Vincent D'Ordyn

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Vincent D'Ordyn
Approved Character
Posts: 282
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:42 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: 176
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 1




RP Medals



Vincent D'Ordyn

Vincent "Gray" D'Ordyn
Name: Vincent D'Ordyn

Assumed Name: Gray

Age: 29

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 111th of Ashan, 688

Marks: Taithir

Factions Joined: N/A

Languages Spoken: Common(Fluent) and Rakahi(Basic)


Polished and well kept were not just words used to describe Vincent's armor, but also the man himself. Well groomed and maintained, he was seen as a shining example of the Moseke Knights, one of the reasons he reached the rank of Steward at such a young age. Always the one for rules and order Vincent kept his hair cut short in the military style, and his face clean shaven. Trained from an early age for the Knights, Vincent was raised not only with a shield and sword in his hands, but also with tactics and stratagem drilled into his mind. Due to his upbringing Vincent is well muscled and, standing a head taller than most others of his race he strikes a very imposing figure. Vincent would never be called beautiful, he was far from homely either. Though one the one thing about him that always seems to turn heads are his eyes, emerald green, piercing, full of fire and intelligence. Sadly, that was how Vincent held himself, but when he took on the name Gray, everything changed. His hair has grown long and is often left unkempt. A shadow of a beard has been allowed to grow, and the polished armor swapped for dull leathers and a gray hooded cloak. Along with the change in attire, Gray has wrapped the hilts of his swords in cloth to conceal the craftsmanship, and design. As they were a gift from his father for his promotion they are styled after the Moseke Knights. The only thing that seems to have been left unchanged from Vincent's fall to "Gray" are his eyes, though maybe the fire behind them has started to burn a little darker.

Vincent has always had a strong sense of justice, sticking up for the bullied, and weak. As time went on that sense only grew more concrete, and resolute eventually gaining him the notice of the Immortal Ethelynda. Kind, yet unyielding in the upkeep of the law. Merciful, yet fierce in defense of peace. Stoic, yet passionate about protecting his family and the people of Rynmere. Then, that was all snatched from him. Since the massacre of his family, and his transition to Gray, he's become cold and distant. Preferring to stay to himself, and rarely speaking beyond the necessary. Though he has become colder, his sense of justice hasn't dulled, and he still can't stand to see people being mistreated. Often stepping in to handle the situation before disappearing again.

Since Vincent was a child he had been raised by his father, a Warden in the Moseke Knights, to follow in his footsteps. Where some may have thought this unfair and rebelled against it, Vincent didn't. He saw the respect his father's men had for their superior officer, and the love the people of the city had for his family, and wanted nothing more than to live up to that legacy. Devoting his early childhood to training and tutoring Vincent quickly progressed in the arts of war, diplomacy, and leadership.

Squiring for his father, and eventually obtaining Knighthood shortly after his 18th Arc. Becoming one of the youngest Stewards in the history of the Moseke Knights was one of the shining moments of Vincent's life, and one of the proudest for his father. His rise through the ranks of the Moseke Knights was seconded in his father's eyes only by Vincent's acquisition of the Taithir. Shortly after attaining the rank of Steward and being graced by Ethelynda tragedy struck the Ordyn house.

The family was butchered and their home in Andaris burned to the ground to make the massacre look like an accident. Vincent survived the attack, but just barely. Wounded while fighting the assassins that had attacked his home, Vincent's father took and hid him under the bodies of the rest of his slain kin before turning to fight the men himself. Though dazed and barely conscious, Vincent watched as his father was cut down and beheaded. When Vincent was finally able to move again, the house was already ablaze, stopping only to pick up the twin swords his father had gifted him upon his promotion to Steward, he made his way from the burning manse.

When word of the tragedy reached Vincent it seemed that no one knew he was still alive. That day Vincent was pronounced dead with the rest of the Ordyn family, and Gray was born from the ashes of the ruin manse. Since, Gray has traveled the city looking for any clue on the group that murdered his family, and staying out of the way of any who may recognize him. His time on the streets and staying out of the light of the law, have caused Gray to walk a delicate line. Though he has yet to actually break any laws, it doesn't mean that he has remained untainted by the shadows either.

