"But you went, don't you remember?" He didn't respond and she looked at him; his father got the same look sometimes, it made him feel like he was a pinned bird. "You remember."

"I do," he said.

"You need to leave me now," she said softly, and he wrenched his hand from her grasp. "Oh," she said, sad that he had done that, and why did these people always make him feel like he was the one doing something wrong?

"What are you suggesting? I leave you here to die?"

"I will die in my bed in Burhan or I will die at the top of a mountain with the wind lifting me up to the sky. Either way, it's not so bad a death."

He couldn't take it anymore. He turned and left.


The next day they moved on. Vaughn had gone to see Vanessa in the bright morning, as he always did, when he saw her tent was no longer there. "Where is it!" he yelled at anyone who would listen, but it wasn't until Marcus walked up that he recieved an answer.

"She's gone."

"She's dead?" Vaughn asked.

"She's gone," Marcus said, and that was that.

It wasn't until after they had already left the encampment for another that Marcus told him, "She knew you wouldn't leave without her, so she told me to lie."

Vaughn's blood went hot, hot as an Aukari's, and then he had hit Marcus in the face. There was no blood on his knuckles so he swung again, but this time the other's military training kicked in and Vaughn found himself lifted and driven face-down to the dirt. He snarled and kicked and they shackled his hands and lifted him onto a horse.

"You lying son of a bitch!" he said, and then would not speak again, not for many breaks, not for many trials. They had to tie the stirrups to his feet.


He had dumped his rations of gruel down upon a Qe'Dreki soldier's head and the man had come out hitting. Vaughn was on the ground again and Marcus was there wrestling the man off him, and then Yoreth Blackwood was there too, and everyone stood to attention. The man who had been pummeling him was dismissed to go change.

Yoreth didn't say anything but Marcus was standing in front of Vaughn, keeping distance between them. Vaughn saw that Yoreth's hand had gone to the sword at his belt.

"Because of you a man your age with a wife and children will begin losing his fingers," Yoreth told him. "You will bunk in the same tent as this man and listen to him scream at night. Your father will recieve these amputations and he will think that they are yours. Do you understand?"

Vaughn was speechless. Hatred welled up inside him, hatred so profound, but also fear. How had his life turned to this? Should he beg or promise to not start any more fights? Who would be tortured? Before he could respond, a pair of soldiers came up and escorted him to the tents.


Later, he heard screaming outside and he felt like a child, helpless, wanting to cover his ears. He didn't, and he helped the injured man cauterize and bandage his bleeding hand when the first finger was taken. He gave him water at night when he tore his throat up in screams of pain. He held the man's head while he wept against Vaughn's shoulder. It was a bizarre friendship of sorts. The man grew to like him as one likes a caretaker, would joke with him when he was feeling well. His name was Jonas. He didn't know that it was on Vaughn's behalf that he was being tortured. Vaughn was not brave enough to tell him, nor could he get Yoreth to stop.


They had crossed a body of water to the Eastern Settlement. What was with these Qe'Dreki bastards and the mountains? It had gotten so cold. Jonas had disappeared into Yoreth's tent last night and hadn't yet come out. Vaughn was on lockdown, he was not allowed to speak to anyone but Marcus. He could yammer on and on at the rebels protecting his tent, though they would never answer.

Around lunchtime his brother came to give him a meal and he refused to touch it. This was not the first meal he had refused out of spite or protest.

"Vaughn, be reasonable," Marcus said, exasperated. "You need to eat. You've already lost too much weight."

"Tell me what happend to Jonas."


"The man you've been torturing in my stead!" Vaughn shouted, and Marcus hissed at him.

"Be quiet or it will be you next!" But Vaughn was not afraid of that.

"Where is Jonas?" he asked. Marcus was not going to talk, and so Vaughn said, "I'll eat if you give me information."

"You're detestable," Marcus told him, but he motioned for the other to eat. "Your friend is dead."

Vaughn almost choked on the food. "What?"

"Yoreth got carried away and he wants your blood next. I'm telling you this as a warning. Please," Marcus begged, "Please, do not give him a reason. Just one thing--"

"You killed him."

"I didn't kill him, Yoreth did, and he will kill you. He will kill you," he said again, because Vaughn had tossed his bowl and spoon on the ground like a toddler. "Stop being a child. This is war. You will fall in line. You will fall in line. I'm expecting you to join the soldiers tomorrow for blades practice."


"You will," Marcus said, and left him alone in the tent.


