Olivia Warrick's Mail

Need to send a letter to a friend? Family member? Lover? Here you can post in character letters to other PCs that are not in your area. Take a look inside for more information and to see how long travel time is for letters.

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Olivia Warrick
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Olivia Warrick's Mail

Letter Templates for Olivia

Template One - By Xander Krome

Code: Select all

[center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=223&image_id=7009[/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color:#DCC29D; padding: 20px 30px 40px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color: #1C1C1C;][font size=200][color=#221F1A][googlefont=Tangerine]Text goes here

Insert chosen salutation,

Olivia Penelope Warrick[/googlefont][/color][/font][/style]
Template Two - By Xander Krome

Code: Select all

[i][center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=223&image_id=7010[/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color:#C8BEB4; padding: 20px 30px 40px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 14px; color: #1C1C1C;][font size=200][color=#0C0805][googlefont=Tangerine]Text goes here

Insert chosen salutation,

Olivia Penelope Warrick[/googlefont][/color][/font][/style][u]Template Two - By Xander Krome[/u][/i]
Last edited by Olivia Warrick on Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:47 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 165
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Xander Andaris
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Olivia Warrick's Mail

Written Cylus 1st Arc 717

Dearest Olivia,

I truly hope this letter has reached you in good health. It has been long since we last had contact and for that I am terribly sorry. Time seems to have run away with me, it seems like only yesterday that we were children, much simpler times they were. Alas, we are adults now, our time often stolen by responsibility and difficult tasks. Yet, I have had no task yet as challenging as trying to express the great amount of guilt I feel for what happened back when we were children. It is no easy task to admit that one did wrong by another and it has taken me 9 arcs to do so. I would be most honoured if you would accept my apology for how I acted after my sister's passing. I am deeply ashamed of the things I did in the time immediately after we lost her. Few trials go past when I do not think of my dearly departed sister and by extension the insanity of how I presented myself. In the spirit of friendship I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me.

On a lighter note, I shall be attending the Masquerade ball in Andaris. I hear that many nobles shall be attending and maybe even our glorious King Cassander. I shall be keeping my eyes open and looking out for you during the ball, I hope to see you there and reconnect after these many arcs of silence between us. I am certainly looking forward to seeing you again even if I remain without your forgiveness I shall feel all the better for at least having tried to mend the bridges I burnt back then.

I wish you all the best sweet Olivia and I hope to hear from you soon.
Kind Regards,

Xander Calen Krome
word count: 313
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