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Feathered Flyon

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 5:14 pm
by Kylar
Name: Feathered Flyon
Spirit: No
Rarity: Very Rare/Legendary
Typical Size: Large, standing at the height of a horse with a wingspan of 3 meters (around 10 feet) on average
Diet: The Feathered Flyon hunt similarly to a bird of prey, but targeting herbivores on the ground that have no easy escape. They rely on a large amount of meats and protein to survive. They will often be seen fighting each-other, but never eating one another - even after obtaining the kill.
Trainable: Yes, but with the right methods. A Flyon, as an incredibly intelligent creature, is known for creating bonds with any kind of creature it deems worthy. However, this doesn't mean all are trainable - and those that are still want proof that they are with a worthy owner. Some kind of combat related task will be set and made clear by the Flyon, if it doesn't just attack on sight. Those that don't attack immediately will raise their head, revealing their throat, trying to show that they aren't here to straight out kill the person. Due to their empathy, they will judge if they want to kill someone from the emotions they feel and how hostile they are. The Flyon look for honor and strength in the people that wish to train them, meaning they will often try and challenge the person taming them with something combat themed. Ranging from a fight with the Flyon to slaying a creature that the pride is having troubles with, that is up to the Flyon. However, if a task is set and failed, the fate of the person may rely on how well they proved themselves. If they tried with all efforts and still couldn't achieve it, the Flyon may still allow the person to take them along - giving themselves up. But if no effort was made, or the person gave up early, their punishment can range from being denied access to taming and training the Flyon, to straight out killing them.
Native to: Flyon travel from place to place, but are more commonly seen in forested or jungle areas - such as Rynmere.
Locations: Mainly Northern Idalos, though occasionally encountered in any other region that provides them with easy prey and moderate temperature.

Appearance: Feathered Flyon are the size of a horse, with white feathers coating their legs and back. Their wings can rest at their sides, but when stretched out are intimidatingly long. Their fur is a sand color, like that of the Ryon - an animal they believe is linked to it's heritage. Their eyes range from all colors, but are more frequently a blue or green color. The pigments in their eyes are always deep and described by some as piercing. Large ears cover the front of their bone-white manes. Their claws are razor sharp, able to tear apart fleshy prey with ease, and their teeth in a pointed shape, used for puncturing harder surfaces like shell and even armor. Their tail is like that of a normal lion, and their muscle is also comparable. However, Flyon are often stronger than normal lions meaning that when they aren't in flight, they are still ferocious and dangerous predators.

Lifespan and Development: Flyon are born with minuscule wings at the size of a small dog. At this age, they can't take flight as their wings and muscles aren't developed enough. After half an arc, their parents will start taking them out to hunt in the hope of speeding up the development of the Flyon. On average, a Flyon learns to take flight at about two arcs old when they reach adolescence, and becomes fully grown at the age of four arcs. It is at three arcs, however, they are expected to start hunting alone at times. However, the pride will often do group hunts, and all Flyon over two arcs old must be involved, the younger not deemed fit to do so and left behind with the older females of the pride. Their bond is closer with the females, as they have the job of training the Flyon at an early age with tasks like walking and flying. However, once a male Flyon becomes fully grown it spends increasingly less time with it's mother and more hunting with it's father. The females aren't allowed to hunt past the age of four arcs, as that's when they are expected to start breeding and mothering new members of the pride. The average Flyon lives to be ten Arcs old, not accounting for death in combat. This, however, can be exceeded by up to five more Arcs - the longest Flyon therefore living to fifteen Arcs. A Flyon will never retire from hunting or motherly duties, no matter what age they grow to be, although they will of course become progressively worse at it as their bodies weaken. Male Flyon are expected to always hunt, even if they have lost a limb or obtained other major injuries. In most cases, however, this leads to death.