The next morning he was drug out like a rabbit from its hole and into the midst of the soldiers. Marcus approached and handed him the blade that their mother had given Vaughn when he was a teen. He took it. They began their exercises.

Vaughn flew into a fury at the man he was paired with, and though Vaughn wasn't an able soldier the man did not want to invoke the wrath of Marcus Krome by slicing open his brother. Vaughn slashed at the man, thumping against his armor, and when someone called to stop he drove only harder. Bringing down the blade at the man's side, the man's head. The soldier was forced to attack back with fervor or risk true injury, and he worked excellently against Vaughn's unaccomplished form, driving him back. Back back back. The blade cut a line into Vaughn's arm, then another, then a third, then a deep one on his wrist outside the sword's guard, and Marcus tried to step up and stop them but Vaughn lashed out his blade, keeping him back.

"Vaughn!" his brother called, and then something happened, his head was ringing, and Vaughn was on the ground.

"Tie him up," a voice commanded, and of course it was Yoreth. Vaughn spat blood at him and laughed. His arms and legs were bound. A black cloth went over his head.

He could hear Marcus's voice, Marcus pleading, but Yoreth cut him off with a word. "Execution." It was all Vaughn heard of their conversation, and then he thought Marcus must have been dismissed or had been taken away because he was being carried in silence.

That night he was dragged from where they had been keeping him and he struggled and wiggled but couldn't get free. It was hard to breathe with a hood over his head. He thought any moment a blade would find his side or his throat and that would be the end. He couldn't find it in himself to be sad or frightened about all that had happened. He was angry. He was so angry.

There was a screaming and at first he thought it was a person. Then the anger left and he was afraid: was Yoreth torturing Marcus? But then he realized it was an animal. It screeched again and he felt hot air brush against him, stark against the cold of Zi'da. Heard the flapping of giant wings. Then he really struggled. He had seen the military's white fire and he could feel himself being dragged closer and closer to the beast. There were few jacadon in the Qe'Dreki, most Blazers were high enough up in command not to partake in revolution. He thought certain he would be fed to the animal.

Instead he was lashed to its side. He could feel the wings battering at him, and then heard a man's muffled voice. Someone patted his shoulder and he tried to kick out at them but hit nothing. He stretched his legs out and up and grazed against the jacadon's wing. It shuddered and called out, this time the sound splittingly close to his head, and he shrank back into as small of a ball as he could make himself and tried to hang on.

Then the beast began to move, slowly at first and then all at once, and the cloth was ripped by the wind from his head.

They were spiraling high up, higher than the mountains, and all he could see was blackness and the reflection of the stars and moons on the water. All he could hear was the whistling of the air in his ears and the whooshing of the animal's powerful wings. It was cold and hot at once. He was close to the body, and being so close to its side was like being burned, but the wind itself was bitingly cold. Every once and a while the wings grazed him, and it was like being hit by a horse or the boom of a ship.

He thought, I am going to die.

And then chaos erupted.

There was the sound of water breaking, shattering almost like glass, and he wondered if somehow they had fallen to the sea but that couldn't be right because he could still breathe. It was so dark, he couldn't see what was happening, and he felt his stomach swoop around in a circle. "Shit!" the man driving the creature swore, and Vaughn realized that something was wrong. The jacadon was turning in a tight circle and seemed to be falling, falling. "What the hell is that thing!" the man screamed and all at once the sound left them behind. Terrifying silence fell upon them and Vaughn felt as if the breath had been sucked from his lungs. Beneath him, the jacadon shuddered and flapped, viciously tearing at the air.

It was like a dream. One moment he was dry, in the sky, and the next he was soaking wet, underwater. For a moment he thought he really had fallen into the sea and he would drown; he could no longer feel the jacadon or rider beside him. He was still tied and he began to thrash, trying to breach the surface. He could tell his movements were fruitless. The sea caught at him like a hand; he could feel the waves pushing him deeper.

Lightning flashed or there was some other sort of light. And before him in the water was a great, awful thing, some sort of monster. The sea was not what had pushed him deeper, it was the creature. A giant hand was dragging him down. There was laughter bubbling through the water, and then a voice which asked, chuckling out from the thing,
"Do you wish to live?"

