[Approved by Golem] Navik

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Name: Navik
Other Names: None
Race: Mixed Race (Sev'ryn and Avriel)
Gender: Male
Age: 21 arcs
Day of Birth: 27th Trial of Cylus, 696
Place of Birth: Athart

Profession: Doctor
Factions: Order of the Adunih

Current Location: Desnind
Housing: Tree-house, northern part of Desnind

Marks: None

Languages (Fluent): Xanthea
Languages (Conversational): None
Languages (Broken): Common
Last edited by Navik on Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:25 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 77
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The Outside
With 5'8", Navik has a lean body that hides some of the strength he possess. His face is angular, with a strong jaw, high cheekbones and very dark eyes, that appear completely black unless under direct sunlight. While his gaze seems almost identical to the eyes of a full Avriel for those who know where to look, he cannot see the flow of the wind. There are a few, thin and almost invisible, scars on his face, a consequence of his time spent in the wilds. Navik's hair is of a very dark brown, and reaches just past his shoulders.

His slightly tanned skin is also marked by scars, mostly invisible except for the ones in his shoulders. Dark blue feathers grow from the sides of abdomen and the back of his shoulders, turning into down feathers that cover most of his belly and spine. His hands have long fingers that end on strong nails that are almost like claws. From his back, a pair of long and lean blue wings grow. Said wings are strong enough to carry him for a small distance, but Navik has found out very soon that they were too weak for extended or intense flights.

On his chest, just over his heart, is the tattoo of a stylized black tree. A winged snake slithers around his left arm.

Clothes and accessories fail to grab his interest, and more often than not, they are plain and simple, just enough to keep him warm and protected. The exception from this are gifts he receives from others that mean something to him.

Injury Received On Will Heal On
Last edited by Navik on Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:29 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 295
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The Inside

There are two very strong sides inside Navik - the instinctual one, who wants and craves power and the thrill of a hunt, who is a fierce warrior first and foremost, and the one who struggles with this reality.

Navik is not cruel, he does not wish to see others suffer nor does he enjoy it. But he can be harsh and too direct, unable most of the time to control the things he wish to say - or saying them in a way that doesn't convey what he truly feels. Because of that, more often than not, he prefers to remain silent. He won't talk about private or personal matters with just about anyone, fearing something he can't quite name, but he will always listen, and try to offer the best advice to those who seek his help.

He feels with all his being, and while this can cause him to lose patience with someone he loves, it also means he will love with all his heart and will do everything for those he cares about. Navik trusts easily, afraid to get hurt but also unable to control it. Above everything, though, the intensity of his emotions make him extremely susceptible to others' feelings. He truly cares about those who need his help, and is willing to give everything to help. However, he tries to hide said feelings deep down from outside eyes, afraid to cause people to walk away.

Deep inside him, there is a craving for affection and companionship he tries to push away, and a craving for improving and making a difference in the world he nurtures and pursues with all his heart. Navik often doubts himself, but even through this he keeps pushing, seeking to improve himself and be a person who can truly help and make the world a better place for others.
Last edited by Navik on Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:41 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 331
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The Past


Arcs: 696 - 697

Navik's story began with his father, Ti'wang, a Sev'ryn who had taken residence on Athart. Life was hard, as it usually was. It wasn't long, however, before he met Lenyra, an Avriel who wasn't so spiteful of outsiders as others of her race. The two bonded, not quickly, but over the course of several and harsh arcs, in which Ti'wang's hard work and culture he had brought with himself from Desnind picked up Lenyra's curiosity, to the point where she allowed herself to 'make an exemption for the stupid creature'. This curiosity turned to affection, affection turned to friendship, and friendship blossomed into something more. It only took three nights together, meeting away from the eyes of the ones who would judge them, for Lenyra to become pregnant. At first, the thought of a half child disgusted her, but her feelings for Ti'wang were enough for her to do nothing about it.

