A list of magic NPCs that can be utilized by players during quests/etc all around the world. Some can be used as magic instructors - this will be specified per individual. The most prominent magic NPCs require permission by Plague, Incubus, or your city moderator to self-moderate. You are not allowed to kill any of these NPCs without permission from Plague or Incubus.
Note: While these mages have specific locations, they can be utilized outside of their locations. Many of these mages are the best of the best and ply their trades all across Idalos, cycling between regions, especially considering most places are unwelcome to prominent mages.
You cannot use these NPCs for initiation without approval from Plague.
Note: While these mages have specific locations, they can be utilized outside of their locations. Many of these mages are the best of the best and ply their trades all across Idalos, cycling between regions, especially considering most places are unwelcome to prominent mages.
You cannot use these NPCs for initiation without approval from Plague.
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[style2=max-width: 680px; background: rgba( 248,248,248,0.88 ); margin: auto; margin-top: 20px; padding: 15px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000;][googlefont=Gentium Basic][float=left][img]IMAGEHERE[/img][/float][b]Name:[/b]
[b]Created by:[/b]
[b]Notable Mutations:[/b]
[b]Note:[/b] [/googlefont][/style2][/style]