Vaughn felt as if all sense had fled him. He tried to pull away but he was nothing against its strength. The creature laughed again, drawing him towards its face.
"Do you wish to live?" the thing asked him, and this time he screamed, "Yes!" "Then live," it said, and the water rushed into him. Choking his air. He felt it swirling around his chest and then--

--then he was in a storm, being chucked around, or no. No, it was the jacadon falling, tumbling through the air, and the light came again and illuminated something that reached out from the sea and batted at the dragon like it was a fly. The jacadon screamed and the rider was flung off, falling down to the crashing waves below. Somehow then the dragon righted itself, spinning back into control, and the air lifted it up, higher, higher into the clouds, and riderless it continued to fly.

Vaughn, drenched and dazed and retching sea water, clung to its side for dear life.


The jacadon flew and Vaughn went in and out of consciousness. It seemed to be flying forever and then it was falling again, slowly. One of its wings seemed to be hurt and it struggled to fly but it didn't want to stop. They were over land, they had been over land for who knows how long, and then a barrage of arrows shot up from below and pierced the animal's hide and the jacadon fell for good. White steam burst from its mouth and it spilled downwards. There was an impact with the trees, slowing them, and then another, harder impact with the ground.

When Vaughn next woke there were people over him, looking down into his face, and he struggled to move. "Alive," someone said, and someone else said something in another language. Then, "What about the creature? Where's its rider?"

"Dunno," someone answered. To Vaughn, "Get up." He didn't move and they prodded him in the stomach with a dagger. He realized he was unbound and untied from the jacadon. "You heard me."

He tried to get up but a pain went through his chest and he couldn't breathe. He rasped in some air.

"Broken ribs," someone said, and he was given new binds to tie his hands, which he accepted with little fight. He looked around but he didn't see the jacadon anywhere, not alive or dead. He was having trouble making sense of it all.

"What happened? You some sort of prisoner? You kill the rider?" someone asked him, and he tried to gather enough air to speak.

"There was a storm, rain, lightning--" he started, but the others cut him off.

"There weren't no storm last night. It's Zi'da, there ain't no thunderstorms in Zi'da."

"We fell-- there was a-- some sort of beast in the sea--"

"Shut up," someone told him. They seemed to confer with each other, and another said, "It's air sickness. Go high enough and the brain don't work. He was dreaming."

"Well he ain't dreaming now, let's go," one of them said, and poked him again to move. Wearily he began to shuffle wherever they wanted to take him.

"What's your name?" someone asked him, but he just shook his head, pretending not to know. "Air sickness," someone muttered again, shoving him forward, and he did his best to walk.


Later he found out who and what they were. Faction VII, a group of bandits in Rynmere, and they took him to their fort. Everyone there had a name that started with V, and when Vaughn told them his first name his captors laughed.

"Providence," one man said, but providence or not they didn't trust him. They didn't know what to do with him. He had fallen from the sky on a jacadon which meant he was probably someone important. But they couldn't figure out who, so they didn't know who to auction him to. And he wasn't going to tell. It was best to rough it out and try to find a way to escape. He knew how hostage situations ended.

They had shot the jacadon down thinking it was a rider from Andaris, but with little else to go on --and Vaughn obviously not being a Skyrider-- they eventually shut him in a cage while they figured out their plans for him.

There, when it was night again and no one was looking, Vaughn stripped off his shirt. He had thought he would find broken ribs and bruising and he did. But on his bare chest was also emblazened a twisting mark in the shape of sky and water, and with a sick feeling, almost like he was drowning again, he remembered the thing that had been in the sea.


Rusalkis is the Mark of Chrien, given to those who have nothing left to lose. It manifests as an image of a hurricane swirling in place on the Rusalka's chest.

Chrien is the immortal of Storms, Luck, and Spite. Though Vaughn is not and will likely never be a typical follower of Chrien, there is a little of him found within the immortal's domains. Once very different than she is now but destroyed by loss and vengeance, Chrien has set before Vaughn a path that she herself once followed... and with the death of his mother, the pain of hurting and losing Jonas, and his near-death experience, Vaughn has a lot of people to blame: his father, his brother, Yoreth Blackwood, the civil war, and Rynmere as a whole.

Perhaps it is Chrien's aim to cause the mortal to lose himself to monstrosity as she once did, but in the long run it is up to Vaughn whether or not to let the pain of his experiences mar him.


In the moments that he was transported on the jacadon towards what would have been his execution, Vaughn had nothing left. Not his life, his family, nor truly much hope. In a vision in which Vaughn was planted bound and drowning in the sea, Chrien further destroyed for that moment all sense of Vaughn's ability to control his own fate. Compared to that monster he was nothing, and so there was nothing for him to do but accept his life back from her, which she gave with the mark and an unspoken stipulation that he owed her now.

