[Soirée] Black and White
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:28 am
"His fingers danced like ballerinas, but it was hers that truly silenced the world."
The gala moved along nicely. Wine flowed, people ate the food that Jirelle had prepared. Honestly, the night had gone off without a hitch, and Oliver could not be more proud. Standing on the staircase, a glass half-full with an Eastch, a whiskey from the Settlements, in his hand, he surveyed the crowd. The nobility and their guests had been more than entertained by the crowd, the house pianist playing poppy and upbeat tunes. But now, it was time for Oliver to once again steal the spotlight, or more importantly, to shine it on someone special to him.
Standing on the stairs, he could see every eye in the room. And he needed them all to see him. With a few sharp raps of his ring on the glass, the tinkling noise brought everyone from their own conversations to draw their attention to him. A hush fell over the crowd, and a warm smile spread across Oliver's face like a Scalveen wind.
"Good evening, my lords and ladies. I wish to personally welcome you all to Bellesoir, and I am sure that I have made my rounds and greeted each of you personally. I am Lord Oliver Venora, resident of this estate and the reason for the occasion, though only in name. In truth, I wish to extend my personal gratitude to each of you, as you have all come and shared your time and hard-earned nel for such a good cause. The orphanges in the Kingdom have fallen into quite the disrepair, and though it is only one small step, I think that by enforcing positive change in those areas, we can provide motivation for those who dwell within them to join our society as productive members. That is my hope, anyway."
He paused, allowing a smattering of clapping to go through the crowd. Smiling still, he raised his glass high, prompting many others to do the same.
"Under the eyes of the Seven, I hope that this is a step towards repairing what has been damaged. Cheers." And with that, he titled the glass back and drained the strong spirit, keeping a straight face despite the burning in his throat and chest. Examining the empty glass with amusement, he took a breath and smiled.
"And in the spirit of that... Arcs ago, when I was a lad, I attended a party thrown by my parents in this very hall. And during the course of it, one of my sisters was insulted and humiliated, and I made it my goal to ensure that her pretty face was never stained with tears again. I cannot attest to the totality of my watchfulness, but I am determined to try and uphold that promise here again this night. So, Darcy..."
He scanned the room, black eyes turning steel blue as he observed the crowd. When he fell upon Darcy, he smiled and held his arms out.
"Darcy, I have made quite a few friends in my time, and one of them you know very well. All those arcs ago, he played Merudda's Fifth for the two of us to steal the dancefloor, and through gifts and plying for his attention, I have invited Ser Malero here once again to play Merudda's Fifth. Hearing of your talent as a pianist, though, he insisted that I ask you to play with him..."
Oliver's eyes darted to the piano, where the young Venoran pianist had resigned his position, and in his place sat an aging man with long earlobes and a smile. Dressed smartly, he sat on the bench with his back to the keys, staring out over the crowd to find Darcyanna's face. He held out a richly decorated hand to her, beckoning her to his position. Ser Malero Benderas was one of the most respected musicians in the Kingdom, and was said to play sixteen different instruments at a master's level. The veracity of this was often untested, but Malero was quick to assure any and all of its truth.
"So, Darcy... If you'd accompany Ser Malero... I believe we all would be grateful." He smiled, stepping down the stairs and heading towards Charlie. He may not be able to dance with Darcyanna this time, but he would dance, if the Lady Warrick would grace him.
Standing on the stairs, he could see every eye in the room. And he needed them all to see him. With a few sharp raps of his ring on the glass, the tinkling noise brought everyone from their own conversations to draw their attention to him. A hush fell over the crowd, and a warm smile spread across Oliver's face like a Scalveen wind.
"Good evening, my lords and ladies. I wish to personally welcome you all to Bellesoir, and I am sure that I have made my rounds and greeted each of you personally. I am Lord Oliver Venora, resident of this estate and the reason for the occasion, though only in name. In truth, I wish to extend my personal gratitude to each of you, as you have all come and shared your time and hard-earned nel for such a good cause. The orphanges in the Kingdom have fallen into quite the disrepair, and though it is only one small step, I think that by enforcing positive change in those areas, we can provide motivation for those who dwell within them to join our society as productive members. That is my hope, anyway."
He paused, allowing a smattering of clapping to go through the crowd. Smiling still, he raised his glass high, prompting many others to do the same.
"Under the eyes of the Seven, I hope that this is a step towards repairing what has been damaged. Cheers." And with that, he titled the glass back and drained the strong spirit, keeping a straight face despite the burning in his throat and chest. Examining the empty glass with amusement, he took a breath and smiled.
"And in the spirit of that... Arcs ago, when I was a lad, I attended a party thrown by my parents in this very hall. And during the course of it, one of my sisters was insulted and humiliated, and I made it my goal to ensure that her pretty face was never stained with tears again. I cannot attest to the totality of my watchfulness, but I am determined to try and uphold that promise here again this night. So, Darcy..."
He scanned the room, black eyes turning steel blue as he observed the crowd. When he fell upon Darcy, he smiled and held his arms out.
"Darcy, I have made quite a few friends in my time, and one of them you know very well. All those arcs ago, he played Merudda's Fifth for the two of us to steal the dancefloor, and through gifts and plying for his attention, I have invited Ser Malero here once again to play Merudda's Fifth. Hearing of your talent as a pianist, though, he insisted that I ask you to play with him..."
Oliver's eyes darted to the piano, where the young Venoran pianist had resigned his position, and in his place sat an aging man with long earlobes and a smile. Dressed smartly, he sat on the bench with his back to the keys, staring out over the crowd to find Darcyanna's face. He held out a richly decorated hand to her, beckoning her to his position. Ser Malero Benderas was one of the most respected musicians in the Kingdom, and was said to play sixteen different instruments at a master's level. The veracity of this was often untested, but Malero was quick to assure any and all of its truth.
"So, Darcy... If you'd accompany Ser Malero... I believe we all would be grateful." He smiled, stepping down the stairs and heading towards Charlie. He may not be able to dance with Darcyanna this time, but he would dance, if the Lady Warrick would grace him.