The Unknown

25th of Cylus 717

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The Unknown

25th Cylus, 717

The wind whipped around her, even as the warmth of the sun was cooled by the sea breeze. Gulls cried out to each other and Vega sighed. Behind her was the sparkling blue ocean, calling to her in her blood. In front of her was the open road, leading first to the forests of Desnind and then? Who knew where from then, but if she stepped forward then the ship would leave.

Turning around, Vega looked at the vessel which had been her home all her life. Her ever changing eyes swirled with colour and she looked at her father. "Papa, I'm afraid." Her voice was small and she sounded much more afraid than she ever did in the waking world, even when faced with something terrifying.
"Of course you are. You would be a fool not to be, Eva and my baby is no fool."
Vega smiled and shook her head. "Papa, you are the only one who ever calls me Eva, you know that?" She looked at him with an expression which told of the adoration she felt for him.
"Well, it's your name," he laughed and stroked her hair. Leaning into his hand she smiled.

If she left, when would she see him again? Yet she had to, she knew. Her mother, that elusive figure who had died giving her life, she had been a Sev'ryn and for all that she loved her family, Vega was not completely Biqaj. She knew that she had to find out who she was.

And she would never do that on that boat.

"I love you, Papa." In the dream, as it had been when it happened, Vega felt tears start behind her eyes. Her father, though, he kissed her soundly and he smiled.
"I will see you in your dreams, Eva. Or you will see me in mine. Between the sea and stars, we sleep and in that place?" Vega shook her head at him and his strange sayings. That was one she had heard all of her life.
"If we are in each others' dreams, then we are never apart or alone." He smiled his proud smile at her and he turned her, gently, by the shoulders, pointing her to the open road.

And in the dream, he said to her what he had said when she left. "Go and find your mother, Eva. But when you have done that, find yourself."
"I'll do my best, Papa" she replied and she stepped forward, first one foot, then the other, on to the path that was unknown, leaving behind her the safety of what had been.

word count: 443

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The Unknown

Kosumi wondered just where he had ended up as he looked around the dream he had entered. Everything happened for a reason, and usually if he entered a dream, it was to welcome the dreamer into the realm of something more, something deeper than a simple dream. To awaken them to a new reality within Emea that not many had a chance to see, or even realized existed. It seemed he had been chosen to Escort this woman to the Veil, as he had done several times in the past with many others. He was getting on in age now, his skin was wrinkled and his body more frail than it used to be. As he adjusted to his surroundings, taking in the smell of the ocean and the woman saying farewell to her father, he wondered which of the two he was meant to take and unveil the world that was Emea. As the woman said her final farewells and moved to start on the path, he moved to join her, noting that the male and the ocean faded to nothing as he did so, and showing who was dreaming, or at the least, whose mind was influencing the dream. His hands were tucked behind his back as he kept pace with her, and while he was a complete stranger, she’d find that she was not afraid of him. He brought with him an odd sense of familiarity, as though she had met him a lifetime ago, or perhaps it was nostalgia for a life she left behind. It would be hard to pinpoint as he reached out to take her hand. “While I see that you have a path in mind for your dream this night, I am here to lead you down a different path, if you believe yourself to be ready.” his voice spoke with the wisdom of the many arcs he had lived, the weathered look of his tan skin noting that he had lived a lifetime before meeting her, his blue eyes shining with kindness as he said, “I believe you are ready. To go further than just a dream, and to unlock the potential within you to do more.” Emea was a weird, changing, swirling place, and when she said she was ready, he lifted one hand in front of them, and swiped it to the side, erasing her dream with a single sweep as he revealed to her a mystical path, the one he had walked many times before, ever changing and swirling, turning one way or another. It connected him to many other dreams, when he himself was not merely dreaming. "Come with me, you will see, a world unlike anything you could have imagined. Stay close, for as you will see much, it will also see you."
OOC comment
sorry its so short, I'm kinda figuring it out as I go
word count: 482
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Vega walked a while with her friend. She didn't know who he was exactly, but she knew that he was her friend, so that was good. She didn't say anything because there was nothing to say, not between them. It was a rare feeling for the young mixblood, the feeling of comfort in the company of another. Not as rare as it had once been, for she had made two friends this season, but still something unusual enough that it was noticeable for her.

After a while he held out his hand and Vega slipped hers into his with a smile. Swinging their hands together for a little while longer, they walked and then her friend spoke. Vega considered his words and frowned slightly. Not a frown of displeasure or even discomfort just.... thought.

"I'm dreaming? But where's Arlo?" One of the two friends she'd made, her friend in the waking world was a walker in dreams and the pair of them had shared a lot of adventures together in her dreams and his. However, her friend in front of her continued to talk and Vega listened with care. When he asked her if she was ready, she gave a smile that had the exuberance and confidence of youth. "I'm ready." She was sure of that.

So then, he led her to another path and this one was unlike any kind of path that she had ever seen before. "Stay close, gotcha. What's you name? I'm Vega. Well, Eva's my birth given name, but Vega's who I am."

