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Approved Character
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Joined: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:28 pm
Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 21
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Name: Ae'garn

Age: 18 Arcs

Race: Sev'ryn

Date of Birth: 22 of Saun 698

Marks: None

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken:
Xanthea, Broken.
Common, Fluent.

Partners: None


Usually cloaked and in a blue hood, short at 5ft 7 but not for a Sev’ryn. With hazel eyes and a thin build, he has quick fingers and nimble feet, sharp features, and a short, pointed nose. There isn’t much strength in his arm, want or ability to take punches, but there is a good stride to him, taking what looks like two steps to every other Sev’ryn’s one. Dark, usually free wavy hair, and a goatee are common, but it is equally common to see his hair tied back and him cleanly shaven. Others have been known to remark as him being enthusiastic or just in a rush! Often fidgeting with anything in his hands, he is rarely settled completely unless he’s trying to remain unseen or at prayer, and then his contrast is startling. Ae'garn carries the mark of his deceased parents own most prominent tattoos on each arm, on the left he has a thick black tree for community, and on the right a red bird which is flying toward it, showing he is never far from home in the forest.

Absolutely Devout to the immortals. Naïve and softly spoken when talking about them. But bubbly and excitable when his interest is piqued in adventure. Deeply spiritual as with most of his race. Animals are as brothers and sisters, plants and wildlife are revered. His path to seek his familiar might well change who he is inside, or threaten the naïve, childlike qualities his inquisitive mind possess. There are no lies within Ae’garn, no deception unless he is giving thanks to an immortal that requires it. It is in that reverence that the diverse part to Ae’garn's personality lays, he is always honoring one immortal or another by his actions, and constantly making certain that he honors each in their required way. It leaves him little time for anything else. He is not in a rush to his mind, it is just time for the next offering or prayer!

Ae: Gathering
Garn: At the Red Lake

orn to a devout family on the border with Niomyr, and raised to believe every immortal had their place within the grand scheme of creation and natural harmony. On the arc of his birth his mother was stranded by a lake entirely covered in red leaves. Her home burned by an uprising, and his father killed defending her escape, she was hit by an arrow but fled far for her and her unborn's life. Anti-immortal disbeliever humans took everything else they had, but never found her. Wounded and dying she gave birth, found by her brother, Ae'garn's uncle, and living long enough to pass a message of love and naming to her newborn son, she hung on for a few days, but her wounds claimed her before they made it home.

Ae’garn’s only memories of his mother are that of the dreams. Red leaves around the sparkling lake, where he claims a spirit came to him, watched over him and drove predators away. Perhaps the spirit of his father, giving his last so that he would have a chance, or a familiar to his rescue. He claims to this day from his first, to dream of a time when all immortals are accepted for their aspects, each revered and feared in turn for who and what they are, because then the world will know balance and know itself.

It was barely thirty trials before his parents were avenged, their loss mourned for many arcs to come. Ae’garn grew up with his aunt and uncle, deep in the forests, within a small community of protective Sev’ryn. The community treated him as their own son, always there for guidance, a helping hand or spiritual advice. While the young Sev'ryn lacked for a mother and father by blood, he never lacked for a mother and father in spirit; having five young siblings to call brothers and sisters, he never lacked for company.

A love of locks, and of opening closed doors, was Ae’garn's most worrying trait to those that raised him. Stemming from the knowledge that no lock was enough to save his parents, he sees each lock he picks for worthwhile cause, as healing, as undoing the damage from that day in his mind. Secretly he hopes to create a lock that even a master thief cannot pick, and that those sleeping with their children will feel safe behind.

On his 20th arc he had decided to seek out his familiar, feeling the call growing within him. He left Desnind’s forests to visit Niomyr, not far from where he once lived. Finding no familiar, what he did see, was something which shocked him to the core, a priestly man struck down and robbed. The man wore strange robes and carried symbols unknown to Ae’garn, he couldn’t help but feel pity for his injuries, and helped heal the man at the local surgeon’s side. Ae'garn stood by the holy man's bed and learned of his life till he was well enough to travel.