Gray stays at the local Inn, preferring to forgo the luxuries of the finer suites, for the affordability of the cheaper rooms. He usually pays for the room a fortnight at a time.

Combat Skills

  • Blades: Dual Swords
  • Blades: Dual wielding and blocking
  • Blades: Stances: The Ox
  • Blades: Stances: The Plow
  • Blades: Stances: The Fool
  • Blades: Stances: The Roof
  • Blades: Stances: The Tail
  • Blades: Importance of Endurance
  • Blades: Counter Attack
  • Blades: Wear your opponent down
  • Blades: Disarm
  • Blades: Drawing your opponent forward
  • Blades: Breaking out from a shield wall
  • Blades: Finding the Gaps in Plate Armor
  • Blades: Parrying Two Different Levels of Attack
  • Blades: Advanced slashing maneuvers
  • Blades: Precision strikes
  • Shielded Combat: Protection is My Duty
  • Shielded Combat: Keep Your Shield UP!
  • Shield Combat: Charge into a group as a precursor to combat.
  • Tactics: Combat: Sizing up your opponent
  • Tactics: Combat: Fancy footwork
  • Tactics: Fire can add the element of surprise
  • Tactics: The importance of being in a good position to observe your surroundings
  • Tactics: Moving out of the danger zone after a battle
  • Tactics: Rest when you can, battle is coming.
  • Tactics: Working together against impossible odds.
  • Tactics: Shield wall
  • Tactics: Setting up a "Kill Zone" Trap
  • Tactics: Whistling as Signals
  • Tactics: Running Through Empty Wagons for Cover
  • Tactics: Holding the line
  • Tactics: Recognising when you have been tricked
  • Tactics: When all else fails, there might always be a miracle.
  • Tactics: When to go to an ally’s aid.
  • Tactics: Look for openings in your opponents defense.
  • Tactics: Consider openings you created, and openings they left.
  • Tactics: Always consider attack and defence.
  • Tactics: Make sure you're on top at the end of a move.
  • Tactics: Soft target are better.
  • Thrown (Daggers): "Softening" Targets With Thrown Weps as You Charge
  • Thrown (Daggers): Throwing With Both Arms' Movements as You Run
  • Thrown Weapons: Knife: Weight of a decent throwing knife
  • Thrown Weapons: Knife: Repetition builds muscle memory
  • Thrown Weapons: Knife: Aiming at inanimate objects helps improve accuracy
  • Thrown Weapons: Knife: Changing position when practicing to avoid complacency
  • Unarmed: Street Fights are Dirty
  • Unarmed: Use their weight against them
  • Unarmed: Finding a balanced stance
  • Unarmed: Backwards roll
  • Unarmed: Keep opponent moving
  • Unarmed: Dodge
  • Unarmed Combat: How to sweep an opponent’s legs out from under them
  • Unarmed Combat: How to pin an opponent’s arm behind their back
  • Unarmed Combat, Brawling: A kick to the rump
  • Unarmed Combat, Brawling: Taking out a man's knee
  • Unarmed Combat, Brawling: Knocking a man unconscious with a kick to the head
  • Unarmed: Wrist lock
  • Unarmed: Combat Style: Lightning Knights vs Iron Hand
  • Unarmed Combat: Slamming One Enemy Into Another
  • Unarmed Combat: The Tuck, Roll and Knee-kick Maneuver
  • Unarmed Combat: Front kick
  • Unarmed Combat: Techniques for forcing your opponent off balance
  • Unarmed Combat: Maintaining your core
  • Unarmed Combat: Improving stance
  • Unarmed Combat: Relaxing to make your movement more fluid
  • Unarmed Combat: One arm to defend, one arm as a weapon
  • Unarmed Combat: Out maneuvering your opponent in a lunge

