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A new friend

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:06 pm
by Felicia Stark
12th of Ymiden, Arc 717

One thumb brushed lightly over the doll's glassy eye, blank and lifeless as it stared up at Felicia from her lap. She found it earlier in the market, tossed aside broken and unwanted in the trash behind a building. It's dress was tattered, stained and more a rag than anything else. One arm was missing, and the other was near splintered wood and flecks of paint. It's face once was probably beautiful. White porcine now was cracked on one side, a green eye missing as on the same side as the crack which spread it's smile farther up its cheek. Disfigured, ugly and abandoned. That was what this doll was, and somehow that resonated with Felicia enough that she had stopped and picked it up.

They both sat now on her bed in the apartment she shared with her adopted brother. He was gone, perhaps at the outpost as he seemed to be there more and more as time passed. Because of her work with the cities Mortician Felicia rarely had a reason to leave the confines of the city itself so she often found herself alone and with the small living space empty. On one end of the building there was a small fireplace that held the contents of her last dinner, wood burned down to ashes with flecks of charred white parchment with only half-hearted scribbles she had intended to send to Robin. After all that was what sisters did wasn't it? Send letters to their siblings away and fighting some unknown enemy? The coldness in her heart, however, never let Felicia find the right words to put onto the paper.

He doesn't care. the thought bubbled up from the depths of her mind. It was becoming a common occurrence now, words called unbidden to her mind which spoke of the dark betrayal of the world around her. Felicia rarely thought about it, however. Thoughts were just that, thoughts. There was no reason to think about or believe what they told her.

He will hate you.

The doll creaked slightly as Felicia moved its one arm, making it raise and lower slowly as she tested the simple joints. It rotated all the way around at the shoulder, and the elbow allowed for very simple movement like a normal elbow would. It's hand was just a slightly rounded piece of wood without distinct fingers that could rotate around on the wrist. A child's toy, after all, did not require much utility Felicia supposed.

Felicia set the doll on the bed, propped against the pillow at the head as she stood in a rustle of cloth. Her bare feet touched the cold of the wood floor, a slight shiver of delight spreading from her wiggling toes as its coolness was a welcome reprieve from the growing heat of the season. Her nightgown she straightened as it fell almost to the floor around her. It was a simple item, plain in almost every respect and slightly off white. It was the first thing Felicia had bought for herself after coming to Ne'haer and so she took as best care of it as she could.

The doll was looking at her from its spot on the bed. Cold, unblinking eye looked like it had some words it wished to say, but its unmoving lips would not let them pass. After staring at it for a few bits Felicia put her back to it, clasping her hands behind her as she rocked back and forth from heal to toe in thought.

"Yes, it is a beautiful night." She whispered softly, not looking back, "A good night for company."

Hesitating, Felicia looked back over her shoulder at the doll, eyeing it was an odd expression before looking away once more. "You're welcome."

A new friend

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:59 pm
by Felicia Stark
Felicia sat on Robin's bed, legs kicking slightly as she stared at her bed where the doll still sat. It stared ahead just as she had left it, blanking looking into the hearth with its one remaining eye. Felicia stared at it in turn, trying to keep her eyes open for as long as possible until the burning forced her to blink. She wasn't sure exactly why she had taken the doll with her. It was dirty, broken, and clearly of very little value. The child who had owned it obviously did not want it anymore and had tossed it aside as all children did with broken playthings. Children were, Felicia decided, exceptionally cruel creatures. Still, something about the doll made her want to touch it.

The toes of one foot wiggled as the others flexed. Felicia's mind wandered slightly as she examined the emptiness inside of her. Within that fogginess there was a very faint throb. A little piece of warmth that welled ever so slightly when she looked at the doll, with its broken form and its unwanted nature. There was a very slight pull to it that the woman felt, like a fine thread connected them despite the distance. The source of this connection, however, was beyond her understanding.

No one wants you.

Sliding off of the bed Felicia walked to stand next to her bed now, staring down at the doll with her head tilted slightly. A stray hair passed before her eyes and she brushed it behind one ear absently as she chewed her lip in thought. Finally she knelt down beside the bed, bringing herself to eye level with the toy and stared at its eye.

"My name is Felicia. What's yours?"

Silence filled the room as she waited expectantly, staring with such intent that she did this time forget to blink. She waited. Waited. Waited. No answer came, and no motion from the doll gave an indication that it had even heard her. Felicia scratched at the sheet on the bed as her eyes flicked down to the dolls broken arm and stained clothing, running over each and every flaw the doll possessed as if evaluating it for the first time. A few bits later and Felicia sighed and closed her eyes, resting her head on her arms that now stretched across the bed. Her index finger brushed the rough material of the dolls clothes.

