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[Venora] Sonorous Colloquy

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:36 am
by Doran Cooney
TIMESTAMP TBD - Whatever works best for you!
Squirrels were, almost always, great fun. It wasn't their playful natures or their bushy tails that made them such, but rather their very short tempers. A squirrel, when enraged, might chatter on for a day straight if it had the mind to. The high-pitched screeching was far from melodic, but Doran enjoyed it none the less. He'd been harassing a squirrel for a solid break before he'd managed to corner it in a tree just a bit too far for the little creature to escape from without braving the ground and the man who stood shouting lines of broken poetry at it. So, like all things when left no other options, the squirrel began to shout back.

Once it started, it did not need further prodding, and Doran settled himself at the bottom of the tree, leaning against its trunk and letting the cool air wash over the film of sweat he'd worked up in chasing the furry animal tree to tree. The incessant chattering had reached a point of near hysteria shortly before he'd sat, and while it had calmed some, the squirrel's frustrations once released were hard pressed to be restrained. He smiled up at the branches, the skittering scratch and scritch of claws digging firmly into bark belying the empty limbs his eyes saw, but he did not torture the beast further by craning to find its hiding place.

It was part of the forest, one of the many denizens who took shelter in the cracks and crevices of the forest's steady strength. He liked the aggravated monologue of the squirrel; it was reminiscent of warmer days when he and his cousin would toss harmless nuts and seeds to see who might make the poor things pop off first. The joy of life was not always found in what was new; sometimes, it resided peacefully in the past, a pleasant heat to be revisited should circumstances allow. And allow they did, as Doran had made no plans of expedition on that trial and had felt no need to. There were times when action seemed the only course to take, but on occasion, after consulting with his cousin's hearty tree, Doran would take time to revisit their memories. Sometimes they were bitter days, but this day was subtle melancholy, one to which he did not mind the lost time.

Whether it was during or shortly after the squirrel's tirade had ended, Doran blinked himself awake to the sound of something far sweeter. It was smooth and light, carrying itself on the still wind like a bird, fluttering just beyond where his eyes could see. He stirred then, pushing himself up off of the damp ground and brushing the dirt from his backside. He offered a invitation to his first soloist, "Shall we see who dares compete with your angry aria, my furry friend?", but he was quickly given a sharp reprimand and a shake of a bushy tale. "Alone I go then."

He set off towards the voice, footsteps soft but not consciously obscured. It was a wordless tune, one that humming would have easily been able to follow, but there were sounds that suggested a familiar yet unfamiliar language. High fell to low and back again, rising back with a wavering vibrato only to fade to nothing. Doran paused then, one with the forest in wait of what might come next. The second song was lively, with words that he could not quite make out for distance than the heavy trunks of the trees around him, but as he neared, the familiar unfamiliar language was once more employed, one comprised primarily of vowels.

When he spotted the singer, Doran stopped in his advance, leaning against a tree to study the forest's performer without interference. The man, who's gender was easy to discern by sight but not quite so much by voice alone, stood about the same height as Doran, perhaps shorter if their distance was closed. He was elegant, fair skinned with hair like that of doe, and he moved with a grace reminiscent of Lily's own. Was he beautiful? Doran couldn't decide as he walked some paces behind the man, keeping to the trees not out of a desire to deceive so much as not to interrupt. When the song ended, and it did not seem another would begin, Doran approached.

Though he had had little experience with the noble caste, Doran knew enough about the difference their garments to garner the man was, at the very least, well off. Thus, he did not offer his hand as he was more accustomed to, and instead stood in his best stance of deference, which looked very much like he had an uncomfortable rock wedged in his boot. "How do you do..." There weren't words for what he wanted to know. The very thought of introducing himself having long since been pushed aside by his own curiosity. Instead, he ventured an attempt at the warbling bounce of tone the man had employed on a drawn out note near the end of his song. It sounded somewhere between choking and gargling with it came from Doran's unpracticed throat. "Better than that, but that. Is it difficult for you?" It had appeared effortless, but Doran couldn't be sure when appearances were so adept at misdirection. "Or was it? Before you could, I mean?"

[Venora] Sonorous Colloquy

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:04 am
by Teddy Venora
14 Vhalar 716
Theodore's trial began quite well that trial. He woke with a truly joyous smile on his face, one reminiscent of trials spent with his darling Lazuli. He rolled from the soft bedding to bathe lazily, watching the heated water caress his tender skin. The bath smelt of cinnamon and cloves, his favorite scent. As he scooped the steaming liquid over himself, his manservant strode into the room. A disapproving glance was thrown Teddy's way, but nothing was said. Teddy just grinned and languidly reclined in the tub, enjoying the disapproval in Lionel's eyes.