Of course, all Vaughn knows is that for some reason which he doesn't currently understand, he was spared. But he has a nagging feeling that one day he will meet again the monster who gave back his life, and he's not stupid enough to think that such a being won't demand something in return.
x2 prayer in dire need while using mark; drew blood +8 +8


Turbulent Waters 0 An ability that works on any body of water deep enough for the Rusalka to swim in, Turbulent Waters causes the water to toss and turn, rage and roar as if a storm had risen, even if the day is as clear as can be. In addition, there are strong and uncontrollable riptides under the waves. For an unskilled Rusalka, Turbulent Waters can be dangerous to use, but for the skilled, it is a dangerous and deadly ability. This is due to the fact that while the Rusalka is safe from the waters themselves, they are not immune to any effects the waters have on other things. This ability can only be used once a trial at full strength, more often if the Rusalka affects a smaller area. This power affects an area up to three nautical miles in diameter and lasts for a break.
Favorable Outcome 0 An ability that allows the Rusalka to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or any thing of a similarly small nature, so that they fall in the Rusalka's favor. The skill can be used as many times in a row as the Rusalka desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.
Rusalkis Skills I 0 Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Swimming, Seafaring, Torture, Polearms, or Fishing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
  1. Favorable Outcome: Gives you a tingling feeling in your chest.
  2. Favorable Outcome: Starts with a feeling of goosebumps
Last edited by Vaughn on Tue May 16, 2017 7:55 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 4336
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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

Companions & Livestock
Note: Vaughn is afforded an ox, two horses, and a housepet as part of his Farmer's Starting Package.



NAME Butters
BREED Highland cattle
BIRTH SEASON Ymiden, 710 (lifespan of up to 20 arcs)
SIZE/HEIGHT 3' 8" (full-grown height)
WEIGHT 1,600 lbs (full-grown weight)

Vaughn thinks of Butters as the 'family ox', and though Butters is not truly the animal's name it's Vaughn's fond misnomer for the giant beast. Perhaps the strongest bull to exist in Rynmere, Butters seems able to pull about twice the weight a normal ox should be able to... but is, adversely, perhaps twice as stupid and angry as a normal ox. While not prone to trampling or goring his masters, this animal is grumpy on a good day and it takes a lot of effort to hook him up and get him to work. Butters has been threatened more than once that he'll be turned into a steak, but as of yet he's been too much of a legend in the neighborhood to put to slaughter. Plus, Vaughn has something of a soft spot for the angry old bull.

If you catch him in one of his rare pleasant moods (a mood very rare indeed) Butters can become almost affectionate. Once or twice throughout the arcs the mean ol' ox has decided, quite sweetly, to rest his head in the crook of Vaughn's arm.


NAME Malcolm's Pride
BREED Andalusian
BIRTH SEASON Cylus, 702 (lifespan of 25+ arcs)
SIZE/HEIGHT (at shoulder) 15 hands; 5' 0" (full-grown height)
WEIGHT 1,100 lbs (full-grown weight)

All in all, Vaughn may be a little wary of this horse. A huge animal with a temper and the disposition to charge, bite, and kick, Pride is perhaps the very embodiment of his name, though it would have been fair enough to call him Vanity or Wrath. Only the best, most adamant of riders can control him, a feat that Vaughn has yet to achieve without getting bucked off. The only person the wild horse seems to have taken a liking to is Malcolm; the stallion absolutely hated Vanessa and Vaughn.

Despite his inner ugliness, Pride is a beautiful horse, strong of personality and of bloodline, and has been used as a stud for breeding, especially in his earlier years when he was a bit less unruly. After Malcolm and Vanessa left for Andaris in 712, Vaughn put the horse to retirement, but has in later years considering starting up studding Pride again. Most times it has turned out that Pride's offspring are just as awful in character as he is. But rarely, quite rarely, one of his progeny have been tamed young, a trait that Vaughn is quite interested in continuing.

Back in the day, however, Pride's anger was not a detriment, as many wished to use him to breed strong, hardy, angry warhorses.


NAME Kicks, named for the markings on her legs
BREED Andalusian
SIZE/HEIGHT (at shoulder) 15 hands; 5' 0" (full-grown height)
WEIGHT 900 lbs (full-grown weight)

Compared to Pride, Kicks is a sweetheart. An average sort of horse, she is generally sweet-tempered and docile, the counterpart to Pride's agression and rage. Though wary of being ridden, once settled into a rhythm Kicks quickly reconnects with her inner peace and the peace of her rider. Though she has never been bred, Vaughn suspects that she would make a great mother. Back when the house was full and she saw more use, she would commonly jump the fence and wander off down the way to play with the neighbors' horses and dogs and kids. A great jumper though without any formal training, when she wants to Kicks can really fly.


