A toast between friends [Blacksmith's Arms]
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:35 am
108th Vhalar 716
Elyna had enjoyed the day. It had been balanced with her work as a Skyrider and her duties as a new mother. It had become normal to wake in Malcolm’s embrace. The mortalborn deep in slumber beside her. Usually she had time to feed Elsie before sunlight saw him stir. This morning had been no exception. The baby had been bathed as well and laid out on a towel on the bed as her Father lay sleeping. Elyna had dried the soft skin as quickly as she was able, before dressing her in a gown of soft yellow wool, a little hat that Faith had made and some leggings that would keep tiny toes warm. Pulling faces at the baby to keep her occupied. Little arms flew against the covers and legs kicked as she gurgled and made soft noises of enjoyment. Her eyes had finally settled on a paler green to match Malcolm’s and Elyna had spent the past two trials re-making all of her clothes, undoing hems and loosening stiches. By the Immortals at this rate their daughter was going to be tall, she was growing so rapidly. A glance at Malcolm’s bare foot sneaking out from the cover though, and it wasn’t a surprise. After breakfast, Elyna had taken the time to pack up Elsie’s belongings. Clothes, blankets, toys and cradle. They were loaded onto the cart. The child would not be returning to the house until her parents had returned from the Burning Mountains. The weight of the belongings was more than Elyna had expected. A strange, burning sensation circled the pit of her stomach whenever she thought about something else that the child might need. The past few trials the Skyrider had ridden Ember into the city, with Elsie ensconced in Ava’s arms. However she opted to sit in the cart on this occasion, watching her daughter sleep sound in her arms. Godric and Ava were left at the training grounds before Malcolm bought the cart to the Burhan residence.
Soon it was just the Skyrider, directing furniture into her old room and reluctant to put the baby down. Even with the room where Elsie had been born, prepared for her extended stay, Elyna was unwilling to leave her daughter and returned to the training grounds with the baby. A stand had been reconstructed and she found herself a seat on the rough wooden bench. Dressed in warm, fawn coloured trousers, a shirt and tunic in hues of green and blues, and a pair of favourite well-worn boots she watched the Iron Hand at work. The new Warden caught her attention whenever he set foot on the practise courts, or circled the make-shift offices and buildings. As though he shouted her name whenever he was in sight, he was unmissable. If he ever glanced in her direction, the woman made sure to check that Elsie was warm enough and comfortable wrapped up in the layers of blankets. Green eyes staring at the clouds, fingers curled around any stray lock of Elyna’s hair when she could reach it. The pull of auburn strands was painful, but saw the Skyrider holding back laughter. It was as she was trying to tease her hair from the determined fist that Emily approached.
The new Major climbed the stand at a run and wrapped Mother and baby in a hug, “Ely!”
Her enthusiasm and delight were infectious and Elyna couldn’t help but laugh as she was freed. She pulled back Elsie’s blankets, “see Elsie, this is Emily, you need to watch her, carefully – and definitely grab her hair whenever you can,” she teased and looked to her friend.
Emily laughed, but kneeling beside her she cooed down at the baby “oh Elyna, she’s so beautiful,” she breathed. “Come now, you can’t keep her all to yourself,” she settled down on the bench and held her arms out, expectant. Unable to resist the genuine warmth, Elyna placed the baby into her friend’s arms. Fussing over the blankets to ensure she was wrapped up warm.
Absorbed in the baby, Emily looked up, nodding towards the training grounds, “go on,” she encouraged, “you didn’t come all the way down for nothing.”
Elyna followed her look and nodded. It was true, the Skyrider intended to train. What if she was awful though, what if her body didn’t remember anything? What it Malcolm was out there, somewhere and he saw her? She pulled her bottom lip in, beneath her teeth and worried at it.
“Elyna,” Emily warned, “we’re heading off in a few trials, better test yourself now than in the sky.”
The Captain nodded and forced herself to stand. She bowed to press a kiss to Elsie’s forehead before descending down the stand. Her knees refused to bend properly. Legs wooden and unyielding. Confident in her friend, she didn’t feel any desire to warn her about protecting Elsie or keeping her warm. Emily had a number of siblings, nieces, nephews of varying ages and was more than comfortable cuddling the baby.
Elyna approached the edge of the practise court and unfastened her jerkin. She folded it against her arm before finally setting it down on the ground. She swung her arms back and forth, warming the cold stiff muscles. It was Rafa who bounded towards her like an excited puppy. Dark hair had been plastered against his forehead but was lifted and tousled in the rising wind. His breathe came in burst of cloud as he skidded to a halt in front of her.
“Ser?” He lifted his hand in a salute, “you’re going to train with us?”