And walk with him she did, staying close as he told her to but even though she stayed close by, keeping hold of his hand, Vega looked around her with fascination. This was unlike anything else she had ever experienced and she wanted to remember every bit of it. So she looked, but she stayed close by and did not let go of his hand.

"Where are we going?" Vega asked, as it occurred to her that she probably should know that. "And what potential am I unlocking?"
word count: 356

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The Unknown

Kosumi smiled and chuckled, amused that her idea of the reason he would not do so again pertaining to boredom rather than his age. “My child, I wish boredom was the reason I fear I might not be able to make a journey such as this again. I’m afraid I’m no longer at my peak, and thus more vulnerable to the dangers that dreamwalking brings. I am broaching well over 60 arcs. While it is innocent enough at the start, there are creatures that live in Emea, and I fear that I might find myself prey to one in my older age.” He looked around as she did at the wonders that dreams could create and said, “I agree, the world is indeed a beautiful and wondrous place. I can only imagine the wonders you will experience as you wander through the dreams of others, and perhaps help someone else start their own journey in Emea. I cannot say with any certainty that I will do another escort, but perhaps if properly goaded I might have one more in me.”

Kosumi couldn’t help but smile at her words, her eagerness to venture forth into the unknown and explore the realm that was laid out before her. It was rather amusing to him that she did not want to be beholden to this Arlo fellow, but seemed to have no qualms with following him to be initiated. “Well then, if you ever have any questions, then simply seek me out in my dreams and I will talk with you, would that be a better option, my child?” There was a hint of amusement in his tone, but the offer was indeed sincere.

But finally, the journey was at an end. The Veil was before them, as well as all that Vega might do with this newfound ability once they broached the Veil. “Once we walk through together, you will be able to go through yourself when I am no longer here. Now, I will warn you, dreamwalking is a bit...odd. Certain dreams affect your dreamwalking, and if you have enough of them before being initiated, this process could be rather jarring as you find yourself further along than the beginning level, so be prepared.” he warned her, not sure how jarring it might be. He gave her a moment to get ready, then still holding her hand, he led her forward through the Veil. Right before they crossed, he warned her, “No matter what happens, do not let go of me. If you do, well….the consequences could be dire. You could be lost forever on the other side.” he waited a moment, then walked with her through the Veil. As they passed through it, an invisible force slid over her body, as if satin caressed her from head to toe, unseen but not unfelt. For Kosumi, it was more like the touch of an old friend, comforting and warm, while for Vega despite the satiny caress, it was more akin to being dunked into ice cold water, making one want to gasp for air at the cold. He took her with him but he had no idea that she would not be startin from the bottom. The interesting thing with dreamwalking was that you could unlock levels to it even before you are initiated if certain conditions were met. So rather than starting and working up from lucid dreaming, she immediately gained the ability to also walk among the dreams of any in the city she was in currently. “And with this, my child, you will be able to access the Veil and with time, be able to explore and freely travel from one dream to another. Do you have any final questions?” he inquired, looking to her now that she was a dreamwalker.
Last edited by Ambrosia on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 638
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The Unknown

Vega looked around in amazement at the fish and she felt the temptation to go and explore. That was what she did, after all, she explored, but he had told her not to stray off the path, so she ignored the fish and listened, instead to her friend. Arlo couldn't join them on this journey, but maybe next time? "Oh, alright then."

"Kosumi. That's a nice name. The last time? Why?" She looked at Kosumi and frowned slightly. "Is it because you're bored? I hate to be bored. It's the worst thing, isn't it?" Maybe it was because he was so old, she thought but did not say because it would be rude. He looked old, she considered and she smiled slightly. Arlo would think he was at least thirty, but Vega was of the opinion that he might even be older than fourty. She looked at all the sights and she sighed. "It's hard not to go looking closer, Kosumi. Isn't the world a beautiful and interesting place? I love it." Vega saw magic in so many places, it was true. In small things and large she found delight but in truth it was the discovery of new things, to her, that drove her. She had a need to travel, a real wanderlust which was never sated.

And then, they were standing in front of the.. the Veil he called it. Vega listened and nodded, understanding what he said. "I understand. I think. Or I probably don't, but if I walk through there, with you, then I'll be able to go there without you?" She smiled at Kosumi as he spoke about what she could do and she nodded her head. But on her friend Arlo? Vega smiled slightly. "I love him, but I'm not going to be beholden to anyone. I'm happy to walk with him, for sure." She considered and she almost stepped forward, but then she did not.

"I'd like to go through. I want to, I do. There's so much to see. I understand that it's dangerous but it's always been dangerous, hasn't it? This jus' helps me understand it's danger." Vega was prone to jumping in where Immortals might fear to tread, but she looked at Kosumi and asked. "Do you have to lead me? Or.. how do we do this, then?"