NAME Andvari
BREED Apanie (a Nashaki breed)
SIZE/HEIGHT (at shoulder) 16.3 hands; 5' 5" (full-grown height)
WEIGHT 1,000 lbs
ABILITIES Apanie have enlongated ears used to sense the most subtle vibrations in the air. Because of this, they are gifted with a "sixth sense" when it comes to detecting threats and predators.

PERSONALITY Though Andvari is deceptively calm, preferring to rest his chin against his chest when in the stables or standing still, he is ever ready to spring into action. Always listening, ever vigilant, Andvari cannot be surprised; because of that, unless he feels threatened he is a remarkably safe horse to be around, unlikely to startle or kick.

When sensing danger Andvari may appear restless, twitching his tail or pawing the ground with one hoof. If his eyes are closed it means he is listening his hardest, and he has upon occasion closed his eyes while walking or being ridden, a disturbing habit to most riders. An easy horse to ride in principle Andvari can nonetheless be a challenge; curious to a fault, the horse will investigate any little sound and will disobey his rider's commands in order to do so. He also tends to seek to trample threats should they appear instead of fleeing. As if to counterbalance his patience when he's holding still Andvari has a remarkably bouncy gait, almost like a prancing show horse, so riders beware long distance travel on his back.

In Ashan 717, Andvari was gifted to Vaughn from his father, Malcolm.


BREED Domestic (tabby cat)
LENGTH 16" (head to base of tail with an additional tail length of 12") (full-grown length)
WEIGHT 9 lbs (full-grown weight)

PERSONALITY Raf is Vaughn's cat, adopted after the rest of his family had already moved out of the manor. Adaptable in a way almost reminiscent of a coyote, Raf is clever and insistent, demanding attention whenever a human walks by. Behaving the same towards stangers or people she knows, she is an affectionate animal with a loud purr, who sometimes likes to chew on fingers.

A few years back, Vaughn picked Raf up from a litter of kittens because nobody had wanted her for her eyes. Raf's "devil eyes", eyes sharp and clear as any cat's but of a deep amber that come across as close to red, scared away the children who would have otherwise adopted her. So Vaughn took her into his care.

An easygoing animal who finds a way to fit herself into any situation and survive, Raf stayed with him when he worked as a blacksmith, was a bar cat when he was tending bar, and even went with Vaughn when he worked on a fishing boat. Everywhere she went she quickly stole the hearts of his customers and coworkers.

It was with some reluctance that Vaughn was forced to leave her on the farm when the war began. Marcus, who Vaughn suspected of being allergic to cats, would not allow him to bring her with, and Vaughn was afraid that if he did she might be killed (perhaps even by Marcus' own hand).
Last edited by Vaughn on Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:52 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 1185
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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]



-- -- -- --


Rebirth, 711 [Warrick] Hunting Party ongoing [Lei'lira] --
Ashan 115th, 713 [Burhan] A Night to Remember ongoing [Lorena, Damon Andaris, Malcolm, Elyna] --
Ashan 115th, 713 (later) [MATURE] A Night Under the Stars ongoing [Lorena] --
Ymiden 4th, 713 [Burhan] Saying Goodbye graded [Lorena] 15/15; points allotted to mount: horse (15)

ASHAN, 717

25th [The Burning Mountains] Blood of my Blood [MATURE] graded [Malcolm] 15/15, +9 fame, & +8 devotion to Chrien; points allotted to smithing (10), blades: longsword (5)
57th I'm Coming Home graded [Malcolm, Elyna, Violet, Vahkanor, Lei'lira, Zedarius, Damon Andaris, Odessa Andaris] 15/15 & +5 fame; points allotted to swimming (15)
57th (side thread) Going Out ongoing [Damon Andaris] --
58th Just a Walk completed [Malcolm, Violet] --
58th (later) A Lion, a Wolf, and a Couple of Horses ongoing [Lei'lira] --
58th (later yet) Running Circles ongoing [Elyna, Lei'lira] --
62nd Stalling graded [Elyna] 15/15; points allotted to animal husbandry (15)
63rd Of the Immortal Father and Immortal's Son completed [Malcolm] --
64th Hello Again ongoing [Lorena] --
64th (continued) [MATURE] Hello Again [Continued] ongoing [Lorena] --
65th Coffee Shop and Chill ongoing [Lorena] --
79th [Endor] Buried Alive ongoing [Malcolm, Violet, Zedarius, Vakhanor] --
80th Zugzwang ongoing [Rafael Warrick, Malcolm, Vakhanor] --
98th Family Matters completed [Elyna, Malcolm] --
TBD Placeholder ongoing [Lei'lira] --