The Captain glanced back, once more at the stands before she nodded and started to roll up her sleeves, “let’s just get on with it.”
She had surprised herself. It had only taken a few sharp movements to land the young airman on his behind. The minor victory had been enough to boost her confidence. Her body hadn’t quite forgotten the decade of training and she was pleased. It was a good opportunity to train Rafa, and Kit who soon joined them. Passing on a few simpler moves and techniques. Their small group had been joined by other Skyriders and Knights. Colleagues that she’d known before the rebellion, and before Elsie. There were obvious gaps in the group of comrades, a few of their usual number who were missing. They were all eager though, keen to train and share skills. All too aware of the forthcoming departure the next day. Some of the Knights she knew would be in Malcolm’s command. Most of the Skyriders were keen to impress upon her, that they were ready and eager to join her much smaller command in the air. They wanted to repay the rebels. The fervent desire she saw in most of her friends, surprised her. She made a careful note and tried to distinguish those who wanted justice, and those who wanted revenge. The Skyriders had a few more trials before setting out after the army. Volareon’s able to travel much faster than foot or hoof. The cold started to affect her ears, setting a pounding in the lobes and a sharp pain that spread down her jaw. It was time to retire and warm up. Having been dropped on her own behind, more than a few times, and sporting bruises across her arms, Elyna knew when to quit. The training had been successful though, and it was with a wide grin that she returned to Emily, and the gathered crowd of Skyriders that cooed and fussed over the tiny baby.
Elsie was collected, and after promising that she would join the others in the tavern later, Elyna was allowed to leave. She returned back to the Burhan estate. She fed Elise before laying the child down to sleep. It was then that she took the time to bathe herself. Languishing in hot water she examined the fresh bruises that mottled her forearms. There was still a faint red mark on her neck, but that hadn’t been given on the practise yard.
She lay back in steaming water and watched her hair fan out behind her head. All the dust, sweat and sand from the practise yard, scrubbed from her skin. She rubbed oil into her hair and luxuriated in the scent of it. Her body felt worn, and beaten from her time outside. Her cheeks glowing from exposure to the cold wind. Dried off, it was tempting to crawl into the clean linen sheets beside the cradle and sleep. However, she had given her word. Drinking with those who were about to depart was an ancient tradition. Not a superstitious person, Elyna was however all too aware of the power of the Immortals and the influence they could have one someone’s life. If she could raise a toast with the men and women setting out for the Burning Mountains, then she would.
Dressed in clean breaches, a fresh shirt of pale green and the dark corsetry, the Captain smothered her daughter in kisses before departing the house once more. When she arrived at the Blacksmith’s arms, the toasting had already gotten somewhat out of hand. Elyna slipped through the bustling crowd. It had been a long time since she’d been surrounded by so much alcohol and the smell of it burnt her nose. The floor was sticky as she made her way through. Assaulted by the noise of reverie and a wall of heat. Heat from the fireplace and from the simple fact that the tavern was filled to bursting. There was a space cleared for dancing and a band of musicians in residence. A few rooms of tables, chairs and benches that spread out in a warren from the main bar. Lights were stung outside where a good number of the Iron Hand had spilled out onto the street. Drinks in hand and determined to enjoy their night of merriment, before an early start.
They were all going to be nursing a headache in the morning, that much was for certain. The band was playing a lively tune which made it dangerous to stand too close to the dancefloor. As she entered the main room, a cheer rose from a group of Skyriders who beckoned her closer. An embarrassed smile caught her features and held. Emily ushered her into a chair before regaling the group with stories of how gorgeous the Captain’s daughter was. Elyna found her cheeks growing hot as she rested against the wooden back. She’d pinned her hair up to keep it out of the way and to hopefully maintain an air of authority. Flagons were planted on either side of her, ales, ciders and even a flagon of wine which caused the woman to snort with laughter. She pushed them across the table to more willing imbibers. Finally, a warm drink of spiced cider in a mug was pushed into her hands. Looking up at her patron, Elyna found herself smiling at her friend. Emily merely winked at her before she was pulled by a handsome young man towards the dancefloor. Elyna lent back in her seat to watch the pair of them. Was this the young man that had captured her friend’s attention?
A knight she recognised stumbled towards the staircase, arm wrapped around a woman Elyna knew to work for the house of roses. This may have been the wrong location, but the ‘Roses certainly knew where they could find a lot of willing coin. The flush from the cold air returned to her features and she returned her attention to the Skyriders. Rafa and Kit had both indulged in too much ale. They had renewed their argument over who had the best chance with the baker’s daughter.
