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Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:47 am
by Asari Rosacea
Cylus 1, Arc 717
Asari Rosacea didn’t like the way people looked at her. She had only been in Desnind a short time, yet it seemed like whenever she left her room at the inn, people were content to glare at her. Their eyes said the words their mouths wouldn’t speak- they didn’t want her here. It had been similar in Nashaki, but she had been a child then. Her mother had earned more glares than she had. Then, in Nekhet, she had been praised for her trade in herbology. The doctors there adored her, respected her, because of that crucial skill. However, Desnind was different. Here, all they cared about was that she was a Naerikk. Every stare, hitting her like ice water, causing goosebumps on her fair skin.

Most days, Asari escaped into the forest. This was the case tonight, around midnight. The dark haired Naerikk pulled her cloak a little closer to her slender, short form, shivering at the cold air as she walked through Desnind proper. As she crossed through the marketplace on her way to the gate, she spotted people lined up outside a booth selling lanterns. What’s so special about lanterns? She wondered, approaching.

As the line dwindled, Asari finally got her answer- they were for the “alaiwa snäyì” or “light walk”. Apparently people were buying them and then walking in groups of friends to the Kẹjí Kisa. Asari hesitated, her blue eyes calculating as she pondered whether to join in on the festivities. She didn’t entirely understand the point, though it did sound like fun. However, it was the type of thing you went to with friends, and so far, Asari had none.

“I’ll take a lantern.” Asari ordered, scooping a hand into her pocket for the small bag she kept her coin in. Fishing out two golden nells, she paid the Sev’ryn who was selling them. To her surprise, he didn’t complain or give her any trouble, simply gave a grunt and handed her a lantern, which was alight with glowing caterpillars.

Making her way to the entrance of Desnind, Asari paused to light her lantern before slipping through the gates. While she may not be quite brave enough to celebrate with the rest of Desnind, she could certainly have her own celebration of sorts.

Walking past the camps of those who chose to stay outside Desnind’s walls, Asari merely took a quick glance before she began walking into the forest, the light of her lantern guiding her.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:23 pm
by Arlo Creede
Cylus had come, just as Arlo had known that it would. It's arrival meant there'd be no going anywhere until the weather grew warm again. There'd be a solid thirty trials before that happened. And while this was only the first of the thirty, it already felt darker and colder in his little camp outside the gates. If it got any worse, and chances were it would, he'd have to look into renting a room for the duration.

He'd rather not, and he'd rather keep what money he had. The young man preferred the outdoors to being surrounded by four walls and a ceiling. But even his mare Peg was starting to complain and might like a warm stall full of hay for what was left of winter.

The natives of Desnind seemed to like their gatherings and festivals quite a lot. This night was no different but Arlo hadn't planned on joining them for their light walk. He wasn't sure of the significance, and he didn't speak the language. Instead, he'd spent the time since sunset watching others passing by with their lanterns two by two or three by three. But then there was only one.

What caught Arlo's attention was that she wasn't a native. He hadn't seen her before that he could recall. But she definitely wasn't one of them, and it didn't appear that she wanted to be. She might have been going in the same direction as the rest of them. But not with them exactly.

He was seated in patchy shadows, on a log he'd pulled up to make his little camp more like a home. And He was mostly cloaked in shadow too by default. It wasn't helped by the hat on his head, even with the brim pushed back a little. "You headed to the Kẹjí Kisa?" Arlo asked, as a matter of curiosity when she passed close enough to hear him.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:37 am
by Asari Rosacea
Cylus 1, Arc 717
A Naerikk was never skittish. This was something Asari had told herself for quite a long time to prevent her tendency to jump. Funnily enough, it never worked. When she heard a voice call out from the darkness, she jumped so hard she almost dropped her lantern, making the caterpillars within bounce. Her other hand went to her chest as she whirled around with wide blue eyes.

She was relieved to see that it was a boy who had called out- a human, by the looks of it. “Cassion’s sake, where did you come from?” She said, exasperated. Less for the fact he was there, more for the fact that she hadn’t seen him. Taking a deep breath, she approached a little closer so she didn’t have to speak so loudly. Asari gave a small smile at his question.