Physical Skills

  • Climbing: Scaling walls
  • Climbing: Using ledges for leverage
  • Endurance: Can't swim with a sword and shield
  • Endurance: Fighting despite pain
  • Endurance: Battle after battle after battle!
  • Endurance: The slow grinding kind of pain can really ruin your day.
  • Endurance: Recognising when you need medical care.
  • Endurance: Keeping focused on one foot in front of the other.
  • Endurance: Feeling the pain is preferable to not feeling it any more.
  • Endurance: A brief respite should be utilised fully
  • Endurance: Biting cold
  • Mount (Horse): Check and Double Check Your Gear
  • Stealth: Moving silently
  • Stealth: Strategic places to observe large groups
  • Stealth: Joining a group surreptitiously
  • Stealth: False chest bottoms and secret compartments
  • Strength: Sobriety affects one’s strength

Social Skills

  • Acting: Appearing terrified
  • Acting: The Appearance of Being Trapped
  • Deception: Keeping the Second Blade Hidden
  • Deception: Staying Slow Enough to be Easily Followed
  • Detection: Identifying friend and foe
  • Etiquette: The importance of a well-timed apology
  • Intelligence: Streets are Dangerous in Lowtown
  • Intelligence: Not Everyone is Dangerous
  • Intelligence: Information can be Expensive
  • Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggled the same thing in and out
  • Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggling Aukari
  • Intelligence: Smugglers: Smuggling Aukari assassins
  • Intelligence: Rynmere: Midtown: There have been a string of burglaries
  • Intelligence: More Guards Means More Valuable Cargo
  • Interrogation: Knowing when someone is hiding something
  • Interrogation: Direct questions.
  • Intimidation: It can all be in the eyes
  • Intimidation: The power of a well-placed glare
  • Intimidation: How to use force to make a point
  • Intimidation: Threats don’t always have to be true
  • Investigation: Clues
  • Investigation: Start at the beginning
  • Investigation: Gather information from the vicinity
  • Investigation: Stake outs take time
  • Investigation: Stake outs are better with a pretty girl
  • Investigation: Opening a stubborn window
  • Investigation: Dust as an indicator of time passed.
  • Investigation: Closed vs Open ended questions
  • Investigation: Drawing the inevitable conclusions.
  • Investigation: Identifying ships from details.
  • Investigation: Identifying changes in the environment which might mean trouble
  • Leadership: Communication: Seeing Things from the Other Side
  • Leadership: Victory: Comes with Never Giving Up
  • Leadership: Force isn't always the Best Option
  • Leadership: Praise where it's due.
  • Leadership: Knowing when to watch and knowing when to act
  • Leadership: Taking control with Sabine is difficult
  • Leadership: Sometimes, you just have to say how it's going to be.
  • Leadership: Being the Bait for a Trap
  • Leadership: Putting Together an Impromptu Squad
  • Leadership: Direct and to the point is good.
  • Leadership: Remind them why
  • Leadership: Taunt the enemy to inspire allies
  • Leadership: State the non-negotiable as such
  • Leadership: Give clear and logical reasons for your suggestions / actions
  • Negotiation: Give a little, get a little.
  • Negotiation: Offering the Loot to Secure Mercenary Help
    Negotiation: Hired as Caravan Guard
  • Persuasion: The fine art of give and take
  • Persuasion: How to use threats to persuade
  • Persuasion: Coin for favour
  • Persuasion: Trading information
  • Persuasion: Asking nicely, holding gently
  • Persuasion: Laying out your fears and hopes
  • Persuasion: Making an emotional plea
  • Persuasion: Apologising is the first step to reconciliation
  • Seduction: Chase me, chase me (but marginally more manly)
  • Seduction: Thinking of a line on the spot.
  • Storytelling: Maintaining the flow, keeping the pace.
  • Storytelling: Telling emotional stories is difficult
  • Teaching: Explain where you'll be starting
  • Teaching: Explain why you do what you do
  • Teaching: Physical training requires physical assistance
  • Teaching: Demonstrate to your student
  • Teaching: Building on pre-existing knowledge
  • Teaching: Praise and critique

