Fridgar's empty mailbox

because he has no friends

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Fridgar's empty mailbox

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ac urna sem. Sed in lobortis enim. Praesent sit amet ex fermentum, volutpat leo laoreet, imperdiet sapien. Vivamus sed elit viverra erat viverra porta. Sed justo sem, cursus ac diam ut, fermentum volutpat velit. Donec finibus pellentesque nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras aliquet elementum elit vestibulum condimentum. Integer ipsum ligula, commodo in imperdiet eget, pharetra eu tortor. Proin aliquam faucibus ipsum sit amet ultrices. Proin rhoncus ac nibh vel aliquet. Vestibulum sollicitudin ex eu elit sodales finibus. Proin at aliquam purus, semper consectetur felis. Aliquam dictum, lorem sit amet ultricies tincidunt, nisl libero pellentesque arcu, sed vestibulum neque odio nec tellus. Fusce condimentum posuere ultrices.

Nunc sagittis mi non consequat pellentesque. Ut pellentesque vestibulum enim. Donec libero ligula, ullamcorper nec pellentesque ultrices, euismod vel felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus sit amet finibus ipsum. Nullam ac maximus arcu, quis interdum eros. Maecenas at ante tellus. Fusce vitae velit sit amet urna condimentum pellentesque egestas ut felis. Aenean dignissim erat quis euismod porta. Vestibulum odio tellus, facilisis nec dictum sit amet, lobortis et dui. Etiam nec lorem blandit, aliquam urna non, consequat orci. Aliquam sed tempor orci. Cras rhoncus venenatis lorem vel feugiat. Nulla pretium convallis nisi.

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Last edited by Varthakh on Mon May 27, 2019 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 275
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Fridgar's empty mailbox

25th of Saun, Arc 717



From Your Kindal
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Fridgar's empty mailbox

Saun 25 717


Congratulations! Writing is a big important step in one's life, I'm happy you're making an effort with learning. And for shame about your husband! I'm sure he's just occupied at the time being, maybe even jesting with you in regards to cuddling? Either way I'm glad knowing you're finding interest if not amusement with letter writing, it can be a fun and excellent way to communicate; particularly across vast distances.

As for this "Lurker" hunting business, I would like to attend as always, so long as the danger is minimal I believe. What's a Lurker anyways?

Your Friend,
Last edited by Kayleigh on Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 111
"Can you tell me what hurts more? Is it remembering... or forgetting?"

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Re: Fridgar's empty mailbox

Dear Fridgar,

I long for you eternally. I have longed for you the moment I felt our spark disconnect, and have wept tears of fury and blood enough for a thousand lifetimes. I remember you too, always; a memory close enough that I feel I'm living it. Your wide grin, your strong arms. The way you made me feel small, and weak, even despite everything that I am. The way you made me feel content, even when I lost my birthright, and was forced at last to abandon the only thing I thought ever mattered to me: my Kingdom. My home.

You became my home, Fridgar. And you still are my home. To read the words you wrote for me has compensated for all the pain and loss I've experienced since you've gone. You still have that effect on me, My Thorn; you still make me weep tears of joy, and even from afar I can feel your warmth, creeping into my skin.

I have a place for you and our son. I won't debate you yet about his name, though be certain that the debates will come, my love. I live in Quacia, now, in Southern Idalos. The area of the city is called the Gleam, and I dwell in both the Ashvane Estate, and the Brotherhood Sanctum. I've become, since we last met, quite a successful man. I've put all of what used to inspire me to fear behind me -- the Coven, the Necromantress, the Crown. When you left, I realized that only one thing mattered to me: being at home with someone I love.

I love you, Fridgar. I never stopped loving you. I've thought of you every night, and as shameful as it is, I've imagined you there each trial before I've gone to bed. I couldn't sleep without pretending - believing - that you were there, your arms wrapped around me again.

I want to let you know, my love, of a few things that have happened while you've been gone.

