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Man's Huntress

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 1:01 am
by Aqihlih
Saun 13th, 717

Deep amber eyes, almost wolf like in nature, skirted across the dark streets of the town. It was rare for a cloudy in Saun to be moonless given the heat, but as luck would have it tonight was subject to an unnaturally heavy cloud cover, giving the world an eerie kind of aura. Given the strangeness of the kind of day there weren't many people out, making Scalvoris Town a playground for foxes and wolves. For many with criminal records, they found days like these the best ones to strike on, and Fox Glove was no exception. Her feet seemed to make no noise as she walked the almost empty streets. Her boots were wrapped in cloth that happened to strangle whatever noise they might have produced. Though it might have been easier just to walk without shoes.

The amber eyed vixen smirked as she heard a bout of yells. A grin very representative to the first half of her name started to slip across her features. "Well, well, what have we here?" She purred to herself as she followed the noise. She'd made herself a promise that she'd start to reign herself in slightly when it came to indulging her persona as Fox Glove, but the promise had ended up being hollow. She crumbled in a matter of trials and found herself buying a new knife. After buying that knife it wasn't long before the sun went down and she found herself prowling the streets. No matter what people tried to do, there would always be some degree of evil in a city. Someone pulling strings from the shadows to engineer debauchery and misfortune. Furthermore, there would always be victims. Useless men and women who were lame in some fashion, people so addicted to their vice of choice all their money went towards it, fools who were far too trusting and willing to help a woman if she pulled out enough tears. When it came down to it, Fox Glove was never at a loss for subjects, nor was she at a loss for customers.

The woman's smile only seemed to grow larger and more fox like as she came upon the source of the noise which had disrupted the silence of the shadows. She was grinning from ear to ear, peering at her prey from around a corner. It was a drunk man who barely retained the wit to stand, the perfect target for a hungry fox. If she looked extra closely, she could even see the shivering of his hands that came with a drug based withdrawal. "What a poor helpless little rabbit," she cooed in faux sympathy. Flesh beasts were so stupid. Why would they do something that impaired their reasoning and judgement skills so? What was the point! If anything it was an idiotic and pointless pass time. At least she had a reason to "get drunk" considering the fact she didn't actually get drunk. Alcohol was the best nourishment for someone of her kind, not to mention fairly cheap. That's why Laurel had a habit of going to the tavern every day to drink instead of preparing proper meals. Fleshlings, on the other hand, were so strange. Their bodies were so complex with so many pointless parts that a Yludih could easily and quickly render moot.

She watched the man continue to stumble about, screaming incoherently. What was he possibly contributing to society? Yet another reason Yludih were the superior species, every Yludih contributed to the cause, either by learning about or trying to integrate with the creatures of Idalos. Even though she didn't agree with some of the methods her brethren used, at least they were being helpful to some degree! Her expression sharpened. This man however, this worthless human who was taking up societal resources and making a general nuisance of himself, he was beyond worthless. He didn't even deserve to be the dirt and stone under Aqihlih's feet. This rabbit could only serve a use by becoming prey!

The vixen pounced, moving forward on silent feet until she was upon the man. "Excuse me, sir, you wouldn't happen to be lonely, would you?" She asked with a face of total innocents. Of course, there were a couple cracks. Innocent was the hardest mask for her to put on after all the bull crap she'd trudged through in her short and insignificant life.

The man regarded her cautiously, looking her up and down. Well, mostly up and in specific spots down. At roughly 6 feet tall she was a little tall to be playing a human woman, but she needed the willowy body that Fox Glove allowed her to have. Laurel was smaller, but she was also pudgy in comparison. The extra mass needed to go somewhere after all, and Fox Glove often benefited from the taller form. Luck be a lady because the man decided that her extra height wasn't intimidating, instead it was kind of hot. A crooked smile crossed his own features. "I'm all... always lonely, the real question if you got any dirnk. Such pleasures are betta enjoyed with dirnk." The man growled. His language was beyond slurred and Fox Glove couldn't imagine any woman in all of Scalvoris wanting to bed a creature like this. He couldn't even pronounce the work drink properly at this point! But she needed to get him somewhere alone, so she'd bear with the act.

"Oh, but of course," she said in a silken tone, her eyes becoming slightly lidded as she leaned close to him. "And I'm oh so very lonely," she whimpered in a quiet voice. She tried to make her vocal cords shake in a weak and desperate kind of way as she inched ever so closer to the man. Just before their lips connected she leaned back with a coy smirk. "But only, if you come home with me," she said in a voice that was somewhere between a purr and a growl.

The man was completely enrapt, nodding enthusiastically. "Good," she said in a husky tone of velvet. She turned on her heels quickly leading the way.

Immortals, she hated this. Audrae and Syora bless such an act though! She needed to find a way to get him farther out to the edges of town. Luckily they were already pretty close, but she needed to get further out just to decrease the chances of getting noticed. It was okay if one or two people saw Fox Glove. She needed to build up a fearful reputation after all. But she also needed to play it safe, so as not to attract too much attention right off the bat. The persona of Laurel needed to be kept clean, or as clean as she could be with Aqihlih playing her. And for that matter, Aqihlih needed to keep herself safe. As much as she hated the act she was playing, especially using the persona of Fox Glove, it was a necessary evil if she wanted to get any work done. In spite of this knowledge, she felt like she was breaking Fox Glove's character and disgracing the persona. Slowly the two began to progress further out of the town. Buildings became scarcer, ensuring that there would be fewer and fewer people around.

