[Work in Progress] Elias

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Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:32 am
Race: Avriel
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Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Elias Arvolian
Name: Elias Vidal Arvolian
Name Meaning: Elias, derived from Elijah, meaning "my Gods".
Vidal, also see Vito, meaning "Life".
Arvolian, unknown origins, meaning "Broken".

Age: 23 Arcs.

Race: Avriel.

Date of Birth: Ashan 76th, 693.

Marks: None.

Factions Joined: None as of yet.

Languages Spoken: Lorien (Fluent) and Common (Broken).

Born and raised with the Avriel until his adolescent years, Elias grew up speaking the native tongue - Lorien. The language is known to sound both soft and very harsh as well. Diction and tone are great factors influencing the manner of speaking Elias uses when talking to someone. Lorien comes very naturally to him even after his separation from the Avriel during his adolescent years in which he learned to adopt the Common tongue. However, he never developed the affluence for the Common tongue that he did for Lorien and struggles to speak the language with those who are fluent. Just like Elias might be confused and slow when someone speaking the Common tongue talks fast, those unfamiliar with Lorien will similarly be confused by his quick, witty tongue. A poet, his jabbing remarks are only intensified in the Lorien tongue. The harsh sounds efficiently strike fear in the hearts of his opposition, making it appear like he has the upper hand.

Partners: Elias gives off the impression that he is a very promiscuous male. In reality, he has only been with a handful of people. It's not that he hasn't had several opportunities to be with another person. He just is very picky about the people he wants to spend intimate time with. While he doesn't necessarily have any romantic partners or love interests, Elias often has taken advantage of those too naive to believe their relation is anything but sex and lust. Romance doesn't exist in his eyes. Why bother having one partner when he could have several at any time he wanted without the nuisance of a commitment?

Sexuality: Pansexual. Elias has no preference towards either gender or sex, but, rather, chooses to be with another person based off of fleeting interest and his current mood. He likes to always keep himself on his toes by involving himself with several new and quite different people, regardless of their gender identity, their biological sex, or their gender.

Face Claim: Ezra Miller.

Give us a description of your character's appearance here. What do they wear mostly? Do their eyes change color in different light? Maybe some more pictures if you feel like it.

Hair: Elias' hair has gone through a series of phases. He's tried all types of styles and cuts, fixing his luscious locks into different parts. His hair has been cropped short, close to a shave as well as has been grown long, well past his shoulders. A near mirror image of his father, Elias' hair is a striking black color, dark and shining like obsidian. The locks themselves are rather loose and soft to the touch. Recently, he has cut his long hair to a shorter style. Now, cropped bangs hang over his forehead and the wavy locks have settled into straighter lines without their length. His wispy locks are always groomed and well taken care of, though it is difficult for Elias to look anything other than windswept. Whenever he flies, his hair is blown back by the wind and always take on the same appearance.

Eyes: Almond shaped, Elias' eyes are one of his best features. The color of the earth, his eyes are flecked with numerous shades of brown blending together. Lively, his eyes are his most expressive features. While he is quite active in maintaining a simple face, his eyes are the easiest way to figure out how he is feeling about one thing or another. Emotions are very easily seen in those expressive orbs of his.

Skin: Elias has fairly smooth, pale skin. As an adolescent going through puberty, he suffered from breakouts on his nose and chin. Fortunately, the phase was quick to finish and his face cleared up again. Cool to the touch, coming in contact with his skin makes it appear as if he is practically frozen. His hands are never warm and his cheeks always have a pink glow.

Body: Slender and tall, Elias doesn't have the strongest and broadest build. As an Avriel, this is the type of body that he prefers. He is on the thinner side, weighing considerably less than the males of other races. This helps out with flying for being weightless is more desirable. Fortunately, he has a lean torso and a muscled arms and legs. While basic instincts prompt him to flight, his figure is still able to participate well enough in a fight.

Voice: Elias has a voice that is low, with an agreeable trace of huskiness and with a hint of more power than his frailer body would suggest. It is not incredibly deep, though some would say it has a feminine touch to it.

Marks/Tattoos: Fairly distinguishable from the other races, an Avriel such as Elias has the typical birthmarks across of his face, arms, and torso. With skin as pale of his, the birthmarks are prominent. Not only are they noticeable because of their color, but the birthmarks have interesting shapes as well. Marked skin draws across of his forehead and the side of his sharp cheekbones, closely following the curves of his cheeks and temple. On his arms, the lines are more jagged and sharp, darker in color than on his face. The marks on his arms seem to sprout from his torso first. Similarly, the birthmarks on his chest and abdomen shape accordingly to the dips and curves of his lean torso before leading onto his back.

Wings: With a fairly average wingspan, Elias' dark, boding wings cast a long shadow. Wings built for speed are pointed and extremely strong, able to beat incredibly hard even in the wildest of winds. The colors of his wings range from black to shades of brown and gray.