When the baby was finally born, on a sunless trial of the arc 696, Lenyra's feelings for the child changed abruptly. The thought that once disgusted her was now replaced by a fierce desire to protect her baby. She knew the newborn wouldn't stand a chance in her city.

So she gave him up. Waited until the end of Cylus, and escorted Ti'wang and her son to leave the city. It was on the port, after a sufficient amount of money given to smuggle them out of city, that Lenyra named her son, doing the best she could with the little she had learned from Ti'wang's language. This was her goodbye, and she returned to her city, to pretend nothing ever happened. Ti'wang was never able to find out what had happened to her, but he took upon himself to raise their child the best way he could.

Arcs: 697 - 709

Once Ti'wang reached Desnind, after so many arcs away, he began to build his life back, the best he could, teaching what he knew to his son. He hid nothing about the nature of Navik's mother, but even so, talked little about her.

Navik grew up noticing how different he was from those around him, learned the limits of his wings and how to live amongst the Sev'ryn. Except for tentative flying lessons, Navik was raised mostly as a full Sev'ryn. This all changed when he reached his adolescence.

It was in the middle of a hunt, while his father was teaching the trade to him, that he first lost complete control of himself, the frustration of a failure causing him to injury his father. It scared him. For a few seasons, his father tried to keep his instincts under control, taking him in regular hunts where he would be left free to do as he pleased, under the watchful eye of his father. For a while, it worked, although it hurt to see the sadness in his father's eyes when he returned, covered in animal blood - and sometimes his own. But then, even those hunts weren't enough to vent the instinctive aggression that seemed to completely cloud his mind. It took several destroyed furniture and desperate begging on Navik's part on a somewhat lucid moment, for Ti'wang to tell him how Avriel dealt with this period.

And so, Navik left Desnind.
The Turmoil

Arcs: 709 - 717

The inner turmoil was, sometimes, broken by brief periods of lucidity, terrifying, freeing and unbearable, all feelings mixed together and all rational thoughts and inhibitions blocked by pure instinct. Navik struggled, way too often, trying to perfect his flight, combining it with his then rusty hunting skills and frustration of failure taken out on trees. Sometimes, he tried to rationalize with his almost bestial side, but often his efforts were in vain.

The complete turmoil was strong and intense, but lasted less time than what he expected from his father's words. Little by little, he began to be able to restrain himself, but sudden bursts of violence, although getting rarer and rarer, still made it dangerous for him to go back. The agony of being unable to complete control himself and the loneliness of the wilds grew, until he became desperate, clawing at his feathers in an attempt to unmake what he was.

It was in this bloodied state that Naureey found him, desperate and lost. She was a kind soul and, despite the initial fear caused by his chaotic state, the woman helped him and carried him back with her to Niomyr. It would take four full arcs before his feathers would totally heal, and it were seasons he spent together with Naureey, learning, healing and bonding with her. She taught him her trade, teaching about herbs, cures and what little she knew of surgery. Even though their communication was strained, they quickly grew into best friends, or perhaps something more neither of them were ready to admit.

Arcs: 717 -

Finally, in the firsts trials of Zi'da, Navik was stable enough to return home, both physically and emotionally. While he didn't want to leave Naureey, he also knew he could not forget about his father. So he left, with the promise to return to Niomyr as soon as the seasons allowed.

Navik's reunion with his father was strange, but pleasant, his turmoil finally controlled enough that he would no longer be a danger. It wasn't long, though, before the absence of Naureey and the soft, but constant, push of his instincts threatened to send him over the edge once again. It was then that he first sought help within Moseke's Temple, finding a calm and purpose he never felt before. Navik finally felt like he could truly change, and so good instead of harm. Ti'wang told him that was what finding his purpose in life felt like, that he could no longer ignore his true calling. In a way, it was the closest to his people Navik ever felt, knowing he finally had a path to follow. It wasn't long before he joined the Order of the Adunih, and slowly began to dedicate himself to improve his skills and knowledge.