“No, actually. It’s… over-rated.” She felt lame saying so, because it revealed the truth- she had no one to go with. Shaking her head, her black hair swayed slightly. “I’m more of a… self-celebration type of person. Plus I’m not… Well… I’m not really welcome among the Sev’ryn. Best to let them enjoy their holiday. I thought I’d go for a walk instead.” She hoped the tinge of sadness she felt didn’t show in her voice.

Crossing her arms, Asari paused a second before she walked over, gesturing to the end of the log. “Mind if I sit with you?” She had yet to introduce herself, but this man didn’t seem to look at her like most did. Perhaps he had no qualms about the Naerikk. Either way, it would be nice to have company, for a short time. She hadn’t had many pleasant conversations since she left Nekhet.

As she perched on the end of the log, beside him, she gave another smile and- despite her inner judgement telling her to put up more of a guard against people she didn’t know- held out a hand to this new male. “Asari Rosacea.” She greeted him, her eyes bright in the glow from her lantern.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:42 pm
by Arlo Creede
Arlo hadn't meant to catch the woman unaware. But then in retrospect, he'd have realized that doing it was almost assured, considering the way he'd called out from the shadows. But he was young, therefore, sometimes brash and impulsive. He wasn't necessarily given to forethought. In fact hindsight was more often the young man's way.

It was only when she jumped and dropped her lantern, and took his favored Immortal's name somewhat in vain, that he grinned a little in spite of what he'd done, and uttered, "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Wasn't thinking." And as a gesture of good will, he picked up his own lantern and moved it closer to him on the bench, so she could at least see who it was who'd put such a scare in her. Not that it would help much. He hadn't seen her before, so chances were she wouldn't have known him from John, Sebastian or Adam as his own mother had said more than a handful of times.

"Is it lame?" he asked when she shared her thoughts on the night's festivities. "I can't say I know for sure one way or the other. Don't speak the language, and haven't been around long enough to know the local traditions. Not sure I'd walk far into the forest alone at night though," Arlo added as she came closer, and he moved over some on his log in case she wanted to sit down, and the gesture was more than enough to imply she was welcome to. "There are some strange things out there, and that's not accounting for the ordinary ones."

When she told him that she hadn't felt welcomed, he frowned and considered it. To his eye, she didn't look to be anything but an ordinary human so he figured there must be something more to it. "Why is that, do you think?" he asked. "Do you chew with your mouth open? Maybe you pass loud wind in polite company?" He might be kidding. In fact, he very probably was. But it was hard to tell in this light.

But as some indication, he smiled and shrugged. "I've found the locals to be a bit...I'm pretty sure there's a word for it but I can't quite recollect what it is. They seem to have some reservations about outsiders. But it seems right for them to be. Desnind is isolated by distance and by the forest from others. They probably don't get many outsiders that stay for long," Arlo considered. "They may wonder why we've come, or think we won't stay very long. I've found them polite though, and helpful so long as you don't run too far afoul of their traditions."

"Name's Arlo Creede," he said when the woman introduced herself. The offering and grasping of hands however, was a tradition that he'd come across once or twice, but not so often that it had begun to seem commonplace. But when in Desnind, or outside it...He offered his own hand back in response and smiled. "Very nice to meet you, Asari Rosacea."

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:09 am
by Asari Rosacea
Cylus 1, Arc 717
Judging by the grin, you don’t seem all that sorry. Asari noticed, but it was actually a little amusing to her as well. It was nice that she could see him a little better now though, studying his face with interest. He looked young- though humans were hard to tell. Just like Naerikk- they stopped aging at twenty-five, so you could be speaking to one over the age of fifty and not realize it. As she sat beside him, she gave a smile.

“It’s… not lame, not really. But it’s a Sev’ryn holiday that I take care not to join into. The forest doesn’t scare me, regardless. I’m happier out here than with their kind- and they prefer it that way.” She paused, before explaining, “I certainly fit the word outsider to them. I’m a Naerikk, not human like I assume you are. Naerikk are… often mistrusted.” Her smile faded and she took a deep breath as she met his gaze, “We don’t have the best reputation. The Sev’ryn, who are so honest and good, see the Naerikk as… unworthy people. As a result, they aren’t comfortable interacting with one. I probably could have kept my race as a secret, if I tried. But I strive not to prove them right- so I’ve told everyone I’ve met. For all their value in honesty, I don’t think it’s change their opinion of me much.”