1st [Warrick] The Valley of the Brave ongoing [Malcolm] --
13th [Burhan] What's Gone and Past ongoing [Lorena] --


A list of the letters Vaughn has written to different people.
Lorena 1 Concerning their relationship
2 Concerning their relationship
3 Concerning their relationship
4 Concerning their relationship
5 Concerning their relationship
6 Concerning their relationship
7 Concerning the war in Rynmere
Last edited by Vaughn on Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:19 pm, edited 25 times in total. word count: 292
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Vaughn Krome [Character Sheet]

Thread Summaries
[Warrick] Hunting Party [Lei'lira] Vaughn is invited to a First Hunt party by Baron Jared Warrick and meets Lei'lira, one of Jared's twin daughters.

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[Burhan] A Night to Remember [Lorena, Damon Andaris, Elyna, Malcolm] Lorena Burhan, Vaughn's on-and-off, has her 18th birthday party. Everyone there is trying to figure out how to make the most of the night.

A Night Under the Stars [Lorena] Continued from A Night to Remember. xxx

[Burhan] Saying Goodbye [Lorena] Lorena comes to the manor to try to tell Vaughn that she must go away. An argument ensues; it's the last time Vaughn sees Lorena before she leaves, and the last conversation they have before the letters.


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[The Burning Mountains] Blood of my Blood [Malcolm] Malcolm is captured and brought to Faction VII by Yoreth Blackwood and Marcus. Vaughn, already a captive there, meets with his father and together they try to find some way to escape.

I'm Coming Home [Malcolm, Elyna, Violet, Vahkanor, Lei'lira] Friends and family are gathered at Malcolm and Elyna's new house in Andaris to have dinner and celebrate.

Going Out [Damon Andaris] After leaving the dinner table, Damon and Vaughn share some reevi and go out on the town.

Just a Walk [Malcolm, Violet] Vaughn is asked to meet his father at the university and sits in on one of his classes. Violet Warrick, one of his father's students, is there, and Vaughn inquires about learning Draketh, the langauge of the jacadon.

A Lion, a Wolf, and a Couple of Horses [Lei'lira] Lei'lira and Vaughn meet at the stables to look over Vaughn's stallion Pride and to consider studding him to one of Lei'lira's horses in Warrick.

Running Circles [Elyna, Lei'lira] After meeting with Lei'lira, Elyna turns up at the stables.

Stalling [Elyna] As discussed previously, Elyna invites Vaughn to help her at the Iron Hand stables, and they get into a heated discussion about the past, about Elsie, and about Vaughn's mother Vanessa and brother Marcus.

Of the Immortal Father and Immortal's Son [Malcolm] Vaughn meets with his father to discuss the mark of Chrien and joining the Skyriders.

Hello Again [Lorena] Lorena and Vaughn meet up in Andaris after some 4 arcs apart.

[Mature] Hello Again [Continued] [Lorena] xxx

Coffee Shop and Chill [Lorena] After a late night, Vaughn and Lorena wake up and go to a coffee shop to have drinks and talk.

[Endor] Buried Alive [Malcolm] A group of Iron Hand and a few extras travel to the Endor Mines to smith and search for Qe'Dreki, but end up dealing with a cave-in inside the Mines as well.

Zugzwang [Rafael Warrick, Malcolm, Vakhanor] After leaving the Mines, the Hand comes across Rafael Warrick, a rebel noble lord Malcolm once knew.

Family Matters [Elyna, Malcolm] Vaughn goes to meet his new half-brother Luke at Malcolm and Elyna's home in Andaris.

Placeholder [Lei'lira] As promised, Vaughn transports his stallion Malcolm's Pride, along with new stallion Andvari, to Lei'lira's farm in Warrick to stud them with her mares.

[Warrick] The Valley of the Brave [Malcolm] Vaughn and Malcolm visit Vanessa's grave in Warrick.

[Burhan] What's Gone and Past [Lorena] Vaughn and Lorena go to visit his home, the Burhan manor, but find it in total disarray having been looted during the war.
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