Weakness: Flyon rely heavily on their diet, meaning that if for any reason they can't eat, their entire body will suffer - including their abilities. This means that a Flyon that has been captured, found itself in harsh conditions or is generally underfed will become weak and easy prey for any other kind of predator - if not just being left to die in the wilderness.

Temperament: Dependent on the Flyon, the creature may be hostile or passive. However, they will never fully accept another creature that isn't in their own pride until the tasks have been done. This ranges from other Flyon to Humanoid races. NOTHING is an exception to this, and to earn the respect of the pride you have to be accepted by every individual Flyon in it. If even a single Flyon disproves of you, the pride will stop accepting you until you earn their trust again.

Abilities: Flight, of course, but some natural Empathy. Flyon can read emotions beyond that of an animal's normal abilities. People that mask their emotions well are far from safe if they try it with a Flyon, as any emotion can be sensed from miles away. This doesn't include any form of emotional manipulation, magically, but it does lead to the ability to do so by adding to the emotion. For example, if a Flyon detects fear it will try and make itself more intimidating to scare someone away or less so in the hope of calming the individual depending on the circumstance. Flyon will often use this to their advantage, especially when choosing a companion they believe is worthy to even attempt the task they have in mind.

Information: One strange habit of the Flyon is collecting scars. These creatures take pride in their strength, and scars are seen as a sign of not just survival - but pushing yourself to the limit. The more scars a Flyon has, and the deeper they are, is shown as a sign of bravery and strength. This means that most males will have a small collection of scars, at least. This helps females find a mate they are interested in, as well as dictating who rules the pride if the leader were to die. It isn't done on a system of blood, it's done usually on whoever is the strongest. If their is a disagreement on this, the two Flyon in question will fight to the death - trying their hand at becoming the pride leader. Another habit is avoiding eating the corpse of other Flyon. They take pride in their race, and although killing is permitted it is seen as disrespectful to eat a corpse of another Flyon. Anyone caught doing this will be killed immediately, without hesitation. This is true for even the pride leader, as they can be as easily removed from their role as they were put into it.

Credit: Kylar
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Feathered Flyon

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:54 pm
by Maltruism
Sorry it took me until now to respond, only to nit-pick :roll:

I like the overall concept of this, but...

If something is going to be very rare, even "legendary", it's probably not going to make its home so near the massive human population of Rynmere. This is an awesome creature, and I don't want it to be so "conveniently" located. Too many people will thread just going out in their backyard and seeing one soaring overhead... :lol:

Also, I don't think Jacadons and Volareons would be too keen on this airborne rival making its home in the same general place. :x
AND, you make mention of them liking moderate temperatures. So I'd imagine that a northern clime would not necessarily be ideal. I understand that if they are related to Ryons, it's going to seem likely to be the Rynmere area they'd call home. But perhaps they are born to ryons, and the sprouting of wings causes the regular ryons to reject them, and only the strongest and most resourceful survive this "exile", at infant age, to grow and become the glorious creature you present.

If this idea appeals to you, it would also account for them being inclined to leave the Rynmere area. I have another idea relating to their origins that would smooth out a few other details, but I need to consult with someone first. But it would result in a shared bloodline of exceeding rarity, with potential to account for all the characteristics you describe. But for now, don't change this aspect of what you've written.

Wing size I think needs enlarging. For something the size of horse (they could be a bit smaller, I think, and still be a mount) a mere three meters is not going to do the trick. Not only are lions more muscular than horses for their size, and therefore heavier in scale, but three meters is only about the size of what an albatross has; and they have hollow bones for lightness and are not lion-sized.

So, maybe these creatures are noticeably smaller, have hollow bones with maybe twenty-thirty foot wingspans, or are fully dense-boned and have thirty-forty foot wingspans. I realize the image does not indicate such large wings, but those wings could always fold out to additional degrees. And frankly, the creature in that picture, awesome as it is, would not fly far. Obviously the bigger the creature, and wingspan, the more it can carry. You should probably add the carrying capacity as well.