In truth, she thought many Sev’ryn to be hypocrites, but she’d earn nothing by admitting to that- not in Desnind, anyway.

Shaking his hand with a gentle grip, Asari’s own was cool and smaller than his, fitting near perfectly. Once she had released him, she reached up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Likewise. So, Arlo Creede. You’re new here, and you don’t speak the language… but isn’t it a little strange to camp outside the city? In Cylus, no less? As it gets colder, you may be quite at risk out here.”

As she said this, another group of friendly Sev’ryn passed by, all with lanterns and loud laughter, clinging to each other as they began their celebrations. Asari’s eyes followed them, a sense of wistfulness filling her gaze. Even for a Naerikk- left out as often as they were- Asari still found it to be a terrible feeling.

“Would you be interested?” She asked suddenly, turning her head back to look at Arlo with her big blue eyes. In the light of their lanterns, her face paint glowed an eery green that made her eyes pop, the flowers that framed them intricate. “In the Light Walk. That’s what it’s called. What I’ve gathered is people go with a friend, and they… carry lanterns, and they walk to Kẹjï Kisa. It’s a winery… best spirits in Desnind. We could go, if you’re not opposed with attending beside a stranger. At the least we could share a drink or two… at the most we could get wasted.” It was a joke, of course- though a half one- smiling as she mentioned getting wasted. Even so, her offer was genuine.

“I know the owner. Phyt Cruces Shamsaldin. I visited when I first arrived in Desnind- learned he was from Nashaki. That’s where I’m from, so he and I… we tolerate each other, I suppose.” Asari explained. Now she was definitely babbling, and she gave a light laugh, looking down at her hands, which were tucked in her lap. She found herself observing the sky blue nail paint that she'd put on them just earlier that afternoon, trying to distract herself from looking up at Arlo again. Wow… I really am making a great first impression here.

Even her thoughts were sarcastic.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 8:03 pm
by Arlo Creede
So she was a Naerikk. Arlo had never seen one of her people before, and besides what little he'd learned in school, he'd only heard scattered stories about them. None of them good, which probably explained why the Sev'ryn, to hear her tell it, hadn't been quick to welcome her. They were a polite people, almost to a fault. But they were also isolated by geography. And tales of others foreign to them, might be all that they knew.

He didn't know much more than them, in truth. But Arlo was also young, brash, and less inclined to follow the examples or expectations of others. "The thing with assumptions, is that they usually arise from something. Meaning," he added with a shrug, "that if there's any reason to think there's truth to it," He didn't know if there was or there wasn't. Or if he did, Arlo didn't say so. "you might have prove yourself the exception, rather than the rule."

It was hard to tell in this light how old she was. Her race might make the difference too. But Arlo figured she was older than him by a number of arcs at least. But when she asked about his living arrangements, his thinking changed track and he shrugged. "It's not strange at all I don't think. Not for a traveler anyway. I'm accustomed to sleeping under the trees or the stars, out in the open in all kinds of weather. And I prefer it to four walls and a ceiling."

Walls after all, be they inns, houses or city walls, by their nature signified permanence, attachment and responsibility. None of those suited a young man with more interest in traveling than staying put. "Besides," he told her, shrugged a little and smiled. "There's others out here to combine resources with, and we do well enough."

As for the light walk, he considered it a trill or three before answering. "I hadn't planned on going. But if you're wanting to and don't want to walk alone, I wouldn't mind," he agreed. "But if they'll let me in at all, they won't serve me any wine and I'd rather not offend by misleading them. I'm...beneath the age of majority, I think is how they put it."

So he wouldn't drink, but if she wanted some company on her way to the winery, he'd be happy to go along. If for no other reason, then to observe the Sev'ryn tradition. The whole city seemed keen on it after all, and it wouldn't hurt him at all to make a showing.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:35 am
by Asari Rosacea
Cylus 1, Arc 717
Asari was surprised by the younger boy’s words, her eyes widening a fraction. He was well spoken- and he was right. Hesitating, Asari thought on the many reasons, the truth of the matter. She was biased, of course, being a Naerikk herself, but… “I think… sometimes people fear what they don’t understand. They listen to the opinions of those they trust, and their own opinions shift to match.” She took a breath, before giving a small smile, “You’re right, though. I… would very much like to be the exception to my race.”