My name is Mir.

Felicia's whispered words came without much thought. Soft, pitched higher like she imagined a doll might sound like,but unmistakably hers. She knew the doll couldn't answer, that it wasn't alive, but somehow the silence felt too heavy.It pressed in on her from all sides, bearing down with an ill intent that threatened to suffocate her and draw the life out of her body. Even if it was herself that replied, Felicia did not think she could take another bit of that silence.

"Mir..." Raising her head Felicia smiled a small smile. She reached out and grasped the dolls remaining hand and lifted it up and down slightly, "It is a pleasure to meet you."

A new friend

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:30 pm
by Felicia Stark
Felicia sat across from Mir, still propped against her pillows though she had shifted slightly so that she leaned a little to one side. Somehow, with the name, the doll felt more real, more persent. The look in its glassy eye was more trained on her now, the tilt of her body a quirk as if a question was implied without being said. It made Felicia leaned forward slightly as if in anticipation of words that, in her mind she knew, wouldn't come. If only Mir could speak, ask the question that was there inside of her that Felicia knew was there... Of course, there was a way. She had never tried it before, but...

Straightening Felicia closed her eyes, drawing together the power within her like she was scooping up water into her cupped hands. It felt as though she could just barely hold it, her focus and control just enough that only a little slipped between her fingers to collect back into the pool of power within her. Then she raised her actual hand, palm up and cupped slightly and focused on the gathering there. It was a slow process at first, and quickened slightly as she continued. It had been some time since she lasted practiced her art, the only thing passed down to her by Victor... Why was that exactly?

Breathing out slowly Felicia opened her eyes and stared at Mir, extending her hand to point one finger at the doll. The ether gathered together and leaped the cap between Mage and Doll, falling into the wooden play thing with force that gave no physical indication of what had happened. Then Felicia felt it, like a surge of electricity and a snap of insight as the ether which linked her to Mir snapped taunt and connect the two. A silent command then came, a spark of life that sent a jerk through the doll as Felicia focused her will on one single thought, a command, an order. Stand.

As she watched unblinking the doll twitched, its one arm spasming like a glove as a hand was shoved into it. She could feel her ether filling it completely, taking up residence in its new body that was at once separate and a part of her. But, unlike her own body, this one resisted. So she issued the order again. Stand.

Mir's legs twitched this time, bending at the wooden knees as its feet were drawn up underneath it. With its single arm it pushed itself up off of the pillows, standing slowly and shakily to its feet with its head still slightly tilted. It wavered every few bits, its joints shaky as Felicia was still unfamiliar with this Thrall's structure. In part Felicia was a bit surprised. In the past she had only raised corpses, or bones, but it made sense that something like this should also be possible. It made something new bubble in her chest. It was like a fluttering of her heart, a slight quickening of her blood that made the corners of her mouth twitch up without her consciously meaning too. She did not have a word for what it was she was feeling, but the woman liked it.

Crooking a finger Felicia called the thrall closer, and it did as it was bid if more slowly than Felicia would have liked. It took one shaking step, hesitated, and then took another. Then another, and several more afterwards until it stood before its master and looked up with its one glassy eye. Felicia looked down at the doll, her newly created Fetch, and smiled once more, "Mir... Do you want to stay with me?"

The next command came without hesitation, and the doll jerked its head in the semblance of a nod. Felicia could almost hear the doll's response in her head as it did.


You are pathetic.

A new friend

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 9:45 am
by Pegasus

XP Points: 10

Detection: Taking the time to note each detail
Necromancy: Creating Fetches.
Psychology: The voices in your head can sound very real

Loot: +1 Fetch Thrall.
Fame: nope
Devotion: nope
Magic: These points may be used for Domain Magic (Necromancy)

Ohh, what an interesting and intense thread! I love how you portray this pc as a very spooky individual. There wasn't a lot in the way of knowledge, so much of it was just internal reverie ~ but the story of it was great! Please note that the Thralls in question are "Fetch" not "Fletch", but you've got the knowledge you wanted there.
Just watch out for "muscle memory" typos, such as
"heal to toe" should be heel to toe
"eyeing it was an odd expression" should be eyeing it with an odd expression.
These kinds of typos are the easiest to do and hardest to spot, I understand! That said, it was a great little thread and I really enjoyed reviewing it. Definitely adding the pc to my "must read" list!

Please do drop me a pm if you have any questions.