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The Gold Standard

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:12 pm
by Mythic
Hello, hello!

This is Tribute, warden of the business plans forum and moderator for Nashaki. I've been roleplaying for a number of years, and my tenure in Standing Trials started when Jade and Dementia asked me to help out. But enough about all of that, I'm a really nice guy, so feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about any of the forums I moderate.

About me: My name's Jake in real life, and I LOVE to write, play video games, watch movies and talk to people. I'm training to be a salesperson in real life and working on the site in my ample amounts of spare time. Big fandoms of mine are Harry Potter, Narnia, but I also enjoy some obscure texts, but the majority of my reading nowadays are RP's that people write, because I love reading collaborative writing. I feel like it has more stopping power than a story written by just one person. Hence, why I'm on ST XD

Anyway, I hope you have fun on Standing Trials! If you're starting off in Nashaki, send me a message, I'd love to hear about your character.