Mental Skills

  • Detection: Checking for new injuries
  • Detection: The eyes are the window to the soul.
  • Detection: Recognising the look of hurt or disappointment in someone.
  • Detection: Observing a person’s appearance can give clues to their background
  • Detection: Gathering information from the environment
  • Detection: Sounds travel in the dark
  • Detection: Peripheral vision can be very useful
  • Detection: The smell of fish
  • Detection: The smell of sweat
  • Detection: The smell of salt air
  • Detection: The smell of damp wood
  • Detection: Spotting details of ships.
  • Detection: Lack of Wildlife Sounds is a Bad Sign
  • Detection: Bruises in the moonlight
  • Detection: Slight gestures can signify big emotion
  • Detection: Identification of merchants' seals
  • Detection: Spotting details which have changed
  • Detection: Hearing noises whilst patrolling
  • Discipline: Forcing yourself to relax whilst in pain
  • Discipline: Preparing for surgery.
  • Discipline: Refusing pain relief to keep your senses acute
  • Discipline: If you really have to say it, say it where no one can hear.
  • Discipline: Keeping emotional control
  • Discipline: Breaking Your Loves Heart To Protect Her
  • Discipline: When Surrounded by Enemies, You Can Hit Anything
  • Discipline: Ignoring emotions in battle
  • Discipline: Keeping a promise to a loved one can be a strong motivator
  • Discipline: Using emotions in battle
  • Discipline: Precisely timing the details is something to take care of.
  • Discipline: Not letting temper get the better of you
  • Discipline: Not showing your fury
  • Language: Common Sign
  • Psychology: Men and women are different in more ways than one.
  • Psychology: How you portray something can make it more or less appealing.
  • Psychology: The need for stability can be a powerful drive.
  • Psychology: The need for answers or vengeance can be the most powerful drive of all
  • Rhetoric: How to use metaphor to make a point

Trade Skills

  • Animal Husbandry: Food Testing For Your Mount
  • Animal Husbandry: Seeing to Your Horse's Needs Before Yourself
  • Animal Training: Friendliness to Strangers to Ease Horse's Fear
  • Caregiving: Sometimes, you have to put your emotions aside
  • Caregiving: Offering calm support
  • Caregiving: When comforting someone, let them pull away if they need to
  • Cosmetology: Clean is better
  • Feildcraft: Surviving in the forests and mountains.
  • Logistics: The More Routine a Guard Duty is, the Better
  • Medicine: Sucking venom from a wound
  • Medicine: Dressing a wound
  • Scribe: Getting into a Good Rhythm
  • Scribe: Monotony


Rynmere's Military
Rynmere's Laws
Rynmere: The Moseke Knights
Andaris City: Layout
[FH]Location: Ye Olde Inn
[AN]Location: The Fighting Arena
Location: Fort Warrick
Location: The House of Roses
Location: Rynmere – Lowtown
Location: Cyrene Bay
Saun 716 Event: Brothel “Slave” Auction
House of Roses: The women are anything but shy
Location: Kala's house
Location: The Blacksmith's Arms
Location: Andaris Western Gate
Location: Orm'del Sea


Ne'haer: City of Religious Tolerance
Ne'haer: In Ruins Due To Mist Men Attack
Ne'haer: Council of Minäih Judgement Hall
Ne'haer: Destruction of The Judgement Hall


Location: Rharne
Location: Rharne Docks
Location: Rharne the Glass quarter
Location: an Open Market in the Glass quarter
Location: Lightning Cathedral
Location: Blackwood Bar
Location: The Harpy Inn
Location: The Bronze Boar
Location: Vincent’s Home (Rharne)
Location: Glass Quarter Park
Location: The Flying Moon
Location: Earth Quarter Warehouse
Rharne: is split into Quarters
Rharne: To carry a weapon you must have a peacebone
Rharne: ruled by a council
Rharne: Said that Ilaren is the true ruler
Rharne: order kept by Lightening Knights
Rharne: Lightening Priestesses
Organisation: Lightning Knights
Rharne Holiday: The 12 Trials of Zi’da

Floara and Fuana

Torpedo Fish: Attack ships and eat wood
Rock turtle': Prey on drowning sailors
Rainbow Sea Snake: Pretty and valuable, but venomous.
Gray Velox: Always hunt in pairs
Gray Velox: Territorial and not preyed upon
Gray Velox: Has very gamey meat