"How far out are ye?" The man slurred, still stumbling behind Fox Glove. The only thing he seemed to be following, however, was the swaying of her rump, as he seemed to sway in a similar pattern to her hips. Aqihlih was gonna be sick if she didn't start to finish this soon.

"Oh, don't worry dearest, we're already here," she said in a silken tone. The man looked confused for a moment before Fox Glove turned on him. Much like an animal turning on the unsuspecting man, the vixen pulled out the knife which had been resting in her pocket and thrust it at the man. Her strike was calculated and she quickly ripped the blade across his jugular. Just like a wild animal, go for the throat and don't let go until they stop twitching. The man was completely shocked and thanks to the damage done to his throat all the noise he could make was a gargled choking kind of sound. He fell backward as Fox Glove pushed him, dragging him as far off to the side of the road as she could before eventually falling on top of him. "How disgusting. What's the point of blood even?" She hissed stabbing the knife in his throat once more. The more holes she made the more blood he would lose faster, in her mind meaning the quicker he would die and she could get to work.

Eventually, the man stopped struggling. "Alright," she said, her breath coming out in short puffs. She shimmied down slightly, moving from sitting on his chest to sitting on his legs. "Let's see what we're working with," she laughed slightly. Placing the knife tip at the bottom of his throat she gently pressed downwards. The trick was trying to cut deep enough to get past the skin while not cutting so deep that she damaged any of the organs. She still had a couple contacts of The Doctor who used to buy organs for one reason or another. Hearts, kidneys, livers, brains, the more popular organs had a lot of people willing to buy them. But there were also shady organizations who took organs, bones, and even whole bodies to turn around and sell them to scientific organizations. For study and all. Of course, it was usually kept hush hush that the cadaver wasn't a willing participant in the study. Don't ask, don't tell and the like.

"Ah, perfect, a nice clean cut," she said as the chest cavity was split open. Hearts were usually the most popular item on the black market list. A combination of general value combined with various superstitions led to them being pricey. The only thing better was the brain, but it was always hard for Aqihlih to remove a brain without damaging the merchandise. She tended to get over zealous if she got excited.

First thing first she began to remove the heart. After carefully cutting the aortas she wedged her knife under it. It took a little effort but she was able to pry it loose, severing it from muscles and veins that brought blood to the entire rest of the body. She studied it for a moment, blood splotching all the way up and down her arms. She was careful enough at this point to avoid getting blood on the rest of her. "This isn't really sanitary, is it? If you were an actual patient of mine, you'd probably die from a disease," she commented to herself with a laugh.

"Hey!" A sudden shout got her attention and instantly flung her into fight or flight mode. "What are you doing over there?" The voice shouted. It sounded like a man who was somewhere between worried and cautious. Doing the first thing she could think of Aqihlih got up and ran. Normally she wasn't the fastest or most coordinated runner, but the pumping of adrenaline in her veins made her book it. "Wait!" The voice shouted, but they didn't go after her. She didn't dare to look back, let them see her face, she just kept running. Judging by the loud and feminine scream that followed them checking the body it was a man and a woman. Fox Glove still didn't stop. Likely there would be guards swarming the area before she knew it. She needed to leave the heart at one of the old drop-off locations and notify her contact, then she would receive her pay in a couple of days. She'd, of course, have to get it from the drop-off. The best part about the drop-offs was how secret they were, and usually, the drops offs were a good place to hide the instrument used for receiving the desired organ.

She just kept running as fast as she could. One of the drop-off locations was near by. If she played her cards right she could leave the heart there and then circle around until she hit a beach or a stream to wash off the blood in. Worst came to worst, she changed to Laurel, said she was killing an animal for dinner but it got away because she's a bad hunter(a proven fact), and by then she'd be too far away for anyone to prove anything.

Fox Glove's legs were already starting to burn. Dear immortals she'd bitten off more than she could chew! She should have been expecting that, but noooo. She had to go and be an idiot about it because she saw a helpless man. Just because he was helpless didn't mean everyone around him was! She was never coming back to this area. It was going to be a long night...

Man's Huntress

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:31 pm
by Pash Raj'oriq
Thread Rewards

Skill Knowledge:
➳ Running: Fleeing the crime scene
➳ Stealth: Cloth helps muffle boots
➳ Stealth: It's easiest to go without shoes
➳ Surgery: Sanitation is Important
➳ Surgery: Properly cutting open a body

Other Knowledge:

Loot: +1 new knife, -1 someone else’s heart
Injuries: N/A
Fame: Fox Glove: -2 Breaking the Law, -5 Murder in Public View
Devotion: N/A

Points: 10 | These points cannot be used for magic.
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Thanks for making the edits about Saun and it’s lack of darkness; I appreciate that. My only other comments are that Aqihlih has no skill in Blades and no skill in Seduction, so please keep those things in mind when playing to your skill level in a solo like this, where it’s sometimes easier to take creative license with your character. While Aqihlih didn’t go for anything too ambitious—her victim was clearly rather drunk and may have followed a horse home if it smiled at him the right way—I feel like I’d be remiss without leaving that reminder behind with this review. Otherwise, keep on being … murderous.

If you see anything I’ve missed or have a question, please feel free to drop me a PM!
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