His admittance of preferring to be outside wasn’t so surprising- most people in Desnind held the same opinion. “It’s a beautiful place to stay outside. I’m a herbalist, I’m out here a lot myself. But in this cold… well, I’m happy the inn has been accommodating enough to a Naerikk.” Asari responded.

Asari was pleased as he agreed to go with her on the light walk, giving a smile- until he mentioned being unsure if he’d be allowed to drink. Leaning closer, her eyes narrowed as she studied his face. Is he truly under age? Oh snickerdoodle, that’s a shame. He’s cute… Young, but I could have sworn… he speaks like he’s older….

Leaning back at after a moment, Asari gave a light shrug. “Huh. You don’t look that young- I would never have guessed. I'm twenty-one and would have guessed you're my age... While it’s true that those who participate in the Light Walk traditionally do drink the signature seasonal spiced Holpxay, the holiday is… more about being with friends.” Standing up, she waited until he did the same before grabbing her lantern with one hand and linking her other arm with his, her manicured hand gripping his sleeve, giving a smile. “The rest usually includes Sev’ryn songs and ancestor stories… At the least we can sit, listen. At most… maybe I’ll tell you my own story. We’ll see where the night takes us, Arlo Creede.”

As they began down the path, she teasingly nudged him with an elbow and added, “Sheesh, I can’t believe you admitted to being under age and not drinking. Haven’t you ever lied before?” That was her Naerikk side talking, Asari giving a laugh. “I was drinking at the age of thirteen. Little bit of liquor never hurt me. You’re… noble, I’ll give you that.”

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:56 pm
by Arlo Creede
"I don't mind the cold," Arlo responded when the woman voiced her preference for the indoors this time of the arc. "I've got plenty to keep me warm, the wide open spaces and nothing but the stars over my head. Freedom," he said. "Walls, buildings to live in, they're suffocating. They feel too much like staying put. Like responsibility."

Out on his own, no one to answer to except for himself, no responsibilities that he didn't choose, and no attachments. To linger awhile or move on as he pleased. That to Arlo was the only way to be. Much like the Immortal he worshiped.

"Funny, most people think I look younger than I am," he said, and stood, preparing to walk along with her when she told him her own age. She was older than him by quite a bit, and he'd thought as much and had assumed she must be as old as Vega. Or maybe just a little bit older.

When she took his arm though and firmed up her grip on his sleeve, the young man frowned. It felt a strange thing to do when she wouldn't have known him from a stranger on the streets of Desnind, or him, her. A little too familiar, and strangely proprietary too. Enough that he suddenly felt like that fabled, three footed fox a fellow traveler had told him about once. Besides, even had he not come predisposed to avoiding attachments, she was much too old for him.

"Hold on," he said suddenly, pulling his arm out from hers in order to step back in his camp to attach a feedbag to Peg's halter before they went. The oats would warm the mare up, and keep her content until he returned. When he rejoined Asari, his hands were dropped deep into the pockets of his coat to keep them warm.

Arlo didn't need a lamp of his own, or a spare hand to carry it with. Although Asari wouldn't see her, Lyova was always there, providing him a faint blue light to see by. So far as where the night would take them, he knew well enough already. To the light festival, then back again where he'd see her safely to the gates before returning to his own camp. "I didn't say I've never had a drink," he reminded her as they walked. "But why lie when I've got no reason to? The fewer lies told, the fewer to remember. It's not noble. It just makes good sense," he argued.

"The Sev'ryn have been welcoming and helpful. Being welcome while the weather prevents me going elsewhere is better than not being welcome at all. So I'd rather not offend them by ignoring their rules and traditions. I'd rather keep a clear head anyway." But it was a practical matter really. Better to be honest and receive a warm welcome from the natives, than lie and receive a cold one instead.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:01 pm
by Asari Rosacea
Cylus 1, Arc 717
Freedom. It was a concept that Asari had a hard time with. So many people believed they were free- but were they? In Augiery, slaves were the common, shackles seen more than jewelry. In Nashaki, with its towers and its rules, freedom seemed… almost laughable. But then again, she had been the daughter of someone who broke Nashaki’s biggest rule- use of magic. It was hard to believe in freedom when you were a kid, watching your mother be dragged off from using her gift. She supposed if one was to find freedom, they’d find it in Desnind. But what of other places? Rynmere had its nobility, and Asari barely saw that as living in freedom.