[BK]Ithecal: Graceful despite their size


  • Sabine: Wrinkles her nose when mischievous
  • Sabine: Prone to being a bit reckless
  • Sabine: Gathering information for you.
  • Sabine: You owe her two favours
  • Sabine: Thunderhead
  • Sabine: Interested in a Smuggling Ship
  • Sabine: Fiery is an Understatement
  • Sabine: Doesn't like showing weakness
  • Sabine: Not prepared to be taken for granted
  • Sabine: Wants to know the details before taking on a job
  • Sabine: Proud of her job
  • Sabine: Sent you a letter.
  • Sabine: Reckless?
  • Sabine: Got a temper
  • Sabine: Thinks that hiding in a public tournament might not be entirely clever
  • Sabine: Cares enough about you to worry
  • Sabine: Knows who you are / were
  • Sabine: Father sold into slavery for debt
  • Sabine: Mother emotionally fragile
  • Sabine: You hurt her feelings
  • Sabine: Helped you
  • Sabine: Didn't abandon you
  • Sabine: Tells stories to keep you awake
  • Sabine: Whiskey is a good choice
  • Sabine: This isn't her first whiskey bottle.
  • Sabine: Looks fine in your shirt.
  • Sabine: Blames the Qe'dreki, not you
  • Sabine: Soft spot for animals
  • Sabine: Dislikes spiders (but maintains that they aren't animals, so that's ok)
  • Sabine: Not above swigging from the bottle
  • Sabine: Mutters your name whilst delirious
  • Sabine: Kept your swords
  • Sabine: Doesn't appear entirely pleased to see you.
  • Sabine: Done waiting.
  • Sabine: There's a bloke with her.
  • Sabine: Too Headstrong For Her Own Good
  • Sabine: Everyone Can See It
  • Sabine: Made me laugh for the first time over a book about sailing.
  • Sabine: Gets very emotional over bad memories.
  • Sabine: Gives me anxiety when she is sad.
  • Sabine: Complains a lot, but I like it anyways.
  • "The 12 Trials of Zi'da": Sabine is more important that gift giving rituals.
  • "The 12 Trials of Zi'da": I was worried and anxious about my gifts.
  • Sabine: Excellent timing. Truly.
  • Sabine: Cried when you told her why you left her behind
  • Sabine: Has left Garrett
  • Sabine: Says you make bad tea. She's right.
  • Sabine: Ticklish
  • Aelius: Half-Eidisi Caravan Guard Member
  • Faith: Slave
  • Faith: Skilled seamstress
  • Faith: Naïve
[*]Kala: Irritated at you
[*]Kala: Seems to like Sabine
  • [AN]Malcolm: Ex-Baron of Krome
  • Malcolm: Some Kind of Monster
  • Rita Fenyo: Ithecal Healer
  • Symbri: Was also chosen by Qylios
  • Symbri: Will follow you
  • Symbri: Feels she has let Qylios down, somehow
Tristan Venora
  • Tristan Venora: Faith’s master
  • Vivian Warrick: Defeated by you
  • Vivian Warrick: Skyrider
  • Vivian Warrick: Agile
  • Yanahalqah (Rayna): "Human" Caravan Guard
  • Zvezdana: Comes from Rynmere
  • Zvezdana: Homeless and pregnant
  • Zvezdana: Was robbed when she arrived
  • Zvezdana: Her name sounded familiar
  • Zvezdana: Wants to have tea with you to pay you back
  • Zvezdana: Now in the cathedral