Turning out to be a priest of Famula, of servitude, souls, resurrection and blood. An immortal of isolation but eternal service, something which on the impressionable, spiritual Sev’ryn deeply moved him. The conviction of the priest to travel the world spreading the word of an immortal, of service, devotion and the cycle of rebirth. Ae’garn vowed to go with the priest and assist him recover the relics that were stolen from him, a quest which has now led him toward Viden to return that which was taken. The first of many such religious reclamations to come? If the dreams are anything to go by, yes it is.

In a tent.
Knowledge & Skills

SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
Animal Training5/100 (5/251)Novice
Animal Husbandry5/100 (5/251)Novice
Acrobatics10/100 (10/251)Novice
Stealth12/100 (10/251)Novice
Lockpicking23/100 (20/251)Novice
Fieldcraft2/100 NA: FTNovice
Meditation25/100 (25/251)Novice
Discipline3/100 (3/251)Novice


Deception: Using props and reasonable excuses to decieve Here

Endurance: Repeating a task builds muscle memory Here

Etiquette: Accepting sudden tasks with grace Here
Etiquette: Accepting a harsh punishment without an emotional outburst Here

Lock Picking: To find the perfect lock. (SP)
Lock Picking: Healing himself by picking that which hurts the most. (SP)
Lock Picking: Using Thin Metal Pins To Pick A Lock [JA]

Seafaring: Layout and maintenance of midsize vessels Here

Stealth: Tread carefully and the forest treats you kindly. (SP)
Stealth: Breathe Softly [JA]
Stealth: Hiding in small areas to avoid detection Here

Writing: Writing on an unsteady surface Here
Writing: Writing for an extended period leads to multiple mistakes Here

Immortals: All Immortals are needed and must be honored. (SP)
Immortals: Unwavering Faith is a life's work. (SP)
Immortals: The Names and Suspected Domains of the Immortals [JA]
Fieldcraft: How To Make A Fire [JA]
Discipline: Having An Open Mind [JA]
Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Meditation [RB} 25[RB] 2500
Discipline [JA] 3 00 00
Lock Picking [JA] 3 00 00
Fieldcraft [JA] 2 00 00
Stealth [JA] 2 00 00
Starting Package 500050
Lock Picking ..2030
Stealth ..1020
Acrobatics ..1010
Animal Husbandry..55
Animal Training..500
Marks Section






Running Total 1


Running Total 1

Starting Gear
  • One set of clothing - Standard Quality (SP) | One Set of Weather Gear - Standard Quality (SP)
  • One tent (SP) | One riding horse (SP) | One horse-pulled wagon (SP)
  • 100 feet of rope (SP) | One tinderbox (SP) | A set of six torches (SP) | One Lantern (SP)
  • One Lantern (SP) | A compass (SP) | A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks. (SP) | A blanket (SP)
  • Four rucksacks (SP) | A knife (SP) | One waterskin (SP) | One set of toiletries (SP) | Two rags (SP)
  • One Shortbow (SP) | 12 arrows (SP)
Prized Possession - Starting Item
  • Excellent quality black leather tunic, specially tanned to give it more durability than usual.(SP)
ItemDebitCredit Running Total
Starting Package ... 25 25gn
Miniature Tree -4sn ... 24gn 6sn
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Total Currency: 0 ON, 25 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
Fame Ledger
Item/ ThreadFameTotal
Starting Fame Race +10 +10
Rynmere City Fame: +10 +20
Wetward We Are Wetward We Are +1 21
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Last edited by Ae'garn on Tue May 02, 2017 12:19 pm, edited 29 times in total. word count: 1501
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Approved Character
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Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 21
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Points Ledger
5 x Open Threads = 10 | 10
Last edited by Ae'garn on Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:25 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 8
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Renown: 21
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Renown: 21
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