Talisa Tawfeek's Mailbox

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Talisa Tawfeek
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Talisa Tawfeek's Mailbox

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Talisa Tawfeek's Mailbox

A note came to Talisa through the courier service. It was made of cheap papyrus, and written with graphite rather than ink. Whoever wrote it must be quite low on coin. Nevertheless, the note went as follows:

Dated: 15th of Cylus
To: Talisa Tawfeek
From: Cowle Rioghsson

Hello Miss Tawfeek. I'm writing you because I have need of a tabard in the colors of Egilrun, for my new job as a watchman in the Union here in Egilrun. I'd like it to be made of a tough, durable fabric that's also absorbent and including sleeves to cover my chain armor.

I don't need it right away, but would like to have it by next season, at least.

Thank you for your consideration. Will you need coin ahead of time? If so I can probably meet you halfway somewhere on the Island to pay you for materials and labor.

Cowle Rioghsson
word count: 155
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Talisa Tawfeek
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Talisa Tawfeek's Mailbox

22nd of Cylus,

Dear Cowle Rioghsson,

I am pleased to receive your request! No need to worry about advance coin, I believe in being paid when I produce my work- unless the transaction is made without meeting personally. I will be in Almund by the 29th if you would like to meet me there. Otherwise, I can send your tabard along with a courier once you've produced the necessary coin.

Pleasure to do business with you.

Warm Regards,

Talisa Tawfeek
word count: 81
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