  • Valeria Felstar: Good at being bitter
  • Valeria Felstar: Doesn't yield easily
  • Valeria Felstar: Not bad looking
  • Valeria Felstar: Knowledgeable about Yithiral fauna
  • Valeria Felstar: Can skin, clean, and harvest meat from dead animals
  • Valeria Felstar: Not always willing to admit to injury
  • Valeria Felstar: Is actually Valeria Riasol
  • Valeria Riasol: A servant of Ethelynda
  • Valeria: Your superior
  • Valeria: Easily Amused
  • [RN]Jarod: My Tutor as a Boy
  • Jarod: A Hard Teacher
  • Barman at Ye Olde Inn: prepared to give a friendly warning
  • Barman at Ye Olde Inn: a good contact.
  • Thomas Endor: Ex-Knight Lord Commander
  • Victoro The Conqueror: The King's Champion
  • Queen Freya: Shot by one of The Blue Cloaks
  • Captain Trillion: A good man
  • Captain Trillion: A good sailor
  • Captain Trillion: Willing to die with his men
  • Bram Haywood: Knight
  • Bram Haywood: Trustworthy
  • Yurik Vanden: Defeated by you
  • Robyn Smoke: Defeated by you
  • Allen Reid: Defeated by you
  • Stephen Denril: Defeated you
  • Madame Alessa: Owns the House of Roses
  • Alicia: Prostitute at the House of Roses
  • Lucille: Prostitute at the House of Roses
  • Rufus: Asked around, the men you are looking for didn't leave by the gates
  • Rufus: Things the men got smuggled out
  • Rufus: Knows the name of the ship, currently in Cyrene Bay, which might have more information
  • Kyler: Doesn't like you
  • Kyler: Really doesn't like you
  • Kyler: Wants everyone to be very, very sure. He doesn't like you.
  • Kyler: Thinks you attacked Sabine
  • Bennett: Has a big mouth
  • Bennett: Mercenary Giant of a Man
  • Jared and Rava: Moseke Knight Squires
  • Swansong: Sev'ryn Archer
  • NPC: Swansong: Sev'ryn
  • NPC: Swansong: Melodic voice
  • NPC: Swansong: Likes to wander
  • NPC: Swansong: Just happened to wander into you.....
  • NPC: Swansong: Just wants a bit of Vincent-love
[*]Vig’tyrn: Lightning Knight
[*]NPC: Garrett: Sabine's former boyfriend
[*]NPC: Garrett: Sabine broke up with him
[*]NPC: Garrett: Hurt Sabine


[*]Ethelynda: Beautiful and oddly familiar
[*]Ethelynda: The Immortal of Protection
[*]Immortals: Witness To Their Existence
[*]Immortal: U'frek
[*]Immortal: Xiur
[*]Immortal: Moseke
[*]Immortal: Yvithia
[*]Immortal: Qylios
[*]Immortal: Ilaren
[*]Immortal: Ymiden
[*]Immortal: Ethelynda
[*]Immortal: Jesine
[*]Immortal: Faldrun
[*]Ethelynda: Recently fought Faldrun
[*]Ethelynda: Gathering her servants to counter the enemies
[*]Ethelm: Forged Your New Armor
[*]Lisirra: An enemy
[*]Syroa: An enemy
[*]Aelig: An enemy
[*]Ilaren: A little bit like Sabine
[*]Ilaren: Bit of a temper.
[*]Immortal: Lisirra: Her Giant Insect Form


Guards: Targeted your Grey Cloak in the Confusion
Seas between Yithiral and Rynmere: Warm but breezy
Tournament: Lateness equals disqualification
Tournament: Winning the favour of the crowd
The ebony coin
The Blacksmith's Arms: Always noisy.
The Blacksmith's Arms: Owned by Rufus
The Ethereal Lady: Name of the ship Rufus told you about
The sight of two Immortals locked in battle is one not many mortals see
Portal: To Oscillus
Portal: Lights above it like stars
Game: Truth or drink
Cloud: The new kitten we adopted, because I just can't say no to Sabine.
Defender: Some sword Sabine gave me.
Self: A vow to make the world a better place
Tabitha: Contact in the warehouse
Marks Section




