Sarraski is the small coastal town affiliated with Augiery, capital city for the Naerikk. Founded in 447, Sarraski became a safe haven for those that wished to come south to trade and interact with the Naerikk. It is surrounding on all sides by the ocean. This tapers off and wanders further into the cavern via the Oceanic River. The importance of the location and the waterways that surround it relate to the economy of the area. Traders and naval ships drop anchor in Darklight Bay, the area just outside the cavern. Small boats and rafts go out to the ships to bring back goods, slaves, and sailors. These small boats and rafts will continue down the Oceanic River to Augiery, suppling it with foreign goods and slaves.
Once a person sets foot in Sarraski, they will find that the town has a pirate feel to it. The most notable feature of the city includes the various wooden buildings and walkways built on the column. Unlike Augiery, which does not have easy access to wood, Sarraski residents have found that decommissioned boats provide excellent materials for homesteading. One such boat was brought up onto the column completely intact. The red sails of the Pelagian are the first sign of life that one might view from the open ocean. This boat, a historical site to the Naer, was left intact when it was pulled from the fleet due to the significance it played in Augiery's history. It has since become a central location, a young woman buying it and building a bar on the inside.
Sarraski is home to the Augierian fleet and the Vice Queen Runash has a private residence within Sarraski where she will host meetings with the other fleet captains. Since it is a place that is highly dependent on maritime activity, the city caters to sailors. There is plenty of booze and entertainment to fill a sailor's leave from their designated ship. To further relieve sailors of work once they get onto "mainland", there are supportive slaves throughout the city to guide them. These slaves are there for the sailors entertainment as well as to offload the rafts laden with goods at the docks so the sailors can go directly to the inns, the bars, and then the bunks. Naerikk and other races will provide additional entertainment and goods while earning a pretty penny.
Once a person sets foot in Sarraski, they will find that the town has a pirate feel to it. The most notable feature of the city includes the various wooden buildings and walkways built on the column. Unlike Augiery, which does not have easy access to wood, Sarraski residents have found that decommissioned boats provide excellent materials for homesteading. One such boat was brought up onto the column completely intact. The red sails of the Pelagian are the first sign of life that one might view from the open ocean. This boat, a historical site to the Naer, was left intact when it was pulled from the fleet due to the significance it played in Augiery's history. It has since become a central location, a young woman buying it and building a bar on the inside.
Sarraski is home to the Augierian fleet and the Vice Queen Runash has a private residence within Sarraski where she will host meetings with the other fleet captains. Since it is a place that is highly dependent on maritime activity, the city caters to sailors. There is plenty of booze and entertainment to fill a sailor's leave from their designated ship. To further relieve sailors of work once they get onto "mainland", there are supportive slaves throughout the city to guide them. These slaves are there for the sailors entertainment as well as to offload the rafts laden with goods at the docks so the sailors can go directly to the inns, the bars, and then the bunks. Naerikk and other races will provide additional entertainment and goods while earning a pretty penny.
[columns=2]The Pelagian[/columns]
OOC Information
Sarraski is open for play for all PCs. Characters that can be played in Sarraski include free women, free men, and Augiery-owned slaves. The most common faction found within Sarraski is the Ursuges. Additional information can be found in the Den of Sin under Augiery Lore.