Drew was an old friend. Someone who had joined the Skyriders at the same time as she and Emily had been airwoman. He lent over his own glass of wine, pinching the bridge of his nose with disgust “I think…I think there’s mud in my drink?” He looked up, dark features wide with disbelief.
“Don’t let Rufus hear you,” Elyna warned. Looking over her shoulder, she could barely see the owner. Hidden as he was behind the press of bodies eager to spend their coin at the bar. A glimpse of his expression and she bit back a smile once more. He was not happy. Furious perhaps that his tavern had been overtaken by the Iron Hand. Surely though, the coin passing through his grubby fingers would be enough to sweeten the invasion. “He looks ready to throw us all out.”
“I’d like to see him try!” It was Kit’s cry of youthful exuberance, “there has to be about a hundred of us here!”
“Eighty or so,” Elyna attempted to give a more measured response. She took a sip of the cider, enjoying the warmth.
“You’re a hero though, Captain!” Kit stood up, lifting his tankered. Ale sloshed over the sides and splattered the table.
It was Drew who grabbed the younger man’s shirt and tugged him back to his seat.
The cider seemed to burn her throat, but she swallowed it. Her smile waned and she stood, “everyone has their part to play,” she tried to sound wise, or knowledgeable. Tried to pass on some piece of wisdom. However there was little she could share.
The conversation continued without her, returning again to the Baker’s daughter who apparently Drew already knew more intimately. His admission left Kit and Rafa bereft and forlorn. Elyna excused herself, fingers curled tight around her mug she started slipping back through the crowd towards the exit and the call of fresher air. The heat in the room was suddenly unbearable and the ties of her corset too tight.
There was nothing heroic about killing an unarmed man. The turn of conversation had pushed her thoughts back where she was unwilling to follow. As she ducked between arms and shoulders she found her gaze travelling over the crowd for the Warden. Surely they would have forced him to attend? It was tradition.
Warm fingers curled around her wrist and the Skyrider turned, hopeful, to see who begged her attention; Malcolm? It was a man a few years her senior, in his early thirties. A knight that she wouldn’t call either a friend or a stranger. Their paths had crossed a few times over the arcs, especially when her life had been entwined with Yoreth’s.
“Liam?” She delved into the recess of her memory, scrambling for his name. A hand taller her, the knight had warm dark eyes hidden for the most part behind a wayward fridge of muddy gold hair. A short beard and stubble lined his jaw and cheeks and he smiled at her in response.
“Lady Burhan,” he lifted her fingers and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.
“C-Captain,” she corrected him. How long did she need to linger, before she stole her hand back? His fingers tightened their grip.
“Captain Burhan,” he straightened from his bow, “it suits you. I couldn’t help but notice, you’re leaving?”
“I was just going to get some air,” she admitted. She curled the mug of mulled cider against her chest. The warmth spread over her skin and she pulled her hand free in a gentle motion, “it’s good to see you. It feels like we’re missing too many faces these days.” She wondered if he’d stayed in touch with Yoreth. The pair of them had been friends once upon a time. Liam had been in awe of the older man, and Elyna had suspected that he’d known something about their love affair. It was curiosity that saw her remain rather than leaving.
“you owe me a dance,” his grin turned roguish.
Her brows lifted in surprise, “a what?”
“A dance. You lost a bet of cards…oh was it six years ago?”
Elyna laughed, “That’s a long time to remember a debt!”
“Not when it’s a debt worth remembering,” he lent forward, offering a hand for her drink.
“Well I’m still not much of a dancer,” she protested.
He grinned in response and took the mug from her fingers. He set it on the table beside Drew, Kit and Rafa before beckoning her towards the band. The crowd jostled around them and heat crept up her neck. She wanted nothing more than to turn on her heel and flee through the crowd. She wet dry lips with the tip of her tongue.
“Just one,” she agreed with increasing reluctance.
Liam led her out to the dancefloor, in time for the newest song to start. Rows of couples faced one another and Elyna was grateful to find herself next to Emily. It started with the rows moving back and forward towards each other, then back and forth again. Each set of four dances would then place their hands in a star and circle right, then left and part ways again. Finally, the top pair swung down the central aisle with increasing speed. Boots, hair, skirts and elbows flying before they skipped back to the top. The final movement was a slow spin back down to the far end of the aisle once more where they took up their new position and the dance began again.
“This is such a bad idea,” Elyna hissed to her friend as they clapped, the first couple whizzing past with a whoop of laughter. Emily flashed her a grin before elbowing her in the side.
“Just enjoy yourself Elyna. Have some fun!”
“I’ve not had nearly enough to drink, to enjoy this,” she retorted and ran her hand along the back of her neck. With only a few sips of cider and little intention to drink anymore, it was unlikely that any kind of dancing would become bearable.