  • Serpents Hood
    • Named for the technique many snakes use to appear more threatening, Serpents Hood generates an aura around the user that makes them appear like significantly bigger threat than the people around them, drawing the attention of enemy combatants towards the Shield-Bearer and away from more vulnerable targets. This ability lasts until the Shield-Bearer deactivates it or is rendered unconscious or dead.
  • Enduring Scales
    • The Shield-Bearer's skin takes on a scale pattern, allowing them to absorb more physical damage than they could before. Poisons and toxins also take longer to effect the Shield-Bearer. The effect only lasts for a single Bit, and takes a Break to recharge before it can be used again.
  • Protective Skills I
    • Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Any Weapons Skill, Shield Use, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
  • Honor's Shield
    • A skill that serves as a boost to the Shield-Bearer and their allies, Honor's Shield boosts the capabilities of the users own shield and those of their allies with a fifty yard radius, allowing them to block abilities that might otherwise shatter, pass through, or go around their shields, allowing them to defend against skills and techniques that would otherwise be much more dangerous.
  • Inspire
    • When this skill is activated, those around the user find themselves able to resist the fears and doubts that plague their minds, allowing them to act in spite of them when they might otherwise be unable to do so. This does not only apply to martial fears and doubts, but to fears and doubts in all facets of life.
  • Nobility's Endurance
    • A skill that requires a short sentence, of the Shield-Bearers own design, to activate, Nobility's Endurance grants all allies within hearing range of the Shield-Bearer, as well as the Shield-Bearer themselves, a boost to their endurance, allowing them to take more punishment than usual. The effect lasts three Bits and can't be used again for a Break.
  • Calm Mind
    • For a short period of time, the wielder of this skill is able to calm themselves completely, leaving them immune to taunts or other attempts to anger them or otherwise knock them off balance.
  • Noble's Shield
    • As the shield of the helpless and weak, no Shield-Bearer should be without their own shield. Noble's Shield will generate a golden tower shield when used and will last until shattered or deactivated, ensuring no Shield-Bearer is without this defense. However, these shields are no substitute for a real shield, as they cannot take too many heavy blows before shattering. In exchange, however, these shields have a cooldown of only a single bit.
  • Second Wind
    • A skill that activates when the bearer is on their last legs, this gives them a burst of sudden energy at the moment when they need it most. However, this ability has a large drawback in that it can leave the bearer bedridden for several Breaks.


Ethelynda's Blessing: Taithir
Taithir: The Blessing of Ethelynda
Taithir: The shield of the helpless
Taithir: Enduring Scales
Taithir: Honor’s Shield
Taithir: Inspire




  • Bond (Minor)
    • The Favored can Bond with 1 other person. In doing so the Bonded individual gains a single glowing band around their left forearm. The Bond remains as long as both the Favored and the Bonded allow it. The Bond only functions within 300 feet of the Favored, and dissipates shortly beyond that distance.
  • Illustrious Skills I
    • Add an extra three skill points to one of the following skills: Blades, Leadership, Discipline, or Endurance. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 100 point cap on skills.
  • Bound in Battle
    • The Favored and those Bonded with them are better able to fight together. Their tactics and movements flow almost seamlessly with little-to-no spoken communication. The Bond passes insights and slight thoughts between those Bonded while in combat together.
  • Brilliant Weapons (Minor)
    • The Favored is able to create weapons out of solid light. The Favored can only generate one melee weapon at a time. To produce a weapon, the Favored must be in an area of substantial illumination (ie. Outside during the day, in a well-lit room, or at night during a full moon).