"My lord, would you care for darker or brighter colors this trial?" The manservant's voice was smooth and polished, practiced and easy for the older gentleman. Theodore relaxed and thought for a trill, offering a 'Hmmmmm' as he did so.

"Perhaps the silks that Al-- Lionel cut him off.

"The silks that Alistair purchased for you. My lord, if I may be so bold..." And he paused, Teddy's blue eyes finding him suddenly. Teddy knew that he'd not heard from Alistair in since Saun, since they'd seen that show together. But he was trying not to let it bother him, and Lionel's poignant and pointed remark wasn't going to help. Instead, Teddy's glare stopped him cold. "Yes, my lord." And he was off.

Teddy slipped back down into the water, settling with his nose just above its spicy surface. He drifted there, contemplative, and decided quite spontaneously to take a stroll through the woods. A nice trial, pretty, under the trees... If only Lazuli were here to share it with him. Alas, she wasn't, so he lifted his alabaster form from the water. He watched the steam rise from his skin, and was still doing so when Lionel came back into the room. The manservant, as always, seemed not even to notice his ward's nudity. Teddy always grinned at that.

When he was garbed, head to toe in fine silk, he took a look in the mirror. He arranged some of his hairs so that they appeared naturally out of place, then smiled. Behind him, Lionel waited with a cup of tea. Teddy waved it away, drawing raised eyebrows from Lionel.

"I'll walk the forest today, Lionel. Ready the guards." Since his cousin's disappointing failure to oust King Cassander, Duchess Ebony felt it was too unsafe to allow the Venora boys to roam unguarded. Initially, Teddy protested, knowing that Alistair and Andraska would never consent to guards. But he felt genuinely safer with them, and what could they hurt? At best, they were eyesores.

And so, less than a break later, Teddy was walking through the woods. A few yards behind him soldiered two gruff men, both displeased to be walking the forest in full armor during the zenith of the suns. But Teddy only offered them a cheeky grin and was off, sauntering this way and that. The warmth of the air and the chattering of the woodland creatures brought a smile to his face, and that was all that mattered. To himself, anyway.

After a while, though, Theodore found a song on his lips, and knew he needed to get it out. He stopped and held his arms out, allowing the first warble through to echo through the trees. Upon its escape, he began to spin in a circle, a lavish production as words escaped from his impeccable lips.
"♫ Oh, there once was a maiden fair
With curves and flaxen gold hair
With a bust and legs to offer
Should the knight come fill her coffer.

There once was a knight so brave
Destined by birth to an early grave
He met the young maiden one night
And made her seed-laden by light ♫"
His voice echoed from the trees, rebounding off and back to him. It was a song he'd been working on in his spare time, and one that he had yet to put into note. With a smile, he continued on to the chorus.
"♫ The maiden bore the child to life
A girl soon destined to wife
But the child grew older
And her sword-arm grew bolder
And so she took up the knife. ♫"
Teddy grinned as he looked back at the guards. They were chuckling among themselves, and Teddy knew his song was pleasing them. With a chuckle, he continued on, this time skipping in time with the song. His crystalline voice burst from his lips like water through a dam.
"♫ This maiden calls herself the Butcheress
Sharpest knife in all of Andaris!
She swings it so and men they fall before her
Many have tried but none have succeeded to score her.

The Butcheress once came to me...
Dressed in gore and skin-stitched livery.
She asked if it was my trial to die...
I kissed her lips and slipped away, said 'See you try!' ♫"
He spun a pirouette and landed on a stump, elbow on his knee. He smiled at the guards, who were holding their stomachs in laughter. With a wink, he contined the song.
"♫ The maiden bore the child to life
A girl soon destined to wife
But the child grew older
And her sword-arm grew bolder
And so she took up the knife. ♫"
And so Teddy ended his rendition there. It was still a work in progress, and he couldn't continue to make lyrics up to impress the house guard. Instead, he just walked along, quiet and happy. Until the man approached him. Teddy held a finger down to the ground, signaling his guard to wait where they were.

"Nobody has ever asked me that before, you know. But I'd never tell anyhow, because was good is perfection if there is flaw behind it?" With that, Teddy turned and smirked. He saw Doran's face and relaxed visibly, happy that the man was barely larger than he. In fact, he was rather pleasant to look at, which made Theodore happy.

"So yes, my dear, I've always been quite good, even when my voice was a squeak and my masculinity hadn't yet given me my gravelly tone." His jest was self-pointed, but he thought it would be funny nonetheless. His voice was clear crystal against the warm air. "Lord Theodore Venora of Sabaissant. Fortieth in line for the duchy, first in line for the fame." He held out an elegant hand, knowing that it was custom among the commonry to shake hands when they meet.