Starter Quest

Late one night you get an urgent knocking at your door. Your superior has demanded that you come to the Order headquarters in Desnind. When you arrive, you are ushered into a small room where a heavily scarred man is lying, dead on a table.

Beside him, a letter addressed to you in Naureey's writing. Unfortunately, the rest of the writing is obscured by blood, and the letter falls apart as you try to read it. What could it have said? Is this a love letter, or could she be in trouble?*

Last edited by Navik on Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:22 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 1160
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Navik's faith do not translate into a proper religion. While he does share many of the principles of Aiséirism, he prefers not to formally associate himself with it. Instead, he simply tries his best to know and understand each and every Immortal, and only then decide whether or not the Immortal is worth following. To him, even some of the more aggressive dominions might be necessary to keep the balance of the world, and he will happily listen to followers who are willing to share their believes.

However, this does not mean that he agrees with all points of view, and there are some he outright despise.


Knowing the Immortal of Life through his father's teachings, Navik only truly felt a connection with her after he returned to Desnind and sought help in her Temple. A connection with all that surrounded him, much like the connection he saw and felt in other Sev'ryns, was something he always sought, but never knew exactly how to find. Once he joined the Order, his faith on the Immortal only strengthened, until he finally found himself following her. It was a gradual change, one that he only became aware of after he caught himself praying for her guidance every day.

Moseke is, perhaps, his primary deity, the one he turns to in times of doubt. He quietly follows her, trying to establish a connection with nature and those around him.

His faith in Ethelynda is still a tentative one. His time with Naureey and her own faith made him tentatively accept the Immortal, sometimes offering her a prayer, but still unsure about the real place of nobility and honor in his own life. Navik's wishes to protect others has made his faith for the Immortal blossom, but he still doesn't see himself as a follower of Ethelynda.

Last edited by Navik on Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:16 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 344
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The People
Ti'wang (Sev'ryn, father, 51): Ti'wang is a patient man, a Sev'ryn who learned early to accept his place in life and, more than that, to accept what happened to him without loosing himself to grief. He tried to share some of that with his son, and Navik loves his father deeply. To him, Ti'wang is not only his parent, but also his mentor and his friend. Over the arcs, as Ti'wang taught what he could, and did what he could to control his child inner instincts, the two of them developed a deep bond that couldn't be broken even after the arcs spent apart. Navik is grateful for everything he did, and while the two don't always agree, Navik gives a high value to his father's advice. x
Lenyra (Avriel, mother, 41): Separated soon after Navik was born, he never truly knew his mother, except for the stories that his father told him. In the tales, Lenyra was a powerful and remarkable woman, although not always kind. Due to the other stories he heard about the Avriel people, Navik never knew whether or not to believe everything his father told him. Nevertheless, the tales helped him not to feel as abandoned as he could've, knowing she perhaps sacrificed herself to allow him to escape to a life he could live without being a slave. However, he still feels lost without her, not knowing how to truly control his instincts, nor if it's entirely possible.
Naureey (unknown, best friend, 26): Without Naureey, Navik would probably have lost himself in his grief. Despite not knowing nothing about the woman - who her parents were, where did she come from, why she was in Niomyr -, Navik still respects her deeply, believing he knows the important things about her.