[*]Qylios: Came to you in a dream
[*]Qylios: Has asked you to do something for her
[*]Qylios: When the time comes, you will know.
  • Clothing/Armor
  • Weapons
    • Short sword(MH)
    • Short sword(OH)
    • 14 Throwing Daggers
    • Brawling Gloves
    • Defender(Sword)(Gift from Sabine Thread)
    • Masterwork Dagger(Gift from Sabine Thread)
  • Gear/Misc
    • Rope(10ft)
    • Star(Horse)
    • Ebony Tavern Coin
    • Quill Pen(Gift from Sabine Thread)
    • Blank Journal(Gift from Sabine Thread)
    • Book on Boats(Gift from Sabine Thread)
    • Wooden Sculpture of a Wolf(Gift from Sabine Thread)
    • Dark Green Cotton Shirt w/ Cord(Gift from Sabine Thread)
    • Bottle of Whiskey(Gift from Sabine)
    • Bottle of Wine(Gift from Sabine)
    • Gray Cat(Gift from Sabine)
    • Lavender Candles(Gift from Sabine)
    • Ring of Reversal(Gift from Sabine)
  • Glowing Stone(From Qylios)
14 Days at the Inn 14 SN ... 348Sn 6SN
Leather Armor10 GN...338GN 6SN
Leather Gauntlets5 GN...333GN 6SN
Leather Greaves5 GN...328GN 6SN
Leather Fauld5 GN...323GN 6SN
15 Throwing Daggers6 GN...317GN 6SN
Brawling Gloves5 GN...312GN 6SN
Paid to Rufus for Info2GN...310GN 6SN
Mug of Ale1SN...310GN 5SN
Gray Cloak5GN...305GN 5SN
Ashan Living Expenses(Poor)3GN 9SN 6CN...301GN 5SN 4CN
Horse50GN...251GN 5SN 4CN
50 Nights at the Inn(Poor)5GN...246GN 5SN 4CN
10ft of Hemp Rope2SN...246GN 3SN 4CN
Tournament Winnings...70gn316GN 3SN 4CN
Bounty Earnings...25GN341GN 3SN 4CN
Job Pay(Ymiden)...302GN 1SN 2CN643GN 4SN 6CN
Job Pay(Suan)...218gn 4sn861GN 4SN 6CN
Cotton Underclothes(Men) x56GN...858GN 4SN 6CN
Cotton Tunic x21GN 9SN 2CN...856GN 5SN 4CN
Cotton Shirt x22GN 8SN 8CN...853GN 6SN 6CN
Leather Trousers x37GN 5SN...847GN 4SN 6CN
Cotton Socks x56GN...841GN 4SN 6CN
Tarts and Tea6SN...841GN 8SN 6CN
Job Pay(Vhalar 1)...467GN 4SN1309GN 2SN 6CN
Rental in Vhalar(10 days)28GN...1281GN 2SN 6CN
Rental in Zi'da(90 days)157.5GN...1123GN 7SN 6CN
Rental in Cylus(30 days)52GN...1071GN 7SN 6CN
Rental in Ashan(123 days)215GN 2SN 5CN...856GN 5SN 1CN
Job Pay(Vhalar 2)...1328GN 4SN4ON 184GN 9SN 1CN
Bottle of Storm Dust5CN...4ON 184GN 5SN
Bottled Lightning2GN...4ON 182GN 5SN
Ornate Knife3GN 2SN...4ON 179GN 3SN
Gray Fur-lined Cloak14GN...4ON 165GN 3SN
Leather Brawling Gloves5GN...4ON 160GN 3SN
Green Wool Scarf5GN 4SN...4ON 154GN 9SN
Glass Beads5SN...4ON 154GN 4SN
Glass Heart2GN...4ON 152GN 4SN
Purple Silk Dress127GN 8SN...4ON 25GN 6SN
Storm Shrike Feather Charm5GN...4ON 20GN 6SN
Kyanite Silver Clasp34GN 4SN 6CN...3ON 484GN 1SN 4CN
... ... ...
Total Currency: 3ON 484GN 1SN 4CN
Last edited by Vincent D'Ordyn on Sun Jan 07, 2018 6:16 pm, edited 53 times in total. word count: 4858
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Vincent D'Ordyn
Approved Character
Posts: 282
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:42 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: 176
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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Vincent D'Ordyn


Fame Tracker
Devotion Tracker


Thread Points Acquired Total Level
[Global Event] The Great Meeting+1717Favored
Backdated Devotion(Jade)+4562
How to Begin+1072
[Global Event] Battle To The Tomb of Treid+1999


Thread Points Acquired Total Level
[Global Event] Battle To The Tomb of Treid+1010Tangled+919
Last edited by Vincent D'Ordyn on Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:13 pm, edited 32 times in total. word count: 153
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Vincent D'Ordyn
Approved Character
Posts: 282
Joined: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:42 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Mercenary
Renown: 176
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




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Vincent D'Ordyn

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Faith Augustin Champion
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Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Vincent D'Ordyn

Vincent "Gray" D'Ordyn

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Common This
Broken That



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