Desnind… however. “I… suppose I can see your point.” Asari commented vaguely, though she frowned. Maybe I can’t be the same way… because I’ve been looking for somewhere to claim as my own. It was true, and she knew it. She’d always wanted a place to call home, ever since she fled Nashaki. Traveling sounded nice but… everyone had to stop traveling sometime, right? Or perhaps some people found home wherever they went… maybe travelers like Arlo were simply better off. It was a difficult concept for the Naerikk to ponder, and after a minute she gave a brief smile and let it drop.

Asari could tell when she made people uncomfortable. It hadn’t been the first time, and she could see Arlo frown when she took his arm. There I go again… Asari thought, holding back a sigh. She was relieved when he slipped away, taking the opportunity to cross her arms instead. It was the fault of never having contact with people- she tended to want closeness. Patting someone’s shoulder, ruffling someone’s hair, taking their arm during a walk. Maybe I’m too tactile. Or maybe people just don’t want to touch a Naerikk. She pondered, gazing up at the darkened sky for a moment. Even strangers were comfortable for someone who didn’t have any friends.

Yet she kept to herself as Arlo returned, putting a good distance between them. His response of lying was true enough- yet it also pointed out to Asari the blaring fact that most people of Desnind and her wouldn’t get along. Lying is second nature to a Naerikk. My whole childhood was one big lie… is it so hard to break that habit? Asari bit her bottom lip, reaching up to run a finger along her face paint design on her temple- a habit she did at times. “Welcoming and helpful… to those they like.” She commented quietly, so much so that it was almost as if she didn’t intend for Arlo to hear.

“So. You travel. Have you ever been to Nashaki?” Asari asked as they walked. “I grew up there. Or maybe Etzos, or Viden? Two places I’ve been considering going. Etzos especially- they could use more healers, and that’s what I hope to become. I hear there’s plenty of fighting in that city.”

She listened to his answer as they walked, taking deep breaths of the chilly Cylus air. It wasn’t long until the Kẹjï Kisa came into view- and with it, the sound of joyous celebration. The place was packed, some of the Sev’ryn even standing outside, laughing and talking and drinking. Asari found her walk slowing, arms tightening a little bit as she gazed at the winery, well light up with lanterns similar to her own. Some might have called it social anxiety, but the look in Asari’s eyes was almost fearful in her hesitance.

“H-Here we are.” She said, clearing her throat in an attempt to hide how shaky her voice was. She didn’t do well in crowds but… in the interest of making more acquaintances, she was willing to try.

Into The Forest We Go

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:29 pm
by Arlo Creede
Welcoming and helpful to those they liked. Arlo heard, even if he wasn't intended to. But it was because he suspected he wasn't, that he said no more about it. Still, the Sev'ryn hadn't struck him as the sort of people who formed their impression on a whim or at first sight. Especially when faced with someone who's identity could as easily be human as otherwise. It made him wonder if the first impression Asari had made, wasn't her appearance but something else.

Inwardly he shrugged. Point being, he guessed, he'd been made to feel welcome in spite of a first few, cautious and curious glances. And for whatever reason, she didn't believe that she had. Arlo reckoned that maybe, because the Sev'ryn weren't overtly jovial or talkative people, she might have taken their lack of it as dislike. Retreated as a result, and then the gulf widened.

But it was thinking much too deep for his liking, so he was content to walk along behind the others who were on their way to winery. "I haven't," he said when she mentioned Nashaki. Orr Etzos or Viden either. He'd grown up outside of Rharne, he told her, so it was the closest he'd ever come to the city of Viden. "I don't know where I'll go next, when I move on," the young man said. "I may just let my book of maps fall open and make the choice for me. Or I might find out when I get there."

As they approached the Keji Kisa, he recognized a few faces he knew already. There was the old librarian, Bo'kuna, who'd helped with the hand drawn map he'd found. Arlo smiled in Bo's direction and gave a wave, and the old man smiled back and nodded. "It looks like everyone in Desnind is here." And there was Vega with a Sev'ryn man and another, older woman, he observed from across the room. Asari appeared to feel out of place, probably more than Arlo looked.

But still, "Do you know anyone here?" he asked, figuring that at least if she sought out a familiar face and greeted them, she might find herself more welcomed than she currently believed she was.