One, I had a child... with Kleine, using Becoming. It wasn't romantic - it was surrogacy, just like with Winston. His name is Asher, and he'll be Winston's brother, and your second son. He's a human like me, and a biqaj.

Kleine is still with me, acting as my nurse for the hospice. Damien stayed in Ne'haer for a while, but he should be coming to Quacia soon - you may arrive around the same time. Damien has been injured within a Fracture and sought a cure for himself; I believe he's making headway to restoring his phylactery. We can only hope.

I'm in a relationship with someone. We've been together since the middle of Vhalar, this arc. His name is Abaddon Skaldori, and he's a Lotharro like you. You have to understand... I believed you were dead. But knowing now what I know, we can discuss all of this, and figure out a way to make it work. Rest assured, that no matter what, I will always choose you. I will always want to be with you, above and beyond all else. This won't hurt us, my love. We only need to discover what makes you happy, and we'll stick with that.

I long for your return, my love. Come back to me, my havendal, with our son. And we can be a happy family; stronger and more aligned than ever before.

I write this on the last trial of the last cycle. Zi'da 93. The new arc begins in just a few moments, and by the time I've set down my pen to cry... it should be here.

I love you, Fridgar. I love you. And I'll see you again soon.

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Re: Fridgar's empty mailbox

Dear Fridgar,

Let us start again.

I write to you so we might explore a different way to get to know one another. Perhaps you and I can make an effort, for Alistair's sake. He says much about you.

Thank you for not hurting me.

Your son is a strong, young lad. Alistair told me of what happened to him. It was kindly of you to bring him to Quacia to reunite the family. A decent intention.

I had heard other things about you, from Kleine about what happened to the man called Abaddon. Of your jealousy, and brutality toward those you view as not worthy.

You likely don't know much about me, as I know near to nothing about you.

If you would like to try, then please write me. Leave your response in the silver lockbox set on the mantel, beside a small bear figurine, in the upper common room.

You will find the only other key along with this note, so that you might check for my reply in time. The box is only accessible for the two of us so write freely.

If you do not wish to write me, so to learn of each other for Alistair's sake, then place the key under the lockbox.

I will understand.


Zarik Venora
32 Ashan 719
word count: 222
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Fridgar's empty mailbox

Ymiden 1st 719
-A parchment delivered by an uncertain courier, who apologises as it'd been 'lost' for a while. The date sent says "Vhalar 78 718"

Dearest Fridgar,

I'm sorry for not writing any sooner, truth be told I'd been so busy... that I forgot to keep in touch with all my friends. How have you been? You keeping out of trouble? Eating healthy? Please tell me you've avoided getting torn to shreds by Lurkers as well! So much has happened since we last saw one another, I left Gauthrel still searching for my little brother at that time.

And now that we've found him, both my father and I are working together on Scalvoris. We're trying to make ends meet which isn't a problem at all, but I sometimes wonder what I'm really doing with my own life. You see I met an Immortal and she... imparted Her blessing to me, after helping me fight against a group of bandits. I was outnumbered but I never faltered, all I could think about was fighting to live for another Trial; so that I might live long enough to find Higan. Which I did the following Ashan, alongside our father, and thus we've remained here on this island tucked away from the world.

It's strange because I think about who I was before and who I am now, and I can't help but think that you somehow helped make that possible. When I'd arrived in Gauthrel, I was a scared minstrel who couldn't even hold a sword properly. Now I find myself preferring to have a blade at my side, knowing that I'm competent enough to protect myself. So in a way this letter is my way of reaching out to you, if you ever get it that is, and saying thank you for teaching me to be stronger. Now that my family has been reunited again I can focus on watching over them, and protecting them from anything that might try to harm them.

Until we meet again, that is if fate is kind enough.
Kayleigh Wintoic
word count: 361
"Can you tell me what hurts more? Is it remembering... or forgetting?"

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