Whatever he said to do, that would be what Vega did. She didn't rush forward unless he told her to just step through, she did what was always difficult for her but which she was getting better at, and she held back and waited to see what she was supposed to do. Whatever he instructed, that was what she did, but she waited for instruction first.

Perhaps proving that she could, actually, be taught.
word count: 480

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The Unknown

Kosumi smiled and chuckled, amused that her idea of the reason he would not do so again pertaining to boredom rather than his age. “My child, I wish boredom was the reason I fear I might not be able to make a journey such as this again. I’m afraid I’m no longer at my peak, and thus more vulnerable to the dangers that dreamwalking brings. I am broaching well over 60 arcs. While it is innocent enough at the start, there are creatures that live in Emea, and I fear that I might find myself prey to one in my older age.” He looked around as she did at the wonders that dreams could create and said, “I agree, the world is indeed a beautiful and wondrous place. I can only imagine the wonders you will experience as you wander through the dreams of others, and perhaps help someone else start their own journey in Emea. I cannot say with any certainty that I will do another escort, but perhaps if properly goaded I might have one more in me.”

Kosumi couldn’t help but smile at her words, her eagerness to venture forth into the unknown and explore the realm that was laid out before her. It was rather amusing to him that she did not want to be beholden to this Arlo fellow, but seemed to have no qualms with following him to be initiated. “Well then, if you ever have any questions, then simply seek me out in my dreams and I will talk with you, would that be a better option, my child?” There was a hint of amusement in his tone, but the offer was indeed sincere.

But finally, the journey was at an end. The Veil was before them, as well as all that Vega might do with this newfound ability once they broached the Veil. “Once we walk through together, you will be able to go through yourself when I am no longer here. Now, I will warn you, dreamwalking is a bit...odd. Certain dreams affect your dreamwalking, and if you have enough of them before being initiated, this process could be rather jarring as you find yourself further along than the beginning level, so be prepared.” he warned her, not sure how jarring it might be. He gave her a moment to get ready, then still holding her hand, he led her forward through the Veil. Right before they crossed, he warned her, “No matter what happens, do not let go of me. If you do, well….the consequences could be dire. You could be lost forever on the other side.” he waited a moment, then walked with her through the Veil. As they passed through it, an invisible force slid over her body, as if satin caressed her from head to toe, unseen but not unfelt. For Kosumi, it was more like the touch of an old friend, comforting and warm, while for Vega despite the satiny caress, it was more akin to being dunked into ice cold water, making one want to gasp for air at the cold. He took her with him but he had no idea that she would not be startin from the bottom. The interesting thing with dreamwalking was that you could unlock levels to it even before you are initiated if certain conditions were met. So rather than starting and working up from lucid dreaming, she immediately gained the ability to also walk among the dreams of any in the city she was in currently. “And with this, my child, you will be able to access the Veil and with time, be able to explore and freely travel from one dream to another. Do you have any final questions?” he inquired, looking to her now that she was a dreamwalker.
word count: 638
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The Unknown

"Sixty? Wow, that's really old." Vega realised that perhaps that was not the most sensitive she had ever been and added, "I mean, I'm really surprised you don't seem an arc over... " Think of a number, Vega, think of a number and then she gave a wry grin. "However old you are, I'm glad to walk this way with you and I'm grateful to you."

Standing before the Veil, she listened to his words and she nodded. "I understand. Or at least, I feel like I do." Vega smiled slightly, "I guess that means that I probably don't, but you know, points for effort. Righteo. Onwards and all that, tally ho and swing the beam." She held on tightly to him and stepped forward with more than a small sense of trepidation.

It was liked being dropped in the freezing cold ocean after a trial in the sun's heat, she decided. Cold and shocking, but comforting and pleasant all at the same time. What a strange juxtaposition, she thought. Once she was used to the feeling, as she gasped and then slowly calmed herself, Vega looked around. She realised, or had the beginning of a realisation of what she could do, of what he had done for her and Vega looked at the man next to her.

Without shame or concern she leaned across and planted a kiss on his cheek. Then she spoke, but not in the language she usually did. "Ọfïïsï ke’u, miu alailesin." Vega smiled, kissed him on the other cheek and spoke again, this time in a different language.
"મકએર૯ બશન, પબ ઊળઌઇરઈ". With a smile the mixed blood young woman explained. "Both of those mean 'thank you, my friend'. The first in the language of my mother, the second in my father's tongue. Since I am both and both are me, thank you from all of me."

Any final questions? No, Vega shook her head and smiled at him. "What fun would it be to ask in order to find out what I can learn for myself? That sounds like the boring way to do it."
word count: 357

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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The Unknown

A nice little guest-modded thread here. Interesting to see Vega's reaction to Kosumi. "Ask questions? Pfft. SNOOOOOOOORE." Seriously, I laughed so hard.

Points Rewarded: 15

As per your request, no other rewards are gained. However, this is Vega's initiation into Dreamwalking, so go out there and live your dreams, girl!

If you have any questions, PM Incubus. He'll get back to you eventually.

word count: 67
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