Last edited by Navik on Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:27 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 340
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Skill Proficiency Points
Endurance Novice 5
Fieldcraft Novice 15
Flying Novice 25
Hunting Novice 10
Medicine Novice 20
Surgery Novice 10
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  1. Medicine: Basic Healing Poultice [GL]

  1. Surgery: Bandage Wounds [GL]
  2. Surgery: Basic Stitching [GL]


  1. Field Craft: Tracking A Deer [GL]

  1. Flying: You have Weak Wings [GL]
  2. Flying: Short Distances Only [GL]

Unarmed Combat
  1. Unarmed Combat (Natural Weapons): Tearing an Animal Apart with Bare Hands [GL]


Order of the Adunih
  1. Faction: Order of the Adunih
  2. Order of the Adunih: Green Cloak


  1. Immortal: Moseke
  2. Moseke: Domains of Earth, Stone, Nature, Life [GL]

  1. Ethelynda: Domains of Nobility, Honor, Protection, Serpents [GL]


  1. Location: Desnind
  2. Location: Temple of Moseke, Desnind [GL]

  1. Location: Niomyr


  1. Race: Avriel
  2. Avriel: Aggressive Adolescent Period [GL]

  1. Race: Sev'ryn

Last edited by Navik on Fri Mar 03, 2017 12:12 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 181
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Thread Points Total
Starting Fame (Job) +10 +10
Starting Fame (Race) +5 +15
Last edited by Navik on Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 28
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The 400sqft house is located on a tree on the northern part of Desnind, near the Hunter's Fire Pit. A wooden ladder meets an open porch where a lamp with two yellow Iyọ caterpillars is usually located. Inside, the living room shares its space with a small kitchen, that's more of a dining space since no meal is cooked inside. Two doors lead to the bathroom and the bedroom.


  • Rocking chair
  • Small green pillow
  • Iyọ lamp with a male and a female yellow caterpillars


  • Table
  • 2 chairs
  • Small cooking pot
  • Set of six wooden plates
  • 2 sets of eating utensils

Living Room

  • Small bookshelf
    • Tales of the Makubwa Lori [fiction book]
    • Basics of Diagnosis & Treatments: A Medicine Book [non-fiction book]
    • Broken Bones and How to Mend Them [non-fiction book]


  • Soap
  • Comb
  • Razor
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste


  • Bed
  • Bedroll
  • 2 heavy fur blankets
  • Chest



  • Black hooded coat
  • Green hood-less cloak (Order of the Adunih)
  • White shirt
  • Black pants
  • Undergarments
  • Pair of black boots


  • Shortbow
  • Arrows x40


  • Bag (large)
  • Bag (small)
  • Waterskin
  • Tinderbox
  • First Aid Kit
    • Bandages for casts (x3)
    • Tourniquet set
    • Wooden splint braces (x6)
    • Cloth bandage strips (bundle of 15)
    • Bandage Hooks (x12)
    • Jar of sealing jelly
    • Folding Burner/brazier assembly
    • Boiling Pot
    • Vial of Burner Fuel (lamp oil)
    • Cauterizing iron (5 tip sizes)
    • Needle set (curved and straight)
    • 50' Spool of thread
    • Precision Tweezers
    • Precision Scissors
    • Large Vial of Antiseptic Alcohol
    • Sponges
    • Sling

Prized Possession

A small silver pendant shaped like wings and with a small circle of fire agate is one of Navik's most prized possessions.It was a gift from his mother, and behind it, her name was engraved. He received the pendant from his father when he was just a young boy, and ever since never separated himself from it. The silver has lost some of its lustre, and there are multiple scratches over it, but even so, Navik holds the item dearly, a small connection he has with his mother.

Last edited by Navik on Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:17 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 351
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Cylus, 717

Item Value Total Coins
City Dweller Pack +100gn 100gn
Optional City Dweller Pack +15gn 115gn
Decorative pillow -7gn 108gn
Rocking chair -10gn 98gn
Small cooking pot -3gn 95gn
Bedroll -5gn 90gn
Small bookshelf -10gn 80gn
Non-fiction book (x2) -20gn 60gn
Fiction book -8gn 52gn
Bag (small) -1sn 51gn 9sn
Bag (large) -4sn 51gn 5sn
Shortbow -10gn 41gn 5sn
Arrows (x40) -1gn 40gn 5sn
NPC (father) -10gn 30gn 5sn
Last edited by Navik on Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:21 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 84
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