[Approved by Kingdom] Talhar

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Approved Character
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon May 23, 2016 5:27 pm
Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Name: Talhar

Age: 28

Race: Sev'ryn

Current Location: Desnind

Date of Birth: 688th Arc - Cold Cycle - 17th day of Zi'da

Marks: Currently none.

Factions Joined: Currently none.

Languages Spoken: Fluent Language: Xanthea | Basic Language: Human Language

Currently none.

Kneeling on both knees, Talhar dipped his head in the serenely calm pond's surface, in a futile attempt to clear his mind of the recent night terrors that have sprung up and distraught him during his rest. The morning sun peeked slightly over a curtain of light clouds dotting the vast sky. The sensation of a crisp morning breeze with the light blanket of sunshine, made him more than eager to inwardly offer his gratitude to Mother Nature. His knees and hands still burried slightly in the soil, face staring at his mirror self in the pond. The worried brow in his bushy brows had not disappeared, still worried about what those recurring nightmares could mean, he stared deeply into his own dark eyes. His face remaining stern, he brushed the palm of his hand over his face, his hand functioning as an improvised brush, attempting to force his facial hair into an, at least semi-, presentable manner in public. The small canine tooth attached to one of his thinner dreadlocks was dangling carefree around his amethyst tinted locks, most of them knotted together and hanging down in faint disarray, near the center of the shoulderblades.

Giving up on finding answers by staring into the windows to his soul, he pushed himself up to his full 5'8'' and forced himself to let the symbolism behind the dreams be for what they were, for now, as he went to continue his stroll in the forest, making sure not to lose himself in thoughts again, for dropping your guard here, even while in the vicinity of Desnind, has proven itself to be fatal to even the most seasoned men and women, time and again.

Glancing at the sky, halting in his tracks for a split moment, he noticed it had already passed mid-day. What was he even doing here? Aimlessly trudging in the wilds is not that common for him after all, usually he isn't this...Apathic. He knew the cause but he hated to admit it, he still couldn't let go of the mystery of the symbolism behind the nightly terrors. Something that was quite more common for him than aimlessly meandering about, being unable to let go of mysteries, secrets and the unknown. It was one of his most prominent features, the desire and thirst for knowledge. Not just knowledge though, but anything that is unknown to him, whether it is a mystery, a secret or simply a location or experience he hasn't encountered yet. For Talhar, versatility and charting the unknown are his spices of life; The spicier, the better!

He's quite the gentle giant really, while he doesn't shy away from a fight or battle, he only does so if the situation demands for it. If someone innocent is getting targetted, whether friend or stranger; If his principles or honor are getting trampled on; If it's what needs to be done...It's nothing he takes pleasure in, but he realizes that while he might a big ol' sap, there are plenty enough in the world that aren't of a similar mindset. Even so, he refuses to become a cynic and sceptic at the hands of others rotten mentality, what's life if you don't enjoy it? Can you really call it living if all you aim to do is stay alive?

Even while being fairly amical and happy-go-lucky, he has made more than his fair share of 'enemies' in his life, mainly because of his tendency to go snooping around where his nose doesn't belong, scooping up dirt that should stay burried. Even though he has never shared his unraveled secrets with anyone else, a lot of people still find him a 'liability' when he's nearby. He rarely loses sleep over it though...Wait.

Finally, the cause and meaning behind the recurring terrors has revealed itself to Talhar. At long last the brow on his face faded and was replaced with a light smirk on his face. How could he have forgotten? It was tomorrow, the day his old man had passed away, 5 arcs ago. While that alone wasn't exactly much to go on, in correlation with the recurring nightmares' content, the pieces started to click.

Every night for almost a week now, it was always the same, Talhar found himself in an endless urban maze, running and coarsing around, trying to find the exit. Every night, every single night, he had come across a child sobbing in a dark corner or alley, only to reveal himself to be....Himself. If two of Talhar weren't enough, in every single dream the morbid sensation and fear arrived shortly after discovering and helping the younger 'him' from a vague and looming silhouette, coming closer and closer from the shadowy darkness. While the monster chased the two Talhars, eventually driving them into a deadend corridor, it approached them enough to lash out at them, but all it did was stand there. Completely shrouded in the dark, even though the corridor was lit enough to even see passed the creature. All that Talhar remembered as last moment in the nightmares, every single morning, was noticing the short canine tooth dangling on a dreadlock from the creature's face, a fraction of a second before finally being able to see his own face, gliding out from the darkness surrounding the monster.

The real Talhar, on his was back to Desnind, had finally puzzled all the parts together. The canine tooth was one of his father's possessions, which he gave to Talhar at a young age. An age where the desire for snuffing out secrets had already rooted itself deep within Talhar, but at that young age. The sense of responsability and discretecy had not yet taken form within him, until his father called for Talhar after he had gotten in yet another fight, this time with his very best friend, of course over having ratted on him through revealing his best kept secret. Talhar came up to his father and after his old man asked him what happened, Talhar gave a quick summary about the fight itself, but his father pressed on and demanded to know the cause of the fight. When Talhar told, boasted even, about the secret he had revealed to the world. His father shook his head and explained to young Talhar about the responsability and dignity that comes with knowledge, he explained to Talhar that knowledge is power, that power is dangerous, that danger causes fear, that fear causes hate. After a thorough lesson imparted on the young Talhar, his father gave his son a canine tooth, the tooth from a puma. A feline hunter that skulks through the night, observing all, knowing all.

The part that pains him to think about this memory that's usually quite repressed, is how he lost his own father through breaking his teachings, once. He had broken his vow of secretkeeping, for good reason, yet that wouldn't bring his father back. He realizes he still hasn't forgiven himself ever since that day, even though he doesn't show it, deep within him the guilt and sorrow still runs deep. A secret of his own, a secret he'll keep to his own.

Common Desnind Citizen Housing, with very minimalistic decoration as Talhar rarely uses his room for anything other than sleeping.
Knowledge & Skills

Skill NamePoints AcquiredTotal
Investigation [SP] 25, 25
Interrogation [SP] 15, 15
Axes & Bludgeons (Club) [SP] 10, 10
Crafting: Woodcarving [RB]10, +5(KG) 15
Crafting: Fieldcraft +5(KG) 5
Hunting +5(KG) 5

Basic Knowledge

Basic Knowledge: Secretkeeping
Basic Knowledge: Layout of Desnind
Basic Knowledge: Desnind Customs
Fieldcraft: Safe plants to eat in the Desnid Jungle
Investigation: Reconstructing a Crime scene

Specialized Knowledge

Specialized Knowledge: Carving a crude mask
Specialized Knowledge: Carving basic faces
Wood carving: Spear tips
Hunting: Following a Jungle trail
Axes/Bludgeons: Centrifuge in a strike.
Marks Section







One set of clothing (A coat , shirt or blouse, pants or skirt, undergarments, and a pair of boots. All clothing is standard quality.
One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
One waterskin
Two sets of eating utensils
Heirloom: A fairly short, wooden, stick with an elaborate mask carved in the round, blunt, top-end.
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Total Currency: 0 ON, 100 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
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