Clothing: His preference is for light weight clothing. Taking flight is most easy when he is wearing clothing that is not obstructive. Billowing winds can become problematic if he choose to wear looser clothing. Fitted clothing make up the most of his wardrobe. He is always wearing plated armor while out and about, prepared for a brawl of any kind.
Elias is kind of a dick. He fancies himself as a leader and will often take over the role without being asked or wanted. He has a hard time being a team player and can come across as crass and insensitive because that’s exactly what he is. He's a cocky, competitive, jerk-off who doesn’t believe in procrastination or the feelings of other people. Impulsive and self important, he tends to think little of the opinions of others because who else is as great as him? He is always adopting new interests and has an inability to settle down. Elias is easily bored and always looking for something new without much regard for consequences. His interests are often fleeting, leaving him with many experiences and a wide span of knowledge on multiple topics. Moody, clingy and sentimental, Elias will often neglect rational thinking for his feelings. He can be unpredictable in his reactions to things big and small: all of which he feels intensely. He does not take kindly to having his overreactions pointed out as such. Elias thrives on acknowledgement from others. Despite coming across as egotistical, most of the time he is terribly insecure about some thing or another. Cunning and manipulative, he is always looking out for number one. Highly sensitive and passionate, Elias is prone to random bursts of anger.
The season of Ashan in the 693rd arc was not a pleasant one for Isdya and Vyndar Arvolian. The weather, as it was well known, was wildly cold and living up in Athart gave no advantage to gaining some warmth. A trip outside in this weather, specifically the night of the 76th of Ashan, would be a mistake. It would be difficult for a human to try and travel across the ice covered surfaces. It would be even more difficult for an Avriel such as Isdya to try and fly through the speedy winds. Heavily pregnant and required to stay the night at her husband's family home, Isdya was suspiciously anxious to get home. She was not a huge fan of her husband's parents and that night especially, they were harping about all of her negative qualities. Hardly stifling her flaring temper, she excused herself for the night, hoping that by straying from her in-laws' vision, she would be able to return home. Terribly stubborn and with a one track mind, Isdya thought nothing of her own condition as she tried to leave her in-laws' home in order to make an appearance elsewhere - the cave in which her infant twins were resting. If she did not leave now, it was very possible that the two - Adrienna and Niko - would freeze to death without the warmth of their mother. Unfortunately for her, as she tried to make her quick exit, sudden pains in her stomach obstructed her escape.

Labor was terrible for Isdya. Having had to give birth to twins in her private cave in Forest of Stone a year previously, she was not in her prime condition to give birth. Her first birthing did not have the aid and healing remedies that she did in her second round. Her mother in-law and her husband were present during the entire process, watching over her throughout every grueling hour. Seven hours of labor finally resulted in a third child for Isdya - a baby boy. He was taken from her arms almost immediately from her mother in-law, coddled and cleaned before being shown off to the men in the family. Steaming, Isdya was separated from not only her twins, but her newborn son as well. By the end of the night, the child was named, but not by his own mother. His name was Elias Vidal Arvolian.

Elias was a little prince, the apple of his father's eye. He was to be a warrior, a strong Avriel, and a man of responsibility. Vyndar claimed that his only son would follow in his footsteps and become a man of politics. Vyndar's brother rebutted him and argued that Elias would become a slave trafficker like him. His grandfather refused both of his sons and determined that little Elias would become a religious man. All of these expectations followed Elias as he grew up, yanked every which way to fulfill the dreams of the adults in his life. Or, rather all the men in his life. He wasn't treated as kindly by his mother. She wasn't allowed much input on Elias' life besides basic nurturing that he required while he was young. He even felt as if she began to despise him for the restrictions his father put on her when it came to him. Even so, he still went to her for all of his problems, seeking her advice and her attention when he was feeling upset. And perhaps it was his sadness that could only break through to the woman, coddling him only then. Otherwise, she didn't seem to participate much in his apart from the basic appearances in everyday life.

Curiosity is one of Elias' greatest flaws. He's far too inquisitive for anyone's taste. It was curiosity that guided him into following his mother on one of her "trips." He wondered for some time where his mother vanished too on these trips of hers, not understanding why she would never indulge him about them. The one time that his curiosity got the best of him,

Elias had one of the more basic Avriel-styled homes - a cave in the mountains. In an attempt to make some distance from his father and gain some of his own independence, he decided to live on his own away from the lavishness of his family home. As spoilt and rotten as Elias is, this change in the manner of living affected him a lot. Accustomed to finer things and being doted on by the family slaves, living in a cave gives him only the most basic things. He has a comfortable bed, he supposes, and two chairs lounging around in his cave. He's made it a pretty comfortable space, but since he's living alone and hardly has any visitors, Elias finds himself not caring about the appearance of things. There's a chest on one side of his cave and makeshift fireplace on the other to keep warm. But, its useless for what idiot sets a fire inside of a cave? Whatever his house was, it was home for him. Now, however, things have changed. After a horrible fight with his father, Elias took responsibility and left Athart to live on the road. Set with a horse, a wagon, and a tent, as well as multiple other supplies, Elias is far more content living under the sky instead of stuck in the darkness of his cave in Athart.
Knowledge & Skills

SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Blades10/100 (10/251)Novice
Deception5/100 (5/251)Novice
Endurance15/100 (15/251)Novice
Flying (RB)25/100 (25/251)Novice
Intimidation (FT)5/100 (5/251)Novice
Persuasion10/100 (10/251)Novice
Writing10/100 (10/251)Novice


This is the text.
  • Traveler's Pack
    • One set of clothing (adaptable as per race, though for humanoid races, this will include a coat or cloak, shirt or blouse, pants or skirt, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.
    • One set of Weather Gear (Adaptable per race, per climate. Ranges from a second set of clothes listed above or it can include thick coat or cloak, thick pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.)
    • One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
    • One riding horse.
    • One horse-pulled wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep)
    • 100 feet of rope
    • One tinderbox.
    • A set of six torches
    • One Lantern
    • One bedroll
    • A compass
    • A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks.
    • A blanket
    • Four rucksacks
    • A knife
    • One waterskin
    • One set of toiletries
    • Two rags
    • Shortbow and 12 arrows.
Money Ledger
Traveler's Pack ... 25 gn
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 25 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Fame Ledger
Avriel Race ... -10
Actor +10 ...
... ... ...
Total Fame: 0
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