Vega Lei'nox Tier 2


This page contains the detail on the Tier 2 achievements of Vega Lei'nox.

Musical Instrument






Sword-Dancer (Defence): Vega is so in tune with the sword in her hand, and the rhythm of combat that she blocks a blow before it begins. She is able to defend herself - and those around her - from up to four opponents (one for each element) effortlessly. They must be close enough to her that they can hit her, but if they could reach her, even if they are attacking someone right next to her, Vega can defend, flawlessly. This is effortless and her sword is in place seemingly before they move, be it with hand to hand or weapon.


Sword Dancer (Attack): Vega is so in tune with the sword in her hand, and the rhythm of combat that whenever she blocks a blow she automatically and naturally does so in a way that is damaging to the person attacking her. This effectively doubles her strikes as it means that every defence is an attack and every attack is one, too. Of course, as a Tier 2 Competent Swordswoman, her skill and accuracy are beyond mortal but, with this ability she is able to defend (often from multiple opponents) and still hurt them all.

Field Craft



Tribal Chief Vega is all about clan - the people around her. This ability allows those who are resident in the place she is currently (her settlement, her boat, etc) and her focus is on helping them to survive. This ability allows those who are residing in the same place as her to utilise her Fieldcraft Capstones. There are restrictions on this, and these are:

It must be a place that Vega considers "home" - eg: it would work in Sweetsong, but not in an Inn or another Settlement.

It must be outside / in the wilderness. This does not work in buildings.

The people must be either part of the community / clan or have been welcomed in there specifically by Vega.

Clan members need not have Vega present or looking over their shoulder in order to establish and function as campers/Field Crafters at her GM capacity as long as they're all nominally part of the 'clan'.

Long term clan members (anyone who has been actively in the clan for over a year) gain a skill advantage. Faceless Settlement NPCs gain +5 to their Fieldcraft skill each cycle after the 1st year. Named Settlement NPCs, personal NPCs and PCs gain 10XP in Fieldcraft per cycle, after the first year.


Theme: Home From Home




WWVD (What Would Vega Do?)

Vega's leadership of Sweetsong has been, thus far, very successful. Therefore, I propose that with this ability she extends that by being a leader so good that her presence is no longer needed.

Should a PC or NPC be working under Vega's leadership the benefits from any bonuses from her Leadership skill (Capstones and future Leadership Tier 2 stuff) still happen as though she was there, even if she isn't. PCs (and NPCs) can choose to accept this - and in order for it to work they will need to consider / think about how Vega would deal with the situation / what she would say if she was there. It needs to be either a task Vega has specifically given or a situation where they are operating under her leadership anyhow (so, the people in Sweetsong would - when she was in Storm's Edge, the people there would have, too).


Her Competent Theme will be building on her capstone of "Leadin' By Example" and will be looking at the impact of having a Tier 2 leader leading a team.




Group Tactics

Vega has a focus on clan, this shines through in her threads and her skills. Tactics is no different. From the Siege of Storm's Edge to the Pirate Lord attacks on Sweetsong, Vega has been able to work on tactics on a large scale and using the skills and resources of large groups of people. As she moves into Tier 2 of the skill, she becomes able to share her tactical knowledge and skill with those around her. With this ability, Vega is able to share the benefits from any bonuses from her Tactics skill (Capstones and future Tier 2 stuff, although always at 1 level below what she is - so at getting Tier 2, she can share her cappies, when she gets to competent, she can share the Gateway / Novice, etc) with anyone who is in the same situation as her - this can be shared remotely (during the pirate attacks, for example) but Vega MUST be in contact with those people. Therefore, in the pirate attacks, Hopetoun would have got the benefit as she was writing to them, but Haven wouldn't have as she wasn't writing to anyone there. This contact needs to be every post if it is remote, but covers only where she could reasonably communicate if not.

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